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Barsoom Tales II: Romance, Revolution and BLOODY REVENGE!!! -- COMPLETE


Unattainable Ideal
Hey folks

Sorry for the long silence. I'm working on an update now, but my life got very interesting over the past month. Hopefully some tedium lies in store for me now...

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First Post
Glad to know you haven't given up on the story hour, barsoomcore. I just recently got caught up after a bit of a hiatus, and I really, really want to know how this all ends up. My guess is that our heroes will all be vampire chow sooner or later, but I'm still holding out hope that one or two might survive long enough to become an evil minion in a future campaign. Which leads me to wonder, are you still running games set in Barsoom, or have you moved on to something new?


Unattainable Ideal
My guess is that our heroes will all be vampire chow sooner or later
Where the term "chow" has a couple of possible interpretations, of course...

Avarice said:
Are you still running games set in Barsoom, or have you moved on to something new?
Barsoom carried on for another two seasons after this one, but for reasons that will become apparent, it was never the same again.

I am planning a "reunion" game to bring this crew back together -- set thousands of years in the future, our heroes are summouned from the paths of the dead to save the world again... But they return as über-powered Exalted-style characters.

Since we are now spread across two continents, there are some logistical challenges to overcome...


Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 9

"We could torture him."

Etienne, Elena, Arrafin and Isaac considered the Kishak assassin Etienne had captured. He lay unmoving, bound enthusiastically if not efficiently in masses of rope.

"Have you ever tortured anyone before?"

Etienne shrugged at Elena's sour question.

"How hard could it be? Break a finger or something, ask a few questions."

"Somehow I don't love the idea of just breaking a helpless man's fingers."

They all stared down at the assassin. He didn't offer to break his own fingers for them.

Arrafin squatted down and studied the man more closely.

"Hi. My name's Arrafin. Why were you trying to kill me?"

He made no response.

Everyone started when Arrafin drew a knife. She turned the blade over in her hand, watching the light of the lantern flash around the dark hold.

"I don't really know how to use this. But I'm pretty sure I can cut your throat with it. Are you sure you don't want to talk to me?"

The assassin remained mute, staring into the darkness.

Arrafin shrugged.


She drew the blade across his throat and stepped back as he thrashed and convulsed, breath hissing out of the terrible crimson slash.

"Arrafin! What the hell? Arrafin?"

The Naridic girl watched her victim die then wiped her knife clean on a bit of sacking in the hold. She pointed at the body.

"Cut his head off and bring it up on the deck."

She left, her little owl riding carefully on her shoulder. The others looked at each other.

"Great," said Etienne, "Now we've got our own insane sorceress."



"We probably could have figured that out on our own. Kishak assassins? Probably Nevakada."

"You're so smart, Etienne, you ask the next question."

"Guys, we need to focus."

"Shut up, Arrafin. This is all your fault, anyway. What were you thinking?"

"Look, they're trying to kill me, so I get to ask. Also it's my spell. Now hang on."

"Ask him why they're trying to kill you."

"He'll just say because he was told to. Severed heads are very literal."

At last Arrafin stepped over to the deck rail where Isaac had affixed the Kishak's decapitated head. Captain Mateo and his crew tried not to notice the gruesome scene.

"Why does the Nevakada want me dead?"

"All unauthorized sorcerers must die."

"They must have picked you up in Al-Tizim."

"Great. So not only is the entire Kishak empire is after us, they can somehow send assassins after us in the middle of the frigging ocean. Fantastic."

"I take it back, Arrafin. It's all Nevid's fault."

Arrafin only rolled her eyes at Elena and addressed the head once more.

"What were those demon creatures?"

"Spirits bound to whoever cracks the vial."



"Wait, that wasn't a question. Oh, damn..."

Arrafin slumped as the head lost all animation and keeled over. She swore emphatically enough to raise Isaac's eyebrows.

"I'm always doing that."

Elena got a thoughtful look on her face, and then Farouk appeared next to her.

"What does my mistress command?"

"Do you recall the beasts you fought here earlier today?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Were they spirits like you?"

"Less powerful, but yes, mistress. They are the same form of sentience."

Arrafin came forward.

"Why less powerful?"

Farouk bowed to her.

"To bind a spirit requires a great will. Great wisdom, to not be fooled or distracted. Great focus. Great strength. The greater the mortal will, the more powerful the spirit that can be bound."

"You were bound by Suelekar ben Azan, right?"

"He was very powerful, and so he was able to bind me. A lesser man would have failed and I would have consumed him."

Elena and Arrafin exchanged a look.

"Is the Sleeping King more powerful than you?"

"In a sense, yes, mistress. But the Sleeping King is not entity of himself. He is part of a larger entity, that collection you refer to as the Tarn. Their binding is the most powerful I have ever seen. Truly, I cannot imagine the mortal soul great enough to bind them to the rocks of this land."

"The Tarn are a single entity? But there's thousands of them."

"Mistress, the statement is irrelevant."


"I cannot explain it any further to you, mistress. I have no gift to explain. But what you experience as a multitude is in fact a single entity, yes."

Isaac shook his head.

"Has anyone noticed that the more powerful anyone is, the crazier they are?"

Farouk bowed to the Saijadani.

"The correlation is not coincidental. As an entity's power grows, its relationship with the world around it changes. A sufficient power disparity between entities renders their worldviews so different no common basis for understanding exists, and the decision-making of one becomes opaque to the other."


Elena interrupted Isaac's thoughtful response.

"Speaking of which, we need to visit those guys. We've got their Magreb now, weren't they going to tell us how to get her to the Sleeping King? Farouk, can you take us to the Tarn?"

"My assistance is unnecessary, mistress. They have arrived."

"Oh, look at them. They brought pants this time, at least."

"You should hide me, mistress. They will find me interesting."


Alongside the ship a strange island rose from the dark waves. No broader than their ship was long, it was neatly covered in perfect lawn of close-cropped grass, with a single oak tree rising in the middle. All across the island capered strange creatures of all size, some no bigger than infants, others towering twice the height of a man. They were either bestial and misshapen, or unearthly in alluring slender forms, and all of them seemed very happy to see the ship arriving.

Isaac turned to Captain Mateo.

"What is this island?"

The captain shook his head.

"You folks are the ones who handle the weird stuff. I just sail."

"I think we need to go ashore."

"Better you than me."


"Welcome. Welcome. You are most welcome, Beloved."

Arrafin stepped sideways to avoid what appeared to be a number of child-size insects dancing on their hind legs. She frowned at her hostess, a young woman who would have been lovelier if she were not apparently formed out of the bark of cedar tress.

"Why do you call me that? Beloved?"

"Because you are the Beloved of the Beauteous One. We honour--"

The bark-woman stopped speaking when Arrafin gestured violently. The Naridic girl attempted to laugh.

"Ha. Ha ha. Well. Isn't that amusing. Yes. Let's not mention that anymore, okay? Bad idea. Just don't bring it up."

"As you wish."

"Thank you."


Arrafin ground her teeth and marched over to where her friends were being seated. The island appeared a great deal bigger once you were on it, she noted. They now found themselves in a sort of great cathedral formed of living trees, their boughs high over head forming thick arches between which spreads of green leaves filtered the sunlight dappling through.

Horns sounded. Excited weird folks began scattering as through their capering midst came the tall figures of Ugwyrdin, the antlered king, and his horned-but-somehow-still-gorgeous queen. The pair strode arm-in-arm up to the table. Isaac stood and bowed, doing his best to feel not at all ridiculous. He couldn't look at the woman.

"You have not brought HER. Will you not fulfill your part of the bargain?"

Elena managed to speak first. At least they were wearing clothes this time.

"Oh no, we'll bring her. We just. Well. We've got Magreb, but she's not what we were expecting."

She gestured to Isaac, who stared for a second then yanked out the sword that hung at his belt.

The creatures all around burst into song, waving happily as if to an old friend reunited. The Queen smiled.

"That is she. Now you may bring her to her father, and deliver them both to peace. He is seeking her always, but once he has found her, his will to seek shall ebb."

"Oh. Great. That makes perfect sense. So we need to take this sword to the Sleeping King?"

"And plunge it into his breast."

Etienne continued gaping at the Queen as he sniffed.

"Remember the days when we sold guns to back-stabbing traitors? I miss those days."

The Queen's smile faded.

"Now. Where is SHE? You must bring her to us."

"Well, we..."

Elena trailed off as Arrafin gestured urgently. The mortal friends put their heads together and the Naridic girl hissed.

"Should we bring her? I think she can handle them."

"Handle them? What are you talking about?"

"In case this is a trap. I think she'll be okay, don't you? She's more powerful than them."

"Oh yeah, that's what we're really worried about here, Arrafin. Whether or not the ten-thousand-year-old vampire who slaughters innocents for fun will be okay."


Elena broke in.

"Arrafin, how would we bring her here, anyway? We don't have any more of those crystal rods like the one Kani gave us."

"Yeah, I have a couple. But do we think we should?"

"Where did you--"

"Do you think we should?"

Elena smiled over at the Queen. The entire court was watching them carefully, and it seemed that some of the good will they'd arrived with had maybe begun to evaporate. The Queen spoke.

"Bring HER."

"Yes. Do it."

Arrafin rummaged in her bag and withdrew a slim rod about a handspan in length of transparent crystal.

"This will bring the Beauteous One to you. Shall I bring her now?"

"Yes. Yes. Bring HER. Bring HER to us. Let us see HER again."

Arrafin snapped the rod. Dark shadows whirled out of the broken ends, and with a dramatic flourish, the towering figure of Yuek Man Chong appeared.

The bizarre horde on all sides gasped and fell to their names, crying out in rapture.

The Queen and King bowed.

Arrafin cried out. At first Elena didn't understand what had startled her friend but then Madame Yuek gave a similar cry, one of shock and disbelief and Elena looked up to see her clutching at her own face.

A face of warm skin the colour of almonds, that gave softly to the pressure of her fingers. Madame Yuek fell to her knees.



Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 10


Madame Yuek looked up at Arrafin's astonished cry.

"Darling, look at me."

She stared at her hands and shrieked.

"I'm human!"

The mortal friends exchanged confused glances. Elena kept an eye on the advancing hordes of the Tarn, who seemed far more pleased with the sudden turn of events that she was comfortable with.

"So... about Magreb? We just take her to the Sleeping King and stick him with her? Yeah? So we can go now?"

"You have brought HER to us. You are blessed. Eat with us. Dance with us."

Nevid shot to his feet, his head shaking violently.

"No. Never eat. Never dance. We should go. We should go now."

Isaac nodded, very carefully not looking at the Tarn Queen. He grabbed Etienne's shoulder and, catching Elena's eye, began moving the whole group back towards the lane of arcing rowan trees they'd entered by.

Arrafin, paying no attention to her friends, rushed to where Madame Yuek knelt in stunned stillness. The suddenly-former vampire raised her eyes, and then her face contorted in a terrible expression of fury. She rose and faced the approaching Tarn, pulling Arrafin up beside her. The lacy tendrils of her elaborate costume waved around them both.

"What have you done? What have you done to me?"

They smiled and laughed, dancing ever closer.

Nearly at the rowan trees, Isaac looked back and saw Arrafin's slight figure standing beside the statuesque form of Madame Yuek. He groaned, pushed a still-dazed Etienne into Elena's hands and rushed back into the grove.

"Come. Come dance with us."

Madame Yuek took in her surroundings for the first time.

"There's no connection to Shadow here. We must be in the Dream Worlds. We have to leave."

"No, no. You must stay. You shall stay with us."

The King laughed.

Isaac tried to sidle inconspicuously up to his friend, brushing at various ribbons and silks of Madame Yuek's outfit.

"You are bereft of sorcery and all the invulnerability it brings you. You are powerless here, Beauteous One, and you shall remain among us."

"Powerless? Me? Oh dear me, no. Allow me to illustrate how mistaken you are."

Isaac had just reached out to clasp Arrafin's shoulder when Madame Yuek raised her arms. Her gown's uncountable tendrils shot outwards in all directions, tearing creatures apart. The sorceress laughed in a wild frenzy as the Tarn fled into the trees, and she gestured to where the King and Queen stood. Rippling hungry tentacles shot towards them.

"Arrafin, let's go."

Isaac paid no attention to the skinny girl's protests as the royal couple began to shriek and thunderous blasts of prismatic energy hurtled across the grove. He threw her over his shoulder and ran for it. Etienne had stopped staring at the Queen and he and Elena waited only for Isaac to get clear of the sudden explosions of mystical violence before turning and fleeing themselves. Nevid of course was already far up the lane and emerging into the sunlight back on the island.

"We have to help her!"

"Arrafin, there is nobody back there who needs our help."


Unable to actually wrench herself free, Arrafin at least managed to put up enough of a fight that Isaac had to stop. He found himself at the edge of the forest, looking across the green sward of the island at the Wavereaver swaying at its anchor. Elena and Etienne and Nevid all stood a short distance away, eyes wide.

Behind him, the dreadful noise of sorcery seemed to have stopped. He hung on to Arrafin to prevent her from dashing back into the grove.

"Arrafin -- "

"No, look. She's coming."

Dread in his heart, Isaac turned and saw the tall figure of Madame Yuek emerging from the darkness of the grove. She moved without her usual stately elegance, obviously struggling with the weight of her outrageous gown and hairdo. To his dismay, she appeared uninjured.

"It's okay, darling. I'm. I'm alright."

The former vampire stopped just inside the last ring of trees, facing Isaac and Arrafin. Isaac was startled to realise she was a young woman, younger than him, not much older than Arrafin. Her skin had a similar warm cast to it as the Blood Sisters they'd met, though her face seemed less exotic to his eyes. She was stunningly beautiful.

Arrafin found her voice.

"What's happened? I thought you couldn't..."

Madame Yuek drew a breath.

"I believe this grove exists in the Dream Worlds, where there is no connection to Shadow. All my sorcery is gone, everything that holds me to Shadow's power. I. I'm human. Again."

A terrible sadness clouded her eyes.

"But only as long as I stay here, I suspect. If I step to join you, Shang's work will once again take hold of me. And I don't believe I can stay here without ending up as a slave to those creatures. I've driven them off, but this is their world and they will eventually have their way."

"What are the Dream Worlds, Madame Yuek?"

"They are where your spirit, and your powers, come from, Elena. They are a riot of creation, all possibilities expressed simultaneously. The opposite of Shadow, which is the denial of all possibility. Both are equally fatal to mortals."

She drew herself up.

"Well, you have your sword and your instructions. We have work to do."

Arrafin rushed forward as the tall woman began to step from the grove.

"No, don't. You're human. You're free. You can't go back to being... that thing. It's wrong."

Isaac tensed as Madame Yuek lifted a hand to touch Arrafin's cheek.

"Yes. But there is no one else. And I will not be a slave to those things. Besides, my hair is getting heavy."

She pushed Arrafin aside and stepped across the threshold.

The change was immediate, and Isaac nearly leapt backwards in terror as the dark whispers of sorcery immediately erupted in the vampire's presence. Once again, Madame Yuek was the alabaster figure they'd known her as, still and perfect and beyond human.

Elena recalled the young girl she'd just seen and though she watched carefully, she saw no sign of emotion on that perfect face as the transformation took hold.

"You will take the sword to the Sleeping King. I will distract Matai Shang. With luck, I'll kill him, but don't bet on it. He's got more ways to cheat death than anyone can imagine."

"And you don't?"

She laughed at Etienne's brash question.

"Cheat death? I've been dead for centuries. There doesn't exist any force on Barsoom that can kill me. Get going, mortals."

"Yes, ma'am."


The immense hall was empty this time. Whatever Madame Yuek was doing to distract Matai Shang, it appeared to be working.

"Let's get this over with."

The five rushed across the stone floor, feeling very insignificant beneath the immense arches of the ceiling high above, and gathered around the prone body of the Sleeping King.

"Well, he definitely looks like he's sleeping."

"And a king. Crown, see? On his head."

Elena groaned.

"Farouk brought us here, we KNOW that's the Sleeping King. Isaac, do your thing."

The big Saijadani drew the sword Magreb from his belt. He reversed the heavy weapon in his hand and held it over the Sleeping King's chest.


Everyone turned at Nevid's quiet interruption and found the young man pointing at a young woman standing next to him. Her shining blonde hair glittered in the glow of the lanterns all around and as she smiled, it seemed that all the lanterns suddenly burned a little brighter.

Nevid shook.

"I think that's Magreb."

"Aye, and the lad speaks truth. Me name is Magreb and yon's me father. What are ye about, then?"

Isaac looked at the sword in his hand.

"You're Magreb?"


He pointed at the sword.

"I thought this was Magreb."

"Aye, I've said so."

"I don't like spirits."

Elena picked up the conversational thread from where Isaac had left it.

"Miss, do you know what we're here to do?"

"It seems plain enough. Ye wish me ta kill me father. I've no doubt ye're righteous folk and all, but it's a lot to ask. He is me father."

Arrafin pointed, angry in a sudden rush that startled her friends.

"He is NOT your father. You're a spirit; you don't have fathers. Farouk told us you were all one thing anyway, so what difference does it make? Isaac, kill him. Do it."

Elena turned.

"Arrafin, what's with the blood lust? This girl is asking us to spare her father."

"Haven't you listened to anything Man Chong says? That's not a girl. This isn't a father. They're just--"

"What makes her the damn expert on everything?"

"Isaac, kill him."

"No, don't."

Isaac growled.

"For crying out loud, you two. I thought we came here to kill him. Look, Magreb, answer me this: what is Matai Shang doing with your... with the Sleeping King?"

"Oh, he's been looking for those folks as is carrying around similar to yon lad. The spike, you see. He's got ever so much interest in the spike."

"The spike."

Etienne brightened up and jumped into the conversation.

"Nevid. The spike in Nevid's head. Spirits can see it. Shang's looking for other people with spikes in their heads. The old Blood Mother's soul, or whatever."

The others all stared at Etienne for a long series of breaths. Isaac squinted, looked up at the ceiling, and then shook his head.

"I don't understand. That actually made sense."

"Kill him, Isaac. If Shang does find another shard of her soul, we can never restore her."

"I think Arrafin's right."

Elena waved her hands and turned back to Magreb.

"What happens to you, Magreb, if we kill him?"

"Oh, it's the end for me. Nowt but yon sword to carry me name."

Isaac closed his eyes.

"She's not a girl. She's not a girl. She's not a girl."

"Isaac, she IS a girl. Or at least, she's a person. Of some kind. This is murder. This is wrong."

Shoulders tensed as Isaac raised the blade and then slammed it down, plunging the blade deep into the Sleeping King's chest. The girl let out a terrible shriek that echoed all through the high vault, but the Sleeping King himself never awoke. His body trembled, and then suddenly collapsed in a swirl of colour, just as the girl did. The five friends stood arrayed around an empty stone bier.

Isaac looked at the sword still in his hand. His eyes met Elena's and the two stared at each other a long while until he turned away and slammed the weapon back into its sheath.

"We're done. Call up Farouk and get us out of here."


Unattainable Ideal
Just a note: in the campaign journals I made at the time (which are basically incomprehensible to anyone who wasn't there, being mostly me making snarky comments about the PC's decisions and screw-ups), I started tagging any mention of Madame Yuek with some sort of kooky title. Reading them in order is kind of instructive in watching the character evolve:

The Groove-Tastic Madame Yuek
The Funky-As-Your-Bad-Self Madame Yuek
The Give-Me-A-Taste-Of-THAT Madame Yuek
The Whoa-Baby-Get-A-Load-Of-THAT Madame Yuek
The Hotter-Than-Thou Madame Yuek
The Smokin' Madame Yuek
The Droolworthy Madame Yuek
The Sleek and Slinky Madame Yuek
The Damn-She-Got-It-Going-On Madame Yuek
The Good-Lord-She's-Fine Madame Yuek
The Don't-Look-Or-You'll-Go-Blind Madame Yuek
The If-She-Were-Any-Hotter-She'd-Burn-Right-Through-The-Deck Madame Yuek
The Ai-Carumba! Madame Yuek
The Boy-Howdy! Madame Yuek
The I've-Been-Down-With-My-Bad-Self-For-Centuries Madame Yuek
The Look-Out-Here-She-Comes Madame Yuek
The Hit-Ya-Like-A-Ton-Of-Bricks Madame Yuek
The Born-Born-Born-Born-Born-Born-To-Be-Alive Madame Yuek
The Take-It-Like-A-Man Madame Yuek
The Tempting-And-Tasty Madame Yuek
The All-This-And-Brains-Too Madame Yuek
The I-Can-See-Clearly-Now Madame Yuek
The Just-Wanna-Touch-Her Madame Yuek
The Hey-You-Get-Offa-My-Cloud Madame Yuek
The Searchin-Fer-A-Heart-Of-Gold Madame Yuek

For reference, the previous episode featured the Born-Born-Born-Born-Born-Born-To-Be-Alive Madame Yuek. Next up is the Take-It-Like-A-Man Madame Yuek.


Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 11

"He's got her! He's got her!"

Arrafin burst from her cabin and, shrieking, charged across the deck to where the others sat enjoying the sunshine.

The Wavereaver plowed through gentle swells, heading north between the mountain-topped islands of Shaer. Other sails dotted the grey seas, and smoke rising from the shore off to the west revealed a settlement of some kind.

Moments previously, Isaac had been defending his decision to not pursue the clues about his mother.

"What about the monster? Or the beast, or whatever? Just what WAS caged up down there? And where is it now?"

"Who knows? This is all coming from Collette, you guys. When has that bitch ever been straight with us?"

"But, Isaac, your mother..."

"Is almost certainly dead. And Collette is more likely trying to tie up a loose end -- that's me -- than suddenly suffering a change of heart and turning all noble."

"Nah. She's into you."

"That's not funny, Elena."

Elena was chuckling and preparing a retort when Arrafin's cabin door banged open and their Naridic friend, looking even more disheveled than usual, her owl flapping about her head agitatedly, came lurching across the deck at them, gesticulating madly.

"He's got her! He's f**king her up! We have to help, Elena, get Farouk, we have to help!"

Isaac stood up and tried to calm the young girl down.

"What are you talking about, Arrafin? Who's got... Oh, no."

"No. No way are we saving the Demon Goddess. Arrafin, you have got to be kidding."

Arrafin whirled on Elena, and the Saijadan woman drew back from her friend's ire.

"She saved us! All of us! She is the only person who's never lied to us about anything, who's been at all straight with us. We owe her."

"A terrible monster has been chained up, Arrafin, by the guy who created it. She's his problem, now, and I say all the better. Yay less dead innocent people."

"I believe Arrafin is right. If Madame Yuek is in trouble, we should help if we can."

Nevid weathered Elena's glare without apparent concern. She snorted.

"Oh, sure. Anything to loose a heart-eating monster on the world. Are you people unclear on what she is?"

"What she is, I believe, is the only power capable of protecting us from Matai Shang. Who, if you recall, wants my brain."

"Whereas she wants Arrafin's--"

"Thank you, Nevid, yes. Exactly. Elena, it's in our interest to help her. He's. He's doing terrible things to her. He wants to control her and use her. Elena. Please."

Etienne and Isaac watched in silence as Arrafin pleaded with the surly Saijadani woman. At last Elena sighed.

"I don't care about her. Understand? I think she should be destroyed. But I guess Nevid's right."

Arrafin sagged in relief, nearly bursting into tears. Her frenzied explanations only redoubled, however.

"Oh thank you, thank you. She's in so much pain. He's hurting her. We have to go. We have to go now. He's hurting her."

Isaac stepped in and put a hand on Arrafin's thin shoulder.

"It'll be alright, Arrafin. She claims to be impossible to kill so I'm sure she'll be there. We need to make sure we have a plan before we head in."


Elena flopped backward on the deck.

"Of course. Of course you want him."

"Elena. He's the only way. He can take us to her, no matter where she is. And he can get us out again."

"So the all-powerful Demon Goddess needs my help. Isn't that just grand?"

Isaac, sensing that perhaps the decision had been made, stepped in.

"So, Arrafin, I assume you have a plan?"


"Ah, excellent."


Dangling amidst rusted and gore-streaked chains high above Matai Shang and his horribly misshapen servants, Isaac dared a whisper.

"I still think we should have had a plan."

Arrafin hadn't spoken since she, Isaac and Etienne had arrived along with Farouk. All four of them clung to the chains in which were suspended the torn remains of Madame Yuek.

The statuesque beauty had been dismembered and hung in bloody gobbets, each moving with a terrible animation that turned Isaac's stomach.

This immortality he did not envy the vampire. He watched in disbelief as Arrafin began gathering the stumps and pieces, plucking them from the chains and cradling them in her slim arms. Blood stained the front of her robes.

Etienne watched below them as Shang bellowed at his servants in some incomprehensible tongue. He hissed at the others as the foul sorcerer reached for a lever surrounded by heavy gears.

"We have to go."

"Not yet."

Arrafin plucked a length of long midnight hair from a chain. Her breath came in short sobs as she wept. She whispered to the trembling remains in her arms.

Shang grasped the lever and pulled. The gears began turning. The chains shook, and began to descend with a deafening clatter.

"We have to go now."

"Wait, wait."

A portion of Madame Yuek's skull lay just out of Arrafin's reach.


"Arrafin. Now."

They continued to descend. Shang was going to look up at any second.


"Just a second."

Etienne saw the girl still reaching and swore. He reached into Isaac's ammunition pouch and flipped out a lead bullet. With a quick motion, he hurled the projectile straight into the gears turning alongside the lever. They halted and terrible grinding sounds attracted Shang's attention. He and his minions turned to investigate the mechanism.

The sudden stop of the chains set them all swinging, and Arrafin was able to snatch free the last strip of Madame Yuek's undead flesh. A crushed face looked up at her from the crook of her elbow, and Arrafin smiled down at it.

"It's okay."

Isaac saw further motion in Arrafin's gory bundle, and realised the vampire's body was knitting itself back together.

"Farouk, we're going."

"As my master commands. Where?"

Arrafin grabbed the spirit's shoulder.

"Remember those Kishak sorcerers? The Nevakada? With the demons?"

"Yes, mistress."

"Take us where they came from."

Isaac frowned.

"Arrafin, what are you--"

"She's going to have to feed. Let's take her somewhere we don't care who she kills."

The minions had wrenched free the jammed gear and the chains rattled again. Etienne turned to his friends.

"Now. Go."


"As my mistress commands."

The riot of the Dream Worlds swallowed them up and Etienne saw Matai Shang just turning his face upwards as the room dissolved around them.

Colours, deafening shrieks, laughter, music, dazzling brilliance and inky blackness. Buffeting winds and sweet perfumes and the burning sear of acid. Chaos.


Well-polished wood. Small windows and an open-beamed ceiling. Dust in the air, dancing in the shafts of angled light.

Arrafin collapsed, dropping a ghastly mess on the floor. Distantly, a bell began ringing.

"You guys should go."

"Us guys?"

Arrafin turned, her expression serene and certain.

"Yes. She'll kill you before she knows who you are. And besides -- "

The bell continued. Now voices could be heard, shouting in alarm. Getting closer.

" -- the Nevakada are coming."

Isaac spluttered.

"But what about you?"

"She won't hurt me."

Both men watched in disbelief as the Naridic girl traced a hand along a shattered jaw. The stark white body was pulling itself together, and one eye rolled drunkenly over to where Arrafin knelt. Legs twitched. Wounds began to close, and a dark radiance began to spill from the alabaster body.


"Go. We'll be alright."


"We'll be alright."

Etienne tugged at Isaac. The voices were getting louder. It sounded like dozens of people approaching.

"Farouk, take us out of here."

"As my master commands."

The spirit and the two men disappeared in an eruption of colour. Arrafin smiled as the body on the floor became whole again. Dark liquid eyes regained their focus.


Arrafin gestured as the doors flew open and dozens of Kishak soldiers charged into the room.

"Here they are. You'll be better soon."


"What happened? Where the hell is Arrafin?"

"She's. Uh. She's in Kish."

Elena stood perfectly still, mouth hanging open.

"Is she okay?"

"I think so. Yeah. She's fine. Right, Isaac?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Etienne's right. She's fine. No problem. I need a drink."

Voidrunner's Codex

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