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Bite size classics -- Ravenloft (module) Next


After Gencon, (some of) my group is pretty amped up on DnD Next. I am going to take advantage of this by creating some Next versions of classic modules. My goal is to create slimmed-down versions of the core experiences of the classic modules. I will call these "Bite sized classics." Each one is planned to run for 1 or 2 four-hour sessions for our party. I will seek out a way to share these conversions when I am done (the conversions will likely require the original module to make any sense -- with references like "room 4-8 are now empty and simply read the boxed text but room 9 uses the following statistics for DCs"). I may even have to work out new -- likely poorly drawn -- maps.

I plan to work up modules like: Tomb of Horrors (because that has not been done enough ;) ), Expedition to Barrier Peaks, some of the C series, etc.

First up is a conversion of the original Ravenloft (I6). In preparation, I wanted to throw this question to the community. Which encounters/rooms/events represent the core of the module. These are the elements I will keep in the "bite-sized" version.

****Needless to say, spoilers for I6 will follow*****

Off the top of my head, the gypsy fortune and Strahd are the core. Collecting (possibly) the holy symbol, etc.

What else is truly iconic from this module?

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I recently ran Ravenloft in D&D Next. There was enough to the module for one great session. Unfortunately, it took three sessions (two of which weren't very fun, but one of which was amazing).

I think the most important part of the module is that Strahd is a willful antagonist with lots of cool powers. The core of Ravenloft is "you're in a creepy castle full of weird stuff, and there's a super-smart undead 10th-level mage who will :):):):) you up when you least expect it."

The crypts are boring and pointless, and can be removed entirely, or even replaced with actual encounters--e.g., instead of "a million crypts which are all empty except for one with a nightmare," there's just a nightmare in the middle of the room.

The town stuff, while it does a great job of setting the tone, does rely heavily on boxed text and is mostly masturbation. I'd have the players either start out in town, or in the carriage as it pulls up to the castle.

The Ravenloft speed run would look something like: Enter Barovia, meet some townspeople (mayor, mayor's daughter, or priest) and get pointed at Strahd, interact with the gypsy to identify the weapon/item needed to defeat him, head to the castle, head upward to find the item, have a first encounter with Strahd, find item, then head to the dungeons to take down Strahd and gain resolution.

You'll have to provide pretty firm hints; without them, and left wide open, classic Ravenloft is more than a few sessions.

The first meeting with "Strahd".
A few other encounters where Strahd just appears and slaps the party.
Zombies in the water.
The wight trap in the catacombs.

Really, there's two ways to go with the adventure: up and down, and each has their own iconic moments. I'd write two different paths and adventures, one where you explore the castle and the other where you explore into the catacombs. And let the players pick which route to go.

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