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In case anyone is wondering, my tune "Pistolero" is specifically a Pathfinder song. It's all about the Gunslinger class. Whee! :cool:

In case anyone is wondering, my tune "Pistolero" is specifically a Pathfinder song. It's all about the Gunslinger class. Whee! :cool:


Victoria Rules
Let's be clear: What is the song "Level One" actually about? It's about how bored the guy is playing his 4 HP wizard. I can't vote for apathy over quality, any more than I would want to listen to uninspired, passionless parody-music while gaming with friends.
So let me get this straight: you're praising Were-Owl for its musical quality regardless what it's about, and calling down Level One for what it's about regardless of its musical quality? Apples and oranges... :-S
Everett said:
Besides which... well... the lyrics are all about that you're just not that into the game: you tell us that you don't know what you're doing there, you'll be dead soon, got a stupid hat, should've played a different class... i.e., "the guy sounds bored."
Keep in mind it's one of a series - he did one for each class: the Thief one was in heat 2, the Fighter one's in heat 3, and we won't get the Cleric one as there was a limit of three entries per person/group. And he's on record in here as saying they're each written from the *character's* point of view - so if the Wizard one comes across as apathetic that's because the character-in-party is apathetic, and says nothing at all about the player.

Lan-"can someone tell me how 'Come and Get It' works in 4e, I have a rewording idea for it"-efan

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First Post
Well, I ain't into country either, but I reckon a bloke from Austin is more likely to favor that.

Yes, I would have scored WereOwl higher than Level One on overall music quality. It's got more complex singing tracks and music tracks.

There's more overall production quality that is inherent in its complexity.

But Ev's point was that a song about D&D isn't as good as a song about other stuff.

I like Manowar. When I heard their stuff, it spoke this is D&D battle ballad stuff here. if somebody had posted a song like that, they'd have won my vote (actually, somebody did, but they did not meeet the production quality requirement).

Songs about the story in D&D will probably do better than songs about playing D&D. But then again, Wierd Al does pretty good writing songs about watching TV.

Weird Al specializes in riffing on the mundane accountremonts of pop culture. "Yoda" is just as good as song as "Lola" -- I'm more apt to remember it than the original because the Star Wars parody is so seamlessly woven into the tune. But artists without such a specialized focus (Weird Al's in a prestige class all his own) would likely have to focus on story... or, as SJ does in Were-Owl, tear into the mythos of a creature that pre-dates tabletop gaming by some several thousand years. (Owls, obviously, not were-owls; her revisions to older mythology really do make for a brilliant song.)

If a talented musician... oh, I don't know... Clay Aiken, for example, the guy from the first season of American Idol, wanted to specialize in songs about D&D, I'm sure he could make a go of it as a career. But no one in the limelight has ever yet taken D&D out for a full-length album spin. Maybe Lindsey Sterling will do a D&D compilation sometime.

I don't know Manowar. (Man-o-War?)
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First Post
Lanefan said:
So let me get this straight: you're praising Were-Owl for its musical quality regardless what it's about, and calling down Level One for what it's about regardless of its musical quality? Apples and oranges... :-S

I elaborated on my feelings about Level One to some degree. I elaborated on the quality of the content of Were-Owl for a beat (the above post) and could go further if y'all really wanted to go there... but I've really spent enough time on this thread for one day...

Lanefan said:
Keep in mind it's one of a series - he did one for each class: the Thief one was in heat 2, the Fighter one's in heat 3, and we won't get the Cleric one as there was a limit of three entries per person/group. And he's on record in here as saying they're each written from the *character's* point of view - so if the Wizard one comes across as apathetic that's because the character-in-party is apathetic, and says nothing at all about the player.

If it's the character's point of view and not the gamer's, then the metagaming aspects are confusing and distracting at best -- i.e., he knows how many hit points he has and talks about wishing he played a different class. Nope, that's the player speaking.

Which is still beside the point: if the song is not a parody but a commentary, then why is the character -- if that's what the speaker is meant to be -- apathetic?
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I don't know Manowar. (Man-o-War?)

Here's a link to Heart of Steel, one of my favorite ManoWar songs.[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaqH3v31X4w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaqH3v31X4w[/ame]

Battle Hymn

They've changed their style a bit, but a lot of their past work was 80's metal battle songs. Swords and conquering and stuff. Definitely songs for fighters and barbarians.

I can't say everybody will like their music, but like SJ, a professional recording, talented singer, and complex musicianship will score a song higher.

Most folks writing songs about D&D can't dedicate the same resources to it. So that already is a hit against them. Couple that with not everybody with the drive to do a song, can sing that song well. There were a few songs I would that would have scored higher with a better singer.


First Post
Soul stirring? No. Funny and amusing in an "I know what you mean!" sense? Hopefully.

It's no "Horsetamer's Daughter", but I kinda like it anyway.

Horsetamer's Daughter

This is brilliant, BTW. Can't believe I've never heard of Julia Ecklar before.

And sure, we all know what you mean in Level One. It's a fun piece. Were-Owl is an outstanding artistic portrayal: I've made my stance on it pretty clear and I've stirred the pot more than enough, I'm sure.


First Post
This is brilliant, BTW. Can't believe I've never heard of Julia Ecklar before.

And sure, we all know what you mean in Level One. It's a fun piece. Were-Owl is an outstanding artistic portrayal: I've made my stance on it pretty clear and I've stirred the pot more than enough, I'm sure.

I'm glad I could introduce you. Julia is brilliant in many ways.

And I'm glad you spoke your mind and started a discussion. That's kinda what this is all about. Your feelings, your decisions on these are completely valid. Thank you for sharing them.



I'm glad I could introduce you. Julia is brilliant in many ways.

And I'm glad you spoke your mind and started a discussion. That's kinda what this is all about. Your feelings, your decisions on these are completely valid. Thank you for sharing them.


if nothing else, learning WHY somebody voted a certain way is insightful as to the outcome.

Had I know more about SJ and the context of her work, I may have voted differently. Now I can consider things differently the next time.


First Post
But no one in the limelight has ever yet taken D&D out for a full-length album spin. Maybe Lindsey Sterling will do a D&D compilation sometime.

I'm not in the limelight as it were. But I have made a D&D album. There are three meta songs on it (meta, meaning they are about some aspect of the game itself,) and the rest are story songs.

Regarding Battle of the Bards: I made a general announcement on my live journal, and I emailed Scott, SJ, and several other musicians/filkers about this competition, because I know they have gaming songs. There was a category called Best Gaming Song in the Pegasus Awards this year. (Pegasus Awards being given for excellence in filking.) Both SJ and Scott were nominated for this award.

There are many filkers who game and write songs about it. I've learned here that there are many gamers who write songs about their games (and other topics.) It's been really cool for me to hear the sheer variety of all the music styles. And that was one area where there is no restriction at all in this competition--musical style.

I suppose there could be more restrictions next year, but really I like the rules as they are. It gives the participants the freedom to be creative about the Hobby they enjoy.
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Victoria Rules
Regarding Battle of the Bards: I made a general announcement on my live journal, and I emailed Scott, SJ, and several other musicians/filkers about this competition, because I know they have gaming songs.
In other words, you're responsible for about half the entries in this competition. Well done! :)
There was a category called Best Gaming Song in the Pegasus Awards this year. (Pegasus Awards being given for excellence in filking.) Both SJ and Scott were nominated for this award.
I'd never heard of these awards until you mentioned them here. What's the scoop?
It's been really cool for me to hear the sheer variety of all the music styles. And that was one area where there is no restriction at all in this competition--musical style.

I suppose there could be more restrictions next year, but really I like the rules as they are. It gives the participants the freedom to be creative about the Hobby they enjoy.

That said, if they do this again and get loads of entries they could break it down* - categories for rock, metal, folk, rewording, original, etc. - with the winner of each category going on to the finals.

* - entrant chooses category for his-her own song but can be overridden by Morrus if the song and category obviously don't line up e.g. Manowar as folk.

Lan-"with friends surrounded, which in hindsight would have made a much better title than 'Edition List'"-efan


First Post
In other words, you're responsible for about half the entries in this competition. Well done! :)
I'd never heard of these awards until you mentioned them here. What's the scoop.

Thanks! I was glad to spread the word. :)

Quoted from website:
"The Pegasus Awards were founded by OVFF to recognize and honor excellence in filking.

Any member of the worldwide filk community is eligible to win. Past Nominees have hailed from the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, and Singapore as well as the United States.

The nomination and ballot procedure is similar to that of the Hugo, except that one does not need to be a paid member of the convention to nominate or vote. Anyone with an interest in Filking or Filk music can place a nomination and/or vote.

The results are tabulated, the winners determined, and the award is presented at the Pegasus Awards Banquet on Saturday evening at each OVFF."

There are six categories: Best Song, Best Classic Song (10 years old or more,) Best Writer/Composer, Best Performer, and two that change. This year these categories were Best Gaming Song and Best Travel Song.

(One must include name and address on one's ballot. Most recent vote of individual is the only one accepted. One may not vote more than once.)

The awards are presented at Ohio Valley Filk Festival in late October. Next year's OVFF guest of honor is SJ Tucker. And Scott Snyder will be Toadtmaster at Consonance (Bay Area filk convention held first weekend of March.)

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