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[August] Campaign reports


I'm hoping to wrap-up our Realms campaign this month. With Orcus' orbiting meteor thrower only 36 hours from raining Selune's Tears onto the planet, the PCs are directed to the greatest concentration of Orcus' minions in the Vast Swamp. It is here they hope to find something that will destroy or disable the weapon before it is too late! There will be undead aplenty and begin with an epic battle between Cormyrian troops/PCs and new types of undead (new to my players anyway) from The Dread Codex (cheap plug? yeah, well :))

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Breaks Games
Played in my session of Morrus high level game in about a month. Paused for holidays and other RL stuff.

Into our 3rd session in a row without resting. Casters are really scraping the barrel and for the first time in ages my sorceror is close to running dry. We're on some seriously tight deadlines atm.

On our way to a red dragons lair to 'liberate' an item from it's horde. It lives in a huge mountain with a number of nasty little civilisations lurking around.

Highlights so far:

Infiltrating our way through a mind flayer city.

Watching the aforementioned city get destroyed by the 'old friend' following us. Some Death Knight who is a favorite of Orcus. Got to see the new 'unleashing hordes of demons' trick he picked up since we last crossed paths with him.

Befriended a mindflayer called Glass. Seems like a friendly sort, even if he does keep looking at our wizards head and salivating.

Finding our way into a drow town.

Impersonating the weapon master and gaining access to the noble house who run the place.

A ritual duel with a contender for the post of weapon master.

Breaking into the temple/armoury complex underneath it. Unfortunately, setting off 'The Big Alarm' in the process. A messy brawl with some golems and house guards.

Picking our way through the maze of traps and defenses... As our magic slowly stopped working. Persued by a horde of soldiers.

Ending up in room we needed to be in. In a total anti magic field. And realising we should have asked more questions about exactly where the secret tunnel is. :)

Nice cliff hanger to end it on. Nice to see a break had given us all more focus. The game was progressing at a really fast pace! Was a real blast.


First Post
Looks like my group of players has finally gelled -- it's taken half a year/14 episodes to achieve this, though. Still, not bad for running a weird game in a new city.

As for what is going on, the characters crossed the Atlantic to Western Settlement in 13th century Greenland in episode #1 and have now made it all the way, mainly by boat, to the south end of James Bay. Along the way, they have met Judas Iscariot, led a rebellion of the Jaredites against the Lamanites near present-day York Factory, destroyed a magically conjured island, met two immortals both named Jonas, engaged in a cavalry charge against giant sloths, elephants and tuskless mastodons, recovered seven of the sixteen ancient Jaredite orbs, raided the burial mound of the ancient prophet Com (whose bones they are now carrying) and have just engaged in a duel against a Gadianton sorceror at the top of the tallest tower in the world. All in a day's work for a group of 13th century European soldiers and holy men!

I think they're heading to Cumorah next, once they figure out what to do about the thirty or so soldiers scaling the tower they're at the top of.


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Well met!

Playing in Berandor's Shackled City Dungeon Adventure Path Campaign. We just started the third adventure (I think it's called Zenith Trajectory). The campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, near the Lake of Steam, and features the search for the heroes' parents (who are missing since the Times of Troubles) as a background.
Right now, our rogue-soon-to-be-assassin Thargad has killed Jil, a prominent asssassin who happened to have fallen in love with him, in her sleep. (Luckily, only the other players and not their characters know about that.) The PCs think someone is after them because Jil posed as a maiden named Arlyn, and now someone has killed Thargad's girl friend. Who the hell is after them? ;-)

For those interested and able: Berandor keeps up a story hour in German; you can find the first two installments (Life's Bazaar and Flood Season) as PDFs, the third part just began and can be read on the German DND-Gate message boards, here.

edit: clarified which Dungeon Adventure Path we stumble through...

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First Post
We have just finished Fiend's Embrace and are starting on The Crystal Skull. The party is still on the trail of Korashaag from Tomb of Abysthor and are headed toward Mitrik, where he was last spotted. Word is that he is heading toward a safe refuge in Sterich.



In my homebrew world, the Fionavar Campaign Setting, three campaigns unfold concurrently...

  • In the mighty Hagenwald forest, the aelfborn druid, Waljan Derryth, struggles against the depredations of a Lost One, a dryad bereft of her tree and twisted by evil, who seeks to avenge her loss upon the impovershed human communities within the wood. Waljan is aided in this endeavour by a loresong faen named Sainrith, an agent of the Dryad Queen, who seeks to build stronger ties between the druids and the fey in an effort to ally against the evil Troll King. Aiding him for now are the hexblade Alrek Tyrsson and the warlock Melnir Einhardt, both of whom hunger for the power and riches said to lie within the walls of dreaded Castle Lanval.
  • Far to the east of the Hagenwald lies the war-torn land of Franconia, a region disputed by two great kings, Otto of Mordengard and Francios of Arbonne. Hacking a living from the toil of battle is the Company of the White Rose, a hard-bitten mercenary unit of dubious renown, under the expert command of their enigmatic Captain. Once a proud company over a thousand strong, attrition has claimed more than half those numbers, each death diligently recorded by the company Chroniclor. New to the unit are several prized spellcasters: Aymeric the dragon-blooded sorcerer, Avid Nathos of Genova, a warlock, and the aelfborn shaman called Condon, whose spirit ally whispers the joys of carnage and swordplay. Guarding these prized assets are Johann, a veteran scout, and Gabriel, the half-gypsy, half-ogre fighter.

    Following the lead of their commanding officer, these misfits have arrived at the town of Saint Midea, a staging point for Mordengarten knights to raid into Arbonne-held territory, to defend it from the approaching army of Charles the Heretic, a disgraced templar. Although the Captain has agreed to defend the town, Aymeric knows the truth: Charles comes not to sack Saint Midea, but to pillage the temple and recover the burial shroud of the martyr St. Midea for himself, a sacred relic which is said to have great restorative powers. The shroud is buried somewhere deep within the catacombs under the temple, and the party must locate it and remove it to safety before the Heretic can lay claim to it.
  • Meanwhile, far to the north of Franconia, across the sea in frozen Rothland, two missionaries of the Celestine Church, Rev. Ilse Reifsnyder of Mordengard and Rev. Stefano Barozzi of Genova, have arrived at the lands of the barbaric Oski tribe of northmen, who have only recently converted to the One True Faith and still keep to some of their pagan ways. Aided by Wigliff the Wise, scoundrel son of the Oski chieftain, and his brave and boisterous cousin, Einar the Joyous, the two priests search the lands of the north at the behest of their superiors; what they seek, neither will say. Joining them by sheer serendipity are Louis the Satyr, aelfborn bard, and Rurik the Quiet, trollborn warrior. Louis and Rurik arrive at Lake Oski having fled a great tragedy, and have learned much about the savagery of Rothland's wilderness firsthand. Together, the group pursues the evil giant-forged sword Frostmourne, as it makes its way north through troll-infested lands to fulfill its special purpose--to wake the Sleeper.
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We just finished Act 2 - Gesundheit.

Act 2 - Gesundheit - In this act:

* Bonals Avengers were asked by Lady Elayhdren d'Cannith to find out why there had been no word from Durgham's Folly, a fort on the Breland/Droaam border.

o Clearing out the fort of the ogre threat was relatively easy. What wasn't easy was fighting the enemies created by the Clockwork Golem. The CG was created by an evil entity from the long forgotten temple to the Mockery found underneath the fort. Evil was eventually vanquished and the PCs travelled home, only to be attacked by more enemies, including another doppleganger.

* Once back in Sharn, BA as ambushed by a small group of demons. They were aided by a half-fiend named Kaurophon. Kaurophon asked BA to help him clear Occipitus, a small area of the Demon Wastes that was, in reality, a fallen section of Syrania. During the "cleansing," they came upon a fallen angel named Saureya. He explained that he had summoned Olivia through a dream and gave the PCs information about the area and how to return it to Syrania.

o During the final battle, which saw Kaurophon turn on the party for his own evil plans, Olivia sacrificed herself into the flames. After Kaurophon was dispatched, she returned to life, completely intact. Her eye, however, was permanently transformed into a smoking socket, which does not burn her face yet gives off a bit of smoke. She is now the rightful ruler of Occipitus and can return it to Syrania when she is powerful enough. She and Saureya have become good friends and she is helping him to regain his place back amongst the angels.

o When the PCs returned to Sharn, Kanchi decided to spend more time with the Gathering Light, leaving the party with a void to fill.

* After the adventure in Occipitus, the PCs decided to relax in their home before embarking on any further exploration. Suddenly, their quiet home became much less quiet, in a manner of speaking. Their abode was broken into by a gang of enemies who nearly killed Olivia before being dispatched. During the battle, a female by the name of Na'u came through the open front door to help the PCs.

o Na'u brought a message from Lady E. Lady E. asked the PCs to look into the city of Istivin and find the cause of the problems that had plauged the city for the last decade. The mine in Istivin, run by House d'Cannith, was losing money and was becoming a boon to the House.

o The PCs asked Lady E if they could travel to Istivin as soon as they had investigated the attack on their home. She allowed it and the PCs found out, with Na'u's help, that a cleric named Brother Garrow had been in Sharn recently asking about Bonals Avengers.

o Eventually, BA found that a temple of the Mockery in Sharn had been informed that the PCs had defiled the ancient temple underneath Durgam's Folly and wanted revenge. After clearing out the evil temple, BA found that Brother Garrow was a changeling and assumed he was responsible for the attacks made by shapeshifters in the past.

o The PCs made their way to Istivin, where they found the city in an utter state of oppression and constant anger. They made a friend in Algorthas, an important sage in the area, who told the PCs that the Marquis, whom had led Istiving up until 4 years ago, was being held under Krelont Keep. The PCs made their way into the Keep and killed the Marquis after he attacked them. The PCs found that the problem with town was related to the Malgoth, a shapeless entity of pure evil. They also found out about a frost giant cleric.

o Algorthas helped them by finding out where the cleric was located, after they had rescued him from kidnapping by some sort of planar being. The PCs made their way to an empty fort in the Byeshk Mountains in Droaam. Along the way they met a kobold named Neva whose party had been killed and was being held by a frost giant. The PCs made their way to the keep and cleared it of enemies. They found that drow were involved and the front giant cleric had been taken to the Oestral Abyss.

o After riding to the Oestral Abyss, the PCs ventured forth to fight in Khyber. They were attacked by dark elves, behirs, bugbears, umberhulk, and ropers. They fought valiantly and cleared the caverns. They also found 5 nobles who had been kidnapped by the dark elves as well as the frost giant cleric who had been given to the dark elves as a hostage. The cleric informed Olivia that destroying the body of Galmoor.

o The PCs made their way, with the 5 nobles, back to Isitivin. The city was covered in a shadowy pall which limited vision severely. After a fight against shadows which saw 3 nobles killed and Olivia almost turned in a shadow herself, the PCs were able to teleport to their home in Sharn with the 1 surviving noble.

o After preparing spells, the PCs teleported back into Istivin, directly into the town square. They eventually destroyed Galmoor, causing the Malgoth to manifest itself. A battle ensued and the PCs were victorious. The town was overjoyed and a banquet was held in the heroes honor.

* When the PCs returned to Sharn, Lady E. called them to a luncheon and awarded Olivia, Markon, Caliban, and Mahtyhis a plot of land, which included a manor, in Mistmarsh, a small fishing village 1000 miles east of Sharn. She also gave each of them the title of Lady (Olivia) and Lord (Markon, Caliban, and Mahthyis). Na'u received his agreed upon reward and left.

o The PCs were also informed that Brother Garrow was last seen going to Mistmarsh.

* The PCs returned home to find Kanchi lounging on the couch. They then invited Neva to join Bonals Avengers, which she accepted.

* The PCs are now taking a well deserved break to catch up on spells, items, and sleep.

In 3 weeks we start Act 3 - All Hell Breaks Loose.

Voidrunner's Codex

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