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Block or Filter by [TAG]


Is there a way to block or filter message threads which contain a certain [TAG]? If not, would it be possible to implement this in the future?

This would solve the "I hate hivemind, or whatever else I'm hating today or this week." problem.

Personally, I'd love to be able to filter out all [OT] threads. Nothing against the people who post those threads, but they are of no interest to me and I'd rather not have to wade through them when looking for on-topic stuff.

You could even make the feature available only to community supporters. It would be a sure-fire way to get my support.

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Nope. Sorry, it's not possible; you can ignore users, but you can't filter by thread titles.

The easiest way to filter out OT threads is to simply ignore them and pretend they aren't there. "I'm roleplaying myself in complete denial!" :D

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