Away from the others



(After some puzzlement, the brown skinned, black haired man sets down new marks on a blank piece of parchment. They seem to be as follows:)

Top left corner:
Two arrows crossing each other at diagonals, pointing upwards. In the gap above the cross are two Vs.

Top right corner:
One arrow pointing up next to a backward S with the top becoming a spiral.

One wide but short mark beneath four dots in a curving line around the mark. Above each dot is a line pointing outwards.

A similar mark without the dots and a line zigzagging through.

An arc like the bottom of a circle with little flicks at each end going out towards the sides.

(Satisfied with the quick marks, he posts the message away from where the orignial group were and leaves.)

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message adapted

A dark man with his hair tied back at the neck adds marks to the message then leaves.

Cupped in the arc of the bottom marks he draws 2 Vs with three wider sideways angels (>) in a fan next to them.

Beside the altered group he draws two long lines something between squiggles and zigzags with a cresent moon directly above the middle.



*This time the dark woman's note is simple, the paper divided into two halves with a line.
In the top half, the zigzag-squiggle lines and cresent moon are copied.
On the lower half is a drawing of a pawprint tilted to north-east. Next to is is the leaf-tipped almost-S with two lines on one side.*



A careful message

*The woman returns in well woven clothing, leaving a note covered in clear markings. There appear to be three or four groups of lines...*

The first is like a triangle with the bottom/horrizonal line extended past the corners. Next to it is a now-familiar squiggle, tilted nor-west/sou-east but balances with an inward curve on the lower end. A line goes from side of the triangle to the squiggle. Beneath these, two lines seem to funnel down to a doorway (without the bottom line) with a corner drawn above it like half a T. Next to it are three short vertical lines above a short horizintal, above a nor-east/sou-west diagonal.

The second had a large C curve with three smaller ones within it. This is beside a leaf/seedling curve which has a bowl-like curve beneath the leaf, another just within the first and a much smaller one also within the others.

The third grouping has four curves which almost make a face - two ears, a nose/eyebrow line and a mouth. Under the mouth a line goes down at an angle then off to the right, with a short diagonal going up to the right near the outer end. Next to it is something which can most easily be explained as an abstract horse - jawline, two mane lines, back curve... but six legs.

Beneath the last grouping, close enough for some to consider part of it, are three tilted S curves, the first like the one in the first group.



(The man returns briefly. The scent of sweat follows. He posts a hasty note and leaves again.)

The long horizontal squiggles redrawn with the cresent moon, but a line crossing through them.

Crossed arrows between two other standing arrows and the double s-like marks on each side, mirrored to both face the center. Above it is a group of marks that looks a lot like a human footprint.

Beneath is something like a cat's head made from three lines (jaw and two ears) with a line swooping out from each side above two vertical lines capped by a horizonal.



*The woman adds a single group of lines to the bottom of Tra'Atan's message.*

An arrow tilted slightly north-west, three short lines crossing it near the head.



A strange looking dwarf, wearing a bucket with holes for eyes, and branches tied to the sides, and wearing mismatched plate armor ambles in. he seems to be armed with a large well used iron skillet of some sort. He looks at the notes, and giggles. He reaches deep into a small pouch on his belt, rummages around and produces a stylus.

"Ah-ha!" he giggles as he reaches up and begins to connect the lines on the notes, randomly, from line to line, making a few smiley faces and all around ruining whatever secret messages were there previously. he steps back to admire his work, nods, and ambles back out, giggling.



The dark man returns for a brief few moments to check for news. Dark eyes scan the boards, clearly he awaits something...

He stops. A look of confusion flickers across his brooding features.

"What in the Tiyath's Loins?!"

Trying to surpress a growl he makes another paw-like mark with a piece of ash snarched up from the fire pit, then storms away. The residual heat of the cooling ash turns the paper brown...



*the woman returns with a parchment marked clearly. She has a chuckle at the dot-the-dot-ed messages from before, but does not change her own message to answer Kho'aarian's mark.

In the middle of the top is the seedling-like S mark with the two lines.
Beneath it is a circle with a stylised cat's eye in green.
Beneath that is what looks like a broken arrow, the arrow bent to a right angle.




(The man's new message is simple. He posts it, he leaves.)

Five fingerprints in some sort of red ink, each struck through with a line blurring the substance.

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