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Pathfinder 1E Best third party publisher Pathfinder products?


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To (hopefully) add something in the OP's vein:

I was absolutely blown away by Raging Swan's Lonely Coast products, especially the Lonely Coast "mini-setting", which currently is a free giveaway on paizo.com (go check it out!). Stylish layout, clean formatting, combined with interesting locales you can either use as-is or pick up and drop into your existing campaign. Also - which is a problem I have with many 3pp products - it has nice, clean art!

From reading Lonely Coast, I got the impression that the setting was intended as a tie-in for Paizo's first AP, which would probably work very well. While I haven't checked out any of their adventures yet, and I freely admit I'm not a statblock junky, I haven't found any glaring errors in their math, either (go check out the free web enhancements for their various adventures for examples).

This is one of the very few 3pp companies I will continue to monitor closely, as I'm interested to see what they will come up with next.

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This might not be the most popular thing to say, but ...

I find it kind of irritating how fast this thread has changed into an advertising competition. The way I understood the OP, he wanted users to recommend 3rd party products from their own experience - which is fine and an interesting topic, because most contributors to this thread have given their reasons for liking a particular product so that anyone who shares their opinions and interests can then check out said product.

What I don't get is why a lot of publishers see this as an opportunity to chime in and tell everybody how great their own products are. I mean, sure, most small press publishers have to raise awareness for their product, but doing it in a thread such as this not only defeats the thread's purpose, but also annoys me (and makes me reconsider purchasing from someone who feels the need to advertise their product so 'aggressively').

I get that you think your products are great, but that's like a publisher reviewing their own product. And I (and probably a lot of other people) have stopped buying things just because they are advertised, instead listening to customer feedback. So, what I'm saying is: let other voices be heard, and you will benefit more in the long term, I guess.

We now return you to your scheduled programming.

I'm going to have to call you out on this, my friend. The OP said:
I'm wondering what people have found and would give 4 or more stars out of 5 to.

To be perfectly honest, the publishers on this thread have only thanked others for their praise and not, in any way, "aggressively" promoted their stuff. The only publisher who might be guilty of that is me (mea culpa) and I only linked to the reviews as asked for by the OP. If publishers were not supposed to chime in here, then the OP should have requested it. As you say, it is tough for us little guys to raise company awareness so, just speaking for me, I chime in where it looks okay to do so (and even received a product proposal from a forum member for my trouble). Sorry to again to derail the thread but there's the other side of the coin. :D


First Post
Something obvious...
Most (if not all) 3PP are gamers first. Well, Duh!

The point is, they too have opinions on what their peers are bringing to the table. I find value in hearing that opinion. As a creative person who also shares my vision with the community, I understand their feelings of anxious excitement.

Personally, I have avoided most 3PP's products. This is mostly as a defense mechanism from past 3.5 splat-attacks and the destroyed campaigns left in their wake! I admit, since playing PFRPG I have begun to change my hard-line attitude concerning non-golem products. The few purchases I have made have all had relevance to my King Maker campaign.

The first is Book of Beasts -- Monsters of the River Kingdoms by Jon Brazer Enterprises. Steven Helt & Dale McCoy have put together quite a nice collection of critters to bolster an KM judge's arsenal! I was particularly fond of the Lemkin adding one to my game at first opportunity. Our Gnome Druid is now in a romantic relationship with a charming Lemkin named Cornelius.

Another KM related product that I've picked up is Hank Woon's WarPath Mass Combat Rules by Cubical 7 & Adamant Entertainment. I haven't actually had the chance to use the system yet (my KM game is just starting the third book), but I have reviewed it for the cast back in Episode 004 and I'm looking forward to it!

I will refrain from assigning an x out of y rating system.
These products have enhanced my game and they might have a similar result of yours!



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Dreamscarred has the rather impressive honor of being able to say they made a psionics book even better then the XPH, which, for me, is high praise.

Thanks, ProfessorCirno. :) It was a community effort indeed, which I think is why it came out so well.

And many thanks to all those who posted their opinions in this thread - I've been looking for quality Pathfinder material for use in my own games and will give a look to the books referenced in this thread. Crunchy books are the ones I like the most, since I rarely have the pleasure of being a GM (I don't handle PCs going off on their own tangent well enough and don't gracefully handle getting them back on course... and the folks I play with are very... imaginative when it comes to handling plots)


This might not be the most popular thing to say, but ...

I find it kind of irritating how fast this thread has changed into an advertising competition. The way I understood the OP, he wanted users to recommend 3rd party products from their own experience - which is fine and an interesting topic, because most contributors to this thread have given their reasons for liking a particular product so that anyone who shares their opinions and interests can then check out said product.

What I don't get is why a lot of publishers see this as an opportunity to chime in and tell everybody how great their own products are. I mean, sure, most small press publishers have to raise awareness for their product, but doing it in a thread such as this not only defeats the thread's purpose, but also annoys me (and makes me reconsider purchasing from someone who feels the need to advertise their product so 'aggressively').

I get that you think your products are great, but that's like a publisher reviewing their own product. And I (and probably a lot of other people) have stopped buying things just because they are advertised, instead listening to customer feedback. So, what I'm saying is: let other voices be heard, and you will benefit more in the long term, I guess.

We now return you to your scheduled programming.

I hear where you are coming from, and I respond here:



First Post
Super Genius Games with Rite Publishing a very very close second

Throws dice at Owen and Stan! then streches his neck out for the finish line!

Again to say something nice about books that I don't produce (not tooting my own horn)

Super Genius Guide to Time Thief by Super Genius games
Forgotten Foes by Tricky Owlbear Publishing
Last edited:


Yes, let us continue that discussion over there and keep this thread on track, please.

Honestly in reviewing the whole thread, I don't see much self-promtion here, mostly publishers mentioning other publishers and thank you's for mention of their product, that's all. And that isn't self promotion - that's only gratitude.

If the OP didn't want publishers to respond he should have said so in the 1st post.

I plug 3pp's all the time, there's lots of great work out there.



First Post
My favorites so far have been 'cerulean seas', 'psionics unleashed' and 'strategists and tacticians'
Cerulean Seas because I love the idea of a completely underwater campaign
Psionics Unleashed for the obvious reasons
Strategists and Tacticians gives characters of all classes more varied options, and limb severing! I love that there is a prestige class that requires you to have replaced your limbs with prosthetics.

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