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Blobs arty thread

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Thanks Reveille! :)


Well this is my ‘big’ announcement!
I recently submitted a proposal to the wonderful folk over at David & Charles Publishing. The subject being an instructional art book themed, surprisingly on Goblinoids, haha, they were foolish enough to accept the idea! Woot! ;)

Ahem.. anyway, the book is going to contain ideas on how to create your own goblinoids, I’ll show you how I work in colour and black and white, using the digital medium and give you ideas on how my processes can also be accomplished traditionally.

It will be aimed at the beginner and professional alike and I’m hoping everyone will have fun reading and using it. It is currently slated for a 2009 release and will be 128pages of goblinoid goodness!

I’ve just uploaded a handful of the goblinoid designs/filler art, that you can view here.. GOBLINOIDS so please enjoy. I’ll be updating with new pieces from the book whenever possible :)

The races I’m including in the book are
Half Orc

Cheers all,
Scott :)

So there's the reason I couldn't help you Ashy.. but yeah keep emailing me if need be mate :)


First Post
My latest COW entry over at CA.org..

Ambush Bodysnapper


I recently discovered the 'Ambush Bodysnappers' within the deepest recesses of the Monogle Cave System.
The local tribal elders were clapping their hands with glee as they took me into the deeper sections of the caves, while carrying a scarecrow made of hemp twine, stale straw, old clothes, a pumpkin for the head, with a nicely shaped carrot for the nose .
Well I can tell you, as time went on and we traveled deeper and deeper, darker and darker, I got very nervous.
They were still jabbering to each other in that incessant language of theirs (that I have successfully learned by the way) and dancing around in their awful garish grass skirts, pointing here, there and everywhere while hammering the scarecrow into the ground.
They rushed over to me then hushed quickly and hunched down low to the ground, and pulled me gently down with them. The one closest to me looked me in the eye with a fearful but excited look and pointed upwards to the ceiling... my eyes followed but I could not see anything in the shadows.... but I could hear the slithering.
I looked to the scarecrow and noticed slippery wet tendrils flit ever so gently down from the darkness above, lightly brushing the head of the scarecrow. The tendrils then shot back up to the darkness and as I watched a huge maul of teeth and red fire and ... well, HELL! Or so it seemed!
The mouth crunched down while sweeping to the side and up again in a lunging arc, throwing dust and rocks into the air and a terrible roar echoed through the caves! All that was left standing of the scarecrow was the supporting stick and it's hat that was flitting about in the air currents made by this massive mouth.
The tribal elders then rushed to their feet jabbering away in excitement, running over to what was left of the scarecrow and pointing with glee.
My eyes were wide open with awe. I realized then that I was still lying down on the floor. Not wanting these tribal types to think I was a coward I got to my feet and grinned back to them, if only in a condescending fashion.
I quickly tore open my bag searching for my journal, my mind was racing about thinking of what exciting things I could write about this beast, what I could call it, etc, etc, etc. Blood was pumping through me like never before, I don't think I had ever been so excited in my life.
While I was scribbling my notes I happened to glance up to the tribesmen.
I didn't fully take in what I saw at the time due to my excitement and adrenaline.
They were lying there, on the ground looking up into the darkness again, I almost grinned harder.. then it sunk in... they were looking above me........

That was when I felt the slight tickle on my cheek...


First Post
blobsticks said:
Well this is my ‘big’ announcement!
I recently submitted a proposal to the wonderful folk over at David & Charles Publishing. The subject being an instructional art book themed, surprisingly on Goblinoids, haha, they were foolish enough to accept the idea! Woot! ;)

So there's the reason I couldn't help you Ashy.. but yeah keep emailing me if need be mate :)

SOOOOO Awesome, Scott! CONGRATS!!! Best of luck with the project, and rest assured that we'll be talking in the future! :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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