Behold my unbalanced feats! (Now with even more feats!)


These ideas came to me as I play my current character a half-dragon/halfling monk, looking at some of Sean K. Reynold's website content and my work on some charismatic NPC kobolds. I know Technik4 did something along the lines of my Stunning fist feat but I can't find it anymore. I'd greatly appreciate any help balancing these feats.


Improved Clever Wrestling

Prerequisites: Clever Wrestling (MotW) , Dex 13+, Str 13+, BAB: 4

You are skilled at using your opponents unwieldy body against him.

Benefit: On all grapple checks an opponent larger than you gains only half their size bonus to their grapple check.

Pole Vaulting

Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Jump or Tumble 4 ranks, Dex 13+, Str 13+, BAB: 4, proficient with reach weapon, must be a masterwork weapon

Benefit: You may use a reach weapon as part of a move action to make a vaulted leap over an obstacle. Including the jump or tumble when vaulting you may not exceed your double move and attack in the same round. If this obstacle is an opponent you must make a jump or tumble check to clear his threatened zone. You gain 5' in height by vaulting.

Example: Ember has proficiency with the Longspear. She sees a falanx of shield bearers and know the enemy mage must be there. The evil sorceror Gradnock must be stopped or the party will be decimated in a few seconds. She makes a charge, clears the shield bearers with a tumble check, and savages the enemy mage with a flying kick.

Alternate Example: Brede, the great mounted fighter, wields a heavy lance while on his horse. He surveys the battlefield and notices his page has, once again, wandered in front of the orcs. There is no way for his horse to change course and manuever through the enemy.

Using his lance he vaults over the obstacle, makes a dex check to grab the boy and continues to hustle him away from combat. He draws his bastard sword, glowers at the orcs then whistles for his horse, Astyanax, to return.

(Brede) "Boy, that was my favorite lance."
(Page Boy, voice cracking and speaking with a lisp) "Sa-sa-Sorry, ssssir."

Bluff Defensively

Prerequisites: Bluff: 4 ranks, Int 13+, Expertise

Benefit: When making a Bluff check to misdirect or feignt, you gain the same bonus as if fighting defensively. You also gain the additional bonus normally receive from fighting defensivley with 5 or more ranks in tumble.

Combat Feignting

Prerequisites: Bluff Defensively, Bluff: 4 ranks, Int 13+, Expertise

Benefit: When making a bluff check to misdirect or feignt, you gain +4 bonus to your attempt.

Grab and Toss

Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Str 15+

Benefit: You may throw a pinned opponent and deal damage normally.

When you have successfully pin an opponent, you may elect to throw your opponent a number of feet equal to the difference of your opposed grapple check.

While doing so you provoke an attack of opportunity from your non-grappled opponents. When your opponent is tossed, he provokes movement related AoOs and must make a reflex save (DC: 10) to avoid falling prone.

Grapple with Weapon

Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Str 15+, proficient with weapon

Benefit: Normally you cannot grapple with a weapon and only deal unarmed damage to a pinned opponent.

You must you use a two-handed weapon or two weapons in conjunction. Whether using the flat of a greatsword, one end of a quarterstaff, or by entangling your opponent with nunchaku, you can use your opponents momentum against them and start a grapple. You porvoke an attack of opportunity for using your weapon in such a non standard way and the standard rules for two weapon fighting apply to the check. You may use your weapons damage against a pinned opponent.

Double Weapon as shield

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon, shield proficiency, double weapon must be one size category larger than you.

Benefit: When holding a double weapon in one hand, you may treat it as a large shield.

When holding a double weapon in one hand for whatever reason (in order to cast a spell, deflect arrows, drink a potion, etc.) you may treat the double weapon as a large shield. Your weapon enhancement bonus does NOT apply to your AC. You may not make an attack with the weapon, make a shield bash attempt, use expertise, or fight defensively while using a double weapon as a shield. If making an attack with another weapon in your free hand, normal two weapon fighting penalties apply.

Stunning Strike

Prerequesite: Str 13+, Wis 13+, Extra Stunning Attack, Monk Level 3rd

Benefit: You may substitute one Stunning Fist attempt for every 3 monk levels you posess to add 1d6 damage to any single unarmed melee attack. You still attack normally. First, declare that you are using Stunning Strike ahead of time. On a failed melee attack, the stunning strike is lost and you have one less Stunning Fist attempt for the day. On a succesful stike add the additional damage per number of channeled Stunning Fist attempts.

For example, Ember, as a 6th level monk with a strength of 14, declares she will use up two stunning fist attempts as stunning strikes. She clarifies that she will make a stunning strike (for 2d6 extra damage) with her first iterative attack and is not making a flurry of blows. She makes a successful unarmed melee attack that deals 1d8 + 2d6 + 2.

Ambiguous Mongrel Heritage

Prerequsite: must be taken at 1st level

Benefit: Somewhere in your blood 2 or more generations prior there is the blood of another humanoid race mingled with the dominant blood type that identifies you clearly as X. This is most useful for monstrous heroes but also is applicable when the PC is interacting with his traditional racial foes. Even if just for a moment, an audience may be granted by your traditional enemy where normally no allowances would be made.

Flavor: "Hey, Willan, come 'ere an have a look at that. Is it just me? There's something about dat dere Kobold . . . I'm not sure what it is. He's built like one of those, whatcha call 'em, "Tallfellows" you see on the Halfling side of town. But he talks like those human barbarian tribes up in the wild northern provinces. Either way, he makes a better trap than any gnome in this town. I gots me three bears yesterday with dat trap of his . . . wait a minute. What'd you say? Hmmmm. You know, you're right. He does look a bit like a gnome if you tilt your head a bit. Well, as I was saying, 3 of 'em. Big Brown ones too. I'll have to show you sometime. . ."

Breath Attack Channeling

Prerequistes: Cha 13+, Int +13, Must be a half-dragon

Benefit: You can channel your breath attack to use another spell or spell-like ability like a sorceror of half your level from the following list:

Alter Self
Endure Elements
Locate Object
Speak with Animals
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First Post
I dont have access to search, but I remember I made some stunning feats during a discussion about whether or not it required a standard action for a monk to begin a stunning attack, as it was an extraordinary? ability.

The feat allowed you to make a stunning attack as a free action while attacking, and with that prerequisite there were 2 more feats. Honestly can't remember what they were :(

Anyway, heres some thoughts from today:

Dragon Strike [Feat]
Prerequisites: BAB +4, Stunning Fist Attack, ability to use a breath weapon as a natural ability.
Benefit: When you make a stunning attack you may choose to use a breath weapon, if you do add the breath weapon damage to your regular damage. If you miss, the opponent gets a reflex save for 1/2 damage, if you do not, they do not get a saving throw. Using the breath weapon in this way only affects one opponent.

Greater Stunning Attack [Feat]
Prerequisites: BAB +8, Stunning Fist Attack, Extra Stunning Attack*
Benefit: When you make a stunning attack the effect lasts 1d4+1 rounds instead of 1 round. Additionally, you may make more than 1 stunning attack in a round. Finally any additional time you take the Extra Stunning Attack* feat you get 4 additional uses instead of 3.

* - This feat appeared in Sword + Fist.



First Post
Stunning Strike

Sounds good to me, you have to take a feat to get it, it costs you a use of another existing ability, and does about what a rogues sneak attack does as it progresses.....

You may take this if you wish let it be written, so let it be done....

The chaneling has potential too, we can talk about it if you want, it's too late for the other one.


Thank you, my trusty DM ;-) I appreciate the response. I thought I would just drift for a while and not net any responses at all. Check out my "Monsterpiece" thread if you like, you might have some fun with it.

I really like the idea of the Stunning Strike feat, but it goes against my ethos regarding players (especially in their own game) making up feats while not quite understanding balance or being obsessed with kewlness.

It just feels so wrong and I am so not an authority on balance. Let's see how the discussion pans out and see if anyone points out some obvious flaws. At any rate, it's starting to get late for Ichiro to keep taking feats withoutregard to sticking to any feat chains. But enough about my character.

Let's look at the Stunning Strike Feat. Regarding the sneak attack comparison there is one obvious disadvantage. While the rogue outpaces with sneak attack damage (particularly at high levels) he has to get his opponent flat footed.

The monk; however, only has so many Stunning Fist attempts a day. I totally broke the rule that you can only do one Stunning Fist attempt per round though. Should I make it so it can only effect one attack iteration but can channel as many stunning Fist attempts as is possible (one for every 3 monk levels?) I'm just not sure in the end. Hence, the need for ENWorld advice.

I decided to key this as straight damage especially given that every other class can be enchanted with energy type damage on their weapons rather cheaply. If you go outside of the core books, there are alternatives for the monk in this regard but they always cost more as they are placing weapon abilities or enhancements on non-weapons and hence should cost more. I hope they work on the Monk and magic items in 3.5E. It gets somewhat frustrating at times even with S&F and OA.

As for the Breath Attack Channeling, I've seen so many signature ability substitutions and then checked out Sean K. Reynolds breath attack options that I thought I would give it a try. There's nothing in the feat descrtipion's spell list that is higher than 3rd level (I think, I wan't looking at my PHB). i included no stat buffing spells and all of these spells are used by most if not every dragon type. I suppose I could limit by Dragon subtype but I think that would nerf it a lot.

I could throw an "Extra Breath Attack" prerequisite but I feel that actually makes it stronger. Besides, It could still be taken at creation by a Human/Half Dragon. I feel that as a 1/day ability that balances being able to use these spells. After all, I know I want my dragons really magical. So magical in fact that the Eldritch remains potent in the blood even when diluted. The fact that the Monster manual mentions Half-Dragons favoring the Sorceror class seems silly after boosting their strength and AC so much more than anything else. I suppose the logical regards not wanting a Half Dragon mage to be a melee pushover when one of his parents is one of the most powerful creatures in the fantasy world.



Improved! Now with extra crunch!

Added 5 more feats:

Bluff Defensively
Combat Feignting
Grab And Toss
Grapple with Weapon
Double Weapon as Shield

All comments and criticisms are still appreciated,


Two more

Added 'Improvd Clever Wrestling' and 'Pole Valuting'. That should be all for a while.

If anyone could help me make the description of Ambiguous Mongrel Heritage more clear, I'd greatly appreciate it.



I'll get you next time, Game Cat. Next time!

But seriously, folks, you just can't get one past Game Cat.

Even he, who attacks with such obscure doctrocity, seemingly bereft of all human feeling . . . and I am no mere timetraveler equipped with an exceedingly long and exceedingly silly scarf! I am the Doctor known only as "Devoid"


Yes it's Dr. Who and Tom Baker era at that- the fourth and best of the Doctors of muddled identity.

Every once in a while I, rather defensively have to hint that the handle is Dr. Devoid. It's kind of embarrasing when you consider people are looking at it and thinking, "Dre-day-vois-dee? What is that pigeon french?"

Any thoughts about the relative power level of the feats while I have your attention?

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