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Australian 4e Eberron game


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For some time now ive been a player in a longrunning Eberron game that made the leap from 3.5 to 4e. Ive recently become interested in keeping a record of each session. I thought Id repost the records here so

A) People know there are gamers in Australia still :)
B) So people can comment on the game.

aka Pentar Radigan

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Session 9/7/2010

Cast of Characters

Saravek, Dragonborn Warlock
Goran, Changeling Assassin
Rana Locklear (Special Guest Star), Dragonborn Warlord
Martin, Human Wizard
Laaskh, Half Elf Paladin (Battlemind?)
Radigan, Deva Swordmage

What went down:

The group was still following along with Goran's plan to stealthily attack the mansion where the warforged servants of the Lord of Blades had tunneled to Kyber.
This plan was made more urgent because of the intervention of the 'Platinum man', a shadowy figure who seemed to have some interest in the current events, what interest was unknown. Following Goran into the Mansion in a matter resembling stealth proved challenging and it was not long before the party had found a fair number of warforged parts inside the mansion. The Warforged had been destroyed by weaponary and brute force.

Finding the hole to Kyber did not prove an issue as the pseudo physical hole in the floor trapped light (and who knows what else). The 6 warforged guarding the exit/entrance proved to be a challenge once combat started , but due to the timely reintroduction of Rana (who had been travelling or was travelled by the Banner man), the battle was turned in the favor of the party.

Laaskh narrowly managed to avoid falling into the Kyber hole and then one of the Warforged wielding a strange projection weapon fell down into the depths, proving Radigan's theory that it was indeed a viable entrance.

Things of Note

1. Caleb is back, thus Rana the gimpy Warlord is back. With a new axe and some new tricks ( 2 session stint?)
2. Laaskh attempted to leap a gaping hole and nearly fell down.
3. Goran's clockwork bomb failed with specatular effect. While it did not injure any warforged it did manage to kill a wine barrel. Free wine


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Session 23/7/2010

Cast of Characters

Saravek, Dragonborn Warlock
Goran, Changeling Assassin
Rana Locklear (Special Guest Star), Dragonborn Warlord
Martin, Human Wizard
Laaskh, Half Elf Paladin (Battlemind?)
Radigan, Deva Swordmage
??, Gnome Invoker (Yeah Yeah, its not a session until Ive forgotten at least one character name, Sorry Lauren!)

What went down:

Managing to get down the hole into 'hell' with the minumum of effort, the party was now venturing into a place most 'sane' people feared to go to. Coming out in a worked cavern by persons unknown an eerie blue light greeted the group as it moved through tunnel after tunnel.

Coming out into a 'farm' of sorts of fungi after venturing through a sunken courtyard, some members noticed that the Warforged had indeed come this way. Martin took the time to study the fungus and then fussed over a long dead skeleton found beneath a patch of the fungus. Following a passageway out of the tunnel, distant sounds of battle could be heard and Radigan who was in the lead decided that he needed to be involved with the outcome of the battle and raced ahead, despite the gnashing of teeth of some members of the group. Goran decided he had to accompany Radigan and raced after him to discover...

A battle versus a create in the darkness in a small worked cavern. The creature had dented two of the warforged of the 6 that remained. It could not be seen, and Quinn who had somehow caught up to Radigan and Goran fired the first shot. An arrow struck perfectly into one of the soldiers. A strange warforged 'cleric' worshiping the Lord of blades signaled tha attack and slowly but surely the warforged numbers were whittled down and only the cleric and commander remained. The Otyugh (author note: I haven't seen these guys for many years. I believe I encountered one in Dean's Ghawk game) decided to make itself known and proceeded to eat some warforged and then attacked Laaskh. Due to some savage hits by the party though it was safely dispatched. In doing so , the Commander turned on his cleric and then silence reign as the party entered parlay with the commander. Allowing him to live went against the measure of some of the party.

Deciding that egress from the complex was now direly important to inform the authorities, Martin decided to leave to do so. Not having to go far, Martin encountered many thranite warriors outside the main door with the Archbishop. of the city. Managing to talk to them proved difficult but finally an ally of Martin's appeared to calm the situation and left the impression with Martin that sealing this part of the Khyber was most important thing at the moment.... of course sealing it by the party that was.

Things of Note

1. Caleb is back, thus Rana the gimpy Warlord is back. With a new axe and some new tricks ( 2 session stint?)
2. Quinn hit a target, then missed horribly with his second shot. We think it has to do with the amount of characters present in an encounter


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Perth actually!, as far as i know we are one of the few games actually happening over here. The game happens every 2 weeks on a Friday, cept the gm was on holliday last week.

If you are looking for players you should try a gaming store on enworlds search capacity.

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