Barsoom Tales I - COMPLETE

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Have I ever said that? :lol: So, what's your plan now? Archive all these story posts and start a new thread for the new season? Or pile it up on top of this one? And are we ever going to get the prequel? I noticed your website has a "Pilot Episode" which you have not documented in a Story Hour format.
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Unattainable Ideal
I don't have a plans to do the earlier adventures -- there isn't much to tell, honestly.

Other than Isaac cutting off a man's head in a public duel, the sad and sorry death of Maeve the blue-haired pirate woman, Collette's ability to completely bamboozle our heroes made manifest, early manifestations of the twisted ways of Matai Shang, and the actual reason why Arrafin is with this crowd of misfits and malcontents.

So, not so much.

But heck, I've got lots more to tell with the current storyline, plus Pirates, and last week the Angels got back together to kick a whole loaf of bad guy butt, so I've got enough story hour writing to keep me occupied, thanks awfully.


I WAS planning to keep it all in this thread but I know more people join in when they see they don't have post after post to try and catch up on. Hm...

Yeah, there's a point, and I'm not sure if you're there or not yet, where it's better to start a "Chapter II" thread afresh rather than keep piling on the old thread. A lot of the other story hours I've followed in the past have done so successfully, like drnuncheon's piratey urban adventures and the like.


Great update! It really reads like a series' end, what with new events throwing their shadows on the wall while our heroes look back at what they wrought.

I'd also start a new thread for the second season - and please, start it soon :)


Herder of monkies
Loved the last update.

And the swashbuckling cards are a hoot; very cool stuff there.

Looking forward to Chapter II.

Sir Elton

First Post
Joshua Dyal said:
Sweet! I'm jealous, too! I've rarely had the patience to tell a story in media res without interrupting it for all kinds of background! This is well-written and compelling. Keep it coming!
I don't see the big deal. Here, I thought Barsoomcore was a writer like . . . TS Eliot. But looking at his writing, he uses regular language, like ERB did. But then, I guess that what makes it good.

Barsoomcore, you're a regular joe writer, writing for the demos. Do not ever become a writer like the one who wrote "The Great Gatsby." I never read that book, but if the Intellectual Elite is hailing it as great, then it must be very bad. flowery prose as all get out might win points for them, but the demos wants something they'd enjoy.

Keep it up!

Warrior Poet

Sir Elton said:
Do not ever become a writer like the one who wrote "The Great Gatsby." I never read that book, but if the Intellectual Elite is hailing it as great, then it must be very bad. flowery prose as all get out might win points for them, but the demos wants something they'd enjoy.

You might enjoy The Great Gatsby, actually. There's a lot going on in it, but "flowery prose as all get out" isn't one of them, I'd say. The language is a little dated (it was published in 1925), but flowery . . . nah, that's not how I'd describe it. It's actually got some interesting stuff going on: deception, betrayal, class conflict, sex (not terribly explicit by today's standards, you understand), boozing, cool cars, the decadence of excessive wealth, corruption, murder . . . . ;)

On the other hand, it is a tragic story of love and loss, so if that's not your style either, then I'd stay away, definitely. :D

All of which is odd, because I'm not a big fan of the book, myself. And it's partly because I don't like Fitzgerald's style of writing much. So, maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about.

barsoomcore, I finally got caught up in through the text files you posted at the beginning. Excellent stuff! Can't wait to read more.


Warrior Poet


Unattainable Ideal
Sir Elton said:
If the Intellectual Elite is hailing it as great, then it must be very bad.
Well, I guess it depends on what you call the Intellectual Elite. Harold Bloom? See, here you and I part ways cause if Dr. Bloom's hailing something as great, in my experience it usually is. On the other hand, there's the late Jacques Derrida. I don't know how you'd even be able to tell if Mr. Derrida was approving or disapproving of something, anyway, so I guess it probably doesn't matter.

I like lots of writers. ERB is certainly gifted, and A Princess of Mars is great fun book. But then so is The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and so is The Cinnamon Peeler's Wife, and so is Death in the Afternoon, and so is The House at Pooh Corner.

Rejecting ANYTHING sight unseen is a bad idea. Read stuff and decide if you like it. Don't worry if the prose is flowery or not. Do you like it? Do other people? If you find people's opinions are different than your own, find out why. Could be you'll discover something in that "flowery prose" that speaks to you, if only somebody will point it out to you.

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