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Author (and artist) of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

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Rotten DM
Yeah fusangite about as canon as all other splat books. Change canon to part of and I could swallow the rest of your post.

I hope your book does well but I will not buy it. Don't feel single out since I have only bought the core books and the dragon slayers guide by E.GG.

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Ms. Kestrel,

While many of the replies to this book under your post has been positive. I felt a need to speak out in opposition. First, the fact that both you and Mr. Valterra remain attached to WOTC only proves that Valar is not the independent company that you'd like us to believe. Since, AV mentioned starting a private label run by WOTC but for mature products, I see no reason to believe that this is not connected.

Second, how will you keep this material away from kids? It will be impossible to keep gaming material out of the hands of children. Many 18 year old high school students play with kids of younger age. I am certain that they will see no trouble in excepting the money of friends to buy the DnD porn book. You may not care if chidren get the material of not, but as a person living under the rule of the preachers in the bible belt, I have an interest in not seeing public railing against our hobby from the pulpit! Yes, demon-worship may be passe these days, but you are tapping right into the biggest fear among parents: sex.

Third, the book does not even have the good taste to use fantasy art. Whereas many parents may ignore cartoon pictures, I guarantee you that real models will make them look twice. It will be REAL nudity. How can you justify this? What place does eroticism have in a game?

Fourth, the BoEF will only serve to heighten the gamer stereotype of nerds playing the parents basements. It will serve to fuel the image that a bunch of guys with no social life and an inability to get a girlfriend, play this game. It is a stereotype that I have worked against for a decade. It has been bad enough trying to get past people's beliefs and let them see the truth. Most people will see this book and never even take the time to listen!

I am not telling anyone that they cannot make sex part of their game. That is for each group to decide on their own. In fact, the GMs should be the one's making the material! It is a game of imagination afterall. Why do we need RULES for sex? Did you ever consider that by turning sex into a die roll that you are lessening it in real life? Kids who get this book will not truly respect the act if they are "experienced" with in game sex! Or is this a liberal political agenda to bring more people around to your viewpoint by targeting people at a young age? Because it will be teens, especially virgins who finds this book to be the most desireable.

I am sure that people will rail against me and bandy names such as troll and puritan. However, it is MY image that concerns me. I love the game of DnD and I hate that I have defend myself, my morality and my honor from people because of the existing stereotype. For those of you who want to say that this book will have no effect, that I am a doomsayer, or that I should not try to censure others for what they do in their private homes, then you are not seeing the point of my argument.

I have no desire to control what you do in your own group. You can still DO it. We do not need a public set of rules for ertocia in DnD. This is simplely a move to create controversy in order to sell a product: DnD. And I do know that WOTC is involved. I know that you do not care how we, the players, appear to others. You're in it for the money, but I do wish that you'd considered that angle.

The only thing that I can do is write Hasbo and WOTC and let them know what I think. In fact, I will be sending multiple letters, including a petition started by my players and circulating around the local game shops and universities. I did not fight the BoVD, but I will not go quietly into the darkness on this issue.
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First Post
Re: Re: Re: Re: Author of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Mark said:

Just wait and see my next one! ;)

Mark will be writing a book on what happens to characters after they are retired.

There will be rules for sending your characters to a retirement home, or Assisted Living complex, various races opinions on old adventures and there retirement. (Orcs tend to eat their own, and then steal thier stuff as opposed to the Halflings who steal thier stuff and then eat them.)

Included in the OGL will be rules for wrestling night nurses, Using charisma to get a better spongebath, and using bluff to keep people intersested in your old "War" stories.

Web Enhancements will include "Retiring your Epic Character" and "Divine Ascension and Bedpans." to coinside with with the Epic Rules Handbook and Dieties and Demigods rules when they hit the SRD.

Look for "Knocking on Heaven's Door: Retired Characters" in a friendly gaming store near you.


First Post
Sirius_Black said:
Good for you Mrs. Kestrel. It took a great deal of courage to post this message with the Puritan uprising that has already taken place.

The Puritans were actually quite frank in their attitudes about sex, and wrote steamy love poetry.

Its the Victorians who had what we would erroneously call "hangups".


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Author of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

herald said:
Mark will be writing a book on what happens to characters after they are retired.

There will be rules for sending your characters to a retirement home, or Assisted Living complex, various races opinions on old adventures and there retirement. (Orcs tend to eat their own, and then steal thier stuff as opposed to the Halflings who steal thier stuff and then eat them.)

Included in the OGL will be rules for wrestling night nurses, Using charisma to get a better spongebath, and using bluff to keep people intersested in your old "War" stories.

Web Enhancements will include "Retiring your Epic Character" and "Divine Ascension and Bedpans." to coinside with with the Epic Rules Handbook and Dieties and Demigods rules when they hit the SRD.

Look for "Knocking on Heaven's Door: Retired Characters" in a friendly gaming store near you.

*Mark scribbles down a few notes...looks up...whistles nonchalantly...strolls off a few feet then dashes for the door!*


First Post
I'm eager to see if this is a book that I will buy. I have spoken to my wife and she seems interested too.

I also know that there are other adults in our game. (We have a group that I like to call the Parent's League.) Who are interested in as well.

As for the children that we have, I don't let then look though any of my books. There still to young. That doesn't mean that I don't encourage them to enjoy fantasy. I just perfer that they go out and play right now and when I feel that they are old enough, I will bring out my books and slowly let them enter the game.

I look forward to your work.


First Post
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Author of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Mark said:

*Mark scribbles down a few notes...looks up...whistles nonchalantly...strolls off a few feet then dashes for the door!*


Man, I hope I get a credit....:p

Yea like that will ever happen...:rolleyes:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Author of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

herald said:

Man, I hope I get a credit....:p

Yea like that will ever happen...:rolleyes:

I'll take that as a signed release form...in triplicate! :D

(Please accpt this home version of our game for playing...)


First Post
I am always surprised at the intolerance of gamers. One might expect those engaged in a hobby quick to be accused of being bad or evil to be a bit more open minded of things that are different. Games depict every aspect of life: from war to food to sleeping, so why is it that games or game products depicting sex or even nudity cause such an uproar. Is sexuality no longer considered part of life? As with all aspects of life, types of sexuality differ. Should a manual of weapons disregard an axe as a weapon simply because I do not care to use an axe as a weapon? No, it encompasses a variety of weapons, as should the Book of Erotic Fiction should encompass a variety of types of sexuality. Yes, perhaps every campaign does not require a manual of this type. Then again, no campaign requires every manual or supplement ever printed does it? The photographs I have seen are professionally done and tasteful. It matters not what the photographer does on his own time and with his own career. The fact is that he has produced quality prints for this manual. The statement that Anthony Valterra is using his position at Wizards to further this project holds no logic; anyone, yes, anyone may use the OGL/d20 license for their product as long as they follow the requirements listed therein. This product is not intended for children, obviously it is intended for mature, adult gamers. Keeping products that parents feel are inappropriate for children away from children is not the responsibility of any manufacturer whether it be medication, household cleaners, books or games. It is the responsibility of the parent. Most certainly I will buy a copy of the Book of Erotic Fiction and bravo to Valar Project for being innovative.


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