• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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An old man rocked slowly in his chair, the warmth of the fire giving him peace and serenity. Around him, a group of children, their young minds craving knowledge and adventure from his ancient discoveries and a lifetime of experiences. He smoked his pipe casually, a smile of contentment on his face as he gazed down at the youngsters.

One of the children approached, tugging at the mans robe.

"Please... Tell us a story Grandpa. Tell us of the beginning."

The other children nodded their heads in exited agreement. They wanted to learn the tale of the beggining of time, and the old man could not deny them.

"Alright, alright. Settle down, and I will tell you of the greatest beings history has ever known. "In the beginning..."

In the beginning, there was nothing. A giant emptiness devoid of life and though. However, forces from beyond the reaches of this universe caused a spark, and reaction that awoke something in the nothingness. The first born was *Ambrus*, a part of the universe seperated by unknown energies, and given form and life. The nothingness itself called out to *Ambrus*, an unbearable agony of losing a part ones self. It could not handle the new sensations, and instead forced that out as well, becoming another entity, *Kaodi*.
The part left became known as Whisper, a living example of the contradictions between nothingness, and creation. And so it was that three beings created from nothingness arose, and became the creators of a new era. They were known as "The Triplets of Creation"...

OOC: Alright guys, the universe is yours. Shape it as you see fit.

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Peering around and not comprehending the nothingness that surrounds it the first, the light bringer wishes to indulge its need to create but yet remains ignorant of what may be. Turning in place, the Nexus of creation exhales great gouts of flame which seer the darkness with their brilliance. By an act of will the Nexus causes these firebrands to take form, shaping them in its own image; the only reference of which it knows. This endless conflagration of stars streak off into the void, chasing away the darkness and filling the furthest empty reaches of existence with their brilliant presence. As they continue to move away from the Nexus the stars' presence demarcates the boundary of the ever-growing universe.


First Post
As Nexus contemplated the glory of His first act, a strange sound came to His ear...so quiet he had to listen intently to hear it.

It is a fine thing you have done, o' High Creator, said the voice siblantly into his ear. A sursurus of whispers behind it assured him that it was indeed fine. You have filled the cosmos with light, such that all may be seen.

But not quite ALL, Nexus realized. There was, floating nearby, a single grain of dust. Behind the dust, in its infinitesimal shadow, was a sense of someone, but he couldn't quite see who. From that tiny void in his perception, the voice spoke with seductive suggestion.

But would it not be finer still if there were more in it? the voice asked. Other voices, tiny echoes of voices, pointed out that it would be. Take from your fount of Creation tiny pearls and set them adrift around you...always circling, so they do not strike you, nor fly off to hit the stars. Spin them like tops, so that the sides facing you do not melt, and the sides away from you do not freeze. Make them each things of beauty to last all the ages of this universe...for what good is it to see all, when there is nothing to see?
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Inspired by the insidious ideas which deftly worms its way into the primordial gods consciousness, the Divine Nexus begins to dream of other possibilities aside from the perfect and pure fire which it has spread across the breath of creation. Turning its attention to the chaotic eddies in the ether around it the Nexus reaches out with its indomitable will and draws the ashes and dust of its own birth together. As they coalesce and grow, worlds begin to form around it by virtue of an invisible but intractable new force; that of gravity. Dust and ether, earth and air, two new elements swirl together and finally separate from each other forming imperfect but massive spheres shrouded in clouds which the Nexus set to orbiting around itself.

Thus is the Nexus tricked into creating areas of darkened umbra behind each such planet where only the light of its first-born, the stars will forever shine. As the planets rotate, the Nexus only ever sees their shifting surfaces reflecting its own light back upon itself and so remains ignorant of the shadows it has thus created. It does not at first realize its mistake, for itself being the essence of light, the Nexus does not comprehend the darkness...


The Divine Empyrean gazes upon these new celestial bodies it has created. It is intrigued by them for they are the first things it perceives as being fully different than itself. It examines them from its central vantage point and distinguishes each in turn by its size and the color of its surface. There are seventeen in total, the Empyrean's first treasures, and the primordial god rejoices in the worlds it has created. One world in particular however draws its attention for the thick clouds enshrouding it hides its surface from the divine gaze of the Empyrean. Curious to see what is hidden, the Empyrean buffets the planet with its solar wind, jostling and upsetting the clouds and causing them to spill forth their essence onto the planet's surface. Soon the world's surface is over-saturated with water; the fourth element. The emptied clouds then grow thin and part to reveal the world's surface to the curious Empyrean. The primordial god grows pleased as the vast seas it has inadvertently created clearly reflect the sun's full brilliance back upon it. For the first time, the Empyrean can regard itself in all its splendour.


The darkness beholds its own vastness for what it truly is, infinite, in the moment that this new thing, this spark of creation, experiments with its power. For a time, it exults in its own magnificence, but its attention soon turns to this tiny, growing area of light and matter within itself. No matter how great the nothingness, it is always the same. Only here, where this spark of creation dwells, will it find and experience new things.

Noctuvos waits silently in the spaces between that which is. Perhaps, in time, he will address Empyrean or Whisper, but for now he is content to watch in amusement what they have wrought.


Fascinated by this jewel of a world it has created, the Empyrean's full attention is drawn to the small planet for a moment. The God's unbridled fire begins to buffet the fledgling sphere, unintentionally scorching its skies and boiling its seas. Before it can withdraw its essence from the orb, the planet's surface shudders and roils with pressure from within; its convulsions forming continents. Far too quickly, great cracks race across the newly formed continents as they continue to fracture into smaller and smaller islands. Mighty mountains thrust violently up out of the sea in protest as they hemorrhage great torrents of molten rock into the sky. The Empyrean withdraws its divine fire, for its merest act of curiosity has irrevocably marred the world's pristine perfection. And yet, even with this unintentional act the Divine Nexus has created something altogether new, something unique within the bounds of the universe.

The Empyrean waits patiently while the small planet cools and settles into its new shape. As it does so, the God considers what it has accomplished so far, and what it might yet do. The Fledgling Demiurge is pleased with what it has wrought, both intentionally and not, but now the Divine Nexus has come to the conclusion that it itself is too powerful to directly interact with its works. No, the god must create some tools, specially designed for the delicate attention this small planet demands. But what would it use for the task? It had created the four elements from its own essence, and they had indeed produced interesting results thus far, but they were but crude materials on their own. Still, this fledgling world was composed of these four elements, and any tool the Empyrean created would likewise need to be composed of all four to interact with the planet. Something was missing from the equation however. Unable to directly affect the world itself, its tools would need a semblance of the Empyrean's own consciousness to be effective and prosper.

With more care than it had used to create the entire cosmos, the Divine Nexus causes the ashes of its own its explosive birth to begin coalescing in the ether once more. Unlike the planets, the fledgling god uses its solar winds to delicately traces the outlines of a small ovoid form in space. With the subtle use of time and gravity the ashes slowly bond together. Water proves to be a much more difficult element for the Nexus to control, but with enough time, minute ice crystals form along the ovoid's outer surface. A slow gentle exhalation of fire from the Empyrean liquefies the ice and thus is water made to seep through the ovoid's crust and into its core. As the ovoid grows in size the ether around it, by its very nature, is drawn towards and into this new creation. The Empyrean lastly gathers up its own quintessence into its breast, the one mystical element which it had thus far kept to itself, and breathes it into the delicate construct. The ashen ovoid, awash in magic, grows pearlescent and radiant under the Nexus' careful ministrations. Its task thus complete, the Empyrean sets the ovoid to drift towards the distant cooling planet. As it begins its journey, the Empyrean speaks aloud a second time: "Pray tell me all that you find, and so will you be cherished and blessed in my sight."

Falling towards the planet, the ovoid glows ever-brighter as it traces an arc through the thick enshrouding atmosphere. By design, the fiery-hot ovoid alights in the sea and is thus quenched. The stress of impact does however jar the ovoid's contents into action. Rolling end over end from the struggle at its core, the ovoid washes up into the surf along one of the planet's continents. Cracking open, the ovoid bleeds a viscous fluid onto the earth; the stuff of life. Where it touches, greenery quickly spreads. While the ovoid's inhabitant continues its struggle to escape, lichens and grasses spread along the coastline. Some of the escaping fluid is gathered up by the surf and thus carried out to sea where it begets other stranger plants. Small bits of shell fall away from the egg and crumble onto the sand, from which small squirming worms and insects arise. The bits of shell that are washed away likewise beget corals and other small swimming fish in the sea. As the grasses quickly spread across the landscape and give rise to the first trees, the egg in the surf shudders once more and finally shatters apart. The larger bits of shell tumble onto the sand, under which rodents and serpents quickly arise and scurry away.

The form that lay within the ovoid is now free. Wrought in its creator's image, it uncurls its long sinuous body and opens its eyes and nostrils for the first time. Taking in the world around it, the creature soon unfurls its delicate wings and is buffeted by both wind and surf. Stepping deftly up out of the water on four clawed legs, the creature climbs up to the highest point it can find to regard its new domain in its entirety. Stretching its body and limbs to dry, the dragon looks up into the sky where it sees the blazing sun shinning down on it with favor. "I pray to you in thanks." Instinctively, the dragon begins to prepare a nest for a clutch of eggs it will soon lay.
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For a moment, an infintesimally small pang of something that might be called jealousy disturbs the sanctity of Noctuvos' thoughts.

However, from that feeling a train of thought of emerges on how he might claim a piece of this wonderful creation as his own. Soon though, he is confounded by how he might address Empyrean, as his experience with him has been limited so far to observation.

While dwelling upon that conundrum, he notices the place that is occupied behind the tiny spec of dust. There, he sense an entity that hints at familiarity, not so alien as the fiery god.

Focusing his thoughts on that place, he attempts to communicate. Do you see what the fiery one has delivered unto that world? Soon, it will expel more shapes like the one that held it. I desire that one of these things it expel will be mine, that the fiery one will give it a form and function that suits my purposes. But alas, the spirit of fire is alien to me, in a way you are not. Might you be able to sway with him in my place?


First Post
Hash'Mileak awakens with the thoughts of the first mortal. The creatures are so beautiful...they should be his, he thinks. And he waits for the next brood.

However, due to his entrophic nature, born of the interplay of light and shadow, he decides to create something himself. And so a man and a woman come into existence on the new planet of living things. They scurry about, and quickly raise another brood. The new humans breed quickly. One of the new brood, quickly grown to maturity, fashions a crude weapon out of a sharpened stick. He then attacks one of his weak brothers and kills him.

The Entropic One looks down at his creations and thinksI am pleased
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First Post
Of course, sighs the tiny voiced goddess, her words caressing the void silkily. In fact, I can do better. Simply guide my shelter here to the place where the new creatures are. Do it when the creatures are faced away from him, so his eye is elsewhere. Do these things, and I will deliver one of these things to you, so you may make of it what you will.

Voidrunner's Codex

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