• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Besides D&D, what are you playing?

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aramis erak

How is alien?

Theres a guy here in town that just started up a game looking for players and I was thinking of trying it. I love the franchise, havent heard much about the mechanics though.

Oh and other then my Hunter game I just bought a strategy game called age of wonder planetfall thats taking up my free time during the corona vacation.
Mechanics work REALLY well in theme. Simple to run, plenty of inspirational materials.
Plays well. There's a whole thread on it here at Game Design Masterclass: Alien
You can find my posts on RPGGeek in the "How DId Your Session Go" lists.


The one active campaign where we have gotten a few sessions in:

* Vampire: the Masquerade 5e. We tried playing it through Astraltabletop last Friday. That worked surprisingly well, but you need to do a lot of prepping for it to work.

We were just about to start a campiagn in Fate Accelerated (God & Monsters), and we have had one character-generating session. We might be playing that through Astraltabletop today. Not entirely sure.

Normally we gather up all 8 players and play at the home of one of the guys, but now with a certain panedmic, we should do what we can for social distancing.

Campaigns on hold atm (and that will be played again):
* Scion 2e. The GM took a break from GM'ing due to burnout, but hav started writing on it again.

* Star Trek Adventures - Same GM as above, but that was much easier for him with premade adventures. Just had a few sessions, and it works well as a filler-game for when we can't do the scheduled game.

* Mage: The Awakening 2e

Campaigns on hold, that are way less likely to ever start again, for various reasons.
* Star Wars - Force & Destiny. We might actually have finished that campaign.

* Legend of the Five rings

* Daring Comics rpg.

* Drakar och Demoner Trudvagn (though we used GURPS as a system. That was a mistake)

And probably forgetting other campaigns


Star Wars D6 with expanded options.

Nito's Jump.jpg


I don't currently play D&D and haven't for quite a long time. The last time I did was during 5e playtest.

Currently I'm running a Nobilis campaign. I have also recently ran two Pathfinder adventures and would have ran an Exalted adventure if not for the lockdown. Last but not least, I have ran two short Maze Rats sessions for my kids (9 and 5).


On that metempsychosis tweak
Many would count PF as D&D... many count a wide range of OSR games as D&D as well.

Not claiming you're wrong, just pointing out that playing a game that shares 99% of the tropes and abut 50% of the mechanical elements as a D&D edition is like saying, "I'm not using an 586 computer" when you're using an AMD k5 cpu.
I'm running a few systems that function about as well as an Intel x86 processor. :)


Many would count PF as D&D... many count a wide range of OSR games as D&D as well.

And some people go so far as to call every TTRPG "D&D", even when talking about a game that clearly isn't D&D even if it is being used for pseudo-medieval fantasy. I actually got annoyed with the GURPS group I was once part of when the GM called it D&D to explain it to people asking (we were playing in a brewery).

Anywho, onto the question. I'm not playing or running anything right now. Currently working on generators either for games I want to run soon or that I just haven't done work on the generator in a loooooong time.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I would be interested in your Beyond the Wall hack.
It's still pretty aggressively informal at this point, since I'm not anticipating being able to start until 2021 (and who knows how much more delay there will be due to coronavirus). But, basically

-Make characters and design the village using the playbooks.
-Convert characters to broadly use 5e rules. 6 classes (Warrior, Rogue, Mage, W/R, W/M, R/M). The playbook gained features provide an extended background that guides skill choices and special class features. I have a bunch of rules modifying the 5e core, probably beyond the scope of this post.


I am actually looking for an alternative to 5E for a somewhat gritty fantasy sandbox campaign, so let me know if you have suggestions. It doesn't have to be D&D related but it should be a traditional RPG that's medium crunchy and tracks XP.

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