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Blade Barrier Question


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First, from the SRD:

Blade Barrier

Level: Clr 6, Good 6, War 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Spinning disk of blades, up to
30-ft. radius
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a spinning disk of razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around a central point, creating an immobile, circular barrier. Any creature passing through the blade barrier takes 1d6 points of slashing damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). The plane of rotation of the blades can be horizontal, vertical, or slanted.

Creatures within the blade barrier when it is invoked take the damage as well. They can negate the damage with a successful Reflex saving throw, provided they can and do physically leave the area of the blades by the shortest possible route. Once the barrier is in place, anything entering or passing through the blades automatically takes damage.

A blade barrier serves as one-half cover (+4 AC) for anyone beyond it.

A question came up last game. The party had a Blade Barrier cast on their location (with them at the approximate center of it).

The one who made the save was forced to move out of it (shortest route) on his turn.

But what about those who didn't make their saves? I assume they could then move out of it any way they wanted to. (Y/N?)

Also, the spell does not state you take more damage from remaining in the barrier, or more from leaving it. Is this correct? (Y/N?)(That is the way we played it)

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The Souljourner

First Post
1.) Those failing their saves are in the blade barrier when it appears, taking full damage.

2.) Those passing their saves move immediately to a space outside the area of effect. They move right as the spell is cast.

3.) Each round, on the caster's initiative, everyone in the blade barrier takes 20d6. This means that those who got hit initially get a chance to move out before they take a second 20d6.

4.) Entering a blade barrier deals 20d6 damage.

-The Souljourner
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Starship Cartographer
I think that it is easiest to not roll any saving throws when the spell is cast. Instead, roll them as people's turns come around. When it is their turn, they can make a save. If they succeed, then they take no damage as long as they get clear of the blades immeadiately.

Anyone who remains in, or enters, the area takes the damage each round on thier turn (no save).


What Souljourner said, assuming 20th+ caster level. For lower caster levels, substitute the appropriate damage for 20d6. ;)


Starship Cartographer
The Souljourner said:

2.) Those passing their saves move immediately to a space outside the area of effect. They move right as the spell is cast.

3.) Each round, on the caster's initiative, everyone in the blade barrier takes 20d6. This means that those who got hit initially get a chance to move out before they take a second 20d6.

So you get free movement if someone casts a blade barrier on you? That seems rather odd. I could see where that could be used to benefit a party. Someone is escaping and is too far away to grapple in one round? Well, just cast Blade Barrier behind the rogue and (with his excellent save) he'll get propelled towards his quarry so that he can catch him on his turn!

And the damage is done on the caster's initiative? That will work really well with the Renewed Focus spell. I cast blade barrier and damage everyone, then refoucs and do damage to them again before they have a chance to get out of the way! Cool.


First Post
LOL, not quite. The character gets a save chance when it is cast. If successful, they get to move out of the Blade Barrier ON THEIR NEXT move without taking damage.

P.S. I think your tactic would work better with a Fireball, blasting him into the enemies:D


Ki Ryn said:

So you get free movement if someone casts a blade barrier on you? That seems rather odd. I could see where that could be used to benefit a party. Someone is escaping and is too far away to grapple in one round? Well, just cast Blade Barrier behind the rogue and (with his excellent save) he'll get propelled towards his quarry so that he can catch him on his turn!

And the damage is done on the caster's initiative? That will work really well with the Renewed Focus spell. I cast blade barrier and damage everyone, then refoucs and do damage to them again before they have a chance to get out of the way! Cool.

Blade Barrier is one of the wonkier spells in the ph, we recently had a long looooong thread about it, and because I think everyone came out of it confused.

If you try to worry about its mechanics too much, you'll go crazy. I'd say try to rule your own version of BB.


First Post
Heh, I had never noticed that Blade Barrier is a Good domain spell. I like to think of Heaven as being filled with angels, warmth, light, a sense of well-being...oh, and huge spinning maelstroms of flesh-ripping razor blades. Be careful, Aunt Julia!

Brown Jenkin

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Tewligan said:
Heh, I had never noticed that Blade Barrier is a Good domain spell. I like to think of Heaven as being filled with angels, warmth, light, a sense of well-being...oh, and huge spinning maelstroms of flesh-ripping razor blades. Be careful, Aunt Julia!


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