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Base Class: Tactician

Tactician (normal class)

A tactician desires to give his allies a tactical edge over his foes. He is most proficient in abilities that affect his allies or his foes directly. Eventually, he learns to do this through magical means.

Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saves: Ref
Hit Die: d8
Proficiencies: Simple and ranged weapons, light armor.
Spell type: Arcane
Spell requisite: Int
Alignment: Any
Spell Progression: As Ranger, only with arcane spells.
Caster level: 1/2 of tactician level, starting at 4th. It is a dash from levels 1 to 3.

Skill progression: 6+Int mod

Class skills: Spellcraft, Knowledge(arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Jump, Tumble, Balance, Climb, Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Move Silently, Listen, Spot, Search, Intimidate, Profession, Escape Artist, Survival, Use Magic Device.

Class powers:

Precise Gesture (Ex): A tactician gets no penalty to the use of arcane spells while in light armor.

Arcane Efficiency (Su): n times per day, A tactician may get a +2 circumstance bonus added to either the save DC of his next spell, his next spell touch attack roll or his next caster level check against spell resistance. This must be announced before the action.

Arcane Attack (Su): A tactician can use a prepared spell slot to imbue the spell in question onto his next attack. If the attack succeeds, it triggers the spell in question on the defender. This may only be used with a ranged weapon or a weapon that the tactician has Weapon Finesse for, and the spell must be capable of affecting a single target. This counts as a spell for all practical purposes, and can be dealt with as such. The "caster" in this case is the weapon, and the caster level is always your own.

Tactical Resistance (Ex): A tactician gets his intelligence bonus to his saving throws against spells.

Inerrancy (Ex): n/day (indicated by tactician level), a tactician may announce that his next attack roll automatically hits. This can be used with other tactician class powers, but not other abilities or powers that require active use. (Ex: You can't use Power Attack with inerrancy.)

An inerrant attack is still rolled to determine the chance for a critical hit. The confirmation roll is unaffected by this ability. If an attack would be penalized by concealment, cover, or a negative modifier that is at least equal than the tactician's dexterity modifier, it can't be made inerrant.

Synchronicity (Ex): The tactician knows how to move in sync with others as needed. Whenever he uses an Aid Another, he adds a his intelligence bonus to the bonus provided by this use. Also, whenever he delays, he gets a +1 circumstance bonus for every 5 points sacrificed in the delay action, to actions requiring a roll on his turn
Surefooted (Ex): The tactician gains the ability to act as though he was under Freedom of Movement, a number of times per day equal to his Dexterity bonus, and for a number of rounds equal to his tactician level.

Greater Weapon Finesse (Ex): (Weapon finesse feat applies for all weapons that could be legally attached to Weapon Finesse.)

Resistance is Futile (Su): A number of times equal to his or her intelligence bonus, whenever the tactician targets someone with a spell, he may force the defender to roll his saving throw twice, taking the lower result.

1st- +10 movement speed, Weapon Finesse
2nd- Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative
3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th- Inerrancy
4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th- Arcane Efficiency
4th- Precise Gesture
5th- Leadership feat free, Tactical Resistance
7th- +20 movement speed, Combat Reflexes
10th- Arcane Attack, Synchronicity
13th- +30 movement speed, Expert Tactician
14th- Superior Initiative
15th- Surefooted
17th- Resistance is Futile
19th- +40 movement speed

Spell capabilities:

1- daze+, flare+, detect magic, read magic, touch of fatigue+, resistance, prestidigitation, endure elements, hold portal, protection from (alignment descriptor), shield, mage armor, obscuring mist, true strike, charm person+, hypnotism, sleep+, color spray, disguise self, ventriloquism, magic aura, cause fear+, ray of enfeeblement+, expeditious retreat, feather fall, jump, magic weapon, command+, doom+

2- arcane lock, obscure object, protection from arrows, resist arrows, glitterdust+, fog cloud, web, see invisibility, daze monster+, hideous laughter+, touch of idiocy+, darkness, death knell+, gust of wind, blur, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, mirror image, misdirection, blindness+, deafness+, ghoul touch+, scare+, spectral hand, alter self, (all attribute increasing spells of this level), darkvision, pyrotechnics, levitate, spider climb, lesser confusion+

3- dispel magic, nondetection, magic circle against (alignment descriptor), protection from energy, stinking cloud, arcane sight, clairaudience, deep slumber+, heroism, hold person+, clairvoyance, wind wall, displacement, invisibility sphere, halt undead+, ray of exhaustion+, blink, fly, gaseous form, haste, keen edge, greater magic weapon, slow+

4- dimensional anchor, lesser globe of invulnerability, stoneskin, dimension door, solid fog, detect scrying, charm monster+, confusion, crushing despair, resilient sphere, greater invisibility, illusory wall, rainbow pattern, bestow curse+, contagion+, fear, polymorph, freedom of movement, dismissal+, death ward, enervation+, triple foul+ (homebrewed spell)

+: Usable with Arcane Attack

A tactician can use any spell in these categories, but he must prepare his spells in advance.

Is it balanced?
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Within Loki

First Post
There are slight problems with most of the abilities - kind of all around. It is a cool idea, but it needs a fair amount of work at the moment.

Let me start at the end and work backward - for Resistance is Futile... You can't ignore a saving throw. It just doesn't work in D20. You can have a bonus, or they get a penalty, or something, but you can't ever just deny someone their saving throw (unless they're helpless, etc...)

The movement bonus makes sense, as it seems to go along with the tactician element of the class, and +40ft at 19th level is mild considering a monk's speed bonuses. I think this part is ok.

For Surefooted, it's another idea that works well with the concept, though it's rare for spell-like abilities to have a per-day usage linked to an ability score like that. Again... I s'pose it's ok.

The initiative bonuses I would also accept, as it goes along with the tactician theme.

Weapon Finesse with 'all weapons they choose' is a bit much.

Synchronicity - I need a little clarification. It's ok to move your initiative count down, and move at the same time as an ally (that's actually delaying your action, which anyone can do). Moving your initiative count up, however, even to an ally's position, defeats the purpose of initiative rolls, and makes the Superior Initiative bonus less valuable as well. This is another D20 no-no as far as I can tell.
I would leave out the part about changing initiative order, and make the bonus from 'aid another' the same as the AT's INT mod, not + their INT mod.

Arcane Buster is a funky ability, and I like it. Leave it how it is. :D I would consider changing Arcane Attack though - as no one likes using a spell with a 50% chance of screwing it up. The dexterity-based attack also seems a little arbitrary. That should be something you leave in the weapon-finesse section I think, and maybe connect them that way if you must (maybe Arcane Buster can only be used with a weapon the AT has Weapon Finesse with?)

Arcane Resistance is just too funky. Either make it INT mod to all saves (like the Paladin's CHA mod bonus), or figure something else out. Don't mix the bonuses like that IMO.

You may not be happy to hear this but... arcane efficiency is also a bit too powerful. Since they only get spells up to fourth level, it's not that bad, but it's still too strong. The reason is that it can be used in conjunction with spell focus feats etc... and that would just get kinda out of hand. I don't have a quick fix for this one - my suggestion would be to get rid of this ability altogether, and maybe boost their base attack to Full.

In the end, though it's a cool idea, the class as it stands is neither here nor there.

But hey, that's just what I think.

Within Loki said:

I'll look at your response and others in this thread. If a suggestion is a clear improvement, I'll add it. :D :D

Edit: I applied many of the changes to the level powers. Arcane Buster is unchanged, yet arcane attack is a weaker version that only works with touch spells, rather than with reduced accuracy.

As for Efficiency, I was able to fix it without simply making it disappear: A straight +2 bonus that can only be applied a small number of times per day.

As for Greater Weapon Finesse... This is more of a clarification than a straight fix. I'll adjust it as such.
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First Post
Cool ideas. I really like Synchronicity - gaining stuff by delaying seems interesting.

A melee class that has no armor, and no other AC help seems like a very quick vulnerable character. Levels 1-3 seem to be very hard to survive. I would give light armor and Light armor casting to help this issue.

Does the wording of Inerrancy mean to exclude PA? If it does I would call our PA specifically (using it as an example of an active use power or ability). If it does not I would call it out anyways as forbidden.

Added new spells to the list

1: Command, Doom
2: Death Knell
4: Death Ward, Dismissal

Arcane Attack as previously written only affected five spells, which was rather weak. Therefore, I renamed Arcane Buster to Arcane Attack and gave the Tactician Leadership at 5th instead.

Clarified Inerrancy. Things like Power Attack and sneak attack can't be tacked onto inerrancy (all effort is put toward an effective attack, not really a powerful one).

The tactician gains light armor, and the ability to cast in light armor, to fill the hole Freefall mentioned. Although once I compile all my house rules and special classes, I may give epic progression for all of them.

This is the last change unless another is seriously needed. Many thanks and :Ds for all your feedback.
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This one is seriously needed to handle epic Tacticians

Epic Tactician:

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier


The tactician's caster level is equal to one-half his or her class level, as normal. His number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. However, he may gain Improved Spell Capacity and raise his INT to increase his spells.

Inerrancy (Ex)

The epic tactician gains one additional use of inerrancy every three levels as normal (21, 24, 27, 30...)

Arcane Resistance (Su)

The epic tactician gains one additional use of arcane resistance every four levels as normal (24, 28, 32, 36...)

Bonus Feats

The epic tactician gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic feats) every three levels as normal.

Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Dire Charge, Distant Shot, Energy Resistance, Epic Leadership, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Speed, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Extended Life Span, Great [$Ability], Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Manyshot, Improved Spell Capacity, Improved Spell Resistance, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Legendary Climber, Legendary Commander, Legendary Leaper, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Accuracy, Permanent Emanation, Spontaneous Spell

An epic tactician that has acquired Improved Spell Capacity may prepare any of the following spells from this list, up to their maximum spell level (4 + number of ISC feats):

5- Telepathic Bond, Feeblemind+, Hold Monster+, Mind Fog, Interposing Hand, False Vision, Seeming, Waves of Fatigue, Baleful Polymorph+, Overland Flight, Passwall, Telekinesis,Greater Command+

6- Antimagic Field, Greater Dispel Magic+, Globe of Invulnerability, True Seeing+, Greater Heroism, Forceful Hand, Mislead, Veil, Eyebite+, Flesh to Stone+, [All mass ability boost spells]

7- Banishment+, Sequester+, Spell Turning, Phase Door, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Mass Hold Person, Insanity+, Power Word Blind+, Grasping Hand, Prismatic Spray, Waves of Exhaustion, Finger of Death+, Repulsion

8- Mind Blank, Protection from Spells, Maze+, Moment of Prescience, Mass Charm Monster, Power Word, Stun+, Irresistible Dance+, Clenched Fist, Telekinetic Sphere, Scintillating Pattern, Polymorph Any Object, Temporal Stasis+

9-Freedom, Imprisonment+, Mage's Disjunction, Foresight, Crushing Hand, Energy Drain+, Shapechange, Time Stop, Dominate Monster+, Power Word Kill+,
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Voidrunner's Codex

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