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[Bal, Monster] Cybrahisk


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Big post warning. The reason this creature, or rather race of creatures, has a big description is because they play a rather important part in my campaign setting where they occupy an entire jungle region.


History: The Cybrahisk are a hive-minded race of planar entities that came to the Balmortis plane over fifty thousand years ago. The Cybrahisk are considered to be malevolent by most human standards, as their alien frame of mind has little consideration for compassion or honor. When the Cybrahisk first entered the plane, emerging from a small portal somewhere in eastern Tamara, they initially seemed to have no other goal than conquest. They would attack any non-Cybrahisk race they encountered and use their Seed Hives to expand rapidly across the lush jungle of Steth. The first organized resistance they encountered were the small goblin tribes making a living from foraging in the bog areas of the Steth jungle. The goblins, being unfamiliar with the strange and defensive tactic of the Cybrahisk, had great difficulties battling their new opponent. The goblins had primarily been warring with the zealous elves and the Thakulion church up to that point. Initially the goblins suffered grave casualties in the skirmishes between the two races, and they eventually decided to completely abandon the Steth jungle, to avoid stretching their forces thin when they still had the elves to deal with. The elves on the other hand had no qualms about engaging the Cybrahisk in open war when they encountered the new race, the Thakulion church calling for a crusade against the unwelcome visitors. The Prince of Scars himself is said to have spoken to the elven hero Ra Amoon, urging him to gather his flagellants to fight the intruders. The war between the elves and the Cybrahisk is said to have been one of the most unrelenting wars ever fought, as the elves fought their foes with a frenzy and devotion that only the followers of Thakulion could ever muster. The guerrilla tactics of the elves had an initial advantage over the inflexible and ponderous tactic of the Cybrahisk, yet the intruders were quick to adapt to their new foe and were eventually able to muster a competent defence against the elven armies. In the treacherous jungle of Steth, the war was fought to a standstill and eventually the elves had to retreat as Ra Amoon himself was wounded, fighting against a Cybrahisk Cantankor of unusual proves. For several millennia, the Cybrahisk were left to themselves to expand as they saw fit across the Steth jungle. The barren plains around the jungle acted as a natural barrier that the aliens were unable to cross and the elves found new problems to deal with in their own homeland.

The only faction that gave attention to the Cybrahisk was the Order of a Thousand Eyes. The order sent several of its finest biomagus to research the new species covertly. The order was remarkably successful in examining the workings of the Cybrahisk, and they were the first to distinguish between the four different factions found within the aliens. The order even managed to make contact with the most peaceful of the four factions, the inquisitive Innovatore. The Cybrahisk, realizing that their conquest was halted by the natural environment of Balmortis, were curious to learn more about the world that they had settled upon. Seeing as Order of a Thousand Eyes had no standing army, the aliens decided to use them to gain insight into the foes they had battles centuries earlier. The Innovatore even sent a Seed Hive as an envoy to Silmar island where it still stands today.

Many millenia has since passed, and the Cybrahisk have seen as much war as any race in Balmortis, yet no foe has ever been able to prove a threat to the intricate mesh of Seed Hives that make up the Cybrahisk nation. The aliens on the other hand have often proven to be a competent foe when they embark on a campaign from the comfort of the Steth jungle.

Psychology: The Cybrahisk have a psychology thoroughly alien to that of all the mortal races of Balmortis. The most dominant feature of the Cybrahisk mind is its capacity to communicate rapidly and accurately across great distances with others of its kind. While they do indeed have a hive-mind, the aliens are not completely without an individual will of their own. All Seed Hives as well as the more intelligent servitors have a mind of their own, with the ability to make decisions and desires not shared by the race as a whole. The Seed Hives are able to hide information from the network of Cybrahisk minds that make up the alien nation, yet they rarely choose to do so. Even though they have individual memories and needs, there has never occurred any betrayal or dissidence amongst the Cybrahisk. Another remarkable feature of the alien mind is that it seems to have very little empathy and compassion for non-alien races. While this was especially true in the beginning of the history of the race in Balmortis, the Cybrahisk have since evolved, probably from their contact with the Order of a Thousand Eyes, to develop a rudimentary set of emotions. Especially curiosity is an emotion that seems to have evolved well in the race, and they have become quite inquisitive about the world around them. In ages past, any trespasser into the Steth jungle would have been killed almost instantly, while now the Cybrahisk seem to favor imprisonment over termination when they encounter visitors. Stories even tell of prisoners being released from the aliens if they managed to provide the Cybrahisk with interesting information, and if they substitute no threat to the alien nation. Most visitors find the race highly disturbing to communicate with, as they seem completely unable to comprehend abstract ideas and advanced emotions. There also seems to be quite a tremendous difference in the mentality of the four different factions amongst the race.

Crimeatore: The Crimeatore are the most numerous faction of the Cybrahisk, and the first faction to set foot upon Balmortis soil. They are generally considered to be militant and xenophobic, capable of any amount of genocide against other races. The Crimeatore believe that it is the destiny of their race to achieve total domination of all the worlds they can locate, that it is their birthright to be the victor in any war in which they engage. Of all of the factions, the Crimeatore are the ones least likely to accept visitors. So far, no humanoid has been able to enter Crimeatore lands and survive. To make matters worse, most of the border Seed Hives in the Steth forest originate from the faction, and it is therefore very unlikely for a visitor to the Cybrahisk lands to find a friendly Seed Hive with which to communicate. Only those visitors that know the location of the Innovatore Seed Hives will even be able to travel into Cybrahisk lands without being instantly attacked.

Agoratore: The Agoratore are considered amongst the most peaceful of the Cybrahisk along with the Innovatore. The main function of the Agoratore faction amongst the aliens is to provide the nation with a steady flow of the resources needed to maintain the Seed Hives and the more powerful minds in the Cybrahisk capitol. The Agoratore have therefore set up their Seed Hives in the lushest and most bountiful parts of the Steth jungle. The Agoratore are generally considered to be the least inquisitive of the aliens, as they care little for any matter besides the acquisition of resources. Visitors are closely monitored if they should enter Agoratore lands, yet rarely harmed unless they somehow threaten the production facilities of the faction. The Agoratore will hardly ever be interested in dialogue with visitors, unless the visitors provide them with some sort of tribute that they can use. The very few trades between the other races of Balmortis and the Cybrahisk have been done through the Agoratore.

Scoratore: The Scoratore were the second faction of the Cybrahisk to come through the Balmortis portal. The Scoratore were initially a specialized breed of the race, created to initialize a terraforming procedure once the plane had been conquered. As the conquest of the Cybrahisk came to a halt, the Scoratore had to find an alternate niche in the alien society. Being accustomed to adapting local lifeforms to the needs of the race, the Scoratore started researching the possibility of utilizing the native races of the Balmortis plane to further the goal of their own race. The Scoratore has since developed several specialized species of Cybrahisks that have become stable servitors to the Seed Hives, amongst them the two servitor drones, the Defenders and the Recreaters. The Scoratore are known for having the least amount of empathy for other races, as they see any visitor as a possible subject for study. To be studied by the Scoratore usually involves being torn slowly apart in specialized research chambers, so that the faction may learn all that it can from the body of the visitor. The Scoratore seems to have absolutely no interest in communicating with non-Cybrahisks.

Innovatore: The Innovatore are the smallest faction amongst the Cybrahisk, a special breed of the race created to research the arcane energy that the Cybrahisk have learnt to harness. When the Innovatore first came to Balmortis, the difference between the arcane energies permeating the homeworld of the race and the energies of the new world were too great for the Innovatore to properly utilize their arcane powers, and as a result the faction was rendered impotent for nearly a millenia. The Innovatore struggled to regain the power they had possessed back on the Cybrahisk homeworld, especially their ability to manipulate the sentient metal Gesh. When they finally regained their power, the Innovatore had to struggle once again, this time to retake their former position in the society as advisers and leaders of the arcane schools. Eventually, with the aid of the Order of a Thousand Eyes, the Innovatore regained their former power and have since grown in both size and influence amongst their race. It is by their power alone that the Cybrahisk have started communications with a select few of the Balmortis races. The Innovatore themselves are by far the most open-minded of their race, and they generally see favorably at any opportunity to engage in dialogue with non-Cybrahisk races. Especially spellcasters seem to interest the faction, and they will control their violent disposition that is otherwise a dominant aspect of their kind when given a chance to study a visitor. Despite their curiosity, the Innovatore are not to be underestimated and they will respond very violently to any threat to their race.

Appearance: The Cybrahisk do not consist of a single type of creatures, instead they have developed over the course of their history to include a wide variety of creatures, each creature having been created to fulfill a very specific function in the hive society of the alien race. The core of their society are the so-called Seed Hives; Enormous, super-intelligent and powerful creatures that have the capacity to create all of the lower forms of Cybrahisk creatures, the servitors. All of the various creatures, including the Seed Hives, are described in detail below. Beyond the variation in appearance between the various creatures that make up the Cybrahisk race, there are also some variations depending on the faction. The Crimeatore have evolved to be more warlike than the other Cybrahisk races, and have therefore developed their chitin denser than that of the other races. This often makes the Crimeatore a bit cumbersome. The Agoratore on the other hand have evolved to become perfect gatherers, and this has caused them to grow large sacs on their body that they use to store nutrients in. It is even possible to see the large, green veins covering the body of the Agoratore, the veins their use to transport the resources they gather from the ground. The Agoratore also have a tendency to grow to larger sizes than the members of the other factions, as their bodies need to be large enough to contain complex digestion systems and storage facilities. The Scoratore on the other hand are more nimble than both the Crimeatore and the Agoratore, having no need for neither brute strength or an advanced digestion system. The Scoratore have developed a very unique feature that sets them apart from the other factions, a huge number of diminutive tentacles that cover their entire body. These tentacles are no larger than a human hair and act as a specialized sampling system for the Scoratore. The thin tentacles are able to penetrate through the skin of non-Cybrahisk races to allow the Scoratore to take samples of the living creatures they encounter. These samples are then stored and examined inside the bodies of the Scoratore. The Seed Hives of the Scoratore have an additional unique feature, the research chambers used to perform autopsies on the captives that the faction can get their hands on. The Innovatore share some similarities with the Scoratore, namely the tendency to being quite frail compared to both the Crimeatore and Agoratore. The Innovatore have developed a special feature to help them in their dealings with other races, a growth on their upper body that vaguely resembles a humanoid face. Normally, the Cybrahisk do not have mouth nor lungs, sustaining themselves by deriving nutrients from the soil, yet the Innovatore found that the capacity to communicate verbally was of paramount importance when dealing with the humanoid races of Balmortis. Therefore, they started to develop faces that could emulate humanoid emotions along with a host of diminutive mouths with which to communicate.

The Innovatore have at least five mouths or more that they use simultaneously, speaking in almost perfect harmony. Despite this, most people that talk to the Innovatore find their tone to be very eerie and alien, as it sounds more like a small flock of beings speaking at once more than it sounds like a single individual. Sometimes, when the Innovatore are talking to an especially important outsider, they will allow other members of their faction to assume control of one or more of their mouths through the hive-mind connection, allowing a whole council of Innovatore to talk through a single creature. Another special feature of the Innovatore is the Gesh metal, a sentient metal animated by arcane energy that the faction uses to furthers its goals. The Innovatore often clad themselves in an armor of the unique material, giving them a grey, metallic sheen.

Cybrahisk Traits
- Immunity to Disease and Poison.
- Adaptive Defence (Su): The Cybrahisk are natural plane-travelers, having evolved to become a highly adaptive race. This also gives them a defensive advantage, as they are able to quickly adjust their bodies to better dissipate the energy from enemy attacks. Whenever a Cybrahisk is attacked by a specific type of energy (such as Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire and Force), the creature gains 5 points of resistance against the given type of energy, resistance that becomes active after the attack has caused damage. This damage resistance is increased by 5 points every time the Cybrahisk suffers damage of the given type, up to a maximum resistance of 25. The damage resistance stacks with other sources of damage resistance, but it will disappear again after 1 hour since the last attack. Even an attack that is mitigated by resistance will incur the effect of this special ability. If the Cybrahisk continues to suffer damage of the specific type, the damage resistance will remain, allowing the Cybrahisk to survive in very hostile environments. The reason that the resistance disappears is that it is quite expensive for the creature to sustain constant damage resistance against all types.
- Alien Mind (Ex): As the Cybrahisk brain works in ways that are totally alien to that of all other sentient creatures in Balmortis, it has proven to be very difficult to read their minds. The Cybrahisk are considered to have Spell-Resistance 20 + their HD against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. Even if someone is able to penetrate the mind of a Cybrahisk with magic, the resulting information will most likely be very cryptic and maybe even impossible to decipher. Cybrahisks are completely immune to fear effects.
- Detritivore (Ex): The Cybrahisk gains sustenance primarily by absorbing organic matter from the soil. Their whole body is capable of quickly adjusting to derive nutrients from virtually any organic matter, even matter that is alien to it. The Cybrahisk, in addition to the sustenance gained from the soil, also relies on photosynthesis to grow. If a specimen is deprived of access to soil, it will usually be capable of surviving for as long as two weeks on light alone, while a Cybrahisk that is separated from both soil and sunlight will only survive for three days. The Cybrahisks, deriving energy from sunlight, are slightly less effective if encountered in the dark. A Cybrahisk fighting in complete darkness suffers a -3 penalty to all attack and damage rolls. The movement speed of a Cybrahisk in complete darkness is reduced by 10 ft.
- No Breathing (Ex): The Cybrahisk do not breathe like normal creatures, even though they are alive. Instead, the Cybrahisk rely on nutrients derived from the soil for sustenance. They do therefore not have mouths or vocal cords, rendering them unable to speak. This is not a major issue to most Cybrahisk as they communicate telepathically. All spellcasters of the race are considered to cast spells that are automatically silenced, as their whole form of magic was developed to be cast without sound.
- Hive Mind (Ex): The Cybrahisk are all connected through a mental link that allows them to quickly and accurately transmit information to eachother. There seems to be no maximum range to the connection between Seed Hives, yet most servitors are only able to communicate a few miles. The Seed Hives will usually communicate all encounters with other races across the hive mind, especially encounters with hostile creatures. A few of the servitors have the ability to communicate further than a few miles, if so noted in their description.

Faction Specific Traits

- Chitin Armor (Ex): The Crimeatore are all covered in a much thicker layer of armor than that of normal Cybrahisks. This provides them with a +3 bonus to their Natural Armor, and the extra weight gives them a +2 bonus to perform or resist Bull Rush, Grapple or Trip attempts. The extra weight also reduces their movement speed by 5 ft.
- Rage (Ex): Any Crimeatore Cybrahisk that suffers damage in combat will enter into a state of rage that will last untill the combat ends. While enraged, the Crimeatore gain a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, but a -2 penalty to Armor Class.

- Gatherer (Ex): The Agoratore are tasked with gathering nutrients for the Cybrahisk community, and have therefore been created with large storage depots inside their body. This allows them to survive for three times as long without sustenance as regular Cybrahisks.

- Biological Library (Ex): The Scoratore have stored all information they have gathered on the existing creatures of Balmortis in their Hive Mind. This means that whenever a Scoratore encounters a living creature, it will immediately know all capabilities of said creature as it accesses the Hive Mind. While this library provides no immediate bonus, it does mean that no racial ability will ever be able to surprise a Scoratore.
- Research Appendages (Ex): The Scoratore are covered in millions of diminutive tentacles that have the capacity to obtain samples of living matter when the Scoratore touches another creature. These samples are then processed inside the body of the Scoratore, giving the creature a good understanding of the anatomy and construction of the creature from which the sample was derived. When a Scoratore has touched another living creature, it starts a process of examining the sample, a process which takes 5 rounds. Once the 5 rounds have passed, the Scoratore has examined the target to such an extent that it is capable of directing its attacks far more accurately at the weak points of the target. The Scoratore will immediately transmit this information across the Hive Mind, giving all Cybrahisks a +2 bonus to attack and damage against that target. This effect is permanent, once the weaknesses of a target has been stored in the Hive Mind it will remain there indefinitely, available to all Cybrahisks. This effect only works against living targets.

- Arcane Library (Ex): The Innovatore have, as the Scoratore have with biological information, stored all information about magic they have come across. Through their cooperation with the Order of a Thousand Eyes, they have seen virtually any spell known. All Innovatore, no matter how lowly, has access to the Hive Mind where this information is stored. This grants the Innovatore a +10 racial bonus to all Spellcraft checks made to identify spells being cast, and all Innovatore can make Spellcraft checks as if though they had been trained in the skill, even if they possess no ranks in it.
- Gesh Shield (Su): All Innovatore have access to the special metal known as Gesh. This metal is a sentient material animated by arcane energy from the homeworld of the Cybrahisks. The metal is not only able to rapidly change from a solid to a liquid state, it is also capable of learning and adapting according to the wishes of the Cybrahisk that controls it. All Innovatore are surrounded by a shield of Gesh metal that will absorb a fixed amount of damage before the shield collapses. The amount of damage that can be absorbed by the Gesh shield is equal to the HD of the Innovatore times three. Once a shield has absorbed the amount of damage it can sustain, it will collapse, rendering the Innovatore vulnerable to damage. The Gesh metal will still be alive and active though, and it will take ten rounds for it to reform and create a new shield after it collapses. The Gesh shield will absorb all types of damage. While the Gesh shield is active, the Cybrahisk will appear to be covered in a flexible, thin layer of dull metal that will harden as soon as any object strikes it. A collapsed Gesh shield will appear as random patches of Gesh metal on the body of the Cybrahisk, constantly slithering across its skin as it reforms.

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Cybrahisk Descriptions

Seed Hive (Young)
Huge Aberration (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 13d8+78 (137 hp)
Initiative: –2
Speed: None (0 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (–2 size, –2 Dex, +15 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+37
Attack: Spike +20 melee (2d6+12/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 Spikes +20 melee (2d6+12/19-20)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Sentinel Bloom, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Cybrahisk Traits, Faction Specific Traits, Hive Memory, Immobile, Spawn Servitors, Tremorsense 120 ft.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +11
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 6, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 12
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +17, Listen +21, Search +20, Sense Motive +19, Spot +22
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Critical (Spike), Weapon Focus (Spike), Weapon Specialization (Spike)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Hive (One young Seed Hive plus 1-4 Defenders, 1-4 Recreaters, 2-8 Gatherers and 1-4 Trackers)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Standard Alignment: Usually lawful neutral (Agoratore and Innovatore) or lawful evil (Crimeatore and Scoratore)
Advancement: 10–18 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Seed Hive (Adult)
Huge Aberration (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 19d8+152 (238 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: None (0 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (–2 size, –3 Dex, +20 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+45
Attack: Spike +28 melee (2d8+15/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 Spikes +28 melee (2d8+15/19-20)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./40 ft.
Special Attacks: Sentinel Bloom, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Cybrahisk Traits, Damage Reduction 5/Force, Faction Specific Traits, Hive Memory, Immobile, Spawn Servitors, Tremorsense 240 ft.
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +15
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 4, Con 26, Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff +24, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +24, Intimidate +24, Listen +28, Search +27, Sense Motive +26, Spot +28
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Spike), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Spike), Weapon Specialization (Spike)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Hive (One adult Seed Hive plus 2-8 Defenders, 3-12 Recreaters, 3-12 Gatherers, 2-8 Trackers and 3-30 Invaders)
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: Standard
Standard Alignment: Usually lawful neutral (Agoratore and Innovatore) or lawful evil (Crimeatore and Scoratore)
Advancement: 20–26 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Seed Hive (Venerable)
Gargantuan Aberration (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 27d8+270 (412 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: None (0 squares)
Armor Class: 34 (–4 size, –3 Dex, +6 deflection, +25 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 34
Base Attack/Grapple: +19/+57
Attack: Spike +37 melee (3d8+18/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 Spikes +37 melee (3d8+18/19-20)
Space/Reach: 25 ft./60 ft.
Special Attacks: Sentinel Bloom, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Cybrahisk Traits, Damage Reduction 7/Force, Faction Specific Traits, Hibernate, Hive Memory, Immobile, Matter Control, Spawn Servitors, Tremorsense 360 ft.
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +6, Will +24
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 4, Con 30, Int 22, Wis 21, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +33, Concentration +40, Craft (one variant, chosen by DM) +36, Diplomacy +33, Intimidate +33, Listen +37, Search +36, Sense Motive +35, Spot +37
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat ReflexesGreat Cleave, Improved Critical (Spike), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Spike), Weapon Specialization (Spike)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (Spike), Epic Will
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Hive (One venerable Seed Hive plus 2-8 Defenders, 4-16 Recreaters, 4-16 Gatherers, 3-12 Trackers, 5-50 Invaders, 1-2 Behemoths, 1-2 Seers)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Standard
Standard Alignment: Usually lawful neutral (Agoratore and Innovatore) or lawful evil (Crimeatore and Scoratore)
Advancement: 28–39 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: -

Seed Hive (Ancient)
Gargantuan Aberration (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 40d8+600 (820 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: None (0 squares)
Armor Class: 46 (–4 size, –3 Dex, +8 deflection, +35 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 46
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+76
Attack: Spike +46 melee (3d10+21/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 Spikes +46 melee (3d10+21/19-20)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./90 ft.
Special Attacks: Sentinel Bloom, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Cybrahisk Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Force, Faction Specific Traits, Fast Healing 15, Hibernate, Hive Memory, Immobile, Matter Control, Spawn Servitors, Telepathy, Tremorsense 480 ft.
Saves: Fort +31, Ref +13, Will +33
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 4, Con 40, Int 26, Wis 25, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +48, Concentration +58, Craft (three variants, chosen by DM) +51, Diplomacy +48, Intimidate +48, Listen +52, Search +51, Sense Motive +50, Spot +52
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (Spike), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus (Spike), Weapon Specialization (Spike)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness (x2), Epic Weapon Focus (Spike), Epic Will, Spell Stowaway (Haste and Time Stop), Tenacious Magic (Dimensional Anchor and Globe of Invulnerability)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Hive (One ancient Seed Hive plus 3-12 Defenders, 3-30 Recreaters, 3-30 Gatherers, 2-20 Trackers, 10-100 Invaders, 1-4 Behemoths, 1-4 Seers, 1-2 Cantankor)
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: Standard
Standard Alignment: Usually lawful neutral (Agoratore and Innovatore) or lawful evil (Crimeatore and Scoratore)
Advancement: 41–50 HD (Gargantuan), 51-70 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

Seed Hive (Progenitor)
Colossal Aberration (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 80d8+1600 (2060 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: None (0 squares)
Armor Class: 67 (–8 size, –3 Dex, +13 deflection, +55 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 67
Base Attack/Grapple: +45/+90
Attack: Spike +76 melee (5d10+31/19-20)
Full Attack: 4 Spikes +76 melee (5d10+31/19-20)
Space/Reach: 40 ft./120 ft.
Special Attacks: Sentinel Bloom, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Cybrahisk Traits, Damage Reduction 20/Force, Fast Healing 30, Hibernate, Hive Memory, Immobile, Matter Control, Progenitor, Spawn Servitors, Telepathy, Tremorsense 600 ft.
Saves: Fort +56, Ref +33, Will +56
Abilities: Str 69, Dex 4, Con 50, Int 36, Wis 35, Cha 30
Skills: Bluff +93, Concentration +103, Craft (Alchemy, Armorsmithing, Bowmaking, Weaponsmithing, Trapmaking) +96, Diplomacy +93, Intimidate +93, Listen +97, Search +96, Sense Motive +95, Spot +97
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (Spike), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus (Spike), Weapon Specialization (Spike)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness (x5), Epic Weapon Focus (Spike), Epic Will, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Penetrate Damage Reduction (Adamantine, Cold Iron and Silver), Spell Stowaway (Haste and Time Stop), Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Magic (Dimensional Anchor and Globe of Invulnerability)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Mother Hive (Progenitor Seed Hive plus 2-20 Defenders, 5-50 Recreaters, 5-50 Gatherers, 3-30 Trackers, 20-200 Invaders, 2-8 Behemoths, 2-8 Seers, 2-12 Cantankor. 50% chance of the Cantankor Sirius being there)
Challenge Rating: 35
Treasure: Standard
Standard Alignment: Lawful neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

The Seed Hives are the core of the Cybrahisk society. Not only are the Seed Hives the brains of the race, they are also the only creature of the race capable of not only reproducing themselves, but also of producing the other variants of Cybrahisks. A Seed Hive consists of three enormous, black, scaled spikes protruding from the ground. The central spike contains the digestion system and brain of the Seed Hive, while the two flanking spikes are pure muscle with a tough chitin spike in the end, used by the Seed Hive for manipulating nearby objects and for self defence. Beneath the ground rests the roots of the Seed Hive, roots that can extend out as far as 300 ft. around the oldest Seed Hives, absorbing nutrients from the ground. The roots are connected to the spawn pods, also located beneath ground, that allows a Seed Hive to procreate. The central spike of the Seed Hive will be from 50 ft. tall in the young hives, to 300 ft. tall in the Progenitor. There seems to be no appearant eyes or ears located on the spikes, yet the Seed Hives have both visual and auditory senses at least as finely tuned as those of humans. It even appears that the hives are capable of hearing sounds outside the auditory range of humans, such as the high-pitch noises emitted by bats.

While the Seed Hives all constitute a hive mind, it seems as if though they still develop individual personalities. A Seed Hive will sometimes even come up with a name for itself to set itself apart from others of its kind. While all Seed Hives work towards the good of the Cybrahisk race, they are still capable of having their own opinions, motives and agendas. The different factions have all evolved to reflect the different viewpoints of the Seed Hives and their hopes for the destiny of the race. All decisions of the race are made by a council of the oldest Seed Hives, the Ghaer council, led by the extremely powerful Progenitor, the archaic Seed Hive that was the first Cybrahisk in Balmortis, the creator of all Cybrahisk that dwells in Balmortis today.

Initially, when the race was first encountered by the goblins, it was thought that the Seed Hives were completely uniform in mindset, as well as asexual due to their special form of reproduction. While this is partially true, many hives have since been encountered that possess traits different from the norm. Some are curious, even playful, when they encounter strangers, whereas others are hostile and aggressive. Some of the young hives have even been known to show something resembling surprise when they encounter creatures unfamiliar to them. This goes against most theory of how a hive-mind works, as surprise should be an emotion unknown to the omnipotent hive-mind. Yet it appears that younger hives do not gain full access to the lore stored in the Cybrahisk hive-mind, and as such are left to figure out many things on their own. It has been speculated that this is a conscious decision made by the race, so that the individual hives can develop on their own, adding to the diversity of the hive-mind as a whole. This is also the reason why the Cybrahisk are able to hide some of their memory and experiences from the hive-mind as a whole, as a means to create individualized progress throughout the network. The race has learnt from bitter experience that while uniformity has some advantages, flexibility and creativity are also admirable traits.

At the core of the Cybrahisk network stands the enormous Seed Hive Progenitor, a creature more than fifty thousand years old. The Progenitor has not only seen all that Balmortis has to offer, it has also seen countless other planes before it settled on this plane. The motives of the Progenitor itself are unknown, but it is known that the Cybrahisk all revere a principle called Ghaer, which roughly translates into the word "destiny". The Progenitor sends out commands across the hive-mind, making sure that all of the individual Seed Hives work towards the same goal. While the Progenitor initially had a desire for total domination over all of Balmortis, it seems that it has now evolved to aspire for a slightly altered version of the original Ghaer. While many have speculated on the goal of the Cybrahisks, it is clear that they have changed their pursuit of domination, having adopted a defensive doctrine in combination with a pursuit of scholarly development. The rising power of the Innovatore faction along with their cooperation with the Order of a Thousand Eyes only seems to support this theory.

While powerful creatures, the Seed Hives are ill-suited for combat, mostly due to their lack of mobility. If engaged, they will rely on their servitors to do the fighting. Most Seed Hives will use the first round of combat to create a Sentinel Bloom, while it orders any mobile Cybrahisks in its vicinity to come to its aid. The Sentinel Bloom will be created so that it blocks the path between the intruders and the hive itself, as spread out as possible to avoid having the Sentinels destroyed by area attacks. The Seed Hives are highly intelligent creatures with access to almost infinite information, information they will utilize in combat. As soon as the initial barrier of Sentinels has been created, the Seed Hives will order the stronger Cybrahisks it commands to circle around its foe in the hope of reaching enemy spellcasters. While this happens, the weaker servitors will stay away while the hive utilizes its Sentinels for defence. Usually, the Recreators and Defenders will be ordered to either assist the Sentinels or guard the hive, depending on what the intruders do. A hive will always prefer to keep at least one Recreator and one Defender close for protection. As soon as the stronger Cybrahisks have engaged enemy spellcaster or ranged attackers, the hive will order the weaker servitors to attack in the hope that the stronger servitors will keep spellcasters capable of area attacks occupied. While leading the attack, the hive will use its spellcasting powers primarily to negate enemy spellcasters and to try and control the opponents through the use of such spells as Charm Monster, Deep Slumber or Forcecage.

Sentinel Bloom (Ex): As a standard action, a Seed Hive that is under attack is capable of quickly spawning a myriad of defensive drones to aid it. These Sentinels are immobile creatures, just as the Seed Hive itself. The area in which a Sentinel Bloom can be created depends on the age of the Seed Hive. A young Seed Hive can create in an area of 30 ft. around it, an adult Seed Hive can create in an area of 45 ft, a venerable can create within 60 ft, an ancient can create within 90 ft and the Progenitor can create a Sentinel Bloom within 150 ft. When a Sentinel Bloom is created, 1d4+4 Sentinels will spawn in an area of 10 ft. around the target location. Emerging from the ground, the Sentinels are under the complete command of the Seed Hive. After a Sentinel Bloom has been created, it will take a number of rounds before the Seed Hive can utilize the ability again, depending on the age of the Seed Hive. A young Seed Hive can create a Sentinel Bloom every 20 rounds, an adult Seed Hive can do it every 10 rounds, a venerable can do it every 7 rounds, an ancient Seed Hive can do it every 5 rounds and the Progenitor can do it every second round. The Sentinels created by the Progenitor will have the Ghaer template applied to them. After a threat has been neutralized, the Seed Hive will usually let the Sentinels die so it can recycle them. There is no upper limit to the amounts of Sentinels one Seed Hive can command at any given time, but no Seed Hives will have Sentinels standing around unless there is an immediate threat present.

Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level equal to the Hit Dice of the Seed Hive. The save DCs are Intelligence based. The spells available depends on the age of the Seed Hive.

At Will - Alarm, Cause Fear, Detect Thoughts
3 / day - Arcane Sight, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic

At Will - Alarm, Arcane Sight, Cause Fear, Detect Thoughts, Dispel Magic
3 / day - Arcane Eye, Charm Monster, Deep Slumber, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Bolt

At Will - Alarm, Arcane Eye, Arcane Sight, Cause Fear, Charm Monster, Deep Slumber, Detect Thoughts, Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt
3 / day - Chain Lightning, Dismissal, Mind Fog, Sending, Wall of Force

At Will - Alarm, Arcane Eye, Arcane Sight, Cause Fear, Chain Lightning, Charm Monster, Deep Slumber, Detect Thoughts, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Mind Fog, Sending, Wall of Force
3 / day - Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion, True Seeing
1 / day - Banishment, Control Weather, Forcecage, Sequester, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Weakness

At Will - Alarm, Antipathy, Arcane Eye, Arcane Sight, Banishment, Cause Fear, Chain Lightning, Charm Monster, Control Weather, Deep Slumber, Detect Thoughts, Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock, Dismissal, Dispel Magic, Forcecage, Gate, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Limited Wish, Mage's Disjunction, Maze, Mind Blank, Mind Fog, Repulsion, Screen, Sending, Sequester, Symbol of Death, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Weakness, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, True Seeing, Wall of Force, Weird

Hibernate (Ex): Seed Hives of age venerable or older have the ability to go into hibernation for prolonged periods of time when they're not needed. It takes 24 hours for a Seed Hive to fully enter hibernation mode once it is initiated. The Seed Hive will burrow deeper into the ground so its spikes are not as exposed as usual. It will cover its spikes with a thick layer of chitin to protect as it lies dormant, granting it a +5 bonus to Natural Armor and Damage Resistance. All servitors of the Seed Hive will burrow around the hive. It takes 1d4+4 rounds for a Seed Hive to leave hibernation, during which it is unable to take any actions.

Hive Memory (Ex): All Seed Hives are connected through a mesh network that gives each individual Seed Hive access to the majority of the memory of all other Seed Hives. This, in effect, gives each Seed Hive max rank in all Knowledge skills for free. A Seed Hive is required to spend 1 full round in meditation to find the relevant information when using the Hive Memory to gain access to a Knowledge skill. The Progenitor, being at the core of this network, does not require to spend any time in meditation to access the information.

Matter Control (Su): Seed Hives of age venerable or above have gained control of any matter in their immediate vicinity, granting them a Deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Intelligence modifier.

Progenitor (Ex): The Progenitor is a special creature, not restricted by the factions of the lower Seed Hives. The Progenitor has the special qualities of all four factions.

Immobile (Ex): The Seed Hive is completely immobile, having spent years burrowing its roots deep into the ground. Not only is the creature incapable of moving by itself, it is also completely immune to any effect or spell that would move it. Even spells such as Teleport Other are incapable of affecting a Seed Hive. The Seed Hive also gains a +10 bonus to all Grapple attempts and it is immune to Bull Rush and Trip attacks.

Spawn Servitors (Ex): A Seed Hive has a number of spawn pods buried beneath the ground in the area around it. These spawn pods have the capacity to create servitor Cybrahisks. The number of pods and the time required to spawn servitors depends on the age of the Seed Hive.

Age Spawn pods
Young 4
Adult 6
Venerable 9
Ancient 12
Progenitor 20

Spawn Time
Age Defender Recreator Gatherer Tracker Invader Behemoth Seer Cantankor Hive Pod
Young 1 hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Adult 45 minutes 45 minutes 90 minutes 2 hours 6 hours Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Venerable 30 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 4 hours 12 hours 12 hours Unavailable 7 days
Ancient 15 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 2 hours 6 hours 6 hours 24 hours 7 days
Progenitor 5 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 45 minutes 2 hours 2 hours 12 hours 3 days

While a servitor is being created, it will be located five to ten feet beneath the ground in the spawn pod. It is possible to attack the spawn pods if you are able to penetrate the ground, but otherwise the spawn pods are immune to attacks. If the Seed Hive is destroyed, all on-going spawn processes will also be stopped. A Seed Hive will rarely be producing servitors at its full capacity when it is not under attack, as such behavior would expend the natural resources of its surroundings too rapidly. A Seed Hive will usually have enough nutrients available to spawn servitors at full capacity for a week, possibly two, before it runs out of nutrients, depending on the richness of the soil around it and the effort of the Gatherers.

Telepathy (Su): Seed Hives of age ancient and the Progenitor can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language within 1000 ft.


First Post
Thanks a lot for the reply Drowbane, always glad that someone appreciates it, had kinda given up hope for a reply, even though I don't blame the forum-goers, a wall of text like that can dissuade anyone ;)

Anyways, going to be posting the other creates of the Cybrahisk race.

Voidrunner's Codex

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