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Blood and Fist: New Feats


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These are Blood and Fist feats, a Maneuver, Signature Move and a Ki Ability.

Crusher Knee (Signature Move; Thai Kickboxing)
You grapple your opponent and make a devastating knee attack.
Prerequisite: BAB 5+, Thai Kickboxing
Benefit: In order to use a Crusher Knee attack on an opponent, one must succeed an opposed grapple check and a attack roll; the attack roll is made against a flat-footed opponent, and cannot be performed if the grapple check failed. A crusher knee attack increases your kick damage by one die (i.e. from 1d6 to 2d6). A crusher knee may provoke attack of opportunity. You can only use this feat once per round, and cannot perform other attack in this round.
Special: The Crusher Knee may be used in a Combination (not advanced nor improved) with Elbow Slam. The order must always be Elbow Slam, then Crusher Knee. This is the only condition to perform another attack than a Crusher Knee in a round.

Grand Gutter (Maneuver)
A devastating kick to the opponent’s guts.
Prerequisite: BAB 5+, Snap Kick, One of the following: Commando Training, Savate, Thai Kickboxing
Benefit: You suffer a –2 to your attack roll to perform this attack; it increases your damage by one die size (i.e. 1d6 to 1d8). The victim of a Grand Gutter attack must make a Fortitude save dc 15 or be dazed for one round (see more details on page 140 of your core rulebook for the dazed and shaken conditions.) or be shaken for one round if the save is successful. This maneuver can only be used once per round although you may make non-Grand Gutter attack in this round.

Ki Shield (Ki Ability)
The Ki flows around you, shielding you from attacks.
Prerequisite: Ki, Inner Peace, Wis 15+, ECL 7+
Benefit: You shield yourself with your Ki. Calling upon this ability of the Ki gives you a damage reduction, or an energy resistance equal to your wisdom modifier. This ability last for a number of round equal to your wisdom modifier; so a character with 16 of wisdom could chose to have a Damage Reduction of 3 for three rounds.
Special: Each 5 ranks you possess in the meditation skill increase the bonus of the damage reduction or energy resistance by 1, so a character with 12 ranks in meditation and 16 in wisdom would have a Damage Reduction of 5 for 3 rounds.

Please tell me what you think? And post your own, too!

Good day,
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Thanks Chuck :D

I got a few others waiting I need to type, and I'll upload them tomorrow.

Its 4:03am here, and I'm really tired now.

See you space cowboy,



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Here comes another:

Gaze of Stone (Ki Ability)
An ancient and very powerful technique used by Ninja which paralyze your enemy with fear.
Prerequisite: Ki, Frightful Presence, Ninjutsu, ECL 15+
Benefit: Once you use this ability of Ki, every person looking at you in a radius of 30 feet must make a Will save DC (5 + Intimidation ranks + Base will save) or be paralyzed by fear for 1d3 rounds. Using this ability of Ki is a full-round action.

I had the idea while looking Himura Kenshin fight Jinne Uduo (an ex-shinsen gumi who's become an assassin.)

Sooo... how is this one? If you have suggestion for a better name, I'd like to hear it, because I think Gaze of Stone really sucks for this kind of ability.

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While I'm at it...

Arashi no Ken (Signature Move; Kendo)

Prerequisite: BAB 13+, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Kendo, Weapon Affinity (Katana and Wakizashi)
Benefit: This ability allows you to make an additionnal attack with each weapon (katana and wakizashi), but all your attacks for this round, for both weapon, suffer a -2 penalty. Using this ability is a full-round action.

Weapon Affinity
You masterize your two weapon fighting style.
Prerequisite: BAB 7+, Two Weapon Fighting, One of the following: Arnis, Fencing, Kendo
Benefit: This ability reduces the penalty of both chosen weapon (i.e. Butterfly Swords) by one while fighting with both weapon in hand.

The name Arashi no Ken literally translate to Storm of Blade (I think.).

Its for real this time.

See you space cowboy,
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