• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Bloodlines/Unchained/Wedding Bells (Dungeon)

Silver Moon

Module # 138 The New Exiles – The Silver Moon Adventurers (D&D) meet Marvel Superheroes! Module #138 – Games #998-1002; Player dates November 12th to December 17th, 2006. Posts #1-12

Module #139 – “Bloodlines/Unchained/Wedding Bells” Games #1003-1012; Player dates January 7th to March 25th, 2007. Posts #13-up

The Silver Moon Adventurers reside on Silver Moon Island, which is situated off the coast of the Jawlt Lordholding in the Kingdom of Phlooredah (An oval shaped continent, approximately 600 by 400 miles in size, which consists of nine autonomous Lordholdings). The Silver Moon Adventurers have been together for fifteen years, their first mission being to find the fabled Rod of the Seven Parts. This quest brought them to Jawlt where they fought and killed Lord Kindor’s evil predecessor. Three years later they joined forces with Kindor to defeat pirates and evil clerics on an unclaimed island sixty miles south of the Jawlt/Thenossia border. The adventurers kept the island afterwards as their home and Kindor then invited them to join the Jawlt Lordholding. Three members of the adventuring team currently serve on the Jawlt Council.
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Silver Moon

Primary Cast of Characters:

Narg, male 9th level half-elf fighter.
Chaotic Good. Founding member of the Silver Moon Adventurers, 15 years earlier. Is the unofficial leader of the Silver Moon Adventurers. He is charismatic, optimistic, and likes to make the most out of life. He has exceptional strength, but a below-average wisdom, which along with his alignment sometimes leads short-term planning without consideration the long-term consequences. Despite this flaw, he serves on the Jawlt Council as the Minister of Military Strategy. He recently married the elvan archer-ranger Vallessa and their son is now a year old. He wields a sword of sharpness that also protects him from fire, which he has named “The Nargblade". He often goes on trips with his Pooka friend Monty, who usually brings him to watch baseball games on a planet called Earth.

Mojo, male 8th level elf fighter.
Chaotic Good. Sidekick and former roommate of Narg. Mr. Mojo Rising has a sly wit and sharp tongue, making a joke or comment about anything. Has exceptional strength. He was recently appointed a General in the Queen's Army, and is also her secret lover (although most of his fellow adventurers know this secret). He likes to think of himself as still being reckless and irresponsible, although that has been slowly changing in recent years. He has been with the Silver Moon Adventurers for 14 years. His favorite magic items are a Hammer of Throwing and a Ring of Invisibility. He also spent several years of his life on the world Carvel, which had 20th century technology.

Cassie-Andra, female 10th /8th level* half-elf wizard/cleric.
Lawful Good. She is a fanatic about reading, learning and spell casting. She has wonderful surgery skills, dissecting most monsters that the party kills to harvest components for spells and magic items. She has been with the Silver Moon Adventurers for 12 years. She is their most powerful spell caster, being both a formidable wizard and a cleric of the God of Knowledge and Time. She is the girlfriend of the elvan archer Aradyn. Cassie has an owl familiar named Deanna, and a pet wyvern named Maynard. *Her key magic item is the Crown of Might, the powers of which include increasing each of her ability levels (her actual levels each being one lower than stated above) and the crown will also throw massive fireballs twice daily.

Alton, male 9th level human druid.
True Neutral. Alton F. Wadsworth was a hippie and student at U.C.L.A. Berkley on the planet Earth in the year 1967. While attending a Renaissance festival he was inadvertently captured by a dimensional traveler looking for Medieval-era adventurers, and was then dropped into this D&D campaign world. He has now been here and with the Silver Moon Adventurers for 13 years. Alton had always grown his own plants (most of which he smoked) so decided to become a druid. He has a laid back personality (bordering on ‘burned-out’) with occasional short-term memory lapses, but as less of an attitude than the party’s other druid so the group keeps him around. He lives in the city on Silver Moon Island where he often travels around on 20th century vehicles that the group had acquired on some of their more unusual missions.

Timothy, male human 7th level cleric
Lawful Good. Founding member of the Silver Moon Adventurers 15 years earlier. Timothy is a devout cleric of Ukko. He is tall, thin and has little-to-no sense of humor. He has never shown any romantic interest in anyone, but a drunken male gnome was once found in his bed (having passed out there after Timothy was already asleep) so the party has kept up a running joke since then about Timothy having an attraction to gnomes.

Chapter One, “Party Time”, August 25th, 1020:

Alton, Mark and Serita return to Silver Moon Island from the annual Farnsburg Fair where they were present during the final two days of competition and to meet with the Lordholder of the realm, Lord Kindor. They announce that for the fifth consecutive year a member of their lower-level spin-off group, The Da’Bears Team from Eldamar City, won the competition. This winner, the paladin Sir Augustus James Montique, will serve as Farnsburg’s Mayor for the next year.

They also announce that Lord Kindor has invited them to the Jawlt Lordholding coastal town of Geloynth to attend a christening two weeks from now. Mojo exclaims, “A christening? Who’d he have a kid with?” As Serita is Kindor’s girlfriend she strikes him on the shoulder for even suggesting such a thing and says, “Not a kid! He’s christening two newly constructed ships for his Navy!”

Alton adds, “And they’ll be a big party afterwards!” Mojo says, “A party! We’re in!” Narg turns to his wife Vallessa and says, “Honey, get our butler Hobbson to press my tux!” She exclaims, “What tux? Do you mean the T-shirt with the tux drawn on it?” He replies, “Yeah, that one.” Serita says, “I’m going to have to get a good gown to wear.” Mojo adds, “But with Kindor there you won’t be wearing it for very long.”

September 7th, 1020:

The Shining Star, the smallest of the Silver Moon’s three ships arrives in Gelorynth harbor carrying 25 of the Silver Moon Adventurers. They see that their primary ship, the Silver Moon, has now been moved into a dry-dock previously occupied by one of the recently constructed ships. It is in for repairs to damage sustained battling a giant sea serpent two months earlier (Module #136 - played July to Oct. 2006). Their other ship, the Golden Sun, is still sailing back from the previous mission with the cleric Vincenzo.

Lord Kindor of Jawlt and Lord Ki-Geloryn of Gelorynth welcome the group to the city. The continent’s ruler Queen Jennifer is also present and she has not brought along her husband King Matthan, which greatly pleases Mojo since he and the Queen are lovers. Mojo thanks Kindor for inviting her. He replies, “Well, I figured I should since I’m naming one of the ships after her.

Following an informal lunch they head down to the ceremony, which begins mid-afternoon. The ships are not warships but are instead medical ships, constructed to carry the clerics, healers and medical wagons from the major hospital in Jawlt that Kindor opened the previous year in the capital city of Jawltorn. Serita serves as the hospital’s administrator and the other of these sister ships is named in her honor.

Narg looks at the grand three-masted vessels and asks Kindor “Did you really need two of them?” Kindor replies, “Yes, I’m also an Admiral of the Queen’s Navy. If we face an enemy at sea I do not want to risk loosing all of our healers if a single ship sinks.” The ceremony goes well, with the Queen doing the christening of both vessels with bottles of champagne. Alton complains about it being a waste of perfectly good alcohol.

Everybody then goes to change for the evening’s formal dinner and ball at Ki-Geloryn’s Castle. Narg says, “This should be fun. Ki always throws a good party.” Vallessa replies, “I know. That’s why we let him host our wedding last year.” Glancing around the city Kharole says to Narg and Serita “A lot has changed since we first visited this community fifteen years ago.” “You mean when we attacked it?” Narg laughs in response.

There are around two-hundred people in attendance at the dinner and ball, including a dozen members of the group known as the Da’Bears, on their way back to the Eldamar Lordholding following the recent fair. Serita tells the Da’Bears leader, the dwarf Opal Silversteel, that they brought “somebody to join you.” Opal replies, “Who are you pawning off on us this time?”

Serita explains that back on their boat is a four-armed part-minotaur who they’ve had with them for the last two years that would make a good addition to their team for the next year’s fair given that prior Mayors can’t compete again so they are running out of potential competitors. She says that they would also like to borrow the Da’Bears cleric Eric for a while as Silver Moon Island now has a Greek Temple on it and need a Cleric of Olympus to consecrate it. Opal agrees to the trade. Narg comments that they should have held out for a first-round draft pick for the next season.

The meal is then interrupted when a dimensional portal opens up in the center of the room and out from it falls a woman who resembles an elf but with bright pink skin and solid green eyes with no eyeballs or pupils. She is attired in a green dress and has an elaborate gold and ruby bracer fastened to one arm. The portal closes behind her and she stands up and exclaims “Ah, the Heroes of this World!” Serita slams down her utensils on her plate and loudly replies, “Oh Bloody Hell! Go Away!”

Chapter Two, “Blink”, September 7th, 1020:

A pink-skinned green-attired elf with solid green eyes has appeared in midst of the Gelorynth banquet hall looking for “The heroes of this world”. Following Serita’s exclamation Mojo says, “You want a team called the Elucidators, they’re up in Zalpar.” Kindor says, “We should here what she has to say.” Serita asks “Why?” Narg states, “Okay Pinkie, spill it.”

She begins “My name is Clarice and I come from another world.” ”What world?” Mojo asks. She replies, “It is called Earth.” Several turn towards Alton and ask in unison “Isn’t that where you’re from?” Timothy turns and says “Please continue.” Clarice states “On my world are great heroes with super powers.” Alton mutters “Nope, not my Earth, must be an alternate reality.” Clarice holds up her arm showing the gold and ruby device and states, “With this my team travels to many alternate realities and parallel worlds.”

“This is starting to get interesting,” Cassie-Andra states adding, “What is this team? You came here alone.” She says, “I am the leader of a team of heroes known as the Exiles. We have been pulled together from different alternate worlds and work to fix time that has become unhinged.” “Come again?” Mojo states. She says, “My teammates and I use this device, the Tallus, to go from world to world. When we arrive the tallus tells us what needs to be fixed before we can more on.” Serita says, “That’s nice, go away now.”

Narg says, “Hold on, okay, why are you here by yourself?” She states, “On our last mission my teammates were captured along with the people we were there to help. I was able to get away to find people to return with me to rescue them.” Mojo says, “But you still haven’t told us the most important thing….what’s in it for us?”

She reaches into her pocket and removes a large green diamond-shaped jewel and says, “You can have this as payment. It is called the Jewel of Cyttorak. We obtained it on our last mission from a armored villain known as the Juggernaut.” Former jeweler Lannon is immediately over by the item examining it with an jeweler’s glass.

Gelorynth’s resident Arch-mage Derieki comes over and does a quick spell. “Hmmm, it’s magical in nature. Let me find out what it does.” He casts an identify spell onto it and declares, “Wow! This thing is of artifact proportion. Probably worth between 300,00 and 400,000 gold pieces.” “But who would be willing to pay that?” Narg states. Derieki replies, “I would!” Mojo says, “Okay, this is simple then. We kill her, hide the body and take the gem.”

Alton asks, “So, this place where your team needs rescued is on your Earth?” She replies, “No, it is a place called the Negative Zone, but to get to it we will have to travel through a number of alternate Earths.” Serita says, “Earth is where we got the Pop Tarts and beer in cans isn’t it?” Alton says, “Yes, it’s been five years since we last visited my world” (Back in Module # 73 “The Kmart Caper”) He adds “We’re out of beer in cans and the Pop Tarts.” Narg comments “And my last pair of sneakers is starting to wear out!” Mojo says, “Okay, those things are important. Go get the bags of holding, we’re going on a trip.”

Cassie states, “Not so fast. Before we go anywhere tell us a bit more about this Negative Zone and the person who captured your team.” Clarice says, “My team are all superheroes. The Negative Zone is an alternative type of space where some laws of physics are reversed.” “Ah, like the Astral Plane,” Cassie states. Clarice replies, “Yes, I believe so. There is an adventuring team known as the Fantastic Four who had ventured there and were captured by the ruler of that realm, a creature named Annihalus. We attempted to free them but were caught by Annihalus as well.”

Cassie asks, “How did you escape?” She says, “With the help of the leader of the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic.” “My, he thinks highly of himself,” Mojo comments. Clarice adds, “With good reason, he is a mechanical genius. His power is elongation, being able to stretch himself, so while all ten of us were still bound and shackled he was still able to stretch his head over to examine the Tallus. He deduced how it worked and proposed making an adjustment to active it outside of it’s normal programming. He couldn’t send us back to a known world from the Negative Zone could send me to a new world. He programmed it to bring me to the highest concentration of heroes on the first major inhabited world he could locate.” “That’s it, no more group parties,” Serita exclaims.

There is some concern about taking on a group of individuals with super powers. Derieki says that he can help compensate for that and hurries off into the next room. He returns with a large suitcase hinged on the sides which opens to reveal a collection of 150 potion vials, three rows of twenty-five on each side. He runs through how many of each type are there and asks which ones they want to take with. “We’ll take the whole suitcase,” is Mojo’s reply. He is hesitant until the party’s senior mage, Cassie-Andra, indicates that she will be going on the mission and will keep the case with her. They ask Clarice what her power is and she explains it is teleportation which is why she is called Blink.

Clarice says she can take five along with her. The ones deciding to go are Alton, Cassie, Narg, Mojo and Timothy. They decide to leave the following day in order for everyone to have a chance to enjoy the party and also to give them each time to gather additional items from back on their Island. When they are ready Clarice activates the Tallus and the six vanish.
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Silver Moon

Chapter Three, “Kang the Conquerer”, (Avengers #23 & 24).

The six appear in a place that definitely isn’t Alton’s world. They are in a city with some buildings made of stone and others of brightly colored plastic. Clothing on most of the citizens is comparable to that of the world the Silver Moon is from, except for the laser pistols and plasma rifles being carried about and plastic visors on the helmets. Some of the armored warriors walking about are wearing flexible metal while others have on brightly colored plastic armor. Alton says, “This looks like that futuristic space station we visited a while back”. (Module #105, Game 5: “20th Year Anniversary Module: The Return of the Rod of the Seven Parts”)

The city itself is surrounded by a large clear plastic shield. Amassed outside of the shield is an army of hundreds of armored warriors. With them are seveal hovercraft cannon and tanks which are firing plasma shells into the shield to no effect. Cassie asks Clarice “Any idea what is going on?”

She checks the Tallus and says, “Our mission reads ‘Have the Avengers join forces with Kang.” Mojo states, “Simple enough, if we knew who the Avengers or who the Kang happen to be.” Clarice says, “The Avengers are Earth’s mightiest superhero team. Kang is an enemy of theirs, a time travler from the future.” Alton comments, “From here maybe?”

Some passers-by stop and stare at the party. Mojo says, “Let me handle this.” He then says loudly to the crowd “We are the six travlers who your legends speak of that come from afar in your greatest time of need.” Alton whispers to Narg, “How does he know their legends?” Narg whispers back, “He doesn’t, he’s just making this up as he goes along. Most cultures are generic legends of that sort.” Alton whipsers back, “But six travelers? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to describe us as a four dirtbags and a couple of hot chicks?”

Cassie approaches one of the citizens and asks what is going on. She is told that Kang the Conquerer’s Army is outside of the city and trying to invade. Cassie asks, “Any idea why?” The woman replies, “Because Princess Ravonna would not marry him.” Narg says, “Okay, so we’re here to play matchmaker.” Cassie says, “Not necessarily. Why wouldn’t she marry him?” The woman replies, “Why would she? He is an arrogant despot who cares about nothing except himself. He wouldn’t take no for an answer so is trying to take this city by force.” Narg comments, “Hmmm, on our world they would call that stalking behavior.”

“Maybe we should talk to this Princess,” Narg suggests adding, “And look for some reason to bring them together.” Cassie says, “We need more information.” She approaches another citizen and asks for directions to the library. They follow the direction and find themselves in a room with computer terminals and televison-style screens. Cassie exclaims, “Where are the books?”

Alton notes a sign on the door and says, “We are in the library.” Cassie says, “These people don’t have books! They don’t know how to think! No wonder they are in trouble.” Mojo suggests, “Does that mean that all of their energies have been channeled into other ventures, namely warfare and sex?” Alton says, “I guess so, that seems to be all this Kang guy is interested in.”

The building then shakes as something detonates against it. They hurry outside, seeing that a battleship-style-hovercraft has been positioned before the shield and is firing some type of light beam that manages to travel through the shields and then falls into the city with explosive force. The people appear powerless against the new weapon. A citizen comments that if the beam hits the shield generator building the entire shield will cease.

Narg stops a running citizen and asks for the Avengers. The man replies, “You mean those heroes from the 20th century? They’re down there!” He points down toward the courtyard where four costumed heroes are trying to organize the defending army. Clarice says, “Oh, it’s this team of Avengers. They were probably the weakest group in the entire history of the team.” “Why?” Cassie asks. Clarice replies, “They had minimal powers and there were only four of them, the smallest group they ever fielded.”

“So, who are they?” Narg asks. She points to the one in red, white and blue chainmail carrying a shield with a star and says, “That’s their leader, Captain America. He has exceptional strength.” She points to the archer in purple clothing and says, “That’s Hawkeye, he has no powers other than skill at archery.” Next she points to the woman in a red bathing suit and red cloak and says, “That’s the Scarlet Witch, she casts spells.” Narg gestures to himself, Mojo and Cassie and says, “Heck, we’ve got those three topped.”

The fourth one, a white-haired man in tight light-green clothing, stakes off at super speed to rescue a woman carrying a baby from falling debris. Clarise says, “That’s Quicksilver, you can see what he can do.” Cassie notes the dozens of beams still penetrating the shields and doing cosiderable damange and says, “But those heroes are as stupid as the people in the city. Those are just beams of light when they cross through the shield, mirrors should reverse them.”

Cassie stops some more citizens and asks where they could find mirrors or reflective metal. Using Clarice’s powers of creating gateways they quickly get several back to the main platform area. She says, “We just need to get it up there,” pointing to where the beams are coming through. “Right on it,” says Narg as he takes two Potions of Flying from the suitcase, drinking one and handing the other to Mojo. They each take the side of the largest mirror and take to the air. The other four bring the remaning mirrors to the outside of the Shield Generator Building to protect it.

As Mojo and Narg fly the mirror into position they quickly discover that Cassie’s idea works, with the beams flying back out. The two then get creative, and start angling the mirror so that the return path of the beams has them rain down on the invading army. They blast several hover-tanks. Mojo says, “They’ll probably shut down the launcher soon.” Narg replies, “Let’s shut it down first instead.” They reposition the mirror until the beams turn back upon the machine that launched them, the hover-battle-launcher exploding to bits. They then fly the mirror down to the others.

Silver Moon

Chapter Four, “Divide and Conquer”, (Avengers #23 & 24).

“That was fun,” Narg states in reference to the carnage they had just created to the invading army. Cassie says, “Yes, but it still doesn’t solve our mission, we have to get the Avengers and Kang to work together. Mojo says, “That’s easy, give me a cigar. I’ll fly up and make smoke clouds that read “Surrender Avengers”. They reject that idea, saying that Kang would still want to destroy the castle. Narg says, “I still don’t get it? He thinks that conquering her kingdom will impress this Princess?” Alton says, “Well, it was either that or he needed to buy a Corvette.”

Mojo says, “Okay, how about this, we go and build another castle for him instead.” Narg says, “That would work except that none of us have any experience at building anything.” Mojo says, “Okay, plan modification, we’ll all just sneak away.” Clarice points out that they are stuck on this world until they complete their appointed mission. Cassie suggests that they approach the Scarlet Witch, that being a female spell caster she is bound to have some intelligence. Mojo exclaims, “Great idea! She’s very good looking.”

Mojo and Narg rush over to the Scarlet Witch. Mojo says, “Listen Honey, your real heroes have now arrived. Good thing too, because you folks are in big trouble.” Narg adds, “Yeah, you have something like one-hundred million of those savages out there trying to bust their way in.”

They briefly discuss strategy after Cassie informs the Scarlet Witch that they have to find a way to work with Kang. Narg points to the army outside of the shield and asks, “So, which one of those guys is Kang?” The Scarlet Witch says, “He’s not with them, he’s actually here in the castle, gloating to the Princess about his conquering army.”

Cassie says, “Hold on! You mean to say he’s not in direct communication with his army leaders?” The Scarlet Witch says, “No, not at the moment.” Mojo sarcastically says, “Well, that make’s sense, you wouldn’t expect people in the 25th century to have any sort of hand-held communication devices.” The DM comments, “Well, this particular comic book was written in the early nineteen-sixties.”

Narg asks Cassie “What are you thinking?” She suggests “If we can convince the army commanders that their absent leader has turned against them that will create disharmony in the ranks and they might revolt. Kang would have to then work with the Avengers to help defeat them.” [The DM chuckles to himself, as that is essentially what happened in the comic book, which Cassie’s player had never read.] The men decide to have Clarese teleport them outside of the wall to sabotage the enemy forces and attempt to plant unrest in the minds of the army commanders.

Cassie says that and the Scarlet Witch decide to go see Princess Ravonna and this Kang guy. Mojo says “Make sure you act all-regal-like when you’re with her.” Alton says, “Yeah, act like you have a stick up your butt.” Cassie replies, “I’m a librarian, that’s how we are supposed to act.” The men get ready to go, Alton taking out and putting on the Space Armor from their other mission to a futuristic world.

Clarese teleports Captain America, Hawkeye and Quicksilver to one group of enemy troops where the combination of strategic fighting, trick arrows and speed disable several hover tanks. She teleports Alton, Narg and Mojo to another enemy cluster. Narg and Mojo still have the Potion of Flying in their systems to take to the air. Alton’s space armor allows for flight as well so he joins them. The three manage to incapacitate several more hover tanks.

Mojo grabs an enemy soldier and flies him up in the air stating “Show me who your leader is or I’ll drop you.” The man points to a tall man with a Fu-Manchu mustache wearing bright red armor and says, “That’s him.” Mojo replies, “Thanks,” as he flies back down, dropping the man from a height that causes serious injury rather than death.

The three attack the leader’s personal guard. Narg says, “That’s from Kang. He knows that you have been plotting against him!” The army commander exclaims, “He does? How did he find out?” Mojo quips, “He’s a time traveler you idiot!” That part of the mission accomplished, Clarese arrives and teleports the Avengers and Silver Moon Adventurers to Princess Ravonna’s chamber, where Cassie has already explained the situation.

Narg announces to Kang that his army commanders have revolted against him. Kang announces that instead of being the kingdom’s conqueror he will now be their savior! That he will fight off the army for the Princess. Mojo says to Narg and Alton, “Seems like an awful lot of work to get her. He’d probably be better off with soft lighting, a bottle of White Zinfandel and Barry White music.”

Captain America declares that the Avengers will assist Kang in driving away the conquering army. “Mission Accomplished,” Cassie exclaims. Clarese looks at the Tallus on her wrist and says, “It looks that way,” as the six heroes then vanish.

Silver Moon

Chapter Five, “The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants”, (Uncanny X-Men #141 & 142).

They arrive in a large room with a high ceiling, marble floor and solid wood doors. They also hear sounds outside of vehicular traffic and sirens which indicate they are in a 20th/21st century world. Glancing out the window they see buildings that indicate they are in some type of city. Alton looks out the southbound window to see the Washington Mall, with the reflecting pool and Washington Monument. He announces “We’re in the capitol city of the county that I am from.”

Cassie turns to the Clarice and asks, “What are we supposed to do this time?” She replies, “It says that we are to prevent the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from killing Senator Robert Kelley, Doctor Charles Xavier and Doctor Moria McTaggart.” Alton says, “Okay, I know that a Senator is a political leader but what does the rest of that mean?” Cassie asks, “Do you know anything about what that means?”

Clarice replies, “Yes, I actually do. In my timeline Senator Robert Kelley proposed legislation called the Mutant Registration Act, which would have required people with super powers to register their identities with local law enforcement. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were opposed to this and attacked the Senate hearings about the proposed act. Charles Xavier and Moria McTaggart are leading doctors who have studied mutant super powers. Xavier is also the founder of a mutant superhero team called in X-Men.

In my timeline a person from the future time-shifted into the body of her younger self to warn the X-Men of dire consequences and a bleak future if the Brotherhood were to succeed, giving the X-Men time to travel here to Washington and stop them. Apparently in this reality they didn’t get that warning, so we’re the ones who have to stop the evil mutants.”

“When and where?” Cassie asks. Clarise says, “From the look of it, right here and right now. We’re in the nation’s capitol building, we just need to find the Senate hearing chambers.” They travel out into the hallway and a short distance around until they reach a door to the upper balcony of the hearing room, where the session is already in progress. Clarise points out who Kelley as well as Xavier and McTaggert as they get up to testify. Mojo says, “Why are they afraid of that guy? He’s in a wheelchair.” Clarise says, “Yes, but he’s also a powerful telepath.”

The side wall of the main floor then busts in, marble pieces falling down in front of a large hole in the wall, and five costumed individuals stand there. As the red-haired blue-skinned woman in a white sleeveless dress begins speaking Clarise tells her companions “That’s Mystique. She’s the Brotherhood’s leader and a shape shifter.”

“Who’s Tubby?” Narg asks, gesturing to the obese man in the black shorts and tank top. Clarise says, “He’s called The Blob, the only founding member of this team. He can’t be moved.” “Doesn’t look like it,” states Mojo. Narg tells Cassie “Maybe you can use your Belt of Shape Change to turn into a chocolate cake to distract him.”

“And the others?” Alton asks. She says, “The guy in red and orange is Pyro, he shoots flames. Next to him is Avalanche, he’s the one who collapsed the wall. The woman in the gold mask is Destiny, she helps predict the future, but I’m guesses she didn’t anticipate our arrival.”

The villains have thus far fended off some minor attacks from a few policemen who Avalanche then sends flying back with some uprooted flooring. The flying potion is still in Narg and Mojo’s systems so they dive off the balcony. Mojo throws his hammer at Avalanche, knocking him backwards onto the ground. Narg flies high up towards the ceiling and then uses his Wand of Exchange to swap places with Blob, who suddenly appears forty-feet in the air, falling with a resounding crash.

Clarise teleports Alton, Cassie and Timothy down to the main floor behind the Brotherhood. Alton and Cassie both turn invisible before they are seen. Mystique slips away from the battle and transforms into a policeman. Cassie decides to follow her. Alton tosses Plant Growth and Entangle spells onto the plants outside where the wall is collapses, sending the vines and branches in to grab Destiny. Timothy begins a Prayer spell.

Narg charges his nearest opponent, Avalanche, and swings his Sword of Sharpness for a severing blow which cuts off the Evil Mutant’s left leg. Pyro turns to attack Narg. The man collapses to the floor and howls out in pain. The Blob begins to move until Mojo flies that way and throws a full-force hammer throw into him. Clarise then creates a teleportation hole, sending Blob outside to a spot 100 feet about the reflecting pool which he crashes down into.

The disguised Mystique approaches Xavier and McTaggert and offers to take them to safety. Cassie thinks to herself “Not so fast,” as they then casts a Web spell, which covers and traps Mystique beneath. She tells Xavier and McTaggert, “That’s Mystique. Get out of here.” Clarise appears behind them and teleports them back to Xavier’s home in Westchester, New York.

Narg takes flight again and flies directly at Pyro who sends up a sheet of flame. One of the powers of his Nargblade however is fire resistance so he takes minimal damage and continues him slight up to the foe, knocking him back. Mojo’s hammer then strikes Pyro’s chest, knocking him down. Clarise reappears and says, “He can’t create the flames, only manipulate them.” “Ah,” Narg states as he uses his sword to cut the tubes between Pyro’s backpack and wrist jets, ending the flames.

More police arrive including the Washington D.C. SWAT team. Clarise again states “Mission accomplished”. The six vanish once more.

Silver Moon

Chapter Six, “The Masters of Evil”, (Avengers #270-277).

The six arrive on a city street. Based upon the buildings Clarese states “We are in New York City.” “Great, the Big Apple!” Alton exclaims. Cassie looks around and says, “I don’t see any apples, there are hardly any trees at all. What does the Tallus say Clarese?”

She looks at the device and says, “Nothing yet. We might as well look around.” Mojo says, “Good idea, let’s find a bar.” Cassie says, “I was thinking a book store or library.” Narg says, “The last place had books but no bar, I vote booze.” Cassie says, “The first place had no books. The last place had lots of books but I didn’t get any!” Mojo says, “I swiped a notepad off of a desk, does that count?”

Narg says, “Hold on everybody!” “Trouble?” Timothy exclaims. Narg says, “Nope, hot dogs!” pointing across the street to a vendor. They all proceed over there and purchase hot dogs, leaving Clarese to make payment as she is the only won with American dollars instead of silver and gold coins. While they are eating a few passersby give them odd looks, but not nearly as many people as you might expect.

They continue down the street until they see “O’Dell’s Bar”. There is a wrecked vehicle on the side of the road. A glass picture window is boarded up with plywood. Narg exclaims, “Looks like they had quite a bar fight recently.” “Sounds like a place for us,” Mojo exclaims. They head inside.

A few patrons groan at the sight of them and the bartender exclaims, “Oh no, more of them.” “More of what?” Cassie asks. The guy says, “Look, why don’t you just leave. I don’t want any more trouble than I’ve already got.” “Why, what happened?” Alton asks. He replies “Hercules was in here earlier, he got into a fight and trashed the place.”

Narg says, “By Hercules, you mean a local guy with that as his nickname?” The bartender replies, “No, I mean Hercules, the son of Zeus.” Mojo says, “Yep, this is the bar for us.” “So what exactly happened?” Cassie asks. The bartender says, “Hercules was in here drinking and showing off, then he got into a fight with a guy and they got thrown out the window. Then Hercules trashed a truck out there on the Street.”

“Why would Hercules come to this bar?” she asks. He replies, “He lives just a few blocks down the Street at Avenger’s Mansion.” “Maybe we should go there,” Timothy comments. Mojo says, “Fine, let’s go locate this mansion. Maybe we can get a drink there, this guy doesn’t seem interested in serving us.” Timothy interjects, “Well, somebody dressed similar to us did just wreck his establishment.”

They soon arrive at their destination but there is no mansion there, instead the entire city block is surrounded by a large block of black magical darkness that stands several stories high. There are several policemen and police cars around. They then see a person enlarge with insect wings on her back that disappear as she reaches human size. Clarese says, “That’s the Wasp, she’s a member of the Avengers.”

They approach and the Wasp turns toward the six and begins to approach them. Clarese looks at the Tallus and says, “We just got our mission. It says we are to Defeat the Masters of Evil.” “Didn’t we just do that?” Alton states. She replies, “No that was the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, this is a different Group.”

The Wasp approaches and asks, “Who are you?” Clarese says, “I am Blink, I lead The Exiles. We are here to help defeat the Masters of Evil.” The Wasp says, “Good, I’ve called for our Reserve Avengers but they aren’t here yet.” “What is going on?” Alton asks. Wasp replies, “The Masters of Evil have taken over our mansion. I snuck in earlier and saw that they had captured our butler. Captain America and Hercules went in to rescue him and then this darkness went up.”

There is then a bubble in the darkness and a large muscular bearded man is ejected out onto the street. The Wasp yells out “Hercules” and rushes towards him. She checks his arm and yells out “He has no pulse!” Cassie and Timothy jump to action and cast some of their more powerful healing spells onto the Olympian. He appears to be breathing and an ambulance arrives to take him to a hospital. Wasp thanks the group for their assistance, now expressing concern about her ally Captain America who is still inside.

Blink is unable to teleport into the building until they use magical Light to dispel part of the darkness to a side wall of the building that she can teleport through. At Cassie’s suggestion they teleport into the Library, which is currently unoccupied. Mojo and Narg both consume potions of Giant Strength.

From there they head into the adjacent conference room, which has four villains inside it, namely Claw, the Wrecker, the Smasher and Whirlwind. A quick fight follows with Alton casting Heat Metal on the weapons held by all three as Cassie throws a Silence over Claw’s sonic amplifier. Mojo uses his hammer to alter the Whirlwind’s trajectory, sending him into a wall. Narg ducks under a sweeping blow from the wrecker and then hits him with full giant strength, throwing the villain back into a wall. Narg then swings his Nargbalde into Smasher, slicking off the villains leg and causing him to collapse in pain. Claw and Wrecker soon feel the pain of their red-hot weaponry with Wrecking dropping his crowbar and Claw collapsing unconscious in pain. Blink teleports all four villains outside to the waiting police.

Wasp decided to scout out the Mansion and shrinks down into insect mode and flies off under the doorway. Meanwhile Alton negates his spell and goes about cooling the metal objects, as they decide to take them with them. The female flying insect soon returns through another doorway but as she enlarges she seems to be wearing a totally different costume. Clarese declares that it is a female villain named Yellowjacket and not the Wasp and so Cassie uses a Web spell to capture her. She is knocked unconscious placed inside a jar with holes punched onto the top.

The real Wasp soon returns and announces that three more villains are in the next room guarding Captain America but due to the silence spell did not hear the sounds of the fight. They therefore still have the element of surprise. The villains are described as being the Executioner, an Olympian demigod, Moonstone, a cosmically powered villain and Blizzard, who shoots ice and snow. They decide to approach as two teams.

The team assigned to the direct assault are Narg, Mojo and Timothy. They charge the group from one doorway into the room. Executioner takes one look at their garb and concludes they are “Friends of Thor” and orders the assault. Meanwhile, from doorway at the opposite end of the room Blink teleports herself, Cassie and Alton. Cassie throws a successful Hold Person spell onto Moonstone while Alton counters Blizzard with his own Control Weather spell. Blink then teleports Blizzard outside to the street where the police are now in force (and where Thor arrives in short order).

Meanwhile, Narg and Mojo have their hands full fighting the Executioner, who narrowly misses hitting Narg with his axe. Narg is more successful, cutting off the demi-god’s axe arm. He screams out in pain, grabs his axe and arm, and plane shifts away from Earth.

Unfortunately for them, the scream attracts a villain from the next room, namely Goliath, who grows to the height of twelve feet upon entering the room. Mojo hits him full force with the hammer then Narg and Mojo double-team the giant with their own giant strength until he is unconscious.

Wasp returns from the room Goliath is in stating that one villain remains in their guarding the Avenger’s butler Jarvis. The villain is named Boomerang and once his powers are described both Narg and Mojo decide he sounds so lame they should be able to talk him into surrendering. So Narg bust’s down the door while Mojo creates a new door through the wall, sword and hammer out and ready. Narg declares, “I just cut off that Executioner guy’s arm and he teleported away. I guess you’re next!” Boomerang begins to throw a boomerang but Mojo’s flying hammer hits it and breaks it into two as Mojo exclaims, “Unless you give up.” Boomerang surrenders.

A search of the mansion reveals one more villain, Blackout, who is maintaining the darkness even thought unconscious. They surround Moonstone and shake her from her Hold. Weapons out, they demand to know who is controlling Blackout. She replies, “I am.” A deal is soon negotiated with her and the darkness is dissolved.

The party has not immediately teleported away this time, so they decide to go do some shopping. They quickly discover that places will not take their gold pieces so decide to go to find a security exchange, taking a taxi cab to the main one in Battery Park. The bank men have just seen them on the news saving Avengers Mansion and mistakenly take them for being Asgardians, so have no difficulty exchanging their ‘Asgardian’ gold and silver coins for cash. They get $ 280 for each silver coin and $ 575 for each gold one, each person cashing in three or four coins. Before they can go shopping though they teleport away.

Silver Moon

Chapter Seven, “The Assassins’ Duel” (Daredevil #181)

They arrive on the top of a building. Clarese looks around and determines that they are still in New York City, although further uptown. “Well, what do we have to do now?” Cassie asks. Clarese checks the Tallus and says, “It says that we have to make sure that the assassin Bullseye kills the assassin Electra.” Mojo says “That’s nice, what does that mean?” Clarese replies, “I’m not sure, I am not familiar with either one of them.”

The group just stays on the roof waiting and trying to determine what to do next when they hear a commotion in the alley below. Looking down they see that a woman wearing a red gown-style short dress with matching headband is threatening a plump man in a suit with a knife. The group quiets down to hear what is being said. They hear the woman tell the man she is going to kill him.

“Ah, that must be one of the assassins,” Timothy states. “But which one?” Alton asks. “Quiet, I want to hear the conversation,” Cassie interjects. The victim of the assassin then states “I don’t know you. No wait, I do, from college. You were Matt’s girl.” The assassin appears to have a change of heart and tells him to go. The man turns and exits the alleyway.

Clarese says, “Hold on, I recognize him. That’s Foggy Nelson, an attorney partnered with Matt Murdock, who was revealed to be the superhero named Daredevil. Daredevil worked with a heroine named Electra, that must be her down there.” Cassie says, “So she’s the one we’re supposed to make sure gets killed? I don’t think I like this assignment.”

“That must be the other one, Bullseye,” Narg comments. Down at the other end of the alley is a man in a one-piece blue jumpsuit with a white target drawn on the chest and forehead.” Narg says, “No wonder he is called Bullseye. It’s too bad Vallessa isn’t here” in reference to his archer wife, “With those targets on him she’d have no trouble killing him. What an idiot.” Cassie says, “Yes, except he’s not the one who is supposed to die.”

For the next five minutes they watch the two assassins duel, each being very proficient in the various knives and swords that they employ. “This is going to go the distance,” Alton says. “Yeah, but I’d say she’s better, I think she’ll win and then we will be stuck here,” Narg comments. Cassie says, “We should intervene.” Mojo says, “If we go down there they will just run away.” “So bring them up here,” Cassie states.

Clarese tosses down two of her teleportation darts, striking both assassins who vanish, and reappear on the roof. They both notice the Silver Moon members but their new audience have no weapons drawn and are not seeking to interfere, so the two continue to duel on the rooftops. Mojo says, “Let’s just grab her so Bullseye can win and we will get out of here.” Narg says, “That doesn’t sound very sportsmanlike.” “That would be wrong,” Cassie states.

Cassie then does interfere, preventing Bullseye from getting in a lethal attack.” “What are you doing that for, are you daft?” Alton states. The battle continues on. At one point Electra gets a short break as Bullseye is thrown off the roof and she asks the others, “Who are you people? What do you want?” “We’re martial arts fans and felt you needed an audience,” is Alton’s reply.

Clarese says, “Okay guys, the Tallus has changed. It now is saying to keep the battle going until Daredevil arrive.” Bullseye then returns and so the Silver Moon change their strategy from audience to participants but strictly using spells and weapons for defensive moves, to help protect each assassin from each other. Clarese uses several teleports to separate the two combatants whenever one is in position for a killing blow.

Another person then drops down in the middle of the roof. He has on bright red long underwear with a matching mask and is holding a club in his hand. Narg comments, “Geesh, who is this bozo?” Clarese says, “That’s Daredevil. We’re out of here.” As they start to fade away Mojo says, “What a lame bunch of heroes.”

Silver Moon

Chapter Eight, “Oceans Eleven” (Hulk 347-358)

The group arrive in the middle of the desert. “Looks like we’re somewhere other than that New York place,” Mojo comments. They see what appears to be a city a few miles distant and head in that direction. They soon find themselves walking down a busy street with elaborate hotels and lots of bright lights. “Whatever this place is it looks like fun,” Narg comments. Clarese says, “We’re in Los Vegas, known for it’s gambling casinos and stage shows.” “Sounds good to me,” Mojo comments.

“What do we have to do here?” Cassie asks. Clarese replies, “According to the Tallus our mission isn’t for another four days. It says that we have to prevent the Coliseum Casino from being robbed and also keep the two disguised superheroes present from blowing their covers.” “But in the meanwhile we can have fun here!” Mojo exclaims.

Cassie suggests combining the objectives, that they find and check out this Coliseum Casino. They head down the Los Vegas strip admiring all of the brightly lit places and making note of the various stage shows taking place, eventually finding themselves at their destination.

The hotel has a Roman theme to it and is filled with activity. The group begins by getting themselves. They decide to spend all of the their remaining money this evening, as they now know the routine to follow to get more (namely having Cassie teleport to the New York currency exchange, claim they are Asgardian friends of Thor, and change their gold and silver coins for cash). They all head down to the retail stores at the main level to buy some changes in clothing, with Mojo and Narg do the ‘Rainman’ identical Armani suit routine. They spend the rest of the night drinking and having fun.

The next two days consist of more of the same. With Blink’s help they are able to identify both of the disguised heroes on the premises, one being a large gray-skinned man who works security at the Coliseum and goes by the name Joe Fix-It. Blink indicates that he is a hero known as The Hulk. The other is a short dark-haired man wearing an eye patch who is currently a customer of the casino. Blink indicates that he is a hero named Wolverine.

The group makes little to know effort to scout out potential trouble spots or security breaches, deciding to just wait until the villains make their move.

On the fourth day of the Vegas vacation a quartet of villains smash their way through the large glass windows in the main lobby. Knowing trouble was coming this day, the group is wearing their armor beneath their heavier outer clothing, while Cassie dumps their larger weapons out of the bag of holding.

Looking at the foes, the group has previously fought alternative world versions of two of these, namely Blizzard and Boomerang. Blink identifies their two green-costumed companions as Princess Python and Mr. Hyde.

Cassie and Blink quickly conclude that their companions should have little problem dealing with these foes so focus on the part of the mission about having the disguised heroes stay out of it. Blink has Cassie approach Wolverine and say to him “Stay put Mr. Logan, we’ve got it under control.” He doesn’t know who she is but follows her direction as Narg, Mojo, Mark and Alton charge the villains. Blink takes a more forceful approach with Joe Fix-it, teleporting him thirty miles away into the desert and leaving him there.

Alton uses his druidic spells to take control of Princess Python’s snakes. Mojo manages to hit Mr. Hyde several times with his flying hammer, which Hyde keeps attempting to catch. Mark distracts Blizzard who pelts him with ice while Narg moves in behind and cuts the hoses running from his backpack to wrists, which cause Blizzard’s powers to cease.

Cassie throws a Hold Person over Princess Python and Boomerang. Narg comes to Mojo’s aid, striking Mr. Hyde in the face with a well-paced exceptional strength punch which staggers him. Mojo and Narg then punch simultaneously, dropping Hyde to the floor. Alton meanwhile has cast an Entangle spell onto the large plants and potted trees in the lobby, grabbing and holding Boomerang.

Just when the party is ready to celebrate their victory a twenty-foot square section of the side wall of the building smashes in, revealing another quartet of villains. All four appear to have had a hand in bringing down the wall. Flying in are a man in red armor alongside a green-armored giant. Below them are a dark-skinning man carrying a large wrecking ball and beside him a large green-scaled creature with fins on the side of his head. Blink identifies the flying ones as the Crimson Dynamo and the Titanium Man while the others are Thunderball and the Abomination.

Alton tosses a Heat Metal at the flying men, hitting Titanium Man but the Crimson Dynamo manages to have flown out range of the spell’s area-of-effect. Thunderball decides to swing his wrecking ball, which Blink opens up a gate for, transporting it elsewhere and effectively disarming him. He is then struck unconscious by Mojo’s flying hammer.

Abomination proves resistant to Mark’s magical sword but not Narg’s, as the Nargblade slices through his leg. Cassie tosses a Lightning Bolt into Crimson Dynamo, short-circuiting his armor. Narg, Mark and Mojo stab into Abomination until he stops moving. Titanium Man manages to knock Alton down until his armor begins to heat up. He tries to use his own internal powers to cool it, without success, forcing him to remove the armor but has difficultly getting it off before it becomes scorching. Blink has mercy on him and opens a gate to transport him into the hotel swimming pool.

Meanwhile, the Crimson Dynamo has rebooted his armor and attempts to enter the fray, only to make himself the combined target of Cassie, Mark, Mojo and Narg who managed to knock him out of commission in short order. Princess Python comes out of the Hold Person but Alton has no difficulty incapacitating her and taking control of her pet.

The Hulk returns just as the battle has ended. Blink says “According to the Tallus we’re done once we tell Joe Fix-it that these eight were meant as a distraction while three others hit the vault and there is still time for him to stop them.” (specifically Taskmaster, Spymaster and the Ghost). Cassie hurries over and relay the message. The six then disappear.

Silver Moon

Chapter Nine, “Hellfire Hostages” (Alternative X-Men #132-134 & Dungeon Magazine #25)

The group materialize in a wooded countryside near a large stone wall with an iron gate. The sign on a plaque outside the gate reads “Xaviar’s Academy for Gifted Youngsters.” Clarese tells the others that the mansion is home to the X-Men, the superhero team that she was affiliated with prior to the Exiles.

The gate is locked but the group has little difficulty getting over the wall. They approach the mansion but do not see anybody around. Nobody answers the door so Clarese teleports to the opposite side and opens it. They group split up and wander around the mansion, finding it deserted, with Mojo helping himself to some of the food in the kitchen refrigerator.

The group reassembles in the main dining room where Clarese is busy looking at various photographs and paintings on the wall of young men and women in colorful costumes standing around a bald man in a wheelchair. A framed newspaper has the headline “X-Men Avert Nuclear Disaster in Tokyo – Moses Magnum Arrested.” The picture features the same heroes from the other pictures, this time wearing costumes made of black leather.

Clarese comments “This is definitely an alternate timeline than the one I am from. In my timeline and those of most alternate worlds visited the original team of X-Men disbanded and Professor X assembled a team of New X-Men, who were the ones that fought Magnum in Japan. On this world it appears that the original team is still together. She then points to and names the various heroes in the portrait – Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel, Iceman, Havok and Polaris.

The Tallus device finally activates and after reading what is says she states, “I stand corrected. It says that we are to help The New Mutants rescue the X-Men from the Hellfire Club.” “Who are the New Mutants?” Cassie asks. Clarese replies, “On my world they were the third team of students who Professor assembled. But that wasn’t until a year or so after the Hellfire Club incident so this group of New Mutants might be different.”

Cassie then asks, “What is this Hellfire Club?” Clarese replies, “A private Gentlemen’s Club in the heart of New York City. Unbeknownst to most though the leaders of it are evil mutants with the plan of world domination. On my world they captured most of the X-Men and the others had to rescue them. Things got tricky because they used telepathy to take control of Marvel Girl, who is herself a powerful telepath, and she lost control.” Cassie says, “Okay, let’s deal with this before that happens.”

“So where exactly is this place?” Timothy asks. Clarese replies, “On Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, around four blocks away from Avengers Mansion.” Narg says, “Avengers Mansion, we’ve been there before. Bring us there.” Cassie says, “Good idea, we can get them to help.” Clarese teleports the group to the sidewalk outside of the mansion.

They begin to discuss how to proceed when they are suddenly surrounded by a group of heroes, some of whom fly out from the mansion and land behind them as others charge out from the front door and side wall. The one calling out orders, apparently the leader of the group, is a redhead in a black leotard. One has glowing red eyes and is wearing a dark skin-tight costume with a ‘W’ in the center of his chest, beside him is cloaked man dressed entirely in white, another caped hooded man is dressed in black with a gold belt and gold wristbands, a green giantess is beside him, then is a blond guy in blue tunic holding a bow, and last is a bearded bald man in a cloak who looks a little like Alton.

“Who the hell are these people?” Narg exclaims. Clarese replies, “The Avengers.” Mojo says, “No they’re not, we’ve met the Avengers – Captain America, Quicksliver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Wasp, Hercules and Thor – these clowns aren’t them.”

The man with the bow exclaims, “I’m Hawkeye, and I’ve never met you people before!” A woman enlarges before the Silver Moon who they recognize as The Wasp, having apparently been shrunk down to her smallest form before. She says, “Hawkeye is right, we’ve never met you before.”

Clarese says “It’s a long story. We’re from an alternate timeline where we’ve met some of your counterparts.” Hawkeye exclaims “Alternate timeline? Is Kang mixed up in this?” Cassie interjects, “No, not this time, but we fought Kang before alongside your counterparts.” Mojo states, “That doesn’t answer my question, who the hell are the rest of these people?” The redhead says “We own this place and you’re trespassing.”

The Wasp tries to calm everybody down and introduces the other heroes as the Black Widow, WonderMan, Moon Knight, Black Panther, She-Hulk and Doctor Druid. Alton exclaims “Cool man, another Druid, we should swap seeds or something.“ They are then joined by another hero who the Silver Moon recognize as Quicksilver although his costume is now black and white rather than turquoise. The Black Widow suggests that they all go into the mansion instead of having the conversation outside on the street.

Silver Moon

Chapter Ten, “Saving the X-Men”

The nine Avengers, five Silver Moon Adventurers and Blink make their way into the mansion’s main meeting room and each take a seat. The Black Widow asks for a more detailed explanation and Blink quickly provides it. Moon Knight states that he is surprised that there are any problems at the Hellfire Club, that in his civilian identity (Marc Specter) he holds a membership. Some of the others are also skeptical. Cassie says “Don’t just take our word on it then, from past experience we know that the Wasp and Quicksilver are good at scouting out places, have them go investigate. The two agree and depart.

Around ten minutes later the two Avengers return. Quicksilver says, “It’s true, the X-Men and Professor Xavier are tied and bound in a room, except for Marvel Girl who was wearing a black bustier and leather mini-skirt and appeared catatonic. There were a lot of other people around them but I only recognized one of them, Juggernaut, I don’t know who the others were or if they were even mutants.

Clarese suggests that she return to Xavier’s mansion and use Professor Xavier’s mutant-detecting device Cerebro to zone in on how many mutants are present at the Hellfire Club, their locations and indications of their power levels. She departs and returns ten minutes later with the results. She says that in addition to the X-Men captives there are three other mutants in the room with them, Juggernaut and two unknown to Cerebro. An adjacent room had two more mutants, Magneto and one unknown.

Cerebro also found sewers approaching the building were four more mutants, who Cerebro identified as the New Mutants, namely Magik, Mirage, Shadowcat and team leader Wolverine. The Black Widow says that Wolverine is an old friend of hers but that she is unfamiliar with the other three. Clarese replies, “A trio of teenage girls who would have only recently discovered their powers, Magik is a Russian Sorceress, Mirage is a Native American Dream-weaver and Shadowcat can phase through walls. It makes sense that they are coming in by way of the sewers, that was how Wolverine broke into the Hellfire Club on my world.

The Silver Moon expresses that they have no desire to have anything to do with sewers. A quartet comprised of Avengers led by the Black Widow and including Black Panther, Hawkeye and She-Hulk agree to take that part of the mission. MoonKnight suggests that he and Cassie enter the building as a couple in civilian attire. Alton decides to come transformed as a bird on Cassie’s shoulder. Mojo suggests that he follow them in while Invisible. Cassie has an Invisibility spell for Narg. Doctor Druid says that he can also create an Invisibility field for himself and Timothy. Those with the greatest mobility, namely Blink, Quicksilver, Wasp and Wonderman will wait outside the Hellfire Club for a signal to enter where needed.

The three groups set off. Cassie and Marc Specter have no difficulty getting inside and the others follow up closely behind. They mingle with other club members in the main room and then sneak off to the rooms that Wasp and Quicksilver had identified. The door to the room with the prisoners is locked but MoonKnight has no difficulty picking it. He and Cassie enter the room, surprising the occupants. Several masked guards in Black and Red uniforms swing weapons towards the party. Alton transforms back and casts Heat Metal spells on their guns as Narg and Mojo become visible as they attack these guards.

Cassie lets loose Magic Missiles, targeting the shackles holding the X-Men with all but the last missile, which she sends through a window as a signal to those outside. The Beast and Iceman are freed, but the others are still held via other constraints to keep their powers at bay. MoonKnight heads over with his lock picks to free the others.

Two bathing-suit-clad women in the room who had initially been mistaken as waitresses/servants reveal themselves to be the White Queen and Black Queen, powerful telepaths, who take control of Narg and Mojo who turn on the party. Cassie throws a Dispel Magic to free them as Timothy captures the women with a Hold Person spell. The other mutant telepath in the room, Mastermind, has Marvel Girl turn and mentally attack Cassie, who successfully saves from the assault.

Narg and Mojo cut down the two remaining Hellfire Guards but are then interrupted by Juggernaut and Magneto. Magneto’s powers pull Mojo’s hammer from his hand. He attempts to do the same with Nargblade, but the ivory-fang from the ancient Red Dragon that had been melded with the metal prevents him from being able to. Polaris is freed and uses her own magnetism powers to return Mojo’s hammer to him and he attacked Juggernaut.

The Beast manages to grab Magneto and toss him across the room as Blink arrives and opens a portal to send him elsewhere. MoonKnight frees Havok who also attacks Juggernaut, assisted by WonderMan who flies in through a side window. Mastermind decides that he is on the loosing side, masks himself in invisibility and departs. Wasp arrives and helps to free Angel.

Professor Xavier is finally freed by MoonKnight of the helmet Magneto had restrained him with and he works to mentally reestablish Marvel Girl’s mind to its former self now that Mastermind has released his control of her. Her face takes on her normal expression as Cyclops grabs and kisses her. The enemies appear to all be defeated and the Silver Moon Adventurers disappear.

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