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Berate me for my house rules


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Hi All,

Here are all my house rules. Pat me on the back or berate me as needed:

Character Creation:

1. Please submit a 1-2 paragraph back story on each PC: these will be read by the players, but not known to PCs

2. Players begin play at party average, or one level below party average (1/2 way through), in the case of PC death.

3. Players will have 80 points to assign to ability scores on a 1-1 basis.
a) Race adjustments only apply to ability scores in terms of MAX/MIN starting score (ie ½ Orc max starting STR 20, max INT/CHA 16)
b) Do not forget to add +1 any ability score for L4, L8, etc.

4. Charisma, in addition to all the current wonderful bonuses will add +/- 5% any XP granted per point of Bonus/Penalty

5. Players will have their level equivalent GP to spend on equipment.
a) Players may select equipment from PHB and DMG, with exceptions.
b) Players may not begin play with hand selected magic items. Instead, FWD your DM a copy of a wish list, and I will FWD you a series of groups, from which you may select a single group. The groups will tend to reflect class, back-story, and meta game meta game concerns (ie – don’t count on mithiril, arcane casters!)

6. Please submit two PCs: this serves two purposes.
a) it allows players to organize a balanced party
b) in the case of character death, a new character is already generated.

7. HP up to level 3: First Level MAX, L2/L3 75% of MAX

8. Only PHB core classes (no Psi-handbook, etc)

9. Only PHB core races (no ECL +N)

10. It's a Greyhawk world (Greyhawk deities, cities, etc)

11. Splat books (Sword and fist, etc) FEATS will only be available on request/approval from me. Before anyone asks; Spell Casting Prodigy is out. If your new character wishes to take a feat from a splat book, please email me: I have most of them.
a) The same is true for Prestige classes – if/when that time comes. Please note that I would like to see the player role-play into a prestige class, not simply fulfill the PC requirements.

12. Character death and abandonment: in 90% of the circumstances, the new PC will start play at 1 level below the party average.

13. If there is a TPK, all party members will come back at the level they die at. This is the “new” lowest level in the game

Leveling Changes:

1. You cannot save skill points or feats from one level to the next.
2. Rogues/High skill point PCs: no more than 4 skill points assigned to a skill per level (when new level is gained).
3. Alternate HP on leveling: d12 can use d8+3, d10 can use d8+1, d8 can use 6d+1, d6 and d4 no change

Class Changes:

1. 1/2 Orcs get weapon proficiency in Orc weapons if they have martial weapons prof. Other races get their proficiency in their respective double weapons.
2. A Barbarian Rage does not end when dropped (-1 to -9)
3. Bards: 6 skill points/level
4. Paladins are considered a Prestige Class, players may not begin play as a Paladin
5. Clerics may not chose Plant and Animal domains
6. There are no Godless Clerics
7. Druids add Ride, and Climb as a class skills
8. Monks: @ L2 can swap Deflect Arrows for Dodge or combat reflexes
9. Monks: @ L4 can swap Improved Trip for Improved Disarm
10. Rangers do not get track until L2,
11. Rangers may substitute, as virtual feats, Point Blank Shot and Prec Shot, for AMBI and TWF at L1. Light armor still required
12. Rangers may use staff as a double weapon
13. Rangers damage Bonus works on all creatures, however creature type for creatures immune to criticals must be more sharply defined (ie – not, undead, instead: zombies).
14. Sorcerers get 2 class skills that may be picked at L1 from a list based on skills tied to CHA
15. All Charisma based casters get the feat: Eschew components for free at level 1 (no need for material components whose cost is 1 GP or less).

Skills Changes:

1. Know (Monstrous) is a new class skill for every class, this skill covers character know of the monsters they encounter.
a. Players get +1 rank/level as bonus ranks.
2. Tumble: must be rolled separately for each threatened area. You may not move through an enemies square with a failed Tumble check
3. Spellcraft: Divine caster get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on arcane spells. Arcane casters get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on divine spells .

Spells Changes:

1. Harm: does it’s damage over time, no save remains the same. Since it is high level, players will vote on amount of damage as we get nearer
2. Divine Power is now a L5 spell. Righteous Might is now a L4 spell.
3. Druid spell list gets: Cat’s grace, Bulls Strength, Wind Wall, Daylight, Water Walk, Air walk, Control Water
4. Shout: now does 3d6 rather than 2d6
5. Greater Magic Weapon lasts 10 min/level instead of 1 hour/level
6. Wall of Force may not be used to trap opponents (with no save)
7. Polymorph self: making the transformation is a 1 full round action (that begins on the same round the spell is cast). Troll is a magical beast NOT a GIANT
8. Shadow spells can counter regular spells. The “real” spell caster get s a Will save. Shadow spell is still used if save is successful.
9. Clerics of We-Jas may not Animate, create, create greater undead (We-Jas is the god of “final” death).
a) Mindless undead (Skel/Zom) are considered evil by the general populace, even though they are "neutral." Animating dead is an evil act.

Game Play Changes:

1. To resolve disputes, there is a 2 minute time limit set, in which the dispute is resolved. DM is the final arbiter.
2. Please try to separate Player knowledge from PC knowledge
3. Many skill checks are hidden.
4. Skill Focus gives +2 to one skill, these points count as ranks. These ranks do not count towards the 3 + level skill rank maximum.
5. Spellcraft: Determining a being cast or in place, etc has the difficulty increased by +4 if the spell is Arcane, and the character is a divine caster or vice versa.
6. Hide Skill requires a Std. Action
7. Additional XP will be granted for good role-play/following story line
8. Item Creation: Only Brew Potion, and craft scroll can be used as written. Other crafts magic items are limited to 2+1 item/level from the time you acquire the feat. You cannot be "forced" to miss out on crafting and item by earning XP to fast (ie trapped in a dungeon)
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incognito said:
4. Charisma, in addition to all the current wonderful bonuses will add +/- 5% any XP granted per point of Bonus/Penalty

Is this done to prevent players from min-maxing (with CHA as the dump stat), to balance out the relative "weakness" of CHA as a stat overall, or for some other reason entirely (world background, etc.)?

How do you handle the boost that this gives sorcerers (and to a lesser extent, clerics and paladins)?


First Post
incognito said:
1. Please submit a 1-2 paragraph back story on each PC: these will be read by the players, but not known to PCs
Bad Idea, people can't metagame with information they don't have.
3. Players will have 80 points to assign to ability scores on a 1-1 basis.
a) Race adjustments only apply to ability scores in terms of MAX/MIN starting score (ie ½ Orc max starting STR 20, max INT/CHA 16)
b) Do not forget to add +1 any ability score for L4, L8, etc.
I like counting racial adjustments as part of the point total, really helps cut down on munchkinism. However, 80 points means an average stat at 6/80 = 13 2/3 points (or 2 @ 13 and 4 @ 14). On the standard point buy system this would cost 5*2 + 6*4 = 34 points. 78 point buy on point for point is the 32 point buy system recommended for high powered characters in the DMG. The other downside of a point for point system is it encourages min/maxing.
4. Charisma, in addition to all the current wonderful bonuses will add +/- 5% any XP granted per point of Bonus/Penalty
You are speeding up the leveling process even more and making CHA the most important metagame stat. I do not think that adding a metagame bonus to a stat is a good idea. This mixed with a point for point system and I'd be surprised to see anything below an 18 in CHA except for those racially limited.
6. Please submit two PCs: this serves two purposes.
a) it allows players to organize a balanced party
b) in the case of character death, a new character is already generated.
This is a good idea, but I wouldn't demand the second character be completely fleshed out cause then they'll have to keep him up to level in case they die and you'll be looking at twice the approval work everytime someone levels.
2. Rogues/High skill point PCs: no more than 4 skill points assigned to a skill per level (when new level is gained).
This might work better as a percentage of the current ranks.
3. Alternate HP on leveling: d12 can use d8+3, d10 can use d8+1, d8 can use 6d+1, d6 and d4 no change
I like the idea but shouldn't it be d6 can use d4+1, d4 no change. because d4 + 1 for a d6 is equivocal to d6+1 for a d8. Additionally will you let them baseline?
1. Know (Monstrous) is a new class skill for every class, this skill covers character know of the monsters they encounter.
a. Players get +1 rank/level as bonus ranks.
By 10th level which will probably happen in about 2 months with the exp changes you've made people will be able to know how to defeat nearly anything right away.
3. Spellcraft: Divine caster get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on arcane spells. Arcane casters get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on divine spells .
4. Skill Focus gives +2 to one skill, these points count as ranks.
I don't like them counting as ranks. I mean is someone want's to burn a feat to have a skill a 2 ranks above max what's the problem, they could easily take a weapon prof to avoid a -4, esentially giving them a +4 to their attack bonus with that weapon. Making these ranks makes this feat, that is really the only real good rogue feat, almost useless.

If I haven't commented on something count that as indifference I probably wouldn't make the rule but I wouldn't complain about or compliment it either.


8. Item Creation: Only Brew Potion, and craft scroll can be used as written. Other crafts magic items are limited to 2+1 item/level from the time you acquire the feat. You cannot be "forced" to miss out on crafting and item by earning XP to fast (ie trapped in a dungeon)

I'm confused by this one, say you got a Craft X feat at 3rd level. Does this mean you'ld be limited to 5 items total, 5 items each level, or 5 items at 3rd level, 6 at the next, 7 at the next and so on.

Sort of makes getting Craft Item feats less and less worth getting the higher level you get, when they become more and more necessary.


First Post
incognito said:
3. Players will have 80 points to assign to ability scores on a 1-1 basis.
a) Race adjustments only apply to ability scores in terms of MAX/MIN starting score (ie ½ Orc max starting STR 20, max INT/CHA 16)
b) Do not forget to add +1 any ability score for L4, L8, etc.

4. Charisma, in addition to all the current wonderful bonuses will add +/- 5% any XP granted per point of Bonus/Penalty
My sorceror:
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 10
CHR 18
"Dem some nice stats."
"You get +20% XP on top o that?"
"Damn. Dem some niiiice stats."
2. A Barbarian Rage does not end when dropped (-1 to -9)
I like that one. Yoink.
10. Rangers do not get track until L2,
11. Rangers may substitute, as virtual feats, Point Blank Shot and Prec Shot, for AMBI and TWF at L1. Light armor still required
12. Rangers may use staff as a double weapon
All looks good. Although personally, I would have track at L1, and the Ambi/TWF or PBS/PS at L2, for flavor reasons.
15. All Charisma based casters get the feat: Eschew components for free at level 1 (no need for material components whose cost is 1 GP or less).
"Damn. Dem stats gettin' nicer and nicer."
2. Tumble: must be rolled separately for each threatened area. You may not move through an enemies square with a failed Tumble check
3. Spellcraft: Divine caster get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on arcane spells. Arcane casters get a -4 circumstance penalty when using this skill on divine spells .
Two house rules that need to be core rules. Sweet.
1. Harm: does it’s damage over time, no save remains the same. Since it is high level, players will vote on amount of damage as we get nearer
What does this mean?
6. Wall of Force may not be used to trap opponents (with no save)
Ref save, I assume.
4. Skill Focus gives +2 to one skill, these points count as ranks.
Bard just got sweet - all bard song abilities, two levels early!

As a side note, here's my house rule on this:
Skill Focus gives +3 competence bonus to one skill; it can be taken multiple times for the same skill, but each time after the first is only +1 more.


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Ok, in order of appearance:

Crothian: to promote player (not character) understanding. Some of the player sin my group are not good at expalining thier characters look, feel or motivations. And let's not forget about "my character has gray eyes" syndrome - it feels more adult reading the paragraphs.

haiiro: believe it or not, no one has played a sorcerer or bard yet. BUT we have seen two CHA: 8 characters. It was meant to both prevent CHA as a dump stat and to encourage these classes. Note: Paladin is a PrC, you cannot just take it.

Drawmack: I am currently toying with the idea of making racial negatives DOUBLE for this point buy. So elves would be max 14 CON rather than 16. Comments? Yet, I don't want to hurt 1/2 Orcs more then they already are...

Re your comments on speeding the leveling process. I would not worry about it.

A) we have plenty of PC fatalities.
B) Once a character gets a level ahead, they earn less XP until the party average catches up.

I like the idea but shouldn't it be d6 can use d4+1, d4 no change. because d4 + 1 for a d6 is equivocal to d6+1 for a d8. Additionally will you let them baseline?

d12, d10 and d8 tend to get into straight melee - d6 types tend to be "stick and move" I wanted a way to give Barbs higher average HP, and avoid the dreaded 1 for "some other classes"

Yes, they can still take the 1/2.

By 10th level which will probably happen in about 2 months with the exp changes you've made people will be able to know how to defeat nearly anything right away.

Maybe you should ask where the DCs start?

4. Skill Focus gives +2 to one skill, these points count as ranks.
[snip]...I don't like them counting as ranks

well, I originally used +3 to a single skill, but then eveyone said comabt casting was really point less. I mean +4 just for casting defensively? Why not get +3 all the time?

Bagpuss: if you take Craft X at L3, you could create 3 items immediately (2 +1 per level since you attained the feat). This was done to avoid a player taking craft wonderous and cranking out all the low cost items whenver the party had a spare day or two. This was my experiecne in the game previous to this one.

seasong: WRT to your character - where's that background? On the otherhand, this PC would have my blessing.

WRT Harm - let's say the bad guy has 10 hp. Harrm gets him down to 4d hp, same as before. Let say he has 1,000 hp. Harm will STILL get him down to 1d4, but he will loose them more slowly. We have not decided on the amount, becasue no one can cast harm yet. The amount oh HP damage is designated at the time of casting.

For Wall of Force - yes, same as otilukes

Skill focus: see my reply to drawmack.
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Re: Whew!

incognito said:
Drawmack: I am currently toying with the idea of making racial negatives DOUBLE for this point buy. So elves would be max 14 CON rather than 16. Comments? Yet, I don't want to hurt 1/2 Orcs more then they already are...
the +/- that the races get is balanced if you go changing the minuses but not the pluses you may as well just ban the other races. This will have serious balance issues.
B) Once a character gets a level ahead, they earn less XP until the party average catches up.
Okay let me get this straight, I'm playing an elf with a CHA of 20 (I think that's legal let's just assume it is so I can make my real point.) So I get a +20% xp. Then I level before some shmo who used CHA as a dump stat so now I get less xp until he levels up. If that happened to me I would suicide the character and use CHA as my dump stat. Bad, bad, bad idea.
d12, d10 and d8 tend to get into straight melee - d6 types tend to be "stick and move" I wanted a way to give Barbs higher average HP, and avoid the dreaded 1 for "some other classes"
It is only fair to do it across the board or not at all.
Maybe you should ask where the DCs start?
go ahead then.
well, I originally used +3 to a single skill, but then eveyone said comabt casting was really point less. I mean +4 just for casting defensively? Why not get +3 all the time?
I didn't argue with the +2 I argued with them counting as ranks.


12. Character death and abandonment: in 90% of the circumstances, the new PC will start play at 1 level below the party average.

13. If there is a TPK, all party members will come back at the level they die at. This is the “new” lowest level in the game

This is my favourite....

So if it looks like your character is going to die, or you just get bored of them it makes good sense to try and take the rest of the party with you.

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