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Avonshar: The Horror is in the Knowing. Updated 8/8/03

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Day 18: After a slow breakfast, and a building up of courage, we returned to the portal. This time, we brought a larger group with us, including four rangers of my order to safeguard the kasirs that would travel with us. Perhaps this time, the poor beasts would fare better than our last set. We could only hope. Unlike our previous journey, I was filled with dread. The adventure of exploration has always been something I saw as a reward…but the previous expedition had ended much differently. I understood the necessity, but it no longer held the same joy for me.

I was the first to pass through to the portal, and emerged into the now more familiar wooded hills, some half-days travel from what we had taken to calling the Chamber. Once more the lake area had changed. It was now Hallowed, the evil effects of before gone. We were on the lookout for various creatures, as we made our way towards the general vicinity of the caves.

Our first fear was that the chamber would have been tampered with. It was not. Still secure, we examined the location, and found that it was still relatively safe. Alden’s desire to use the device is almost palpable, and it’s clear why he agreed to return. We verified that it was unmolested and secure. However, we then agreed to secure the rest of the cave system. After removing the darkness effect enshrouding the remaining passage, we investigate. Some searching down the remaining deeper passage occurs, and Casparo reveals that there are some sort of small insect creatures that have taken residence amidst the collapsed rubble of the tunnel.

They are clearly animal-like in intelligence, and are weird bestial insects, reminiscent of giant ant-lions. We prepare, and then move forward to engage them. They are capable of spitting some poisonous goo that is also caustic, but the effects are swiftly shrugged off, and they are dealt with swiftly. Amongst their nest, we discover items that they have hoarded from the complex, none of which must have been much use other than as wattling for the nest. We chose to name them Sandts.

These included 12 discs of Oriculum (which would have been a rare find, by themselves), a cloak, a poncho, a bracer with an orb of occularum inset, a series of potions of multiple colors with gems IN the potions, a large sword and a unusual halberd-like weapon. The weapons were all made with Occularum, as well. Rali claimed the halberd-weapon as her own, and decided it would be called a Balderk (which I think is Dwarvish for ‘mighty cleaver’). Casparo joked with her that it should be called a Slurm. She was amused with this as any dwarf is, when you laugh at their weapon. Which is to say, NOT AT ALL.

All the items but the discs were magical, and would take careful examination on the part of Alden and myself. My spirits rose at this. They would descend appropriately later.

Alden finally demanded we check the Chamber, and I saw no reason to deny him or Delwyn. We were careful, though. Each time they attempted to use the device, we monitored them closely, in case of danger. I trust the device less than anything else.

I was so upset during our previous journey, that I forgot to mention a curiousity on our previous return trip. The standing stones where we first battled the tuskers now looked more like teeth thrust up through the earth, and in the center of this now VERY evil area was a deep hole dropping into darkness. We were loathe to enter it, then.

Delwyn attempted to send one of the sphereials down into the gaping pit. They REFUSED. They would fly to it, but no further. Delwyn investigated some other things, but I’m not sure what.

Alden, however, chose to investigate much more. His first inclination was to use the spheres to scout the surrounding territory, rather than waste our time doing so. I hadn’t even considered the possibility. We made short work of the task, gathering data of the area for several miles.

Then Alden discovered that there were several more caves in the area. Using the spheres, he investigated each by proxy. In one, he found…something. His memories of it are sketchy, and his description simplified matters…but something was in a sealed chamber here. It was clearly undead, and I think he said it bore a crown. It was powerful, and it grasped the sphere in one hand and crushed it. The act caused Alden to become disoriented and he blacked out but we think it is securely trapped. Further, the area it is in is unreachable, being submerged beneath an underground river. Not that I have any desire to meet it. Against my better judgement, but at Delwyn’s advisement, Alden used the device again.

He then decided to do something that was either very wise, or very foolish.

He decided to test the limits of the spheres understanding, and asked the sphere to show him ‘the enemy’.

And so it did.

It transported him a vast distance away. He sensed it would take hours to travel there by even normal magical flight. I don’t recall how long it took, but it seemed it was four hours in the waiting.

I cannot describe her, other than that she was a giant, a sorceress of some kind, and powerful. She appeared to be demonic, and bore chains. She was currently flinging bolts of eldritch energy at some sort of castle, much to the terror of it’s inhabitants. She appeared to be floating in air, at first.

At least, until the eyestalk waved past.

It was the thickness of a small birch tree, but green and wiry like a vine. At first he thought it was lashing in the wind, until it descended around the giant, and he could clearly see the eye mounted at its end. It looked astonishingly like the eyestalk of a beholder…but that was nonsense. For that to be a beholder’s eyestalk, it would have to be…COLOSSAL.
As Alden got a sense of scale of the terrifying thing, one of the eyestalks turned and unleashed a beam of destructive force against the castle. A wall fell. Alden went in for a closer look at the she-demon, or whatever she was. This merely caught her attention. She laughed an infernal laugh, and then flicked the sphere away, as you or I might swat a speck of dirt, and the sphere was sent flying for hundreds of miles. Alden nearly sicked up, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the disorientation of the sphere, or what he had seen. I didn’t feel very good myself.

We need to tell the elders.

Day 19: We prepare for another return trip. The rangers were attacked by toadlocks while we were in the chamber, and while hurt, no one was lost…not even a kasir. There’s something in the lake though, and I tell them to avoid leaving the cave. I feel the unhallow effect returning. It vexes me.

We were attacked last night, and if I hadn’t been paying attention and blessed with Fharlangan’s help, we might have been killed. While the rest of the group slept, we were attacked by plants. At first, it was just a creeping root, animated on it’s own. Then several appeared, then a few dozen. As I roused the others, they bound together in some sort of group mind, and created humanoid like ‘wicker men’ forms, and then attacked. Their lashing attacks were painful, but we were in no mood for such things.

Delwyn’s chain lashed out, destroying one. Alden summoned a construct while I used a soundburst to disable them. Rali delivered a terrible blow to another with her new weapon, shredding it. In short order, they were destroyed.

It is now dawn, and we prepare for to leave, our mission complete for the moment.

Day 20, 21, 22: Travel back to Avonshar.
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Oh, Rannos reported the loot, all right. As in "Here's the loot we took and KEPT, strider, sir." They took it pretty well, considering.

Our new catchphrase is "Avonshar: where the days are terrifying, and the nights make you wish it was daytime."

Here's the things the Sandts had:

  1. The Balderk (also known as the Pole of Chimes) [2D6, crit x4, 15#, Large, piercing, +1 to hit, Crit range 19-20]
  2. Robe +2 ac +1 to all saves, +2 Dex. (Magenta robes with the image of a strange 8-legged insect on it.)
  3. 12 discs of Occularum (value 6234 gp)
  4. 4 amber potions with amber stones inside (cmw: 4d8+7)
  5. 3 Violet potions with amethyst stones inside (Restore half full power points)
  6. 2 Crystal clear potions (Restore 4 spell levels)
  7. Ring mail +4 ac, +1 Int, -1 damage taken. (Oriculum mail with a head motif)
  8. Bastard Sword 2d6, crit 19-20/x2, 10#, Large, Slashing. +5 to ac/+6 vs. missiles deflection bonus, User regains 1 point of temporary ability score damage every 10 minutes. (Shield device glows when held)
  9. Orb bracer +3 to all damage done, +20’ light radiance (Oriculum bracer for left arm. Has sphere that flashes when hits are struck. Absorbs light from area and expels it more intensely.)
  10. Tabard +5 to hit, +5 cold damage. (Ice blue poncho with crystal points hanging off. Effect is attacks become “heat seeking”.)

    I've specifically left off two powers of the items listed here, as you'll see them in operation in the next update (when we discoverd them ourselves...in BATTLE!). :)
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Second Update! And TWO MORE TO COME! WHOA!

Day 23: We returned to the city without incident. The rangers have remained behind to safeguard the location, and a second, larger force of rangers has been dispatched to aid them. There have been no attacks in our absence. Rangers patrol the perimeter where the shadowy monsters have refused to enter, but the slaughter has stopped. They cannot or will not breach the border of the hallowed ground that surrounds the city. It was this natural blessing that caused the city to be founded here, and now it serves the people well. Those who remain, in any case.

The wholesale panic has, for the most part, subsided. Those who were consumed by fear departed as quickly as possible, though I can scarce blame them. The city is still populous, but outside the city, the wilderness presses against us, with so few outposts remaining unscarred. It resembles my mood, as of late. Our return journey was without incident. Even Avonshar’s native flora and fauna sense the change, and stayed hidden.

When we returned to the city, several of the others gave me apprehensive looks. I know they were thinking that I’d demand they turn over the items to the church. I had no intention of doing so, and made it clear. I marched into the temple, and asked to see Strider Culain. He was available, and I proceeded to his cell, with all due speed. I noted the cube was gone, as I presented him with my map disc. I described our second expedition with little color, although I waited for an argument or protest to my report. I plainly noted what we had found, and how the party had distributed the equipment amongst themselves. I had worried for naught, it appeared. While obviously very tired (these recent days as much as strain on him as me, most likely more so), he merely nodded…as if he was too tired to argue the point.

We spent time analyzing the items, and I know that some of our number sold some of the Oriculum disks. We each claimed two, and I will keep mine, for now. I am deciding on a use for them, be they keepsake or item of interest. Money has never been of great use to me before, but it has it’s uses, like all tools. But I can’t eat gold when I’m traveling the high mountains, and the beasts of Avonshar certainly haven’t had much use for it, either.

Days 24-30: There has been little to report, other than services. I am spending my days preparing potions for our journey. I have used my connections within the church to acquire some scrolls, as well. The city is growing emptier by the day, and it adds more gloom to the place. Strider Culain approached me today, and told me that they have not heard from the rangers guarding the chamber for a few days, and are unable to scry them. They ask if we will return to check on them. Despite misgivings about the journey, my companions and I feel no more safe here than there, and agree to travel once more.

Day 31, Early Morning: Swift Preparations have been made. We depart through the gate in an hour. I have collected my map disk and some pay from the church for my companions and I to use. Strider Culain looks tired and sad. Perhaps I can give him happy news, yet. To the Portal, then.

Day 31, Mid-morning: A field of death. Corpses, Everywhere. What happened here? Do the rangers yet live? I cannot say, though I dread the answer. Tuskers, toadlocks, sandts, and creatures we hadn’t yet encountered, collapsed where they died. Everywhere we go, we find their bodies. Dead, gored, and drained completely of blood. I track the area…not a single living thing larger than a cat can be found, and precious few of those.

But, insects! Oh, there are tens of thousands! Millions, perhaps! The huge piles of death attact them, the meat rotting all around them. We hurried away swiftly, and paused at a stream to rest. Somewhere nearby, I hear toads croaking. At least something is still alive here. But I wonder, over and over, what killed them. I fear the rangers are all surely dead.

Damn it.

Day 31, Evening: It scarce seems possible that things could get worse, but they do. To my surprise, we found the rangers alive, unconcerned and surprised at our apprehension. They were 21 in number, and stayed mostly guarding the cave. They had little to report, other than that they didn’t like to go below (where the Chamber was), and that they were guarding the site.

Something bothered me about their location, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Casparo did, however. There were no campfires, or signs that there had been any. No signs of any defenses, either. I told Casparo to keep his eyes open, and told Rali to be on her guard. Alden and Delwyn wanted to go to the chamber, and check it out. I agreed, with the provision that they take a non-psi with them, just in case. Tazendra volunteered, and they descended. Several spheres buzzed around the room like curious dragonflys.

I took three rangers and performed a patrol…something they obviously hadn’t been doing. When I gathered twigs and wood, they asked me why, as it would attract animals at night, which is why they hadn’t done it. I didn’t accept that at face value, but it wasn’t beyond the realm of reason, I let it pass. As I spoke, a sphere whizzed past.

I returned with the rangers to the cave as the sun was setting, to find Casparo was learning how to play dice with some of the rangers present. And by learning, I mean pretending that he didn’t know how to play, and then fleecing them. Rali stood nearby, watching the group. It had been over an hour, and they were still in the Chamber. I didn’t like that, but I expected it. What I wasn’t prepared for was the spheres to all just suddenly whine for split-second, and then drop like rocks to the ground.

The three of us were on sudden alert, fearful of an attack. Some of the rangers panicked, perhaps as much for our reaction as any perceived danger. I ordered five of them to come with me and Rali. I told Casparo to remain. I needed someone trustworthy and dependable above to keep an eye on the remaining rangers, and since I didn’t have anyone like that available, he’d have to do. I knew that if he was in danger, he’d know which way to run, and would be able to get away to get help, if need be. Casparo may scoff at the law and is incurably greedy, but he’s no coward and he’ll watch your back. I trusted him for that much, at least.

Rali drew her Balderk, and we walked down, side by side. We reached the Chamber, to see Alden floating in the air, while the light flashed in some sort of rhythmic pattern. Alden’s mouth was open, and he was making some sort of chiming music that no man or elf should be able to produce. He stopped almost as soon as we arrived, and floated downwards. The lights went inert. Alden looked like he just been violently ill. Delwyn was supporting him, while Tazendra was examining some papers. After quickly judging that there was no danger, I sent three of the rangers above, while Rali and I remained to see what had happened.

Alden and Delwyn had been using the system somehow, and they believed they’d temporarily used too much of it’s power. They seemed convinced that it would restart. I wasn’t sure whether that was a comfort or not. Alden had asked it something…and it taken control of him, using his powers more effectively than he currently could. The pieces of paper, I soon learned, were made by Alden, and appeared to be permanent. He had no memory of doing it, but someone had used him to convey a series of seven images to us. Tazendra had the foresight to number the pages, so we could keep track of them. I will attach these images to this journal shortly, after I have transcribed them. I would simply draw them here, but they are in color, and colors are VERY important, or so we have learned.

In short, they seem to tell a story of the strange beings, the Ral’Shar, whose bodies we found when we first arrived.

  • There were apparently two groups, who looked identical in form, except for their colors. There were Blue and Green Ral’Shar. They came from a distant place, some sort of disk or demiplane located in the stars. Regardless, they traveled from that place for some reason.
  • They came to another disk, which I presume to be Avonshar. Or rather, the Blues did. The Green Ral’Shar found themselves on Avonshar’s moon, which appears to have moved in front of them.
  • The Blue Ral’Shar encountered a being of yellow, humanoid in shape, with a blue head, red chest and feet that seem to radiate or have some sort of power. He helped them, and appears to have given them a parchment, which I take to mean knowledge, help or both. The Greens were far less lucky on the moon, where they encountered an evil, obviously VERY female being, which subjugated them and enslaved them.
  • The Yellow Being and the She-Devil had some sort of a meeting. A threat seems to be implied, or perhaps an attack.
  • After some time, the Green Ral’Shar came to Avonshar, and made war upon the Blue Ral’Shar. The Blues appeared to have mastery of vast mental powers, and were psions, while the Green Ral’Shar were powerful spellcasters, likely arcanists. Many died on both sides, but the Blues were losing.
  • The Yellow Being (whom I think of as Lightfoot), cast his arms around the Blue Ral’Shar, protecting them, somehow. The Greens continued to make war upon them, and many of the Ral’Shar of both kinds died, but the only Blues to survive were those who the Yellow Being sheltered. The Greens are all killed by the She-Devil.
  • The Yellow Being and the remaining Blue Ral’Shar retreat into the center of the disk that we believe to be Avonshar, into apparent safety.

We tried to absorb all of this information, and tried to determine what to do with it. I looked at the pages several times after they were done, handing them around to the others.

“Well, who wants to send us a message this bad?” I asked.

And then the image of a Blue Ral’Shar face appeared.
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Whew. Lot of information this last session.

Look for some scans of the images we discuss in this adventure, and the final update this time out.




BLACK Ral'Shar!

Wacky Magic Items!


The New name of Rali's Weapon!

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