D&D 5E Background Page from PH(B)


I hate when I'm being thick. Can you give me the sentence, please? I see "In addition, most backgrounds give a character proficiency with one or more tools." Help?

It starts at "to customize a background....." Under customizing a background

The full sentence is " To customize a background, you can replace one feature with any other one, choose any two skills, and choose a total of two tool proficiencies or languages from the sample backgrounds. You can either use the equipment package from your background or spend coin on gear as described in chapter "
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
That is an image of Alberic of Lathander from Heirs of Prophecy.


Jeff Carlsen

Meh on the art. Again, it is good for what it is, but portraits are boring.

I certainly am not going to try and tell you what you should and shouldn't like, but I think portraits are valuable within the broader scope of book art. In this case, the armor is the focus, and it tells us something about the style of armor and dress in the world.


New Publisher
Fair, jeff. But the tiefling was a portrait too. Just getting concerned the art will not really be all that inspiring. ..... concerned being too strong a word.


First Post
I've actually liked most of the other art a lot, but I'm not a particular fan of this guy's pose. The dwarf, for example, looked like she was about to kick some butt; this guy looks like he has a slight case of indigestion. Portraits are fine, but there's a way to make them a bit more dynamic. Just giving him a slightly straighter posture and a different facial expression would help a lot. IMHO, of course, and this is way better than anything I could draw/paint anyway. ;-)


Fair, jeff. But the tiefling was a portrait too. Just getting concerned the art will not really be all that inspiring. ..... concerned being too strong a word.

Keep in mind that the portraits we have seen have all been artwork for previews of sections from character creation.
I could be wrong but I don't think we've seen previews from other sections, where I would imagine more action or group oriented pictures would be.

(I think)


Character Art

I like the art too, but is his robe cut off at the bottom left? (our bottom left, not his). It seems to kind of fold over, but it looks like it's been cut off strangely.

Either that, or D&D have finally gotten around to airbrushing their models.

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