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Attack the orphanage!


Funny you should ask, we just played last night. I can honestly say it went nothing like I anticipated.

The party received a note indicating they should come to the orphanage at noon the next day or they city would, in effect, be destroyed. Short, cryptic, but enough to get them interested. They had an inkling this was from the puppetmaster of the weird things that had been going on around town. For that reason they didn't notify the town guard right away, wanting to take care of business themselves.

They arrived at the orphanage a little early and scoped things out, seeing a normal orphanage. They alerted the neighbors that "something strange is going on at the orphanage", thinking that they would evacuate the kids to the neighbors care and then deal with whatever was left. The neighbors were instructed to investigate the fenced-in buidling 5 minutes after the party talked to them. In addition, the sorcerer sent his rat familiar to the nearest guard station with a note encouraging the guard to come to the orphanage. So far, I'm rather impressed with the forethought of the group. That was to end soon.

The divine mind was turned invisible and flew around the back of the building, while the ranger was invisible and climbed over the wall. The cleric, sorcerer, and rogue knocked on the front door. A 14-old on the roof (dominated) told them to come in; when they refused he threatened to drop the baby he was holding. What they didn't know was that there was a second dominated boy with a second baby crouching down on the roof (my "back-up"). The divine mind cast a confusion-type spell on the second boy, causing him to set his baby down on the roof and run away. The DivMind then circled around to catch baby #1 which the first boy dropped in surprise. I allowed a Ref save to catch the baby, but the player rolled a 1. Baby #1 didn't make it.

Unfortunately, the sorc only saw Boy #1 drop the baby (remember the DivMind has Greater Invis on), so he throws a fireball on the roof. Boy #1 and Baby #2 are now charcoal. The 12 kids in the play area out front are startled now that the roof is on fire, and the gnome rogue has the presence of mind to shout "fire!" and evacuate 10 of them. 2 shout out "you killed Jimmy!" and moved to attack the gnome.

The cleric and gnome check on Baby#1, and deal with the two attacking children. The sorc and invisible ranger head inside. The sorc walks down a hallway and gets surrounded by kids who run out of their rooms. They attack, aiding each other, but do negligible damage. The sorc falls back, past the ranger. The kids, naturally, press the attack. However, moving past the ranger provokes an attack of opportunity. Now, I should point out that the ranger isn't exactly a combat machine at this point. As the only real meatshield, he's spent a number of combats getting beat on and not dishing out much damage. I think he was just excited to be a dominant force in a combat for once. Long story short, he takes the AoO and deals lethal damage. A lot of lethal damage. To a 0-th level 12-year old. Everything sort of degenerated after that.

At the end of the day, the neighbors all showed up and expressed shock at the carnage (no more kids bought the farm, but a lot of them were unconscious). The woman who ran the orphanage (my little tsochar) promptly accused the PCs of storming in, demanding money, and killing kids when the didn't get it. Since she's an upstanding member of the community, the authorities gave her word a lot of weight (against the arguments of the party) and arrested everyone but the sorc who used gaseous form to get away. The truly maddening part (for me anyway) is that the party didn't even make it to the office area to encounter the lady/tsochar! The entire "fight" consisted of whacking kids! The PCs dug their own hole; the tsochar wasn't going to expose itself since the city guard would likely kill the PCs for it. Now its main impediment to implementing its dastardly plan are in jail, likely to be executed really soon.

The frustrating yet entertaining bit is that I have no clue how I am going to salvage this little excursion. Shoud be a fun exercise. I can honestly say this was one of the most fun DMing jobs I have ever done. As the players got themselves in deeper and deeper, everyone around the table was practically rolling on the floor realizing how totally screwed they were. I believe I've secured the RBDM moniker from them. Score!

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I concur with Thurbane. Wow.

Looks like your players are skilled at digging their own graves. However, you've got your tool to get them out of it: your friendly neighborhood tsochar! Just push it into motion, and let the players escape in the utter chaos, then place the onus of stopping said cataclysm into motion.

Afterwards, you can send them the bill for childkilling. Don't ever let them forget that label, because it's a big deal. No, really, it is. You don't try to kill little 12 year old kiddies, no matter how much they act like the devil. Yes, I know, I'm sorry for trying to strangle my cousin. No, I don't mean it. YES, I BLAME HIM FOR THE GUM HE STUCK IN MY HAIR!!!


As the gnome player is said escapade, I thought I'd chip in. (BTW, Teneb only now showed me this link, so I was totally unprepared for the night when it happened...)

The party did assume some form of mind control was being used, and as was noted, we took what seemed at the time to be fairly wise and precautionary steps leading up to the orphanage visit. My own theory was that it was bound to be a trap, likely one that used the children as hostages, but I initially hadn't considered that the several kids themselves might be possessed or be turned into enemies. Instead, I figured we'd just have to discover the main baddie, confront it, and try to figure out how to defeat it/trick it/buy it off/scare it off/etc.

The moment the boy threatened the baby, everything suddenly turned sour. I think the Divine Mind had a good plan in scaring the kids, but if anything we probably should have made sure someone was in a position to catch that baby. The distance from the door to the drop point was well over 30 feet, which probably meant someone could have made a run to that spot the moment the threat was made. We didn't, but in our defense, I think all of us were assuming some kind of traps in the courtyard, or invisible foes. Thus, we proceeded from a more typical "dungeon" mentality - deal with the problem at range.

When the baby got dropped, fireballing the kid that dropped him was an emotional response on the part of the sorcerer. That character had a history of such behavior, having (accidentally?) fireballed the ranger's companion to death in a similar emotional reaction during a previous session. Everyone knew he had a hair trigger...including the DM. I doubt that Fireball was even a consideration at how to resolve this situation initially when the DM set it up, but once it happened, it definitely sent the party down an entirely unexplored path.

From that point on, my gnome attempted everything in his power to avoid hurting kids. He did knock one out with a non-lethal punch, and another one suffered poisoning from having a spiked chain of grappling wrap itself around both the kid and the poisoned pillow he was trying to use against us. The gnome even rang the bell, hoping to draw the neighbors or guards attention to the problem at the orphenage. He finally did manage to reach the office, at which point the school lady screamed bloody murder, accused the party of extortion and the town guards had no choice but to haul us away.

I think many other parties I've DM'ed or played in before would also struggle badly with this scenario. Some of the best solutions are probably the ones least likely to be taken by typical D&D-players:

Option #1 - Contact the guards immediately and have them investigate it with you.

If things go sour, you've got them as witnesses to hopefully help prove your side of things. However, this is not typical RPG-player mentality. Should the party always run to the guards everytime they hear about a threat? Beyond the Cry Wolf problem, it could also backfire. I think most of us took the tone of note to be one of, "Come alone, or all these orphans die!", even though that wasn't spelled out specifically the message.

Even though this is probably the best option the party could take, it just doesn't seem likely that most players would do it.

Option #2 - Blindly enter the orphanage to confront the enemy

This seems to be the path the DM was expecting us to take. IMHO, there were too many reasons to not trust the message sender, and it was too obvious of a trap to enter the orphanage without being cautious. I fully expected that we'd get led into a building full of traps, possibly ones which were designed to kill children, yet make it look like the party was guilty. Or the kids inside would be in (or immediately put into) a hostage situation, used as shields to thwart the party. The best way to avoid both of those likely scenarios was to stay outside of the building. I was also worried about invisible foes in the courtyard or other traps placed there. Another angle I considered was that the some of the kids inside might not be kids at all - instead being shapechanged creatures of some kind. That could make it really hard to know which kids posed threats.

Thus, when we saw a kid threaten a baby, I think the mentality was probably, "He's one of them. Kill him". From that line of thinking, the ensuing fireball almost seems justified. I personally would have preferred a less spectacular and non-lethal method of dealing with that "enemy", but given our range and the possible traps between him and the party, it may have been one of the few options available.

As for the ranger depitating the kid on an AoO... There's really no justification for the character to do that. The player was obvioisly frustrated by the situation, and probably felt the whole party was doomed for the earlier fireball and dropped baby. I think this was an "Oh screw it" kind of response on his part.

Option #3 - Scout and infiltrate

This was definitely an option. The party had access to invisibility spells, and the rogue has a super high hide & move silent. In addition, a simple fly-over might have revealed much about the initial dangers posed by the kids & babies.

I'm not sure why we didn't do that (the fly-over), but I think we were all assuming all the threats would be much deeper inside the orphanage, possibly well hidden, instead of being on top of it. Sending in an advanced scout also risks the chance that scout is detected, captured and/or killed. Most parties I've been involved with seem to prefer to keep that extra live character vs the risk w/ possibly helpful recon info.


First Post
Kalendraf said:
...and another one suffered poisoning from having a spiked chain of grappling wrap itself around both the kid and the poisoned pillow he was trying to use against us.

"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"


FYI - regarding the poisoned pillow...

At the time, we (or at least I) didn't realize the pillow was poisoned. The kids were calling it their "special pillow", so when they attempted to get said pillow to use against the party, the gnome felt the best option was to use his spiked chain for a non-lethal grapple (0 damage attack to initiate grapple, and then just hold target subsequent rounds rather than deal dmg) to "safely" halt the child & the nameworthy cushion in it's tracks.

I was actually thinking the pillow might be the source of some wierd form of demonic possession - sleep on (or just touch) this pillow & get possessed - and that it was perhaps the method they were going to try to charm/control further victims.

It wasn't until after the tightly wrapped chain pressed the odd-looking pillow against the boys skin did we realize it was poisoned...and by then of course it was too late to undo the poisoning...
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My original thinking in designing this encounter was that the PCs would arrive and think "hey, they're only kids, let's just go on in", assuming the real threat was inside. Unfortunately I underestimated my players' paranoia. The baby-toting youth on the roof was mainly a means to get them inside because they didn't even want to enter the courtyard. I can see them thinking he was a "bad guy" but I certainly wasn't anticipating a fireball. The child beheading was totally out of the blue, although I'm not sure if it was out of frustration or a sense of "well, we're already screwed...." :D

It was definitely a memorable encounter (which was my intention all along), and it all worked out in the end as the players ended up on the plot thread I wanted them to be on anyway. Except this time the city was in flames when they left it, but I'm sure the city had it coming. ;)

Kalendraf is right: he, the divine mind, and the cleric did indeed try to subdue kids and limit damage as much as possible. Sadly with the combination of ranger and sorc misbehavior coupled with testimony by the "upstanding" orphanage matron, the party's goose was cooked.

Vague Jayhawk

First Post
"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"
"Stop poisoning yourself!"

That is funny.

Even if the PC's get out of this one alive their reputations are going to take a severe hit.


First Post
Not being all that helpful but I used this once and Vampire The Masquerade game and my players were totally freaked out. The nemesis Vampire a Tzismce vampire had been hiding in the orphanage and like the nemesis for this thread he tired of the PCs and lured them to the orphanage but not until turning all the children into little vampires. It was some very dark RPing, my players still hold this one against me at times.

Your idea can call for some very memorable RPing!

Voidrunner's Codex

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