This is what I said about it earlier on the boards:
If you liked the ol' Against the Giants series, then give this one a try. Hack n' Slash with a heart. It's pretty epic (72 pages long), and I'm hoping there's enough twists n' turns to keep everyone happy. And even though the focus is taking out giants, there's enough role-playing situations to balance things out.
There's a thread kicking around about how to assault/defend a tower full of giants. Beyond All Reason has this, and then some. Not only does it have towers, it has war parties, base camps, and an active volcano. It has strange allies and even stranger enemies. It's got a touch of psionics. Its Druid friendly. It's got art by Claudio. It's high-level. It even has an ettin/athach crossbreed. Ya, I know, you figure it out.
Like I said, if you liked the "G" series, and you're thinking of picking up Monte's Queen of Lies for the Drow factor (and the Monte factor too I'm sure), then what you've got is a nice little Against the Giants/Decent into the Depths of the Earth nostalgia kick that's fun for the whole 3e family.
I'm not familiar with "The Night Below", but it does try to make things complicated for the characters as they wage war on the giants.
Regardless of whether you can use it in its totality, its full of ideas, plot hooks, environments, history, NPC's, villians, magic items (10-11), maps (15-20), and so forth (The various appendices total 15 pages). So, there's plenty to take from and use to gurantee its value.
If you want an idea of what I'm about as a designer, check out my other offering to date "Himrak War Party", which is a free download adventure found on our site ( People seem to have taken to the Himrak (orcs) and I'm hoping for the same for the Jirockk.
We aim to please Omeden! Thanks for the support and I hope you fail that Will save a few times in our favor.