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[Bal, PrC] Glutton


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While all orcs are by nature fond of eating, they have a tendency to avoid obesity by the rigors of their every day lives. An orc tribe, even a prosperous one, will rarely produce enough food for any members of the tribe to grow overweight. In rare events, an orc will find a way to gain access to large amounts of food and indulge himself in gluttony. Such an orc might eventually develop into a glutton, an enormous and bloated creature far more resilient than common orcs. While obesity for normal creatures has little beneficial side-effects, it is a very different case for orcs. They tough tissue and their strong muscles can support more weight than for most creatures and even the fat itself on a glutton is far more durable. The enormous glutton is a very durable foe in combat, used to throwing his weight around to subdue his opponents. While most combatants strive to avoid and dodge enemy attacks, the glutton just ignores the puny weapons of his foes. Amongst orcs, especially large and famous gluttons are revered as heroes. The glutton prestige class is mostly picked by barbarians, fighters or in rare cases monks. It is very rarely picked by other classes.
Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a glutton, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Orc or Red Hand Orc.
Ability Scores: Con 17+
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush.

Class Skills
The glutton’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus: Good (as fighter)
Fort Save: Good (as fighter)
Reflex Save: Bad (as fighter)
Will Save: Bad (as fighter)

Level Special

1 Larger than life, Raving Appetite
2 Oppressive Bulk
3 Intimidating Size, Larger than life
4 Get in my Belly, Oppressive Bulk
5 Armor of Flesh, Larger than life
6 Oppressive Bulk, Foul Guts
7 Larger than life, Stone Belly
8 Get in my Belly, Oppressive Bulk
9 Armor of Flesh, Larger than life
10 Legendary Size, Oppressive Bulk

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the glutton prestige class.

Larger than Life (Ex): At 1st level, and every second level after that, the glutton increases in size from his constant overeating. The weight of the glutton increases by 50 lb, he gains a +1 bonus to his Constitution, a +1 bonus to all Bull Rush, Grapple and Overrun attacks and suffers a -1 penalty to his Dexterity. At level 3 and 7 his movement speed also decreases by 5 ft.

Raving Appetite (Ex): At 1st level, the glutton gains an enormous appetite compared to normal orcs. The glutton must consume twice as much food as a normal orc. If the glutton is unable to locate and devour a sufficient amount of food for a prolonged period of time (48 hours or more), he will temporarily loose all benefits from this prestige class until he is able to eat as he sees fit again. If the glutton gains access to a large food supply again, it will take a full day of eating normally for the power of this prestige class to be regained.

Oppressive Bulk (Ex): At 2nd level, the glutton's enormous size and weight causes him to injure his opponent when he performs special attacks on them. The glutton causes 1d6 points of damage to any opponent he performs a successful Bull Rush, Grapple, Overrun or Trip attack against. At level 4, the damage caused increases to 1d8, at level 6 it increases to 1d10, at level 8 it increases to 2d6 and at level 10 it increases to 2d8.

Intimidating Size (Ex): At 3rd level, the glutton learns to use his great size to intimidate opponents. The glutton may add his Constitution modifier to his Intimidate checks instead of his Charisma modifier.

Get in my Belly (Ex): At 4th level, the glutton is able to quickly regain lost health by eating. By spending a full round action eating, the glutton is healed of 2d6 points of damage. The glutton must have at least 5 lb. of food available to eat to gain the benefit of the special ability. If the glutton chooses, he can eat of a slain foe or friend in his immediate vicinity. The slain foe must be within reach of the glutton for him to eat. The glutton can also eat of a creature that isn't dead but merely incapacitated. Doing so causes an amount of damage to the foe equal to the amount of Hit Points regained by the glutton. At 8th level, the amount of Hit Points regained by using this special ability increases to 4d6. The Get in my Belly ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the glutton's Constitution modifier.

Armor of Flesh (Ex): At 5th level, the pure size of the glutton makes him harder to injure. All damage taken by the glutton is decreased by two points. This applies to both physical as well as magic damage, making it essentially similar to Hardness. The reduction stacks with other types of damage reduction or energy resistance. At 9th level, the amount of damage taken is reduced by four points instead of two points.

Foul Guts (Ex): At 6th level, the foul and acidic guts of the glutton may spill forth when he is seriously injured. Whenever an opponent causes a critical hit on the glutton, the stinking fat and blood of the glutton will spray all over the foe, causing 1d10 points of Acid damage. If damaged by the ability, the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC 12) or catch Filth Fever.

Stone Belly (Ex): At 7th level, the glutton has become so accustomed to eating foul and revolting food that his stomach is capable of digesting almost anything. The glutton becomes immune to diseases or poisons that spread by ingestion.

Legendary Size (Ex): At 10th level, the glutton grows so large that his size is increased by one category. The glutton receives all the penalties and benefits of his increased size. In addition to the normal benefits and hindrances of growing in size, the glutton gains a +2 bonus to his Strength, Constitution and Natural Armor and the weight of the glutton increases by 100 lb.
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First Post
Dude, that's totally gross.

I love it!

The glutton prestige class is mostly picked by barbarians, fighters or in rare cases monks.

That has got to violate some kind of vow. Or maybe it's its own kind of vow...

Feats: Endurance, Improved Bull Rush.

Are you familiar with the Willing Deformity and Deformity (Obese) feats in Book of Vile Darkness. Upon review I see that your PrC gains similar benefits to those feats but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Also, just as a point, you need Power Attack to get Imp. Bull Rush. I'm sure you knew that though.

Larger than Life (Ex): At 1st level, and every second level after that, the glutton increases in size from his constant overeating. The weight of the glutton increases by 50 lb, he gains a +1 bonus to his Constitution, a +1 bonus to all Bull Rush, Grapple and Overrun attacks and suffers a -1 penalty to his Dexterity. At level 3 and 7 his movement speed also decreases by 5 ft.

Combined with the 10th level class feature that is a total Con gain of +7 which is quite a bit. I see that he suffers Dex and Speed penalties to compensate but still. Up to you, just seems a bit high to me especially considering some of the Con based bonuses that show up later.

Get in my Belly (Ex): At 4th level, the glutton is able to quickly regain lost health by eating. By spending a full round action eating, the glutton is healed of 2d6 points of damage. The glutton must have at least 5 lb. of food available to eat to gain the benefit of the special ability. If the glutton chooses, he can eat of a slain foe or friend in his immediate vicinity. The slain foe must be within reach of the glutton for him to eat. The glutton can also eat of a creature that isn't dead but merely incapacitated. Doing so causes an amount of damage to the foe equal to the amount of Hit Points regained by the glutton. At 8th level, the amount of Hit Points regained by using this special ability increases to 4d6.

I'd make the damage equal to the damage bonus gained from Oppressive Bulk, above. Even the lower damage of 2d6 almost ensures the death of a downed opponent and 4d6 (14) is a sure thing.

This is totally a nit-pick but 5 lbs. of food in 6 seconds ceases to be an (Ex) ability. I was just looking at competitive eating records and anything in the 5 pound range is two minutes (baked beans) to twelve minutes (beef tongue). I know it's fantasy but I figured I'd point that out.

Foul Guts (Ex): At 6th level, the foul and acidic guts of the glutton may spill forth when he is seriously injured. Whenever an opponent causes a critical hit on the glutton, the stinking fat and blood of the glutton will spray all over the foe, causing 1d10 points of Acid damage. If damaged by the ability, the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC 12) or catch Filth Fever.

Where did you derive that save DC from? I would have thought you'd go with (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution bonus). Or is that only poison?

Stone Belly (Ex): At 7th level, the glutton has become so accustomed to eating foul and revolting food that his stomach is capable of digesting almost anything. The glutton receives a +5 bonus to any Saving Throws made to resist diseases or poisons that spread by ingestion.

That's a feat isn't it? Iron Guts or some such thing. I'd go with total immunity. That way if you ever wanted to poison one of these guys you'd have to starve him for two days then administer the poison. But I guess that's just the way my sheet twists.

Overall, pretty cool. It's kinda gross, kinda funny and definitely usable. I might yoink this for my Ravenloft game. There's no orcs in Ravenloft though so maybe I'll give it to... a halfling!!! Mwahahaha... :eek:


First Post
Thanks a lot for the reply, good thing you like it! I got the inspiration a bit from Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movies as well as the ogres from the Warhammer setting.

That has got to violate some kind of vow. Or maybe it's its own kind of vow...

I was actually pondering that quite a bit, if any monk would ever take the class. I figured that since there's a alcohol-based monk PrC, a gluttony based one might be usable as well, even though its hard to imagine your standard monk taking the class.

Are you familiar with the Willing Deformity and Deformity (Obese) feats in Book of Vile Darkness. Upon review I see that your PrC gains similar benefits to those feats but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Also, just as a point, you need Power Attack to get Imp. Bull Rush. I'm sure you knew that though.

I actually don't have the BoVD, have read it a little bit from my friend's shelf. Might have used them as prerequisite feats if I had seen them.

Combined with the 10th level class feature that is a total Con gain of +7 which is quite a bit. I see that he suffers Dex and Speed penalties to compensate but still. Up to you, just seems a bit high to me especially considering some of the Con based bonuses that show up later.

Yeah, that bonus is one of the big reasons why I posted it, since I wasn't sure if it was overpowered or not. While the glutton has some serious problems with anyone able to "kite" him around and keep at a distance, I still wonder if it is too powerful or not. I can hardly imagine a melee-based PrC that would be able to handle the glutton head-on, but I also imagine that many mobility-based characters would be able to easily keep out of distance. I wouldn't mind having additional opinions about this, if it is too powerful or not.
Actually, the only ability that becomes dependent on Constitution is the "Intimidating Size" where the glutton can use his Con modifier for intimidate instead of Charisma.

I'd make the damage equal to the damage bonus gained from Oppressive Bulk, above. Even the lower damage of 2d6 almost ensures the death of a downed opponent and 4d6 (14) is a sure thing.

This is totally a nit-pick but 5 lbs. of food in 6 seconds ceases to be an (Ex) ability. I was just looking at competitive eating records and anything in the 5 pound range is two minutes (baked beans) to twelve minutes (beef tongue). I know it's fantasy but I figured I'd point that out.

Now that I think of it, I agree that it should be a (Su) ability, not only because of the amount of food involved, but also due to the healing received. I actually did consider that it would be quite damaging to an incapacited character, I compared it to Coup de Grace which is an automatic critical, with sneak attack bonus damage added in and a fort save to avoid dying even if you survive the quite masssive damage. It is also a full round action, but provokes an AoO, perhaps if the ability also provoked an AoO?

Where did you derive that save DC from? I would have thought you'd go with (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Constitution bonus). Or is that only poison?

Actually, the DC is simply derived from the DMG-listed standard DC for Filth Fever. I didn't want to boost up the DC from the base, since the possibility of Filth Fever isn't a "really" important aspect of the ability, just a "thematic" thing.
That's a feat isn't it? Iron Guts or some such thing. I'd go with total immunity. That way if you ever wanted to poison one of these guys you'd have to starve him for two days then administer the poison. But I guess that's just the way my sheet twists.

I actually did think about making it pure immunity, but I have a bit of a "pet peeve" with immunities, since occasionally you see people making classes that can bypass immunities. In my games, I hardly ever give immunities. Besides, a +5 bonus, in addition to the high fort save of the class and the substantial Con bonus, I don't think you'll see the Glutton having big problems with ingested poison or disease.

Overall, pretty cool. It's kinda gross, kinda funny and definitely usable. I might yoink this for my Ravenloft game. There's no orcs in Ravenloft though so maybe I'll give it to... a halfling!!! Mwahahaha...

Again, thanks alot! Glad you like it. Naturally it says "orc only", but thats merely a thematic thing for my own campaign, don't see anything wrong with using it for any race. And the thought of a hafling with the PrC is quite amusing.. a mix between Mini-Me and Fat Bastard!


First Post


I hate seeing endurance as a requirement, honestly it's just payment for a PrC. I'd just make it PA and IBR, or as mentioned before the vile darkness feats. Possibly open it up to other races depending on campaign.

'Class Skills'

What no tumble? I'd love to see it as a form of bull rush! Add in swim (float) as a class skill. Or profession chef! And why listen and spot? A glutton doesn't seem a very... perceptive thing to be.

'Larger than Life (Ex):'

-5 dex is pretty hefty, when added to the large change it's -7! The speed cut isn't so bad, but

'Oppressive Bulk (Ex):'

Given that they go size Large the increase in damage should likely be higher at 10th. Though I wonder why bull rush is one of the moves that does this bonus damage.

'Get in my Belly (Ex):'

Great ability, but perhaps a x/day instead of at will. And yeah, Su for sure.

'Armor of Flesh (Ex):'

At this point it would be easier to call it Hardness (softness, roundness?) so it autostacks, and doesn't require any additional explaination.

'Foul Guts (Ex):'


'Stone Belly (Ex):'

I'd make this a blanket immunity.

Legendary Size (Ex):

This makes the guy... big. 2,100 just from the PrC, for roughly 3,300 base weight as opposed to a normal large orc of 1,200


First Post
Hiya Notmousse, and thanks for the reply!

I hate seeing endurance as a requirement, honestly it's just payment for a PrC. I'd just make it PA and IBR, or as mentioned before the vile darkness feats. Possibly open it up to other races depending on campaign.

I have to admit, I'm not a fan of Endurance, was thinking of making it Great Fortitude, which would though be a bit easy for orcs since its a bonus racial feat in my campaign. I'm a bit reluctant to use splat-book feats as prerequisites (even more so with books I don't own). I don't see anything wrong with someone using the Glutton as a PrC for other races than orcs, it could easily be made to fit another race with a good background.

'Class Skills'

What no tumble? I'd love to see it as a form of bull rush! Add in swim (float) as a class skill. Or profession chef! And why listen and spot? A glutton doesn't seem a very... perceptive thing to be.

Yeah, Class Skills have, to be honest, always been a rather weak point for me, always have trouble figuring out the right ones. I agree that Swim should be added and listen and spot might not be good as skills. About tumble, I have a harder time envisioning that on a PrC that gets a hefty Dex penalty.

'Larger than Life (Ex):'

-5 dex is pretty hefty, when added to the large change it's -7! The speed cut isn't so bad, but

I agree that the Dex penalty is quite hefty, I did considered adding a minimum Dex, for example 3, that you can never go below. I wanted the penalty to be considerable so I could give the Glutton the very potent defensive powers, including the high Constitution, to make it stand out more from creatures without the PrC. One of my players who was considering using it actually made the opposite statement, that the Con bonus was too large compared to the movement / Dex penalty. I wouldn't at all mind additional comments on this topic.

'Oppressive Bulk (Ex):'

Given that they go size Large the increase in damage should likely be higher at 10th. Though I wonder why bull rush is one of the moves that does this bonus damage.

There is actually a damage increase at 10th level, going from 2d6 to 2d8, or did you mean even more damage than that? I basically added the damage to all attacks that include a significant amount of bodily contact. Since the Glutton doesn't gain any significant Strength bonus (except for the small bonus granted at level 10), he wouldn't do more damage when bull rushing otherwise, which would seem a bit odd, considering the damage you could imagine from being bull rushed by someone five times bigger than you.

'Get in my Belly (Ex):'

Great ability, but perhaps a x/day instead of at will. And yeah, Su for sure.

Thanks, and yeah, I'll edit my post above right after I post this, and make it SU. I think I'll make the x/day equal to the Con modifier of the Glutton, that way it automatically increases as you progress in the PrC without needing further detail.

'Armor of Flesh (Ex):'

At this point it would be easier to call it Hardness (softness, roundness?) so it autostacks, and doesn't require any additional explaination.

I think mentioning that it basically operates like Hardness might be a good idea (but I would keep the rest of the description, its not overly complex and would be a good thing to have there, to make sure the ability is correctly interpreted).

'Foul Guts (Ex):'


Yeah! Groce and gritty, just so people don't confuse this PrC with some "pretty" obese thing, like a sumo wrestler :p

'Stone Belly (Ex):'

I'd make this a blanket immunity.

Well, you're the second person to suggest that, so I think I'll change that as well.

Legendary Size (Ex):

This makes the guy... big. 2,100 just from the PrC, for roughly 3,300 base weight as opposed to a normal large orc of 1,200

Exactly, I want this guy to end up being inhumanly big, big in a way that you wouldn't imagine a "real" human being without being severely hampered by it.

Anyways, going to alter the original post a little bit to take the advice into account. And stay tuned, I'll have a picture of the Glutton posted relatively soon, got a rather competent painter and friend of mine working on it.


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As promised, my buddy finished the drawing of the Glutton, ended up quite decent.


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