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Attention all ruleslawyers!


One of my players used the Duhlark's Glass Strike spell (Magic of Faerun) on a Juggernaut (Monster Manual II) and than destroyed it with a wand of shatter.

Would/Should this combo work (particurly on the juggernaut)? Why or why not?

How are these spells supposed to interact with one another if at all?

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Prismatic Programmer
I presume the MoF spell converts its target into crystal? If that's all it does, you probably let shatter do too much.

Directed against a crystalline creature, a wand of shatter will do 3d6 points of damage, Fort save for half (DC 13). Its other functions, the instantaneous destruction ones, only work on nonmagical objects.

Maitre Du Donjon

First Post
From the SRD
Targeted against a crystalline creature (of any weight), shatter deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6), with a Fortitude save for half damage.

Maitre D

Edit: is a creature made of glass affected by shatter? Is glass crystalline?
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First Post
Arguing over pointless things, Glassstrike is for most purposes the same as Flesh to Stone. Would you as a DM waste table time figuring out how many shatters it would take to break a FtS'd enemy? If so why?

Raven: Unless there was some overwhelming reason to delay the PC's or if the mob in question needed to survive then all the PC did was earn some style points by using shatter over hitting the glass mob with a stick.

Things that make no difference, make no difference



Rules Monkey
raven_dark64 said:
One of my players used the Duhlark's Glass Strike spell (Magic of Faerun) on a Juggernaut (Monster Manual II) and than destroyed it with a wand of shatter.

Would/Should this combo work (particurly on the juggernaut)? Why or why not?

How are these spells supposed to interact with one another if at all?

Yes, it would work, although I would give the crystalline version of the creature just as many hit points as the normal version.


Maitre Du Donjon said:
Edit: is a creature made of glass affected by shatter? Is glass crystalline?

Technically ... not exactly; glass is a LIQUID, with some crystalline properties. A very very very viscous liquid. :D


First Post
glass - technically no, effectivly yes.

Yeah, it should work aginst the Glass-Striked critter.. but uh.. what was the caster level on that wand? It should just do the normal 1d6/level, max 10d6 for shatter. Not an instant kill, by any stretch.


First Post
Isn't a Juggernaut a type of golem?

Golems are usually immune to all but 2 or 3 spells, and since the spell you mentioned isn't in the core rules, it is not very likely to be one of the spells a golem is not immune to. just a possibility, since I don't have my MMII anymore, and I'm not sure that that is where the Juggernaut is anyway.


First Post
it's a construct for sure, but dono if it's a golem golem.

Checking, back in a mo.

Edit/Additional: Confirmed - not a golem. They have some elemental damage immunities, but other than the normal construct features, that's about it.
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First Post
I believe I've read somewhere(don't know where....sorry) that a creature that has been turned to stone effectively has no Constitution....there for no Fortitude....

Now, if a glass-struck creature is so very similar to a stone-struck creature, and the shatter spell does 1d6 points of damage per level(fortitude for half), how do you work that save?

I think this question addresses the whole undead issue as well....I could probably just wait till I get home from work for the answer, but I'm bored. ;)

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