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Bane of the Tradeways tips?


Here are some notes I wrote for the Los Angeles judge crowd.

General: This scenario has two plot tracks based on whether the PCs support the Red Plumes or attack them as bandits. Don’t push them to either track, but they do have to choose a side.

Print page 12 as a handout (6 copies).

Part 1: The introductory fight is meant to be quick. Rather than rolling attacks for NPC on NPC, here are some numbers:
RP Patrol attacking Thug does 7 damage.
RP Cavalry attacking Thug does 10 damage.
Thug attacking RP does 5 damage (8 with advantage).
Thug attacking RP Cavalry can basically be ignored.

The thugs flee if 3 are dropped (and are the enemy). The Red Plumes flee if two drop (and are the enemy).

Part 2-3 Caravan Fight as Guards: The bandits are supposed to fight the combination of PCs and RP (one RP Patrol arrives after the caravan stops). Then, surviving RP attack the PCs at the Shrine (p.17). Note: The RP are probably alternatively supposed to attack after the caravan is stopped (p.16) and that fight is resolved.

Streamlining: Ignore all RP and two Thugs, then judge the surviving RP based on how well the PCs did. Generally, use only 3 RP Patrol for the Shrine attack.

Part 2-3 Caravan Fight as Bandits: The bandits are only mentioned in tactics, so use noncombat bandits as you wish to climb on wagons and move them to a different range category. Make it interesting.

Duergar: The characters are entitled to a short rest before this encounter.

Rewards: RP Patrol are erroneously listed as 100XP. This should be 200XP.

Missing stat block: The Spy (paste it in from another module)

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And some additional observations:
NPC vs. NPC fights are boring. They can happen in two places, so spend as little time on those mechanics as possible. The Red Plumes are fewer in number but tougher than the bandits, so keep that in mind when you choose a method of streamlining.
I've been at tables that have chosen each side, so I don't agree that the choice in the first fight is inevitable. I'm sure the Red Plumes are the likelier enemy. It bothers me, though, that siding with them is a "wrong" choice, though. If you help the RP, they turn on you in Part 3 at least part of the time - the flowchart for the plot is very messy.
That said, I like the opportunities for choice in this module. Much better than the railroads we've been seeing recently.


Id just like to state that I played this, this week at a new location with a new dm and new players.


Gullible Brother Jasom was accompanied by Freeloader the Cleric, Ollimas the Drow Fighter and Fasty Fisty the Gnome Monk.

We had all heard of trouble from the Bandits attacking Caravans in the area (we had no LA or Zhent). After an interesting opening scene of us staying at an inn and then travelling, we had the Plumes ride by, we followed walking behind them to come to the battle between both sides.

After Rolling Init, the Cleric was first and he shot at a Bandit (because Bandits are bad!). Keep in mind, I ran this a couple of weeks prior, I told the DM and said I would hang back a bit. So Freeloader really made the choice for us. .. Then it was on. I was jumping around kicking people, and we managed to strike a deal with the Red plumes who didnt like that we had nonhumans in the group (Human me, Drow, Gnome and Wood elf).

The DM was having a few issues with working out how many enemies to put out, but decline my offer of help. He wanted to work it out. As such our 1pm start actually ended with us finishing just after 6pm (we also didnt have time for the very last encounter).

Id also like to point out that the DM didnt know that it was supposed to be a 2 hour scenario, because the front of it said 4. I wasnt aware that he wasnt aware... I just assumed he knew that it could run long which is why the event time was for 4 hours. Either way, this just puts more credence on the fact that we must start to update the pdfs with the correct details and not expect someone to hunt down the errata faq.

We all still had a great time (Fasty Fisty died due to horse related issues and him attempting to jump from a horse to another during the chase. He got cut down and left behind as we couldnt go back for him (enemy in the way and some of us were riding on the wagons).

Even though we didnt finish the scenario, I just found it great that we now have another location willing to run Expeditions.

I have also started to realise that Perth is a huge area and I was a long way from home at this location. Hopefully we can find a second LC for this area someday as its not a location I can get to on a regular basis

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First Post
Thanks to everyone for their nuggets of wisdom. Ran the adventure today (our store does casual play on Sundays) with three players. All three were level one so I had to tone down the encounters and it still was a nailbiter.

I had the three players decide on a course of action prior to running into the battle. One of the characters was a smuggler by trade and had a prior run-in with the Red Plumes. He convinced the other two that helping the Bandits was a more "noble cause."

The most exciting part of the module was the chase scene. The first level wizard came up with an innovative solution, he put Sir Reginald's horse to sleep. The momentary lapse was enough to throw the Red Plume Officer off of his horse and off the back of the caravan as the wagons and mounts continued to gallop away. The characters and the bandits were able to take care of the rest of the Plumes and were able to free the prisoners.

Once everyone was free, they journeyed a little farther to put more distance between themselves and Hillsfar and pulled off at the Roadside Shrine (little did they know...). The smuggler (rogue) did not need a rest and decided to hide in the trees and keep watch while the other two characters, and prisoners, tried to get a long rest.

Sure enough, halfway through the long rest, walking into the shrine area was a very bruised and battered Sir Reginald. As he saw his "cargo" resting next to the wagons, the rogue jumped him with a sneak attack. As Sir Reginald bellowed, "This has got to be the worst day of my life!" The rogue rolled a critical hit and finished him off with his dagger.

The players really enjoyed the session as they were able to break in new characters, giving their Out of the Abyss characters a rest this week.



I'm the Straw Man in your argument
I play at a FLGS that's running Out of those Abyss on two tables. Ran this a few weeks ago since the regular DM couldn't make it that day. Tomorrow, I will run it again for the other table since that DM will miss the session.

Here's the Recap of my previous session with Bane of the Tradeways. We didn't follow the book exactly, but we finished in about 2 hours 30 minutes, iirc.


  • Druuk
  • Eluman
  • Nixom
  • Kalrissa

  • Quest Giver: Faction representative in Elventree
  • Enemies: Duergar and Death Dogs.
  • Neutral Parties: Red Plumes and Bandits.

Side note: Instead of using phrases like “the Gang” or “the Party”, I decided to make a name using the first letters of your characters’ names (DENK). I did this for no good reason.

DENK was asked to investigate bandit and slaver activity in the area around “The Stop,” a caravan waystation between Hillsfar and Yulash. After being harassed by bigoted humans on the outskirts of Hillsfar, DENK encountered a group of Red Plumes being ambushed by bandits about 10 miles away from The Stop.

Bandits, hiding in the thick limbs of a huge tree, had lassoed a Red Plume and were trying to choke the life out of the poor guy. DENK, unsure of which side to take, attacked both sides. The bandits fled the scene after losing a couple of men. The Red Plumes left without much comment since the Captain did not appreciate the attacks on his men, even though DENK had managed to save the choking guard.

DENK questioned the bandit casualties, determined that the bandits were the good guys, and decided to find their leader (a dwarf named Dumb Karl). Karl plopped down a sack of gold and asked DENK to capture a wagon caravan suspected of carrying illicit goods. DENK agreed and headed out immediately.

DENK found the armored wagon train on the road to Yulash near a place called The Shrine. From what I remember, Thunderwave played a big role in stopping the wagons by knocking the driver and passenger out of the wagon. DENK circled back around and fought a pitched battle against Red Plumes and a Mage. DENK defeated them without taking casualties. Slaves were discovered within the wagons. DENK helped the captives back to The Stop and felt inspired.

While resting and healing at The Stop, Dumb Karl found DENK in a tavern and plopped down another sack of gold and asked DENK to deal with Duergar at The Shrine. Apparently, the Plumes were going to sell the captives to these guys. DENK agreed.

Using the armored wagons and disguises to pose as slavers, DENK managed to gain surprise on the Duergar. DENK managed to beat the slavers without taking casualties. A shield and a couple of potions were found with some gold.

Adam La Spata

First Post
My only running so far of Bane ran for 3.5 hours. (but I padded it out so it felt like it ran to almost the length of a normal scenario).

I flubbed up the Chase, but managed to make it look like I didnt and people seemed to have a good time. As Ive stated many times before Im definetly not a fan of chases.


Has anyone actually had a table that sided WITH the Red Plumes? A lot of people seem to metagame that they are really bad people and by this time most groups if they have been playing in order would have a foul view of them


I just ran this adventure last night and my players sided with the Red Plumes (though they suspected shenanigans). Plus, the chase felt less like a high-speed pursuit and more like a mechanics-laden slog fest. I made cheat sheets for my players and we all used minis but I might streamline the chase in order to make more out of the final fight (plus the FLGS at which I was DMing wanted to close up shop).

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