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Best single volume RPG?


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GlassJaw said:
Grim Tales - only book you ever need, barring some kind of setting (but that's optional).

As you know, I'm a big fan of Grim Tales, but I have to admit that I don't feel it's a complete book, in and of itself, simply because there are no creatures/monsters available, and the magic system tends to rely on spells from other OGL systems. Now, truth be told, it does have rules for creating monsters, so technically, I suppose I should agree that it is a one book system. However, the text emphasizing it as a toolkit that takes advantage of other OGL resources removed it initially from my previous answer. It's just a great game to tinker with...

So yes, I think I'd dare say, with that reminder, that my choices would actually be D20 Modern, Grim Tales, Traveller T20 and Star Wars Saga Edition, in that order.

With Regards,

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Best one-volume game, eh?

Difficult parameters, to be certain.

Take for example Pendragon -- I love this game! The core book contains everything you need to run a campaign ... but it is not a campaign to many people's tastes and is very constrained in what it can do. Same is true for Call of Cthulhu; unless people are really into the setting (and a very specific take on the setting), the game is of little use.

Paranoia XP is a little better in that regard, but still a single setting.

Oddly, one game with a single rulebook that seems to fall into that category but doesn't (at least for me) is Over The Edge -- yes, the setting is Al Amarja, but the core rules are so simple, so transparent that you can adapt them to a host of settings. I have used OTE for the base setting, for superheroes, pulp adventures, Cthulhu-esque, fantasy, and about six-eight variants on the above. This probably earns my "one volume" spot. It is also the game that I have used to introduce more non-gamers to gaming than any other books, which strikes me as a selling point.

The old RuneQuest (2nd ed) was also pretty decent that way, though a bit oddly constrained. Still, I have a soft spot in my heart for it.

Ars Magica would probably also fall in this category, either 4th or 5th edition -- different takes on the same base theme. While all the supplements are certainly nice, the core rules are all that you need for a good game; I have also worked up variant games (not using Mythic Europe as a base) from this material to rather surprising ends.

World of Darkness (the current core-book version) has been mentioned and I think deserves some serious thought. The system itself is elegant and simple, easy to move to a variety of gaming situations without the need for angst or even vampires. That, to my mind, is the hallmark of an intersting one volume game.

So, a few disparate notions... ;)


Rodrigo Istalindir said:
(DragonQuest is) Ahead of its time in many respects, although the magic system was nigh unplayable.
Wow, I found the magic system easy to play, adaptable, and gave a certain element of risk to spell casting that D&D has always lacked. I have adapted the DQ magic system to a host of other RPGs. I even used it to add a magical element to Traveller when I adapted that game to Doctor Who. That's a completely different thread, however.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
My top 1-book examples would be

Runequest 2nd Edition - great 'realistic' feel, wonderful setting, just converting it for Eberron at the moment ;)

Bushido - combat, social encounters, wars, world building, all in one slim volume

For more recent games, probably (in this order)

Star Wars Saga Edition - so much done really right here

Spycraft 2.0 - tonnes of new great rules and subsystems

Conan OGL - captures the basic Hyborian age feel very nicely


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Add a vote for Savage Worlds, Explorer's Edition. Great game, small package, great price.

What is the difference between Runequest 2nd Ed and Mongoose's Runequest?

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