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Blades in the Dark Goes ‘Punk in Hack The Planet

Funded by a 2015 Kickstarter that raised $179,280 Blades in the Dark, by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Productions, was one of the big hits of 2017 when it released. Now Samjoko Publishing/Fraser Simons have announced a cyberpunk ‘hack’ of the system, Hack the Planet, which will be launching on Kickstarter in March. Samjoko are no strangers to the cyberpunk genre having already published Fraser Simon’s The Veil.

Funded by a 2015 Kickstarter that raised $179,280 Blades in the Dark, by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Productions, was one of the big hits of 2017 when it released. Now Samjoko Publishing/Fraser Simons have announced a cyberpunk ‘hack’ of the system, Hack the Planet, which will be launching on Kickstarter in March. Samjoko are no strangers to the cyberpunk genre having already published Fraser Simon’s The Veil.
Samjoko's Fraser Simon's had this to say about the forthcoming game:

“Some of you might be excited to learn about another game we will be kickstarting next month called: Hack The Planet. This is a hack of Blades In The Dark by John Harper. You play people on the fringes of society, where a cyberpunk future we typically might see in the genre was halted by changes in our climate.

Much of the landscape was changed due to what became known as Acts of God. As our climate became radicalized it resulted in more than just heavy weather. Earthquakes, tornadoes, rising sea water, and the changes in rainfall—to name a few—resulted in the destabilization of government and banks, and the halting of technological progress on the massive scale we enjoy today (and typically see in the genre) as everything that could be mustered by what was left of governments was hurled at the problem, too late.

The crew types available change the fiction quite a bit. An Akira style biker gang, people who live on an aircraft carrier who dive to the surface to scavenge, mercs, people in a convoy who chase Acts of God for scientific value (think Twister), and vice dealers. When you choose a crew you also choose how you interact with Acts of God, taking a starter move for the crew that represents that choice. Do you kill the weather? Refine it for fuel, or perhaps mine it for data? There is also an overarching clock that tracks when Acts of God hit, making them special jobs that need to be dealt with (and still earn you Credits).

I'll have tables to roll on for creating these. I chose Blades because it maps to this concept so well. The system does what I want it to do, scale and magnitude are already there, and making a crew and playbook is as accessible as Powered by the Apocalypse, for the most part. A lot is tied to a setting... but I think since it's a game where cyberpunk intersects with climate fiction and is so esoteric, it benefits a lot from providing that information and setting to the players.”

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Please, now we are in the age of the cultural contrarevolution, this means the folk from real world start to get tired of the clichés about capitalist multinational companies like empires of evil. We notice any businesmen aren't good people, but we aren't going to believe the solution is all economy to be controlled by the goverments and politicians. ( "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." - Thomas Sowell )To stop abuses by oligarchies do we need a state plutocracy where only the friends and favorites of the regime can be rich?

The cyberpunk genre needs a serious change, and the sci-fi gets older each time faster. In the real life the closest one to the true ciberpunk dystopia wouldn't be in Detroit or Tokio, but maybe in Russia or China, where there are more industrial pollution, poverty and political corruption. The true Detroit is totally opposite what we have watched in the movies of Robocop. Do you remember the Norsefire party from "V of Vendetta"? The Norsefire from real life is Venezuela o Eritrea(the African North-Korea). Please, forget that propaganda by the cultural marxism. Not all is true in the way they want to tell you.

And please, all that matter about climate change by anthropogenic origin, by the human industry, is one of the biggest fraud in the History, it is a fake to justify the total control of the economy by the "globocrazy"(secret world goverment).
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And please, all that matter about climate change by anthropogenic origin, by the human industry, is one of the biggest fraud in the History, it is a fake to justify the total control of the economy by the "globocrazy"(secret world goverment).

Oh, please, everyone knows this so-called "secret world government" is just a front for the reptilians from Alpha Draconis who really run the world from the hidden underground bases. Wake up!


[MENTION=6696971]Manbearcat[/MENTION], [MENTION=16586]Campbell[/MENTION]: not sure if cyberpunk is your thing, but as Blades fans, I thought I would draw your attention this way just in case....


This sounds like an interesting take on the cyberpunk genre. The last thing I need is something else to back on Kickstarter, but ... yeah, I'll be backing this.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Please, now we are in the age of the cultural contrarevolution, this means the folk from real world start to get tired of the clichés about capitalist multinational companies like empires of evil. We notice any businesmen aren't good people, but we aren't going to believe the solution is all economy to be controlled by the goverments and politicians. ( "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." - Thomas Sowell )To stop abuses by oligarchies do we need a state plutocracy where only the friends and favorites of the regime can be rich?

The cyberpunk genre needs a serious change, and the sci-fi gets older each time faster. In the real life the closest one to the true ciberpunk dystopia wouldn't be in Detroit or Tokio, but maybe in Russia or China, where there are more industrial pollution, poverty and political corruption. The true Detroit is totally opposite what we have watched in the movies of Robocop. Do you remember the Norsefire party from "V of Vendetta"? The Norsefire from real life is Venezuela o Eritrea(the African North-Korea). Please, forget that propaganda by the cultural marxism. Not all is true in the way they want to tell you.

And please, all that matter about climate change by anthropogenic origin, by the human industry, is one of the biggest fraud in the History, it is a fake to justify the total control of the economy by the "globocrazy"(secret world goverment).

Not appropriate. Take your political conspiracy theories to some more appropriate forum, please. No politics or religion here.

The sci-fi and the fantasy also can be political propaganda, for example the movie of "Assasin's Creed" where the Spanishs are the evil guys. Garth Enni's comics "Preacher" are propaganda, Far Cry 5 is propaganda, "Homefront: the Revoluntion" is also anti-comunist propaganda. The old movies where the English pirates are the good guys and Spain the evil empire are propaganda, the western movies where the Northamericans natives are the antagonists also were propaganda, Umberto Eco's "the name of the rose" is propaganda, Dan Brown's books are propaganda. "Family Guy" is propaganda. When a character from superheroes comics is gay is propaganda too. The teleserie "the maid's tale" is propaganda. You are used to listen only a point of view, and then you can't understand the reason because other people have got different opinions but they aren't really bad folks.

The evil corporations can be a usual antagonist in the geek fiction (movies, teleseries, comics, novels, videogames)... but when it starts to be a too used cliché but the radical anticapitalists never appear like a menace for our freedom and rights, then somebody suspects there is a double standad in the media. In the past the communist spies were usual antagonists in the pulp fiction, but they don't appear now. What has happened in the (geek) fiction? When have you seen in the media a villain like the fictional equivalent to Fidel Castro, Vladimir Putin or Xi Jiping? Maybe the last time with a character like this was Cuervo Jones from the movie "Escape from L.A", or the videogame "Homefront: the revolution".

Don't you notice it? When creators and authors of a fiction work are designing the background of a franchise (also in the RPGs titlles), they are also impriming their own vision of the reality, their own predjudices. You can add characters like Lex Luthor, Norman Osbon(Green Goblin), Montgomery Burns(Simpsons) and companies like OCP(Robocop), Umbrella Corporation(Resident Evil), Hammer Industries (rival of Tony Stark) or Tyrell Corporation (from "Blade Runner"), Wyland-Yunati Corporation(aliens), Cyberdine Systems(Terminator), Abrasax Industries(Jupiter Ascending), Pentex(Werewolf: the Apocalipse) or Abstengo Industries (Assasin's Creeed), Even the terrorist group Cobra was a multinational corporation in "G.I.Joe: Renegades"!! . When in the fiction in the main media (almost) all richest businessmen are evil and never mentioned the pain caused by extreme-left groups, then something isn't right.

Fiction is right to having fun and fogert your problems for a time, but we have to be careful because maybe we are only watching one point of view, only one can tell his own visions of the events, and that could be dangerous.

Sorry, I am not a troll and I don't wan't cause controversy, but I don't like the idea the fiction to be used to show only certains points of view about the society and the History. I feel like Friedrich Hayek, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman or Thomas Sowell reading "Superman: Red Son" by Mark Millar. (or a Blackafrican reading "Tintin in Congo", or a Northamerican aborigen wathching "They died with the boots on"). I miss a new Ayn Rand for the current geek fiction. Have you thought anytime about how would be the cyberpunk genre written by defenders of minarchism, anarcocapitalism, anarcho-capitalism or economic-liberalism, the ci-fi version of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"?

How to explain it better? (sorry, English isn't my naive languange) Let's imagine this example: A group of fanboys are playing "7th Sea", they are English-speakers, but with some anti-Spanish predjudices (by fault of the "Black Legend". It is curious, but actually USA is suffering their own version of the black legend created by propaganda of rival powers). Then the Gamemaster tells Castilla is the evil empire and the queen Elaine of Avalon an heroine, but in other land a second group also are playing the same title, and they are pro-hispanist Spanish-speakers. Then canon is broken, destroyed, and the Castillans becomes the coolest guys in the world of Téah, they discover the new world and help natives to rebell againts the goa'uld tirants, and the queen Elaine is a genocide villain who is allied with vampires, who control masony lodges and secrets societies trying terminate Vatican Church, the last hope againts the menace of supernatural creatures. The fiction, also the roleplaying games, is influenced by the point of view of authors and creators, and sometimes they have predjudices, but we don't notice because we are too used to see them in the main media and (almost) nobody dares to say it to be wrong. Today we say racism againts Northamerican indigenous in he old far-west movies, is wrong, and maybe tomorrow people will say extreme-left predjudices againts Christianity and businessmen aren't (totally?) right.

* I am waiting the comingsoon movie of "Captain Marvel" because then internet will full be with lot of jokes, memes and fun stories about the skrulls (shapechanger reptilian aliens), for example mocking messages like "Stop the interestelar xenophoby!, the skrulls are totally integrated in our society, and even someones are in senior positions of responsability in liberal parties".

* The origin of the "reptilians aliens, hidden amongs us" was inspired by the 80's sci-fi serie "V" (famous by the reptilians humanoids eating living mice, and with Robert Englund, the famous actor who played Freddy Kruegger), a fabule about the rise of the nazism and the fall of the democracy. What a pity the remake wasn't too popular among the new generations.
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First Post
Well, it sounds more refreshing than Corporation rpg. I am kind of sick and tired of the whole dystopian future cyberpunk thing, maybe try to make it a positive setting where most people are living happy lives, but under the surface lurks danger and mystery? That might be nice. I digress though, the setting sounds awesome.

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