Besieged by Bones OOC


This idea is somewhat experimental, but could be interesting.

2nd level, Pathfinder, 4 PCs

The PCs are in charge of a small fort (Fort Pierre) and nearby town. Each PC will hold an official title, which will be determined based on the class and background.

The fort will be besieged by an army of skeletons. Hundreds of them!

You will have to break the siege, protect the town, and/or figure out what's going on, engage in further fights, etc.

But, you will have a small army of your own to command ... and feed. Cavalry, archers, infantry - about 100 men in all.

Here's the unique twist: Because the PCs are low level, the combined combat power of your army will actually be greater than your own personal combat power! In other words, if the commander (you) decided to singlehandedly fight all of his own troops arrayed against him, you would probably lose! I know this is unheard-of in D&D, since usually only mid to high level PCs get to command armies, but in the real world it is possible for an army to be tougher in combat than its leader.

You will also have to decide among yourselves who gets to command what troops, how to allocate resources, etc.
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First Post
Sounds like it could be fun! I'd be torn between a tactical Bard to bolster the army or a more cliched Necromancer-Cleric to command some of the undead and make them attack each other.


This being PBP, I wouldn't worry about it being too short. It's hard to say how long it'd run but certainly months at least.

That said, if it's going well it could certainly continue along the timeline as there are other threats or potential threats in the area, such as an orc tribe and a couple of nearby lands with ambitious rulers.

So are you in, DT? If so, we just need one more :)


First Post
Hmmm, seems very cool. I love me some tactics (turn-based strategies like the old Shining Force series are my favorite video games).

I'm not as familiar with the PF rules, as I am 4e, but if you're willing to put up with a bit of a new player then I'd be interested.


No problem, renau. It's a low level game, which makes it a little less complicated, and the PFSRD has everything you need.


In the kingdom of Trinland, the Barony of Absten is on the coast, with the ocean to the west, but without a deep harbor sea trade is limited. The town of Specton and Fort Pierre are the main features of interest, along with the surrounding farms.

To the north is the land of Baron Hawt, and to the south, that of Baron Ludd. Further north is the border with the kingdom of Kland, with which there is an uneasy peace.

To the east is the Red Forest, a wild land and the home of the Red Tusk Orcs. As a result, most trade passes through the road to the south. The forest also contains old ruins, which are said to be haunted.


Old Baron Absten died without an heir. In this situation, the Barony reverted to the direct control of King Gary Jarvis. It is expected that he will either appoint a new Baron, or give Absten to the jurisdiction of one of the neighboring Barons - both of whom are no doubt eager to expand their holdings. In the meantime, however, he has appointed you as Wardens of Absten.

Character creation:
Characters must be loyal to the King or well able to fake it
Any PFSRD material
2nd level, 25 point buy
hp are max 1st level then average-rounded-up 2nd
1500 gp equipment
In addition you get a mount, which for a typical medium sized PC is a heavy warhorse.
(If you are a cavalier, your horse's stats are either that of the heavy warhorse or those given for the cavalier mount, whichever is better.)

race: any standard, but human is preferred
religion: as per Golorian

house rules:
-Rich Burlew diplomacy

-Spells that normally have material components that can be cast out of a spell component pouch have them as a material focus instead. This change has no game effect, but the flavor makes more sense since otherwise in theory you'd have to continually replenish the pouch.

-In combat, PCs act in the order in which you post.
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First Post
I tend to enjoy rogues, but if there's lots of undead.... well, I mistakenly played one in the Age of Worms AP....that kinda sucked. I think an obvious choice is a cleric, I do like them, but I'lll wait to see what others are doing too, being that i haven't really played to much PF I'm kinda good with whatever.

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