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Base Class Based On Avatar: The Last Airbender Series

Dominic Ladon

First Post
Attached is an idea of what I thought the Avatar class could be if it existed. Please feel free to give any feedback on what you think or if you have any questions. Thanks


  • Avatar Base Class.doc
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Elemental Avatar

Alignment: Any Neutral

Hit Die: d4

Class Skills: Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival

Skill Points Per Level : 4 + Int Modifier ( x4 at 1st level )

[b]            Base	Fort	Ref     Will	
Level	Attack Bonus	Save	Save	Save	Special[/b]
  1	     +0		 +0	 +0	 +2	AC Bonus
  2	     +1		 +0	 +0	 +3		
  3	     +1		 +1	 +1	 +3		
  4	     +2		 +1	 +1	 +4		
  5	     +2		 +1	 +1	 +4	Resist Energy (All)/5
  6	     +3		 +2	 +2	 +5		
  7	     +3		 +2	 +2	 +5		
  8	     +4		 +2	 +2	 +6		
  9	     +4		 +3	 +3	 +6		
 10	     +5		 +3	 +3	 +7	Resist Energy (All)/10
 11	     +5		 +3	 +3	 +7		
 12	   +6/+1	 +4	 +4	 +8		
 13	   +6/+1	 +4	 +4	 +8		
 14	   +7/+2	 +4	 +4	 +9		
 15	   +7/+2	 +5	 +5	 +9	Resist Energy (All)/15
 16	   +8/+3	 +5	 +5	 +10		
 17	   +8/+3	 +5	 +5	 +10		
 18	   +9/+4	 +6	 +6	 +11		
 19	   +9/+4	 +6	 +6	 +11		
 20	  +10/+5	 +6	 +6	 +12	Resist Energy (All)/20
[b]                    Spells per Day
Level	0   1   2   3	4   5	6   7	8   9[/b]
1	4   -	-   -	-   -	-   -	-   -
2	4   1	-   -	-   -	-   -	-   -
3	4   2	-   -	-   -	-   -	-   -
4	4   2	1   -	-   -	-   -	-   -
5	5   3	2   -	-   -	-   -	-   -
6	5   3	2   1	-   -	-   -	-   -
7	5   3	3   2	-   -	-   -	-   -
8	5   4	3   2	1   -	-   -	-   -
9	6   4	3   3	2   -	-   -	-   -
10	6   4	4   3	2   1	-   -	-   -
11	6   4	4   3	3   2	-   -	-   -
12	6   5	4   4	3   2	1   -	-   -
13	6   5	4   4	3   3	2   -	-   -
14	6   5	5   4	4   3	2   1	-   -
15	6   5	5   4	4   3	3   2	-   -
16	6   6	5   5	4   4	3   2	1   -
17	6   6	5   5	4   4	3   3	2   -
18	6   6	6   5	5   4	4   3	2   1
19	6   6	6   5	5   4	4   3	3   2
20	6   6	6   6	5   5	4   4	3   3
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Elemental Avatars are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with an avatar's arcane gestures, which can cause their spells with somatic components to fail.

AC Bonus: Beginning at 1st level, the Elemental Avatar gains the ability to add their Wisdom bonus to their AC, as long as they are unarmored and unencumbered. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when the avatar is flat-footed. However, the avatar loses these bonuses when they are immobilized, helpless, when they wear any armor, when they carry a shield, or when they carry a medium or heavy load.

Resist Energy (All): At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the Elemental Avatar gains energy resistance to all types of energy equal to their level.

The Elemental Avatar is a Wisdom based arcane spellcaster. The avatar may cast any of the spells listed on the Elemental Avatar Spell List without preparing ahead of time, the way a wizard or cleric must.

To cast a spell, the avatar must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The difficulty class for a saving throw against an avatar’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the avatar’s Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, the avatar may cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. This spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, the avatar receives bonus spells per day if they have a high Wisdom score.

Elemental Avatar Spell List

0 Level
Foundation of Stone, Flare, Electric Jolt, Ray of Frost, Animate Wood, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Create Water

1st Level
Stonemantle, Burning Hands, Thunderhead, Winter Chill, Entangle, Produce Flame, Updraft, Fog Cloud

2nd Level
Soften Earth and Stone, Fireburst, Electric Loop, Frost Breath, Earthen Grasp, Animate Fire, Gust of Wind, Animate Water

3rd Level
Energy Spheres, Rainbow Blast, Weather Eye, Mass Resist Energy, Tremor, Fireball, Call Lightning, Sleet Storm

4th Level
Land Womb, Blast of Flame, Arc of Lightning, Ice Storm, Stone Sphere, Wall of Fire, Eye of the Hurricane, Wall of Water

5th Level
Passwall, Inferno, Ball Lightning, Freezing Fog, Wall of Stone, Fire Shield, Cyclonic Blast, Rushing Waters

6th Level
Master Earth, Greater Fireburst, Chain Lightning, Tidal Surge

7th Level
Elemental Body, Storm of Elemental Fury, Control Weather, Energy Immunity

8th Level
Earthquake, Fire Storm, Whirlwind, Maelstrom

9th Level
Undermaster, Meteor Swarm, Stormrage, Tsunami

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
For future reference you are likely to get more replies if you post the all the class info in one pane, rather than expecting eveyone to read an attached document.

Anyway, the class looks good. Well balanced, well done.

Dominic Ladon

First Post
Thank you very much for putting the information in the pane for me. I don't know how to do it, and I am going to talk to one of my friends so I can learn. More importantly, thanks for the comment, it is much appreciated.

Pretty cool class, seems to lack the flavor of the cartoon though. With the benders being able to do so much and so ofton though, I think it'd be hard to accurately adapt it.

Dominic Ladon

First Post
Would it be beneficial to add more spells per day, add some more spells to their spell list, and then say that they are PROHIBITED from taking any armor or weapon proficiency feats? Then the character is really a little more free in their ability to "bend" the elements in various ways, but as a penalty they have no time to learn things related to combat.


First Post
I think basing it more off of the warlock would work better for the average bender and for the avatar have it as a prestige class or template like the chosen of mystara that allows access to all elements instead of just one

basing it off the warlock wouldn't be a bad idea. it would give them an unlimited amount of times per day to use their art, but at that point i think you need to do what was suggested in another post and have the actions be skill based as to not completely over power the class...

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Dominic Ladon said:
Thank you very much for putting the information in the pane for me.
No problem, it took me a while to do, but Iam glad to be of help.

Also, there is a feat that will be most beneficial to multiclass benders that can be found in Dragon #325 (Article: A Surge of Theurgy) and in the Dragon Compendium (pg. 97). I don't think posting one feat will get me in trouble with the mods, so I'll go ahead and put it here:

Elemental Theurgy [General]
You can combine alternative sources of power when using spells that contain the same elemental descriptor (air, earth, fire or water).

Prerequisite: At least one elemental domain (Air, Earth, Fire or Water), ability to cast arcane spells with the same elemental descriptor as your domain.

Benefit: Choose one of your elemental domains: Air, Earth, Fire or Water. You cast spells with the same descriptor as if your caster level was the sum of all spellcasting classes that grant spells of that elemental descriptor. The effect only applies to a single elemental descriptor chosen when the feat is taken. For example a 5th level cleric/3rd level wizard with the Fire domain and this feat can cast any spell of the fire descriptor as an 8th level caster.

This does not affect your spells per day or spells known. It only increases your caster level when casting spells of the appropriate descriptor.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new elemental domain and spell descriptor.

Dominic Ladon

First Post
Thanks for the comments so far. I'll look into the Warlock class, and see how that could tie in. Please continue posting, it is quite helpful.

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