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Bo9S-themed homebrew gestalt game -- now recruiting!


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Autumn said:
This is okay with me, yes, I don't see it as overpowered. I had a bit of a think about whether allowing it would make a samurai-ish flavor too dominant within the setting, but I came to the conclusion that it really wouldn't. It's one nice flavorsome option, but it's by no means more powerful than half a dozen other things that could be done with the first round of combat. So, yeah. No problem. :)

Thanks :) Character sheet updated above. That should be the real finalized sheet. I'm really eager to get this started - Maas is gonna be fun to play.

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Autumn said:
Yep. Take max starting gold from whichever of your classes has the highest.

FYI - there's no listed starting gold for warmages in either the Mini's Handbook or Complere Arcane. Though it'd probably be less than than the warblade's 5d4 x 10 anyway. That was a pretty common bug with non-PHB classes in 3.5, because they used the PHB class template, and starting gold was in the equipment chapter.

James Heard

OK, here's Shin. I'm still debating the wisdom of running through every iota of his money buying armor and a greatsword, but on the other hand for an Elan it makes a certain amount of sense I guess.

Male Elan Gestalt Warblade/Ardent 1/1
CG Medium Aberration
Init +1; Senses Listen +3 Spot +5
Languages Common, High Imperial
AC 16 , touch 11, flat-footed 15; + 1 dex, +5 armor
hp 12 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +1( +2), Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 Greatsword 2d6 +1
Ranged +2
Special Actions Enhanced Elan Resistance, Punishing Stance
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Combat Gear Greatsword
Ardent Powers Known (6 PP, CL 1th, +2 ranged touch, +2 melee touch):
  • 1st— (DC 14) Mind Thrust, Offensive Prescience
Primary Psionic Mantles: Conflict, Mental
Maneuvers Readied:Sapphire Mind Blade, Steel Wind, Steely Strike
Maneuvers Known: Sapphire Mind Blade, Steel Wind, Steely Strike
Stances Known: Punishing Stance
Abilities Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 8
SQ Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves), Naturally Psionic, Resistance (Su), Resilience (Su), Repletion (Su), Weapon Aptitude, Psionic Mantles (2)
Feats All Simple Weapon Proficiencies, Martial Melee Weapon Proficiencies, All Armor Proficiencies, Shield Proficiency (except for Tower Shield), Enhanced Elan Resilience, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Skills Autohypnosis +7, Concentration +4, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Tumble +5
Experience Points: 0
Possessions combat gear plus clothes on his back.
Age: 19 Height: 5'4 Weight: 120lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Blue
Physically Shin is a rather good-looking boy, if a little dull sometimes in his expressions. His straight black hair would fall to his knees if it weren't meticulous braided and attended to without complaint by some of the other servants in Master Carthis' school who more or less treat him as if he were some relation who had been born a little bit off. His steel-blue eyes peek out from underneath a strong brow contrasting with his smooth, nut-brown skin that he comes naturally by. Most people are a little distracted by Shin conversationally, as he rarely makes eye-contact and often seems to not be paying attention to them. All in all, Shin usually gives the impression of either being tragically confused or frighteningly perceptive.

As an Elan without proper control over his psionic metabolism, when Shin is wounded till he bleeds his blood is sometimes black and stringy and often moves in strange ways that have very little to do with physics or gravity. Sometimes his blood actually leaps off his opponents blade and back into his body before the wound reseals. Thankfully only Master Carthis and some of the past students have properly seen this happen, as it begins to happen even less often as he enters his Elan majority and that otherworldly creature begins to assert itself better.

Shin walked into Master Carthis' school one day as a small boy. No one could rightly say where he was from, and every attempt to keep the child away from the school was ultimately unsuccessful. One of the servants would put him out on the front step, and days later he'd still be quietly sitting there exactly where he was left. When he first came to the school he was quite mute and somewhat broken in the head apparently, owing his name only to the single episode of violence in those years - when one of the Astresian cooks was finished lecturing him on the the refinements of Astresian religion the boy walked up to her and kicked her quite soundly, not stopping until the poor woman was in tears and proclaiming all manner of insanity about the child.

When Shin was about ten he entered the training area, picked up a blade and began training. When questioned directly about what he was doing he shrugged and simply said his first word ever uttered at the school: "The song parts the sunset."

Not knowing exactly what to do with that, he was allowed to join the training.

Eventually, Shin began talking more and less cryptically, though occasionally a shadow still crosses his face and he'll make a bizarre utterance of some sort. He's still set far apart from the other students, often working without sleep or complaint for weeks at a time on setting stones in colorful patterns in the courtyard or scrubbing the floors of the entire school on his hands and knees with an obscene grin on his face.

[sblock=Stuff No One Knows Yet]
Shin's real story is no less strange, and involves a tale of a desperate creature of the elemental courts wounded during an assassination attempt. Left for dead, the dying Elan made a deal with a young orphaned child to save them both. The resilience of the dying courtier kept them both alive, but the desperate and unprecedented nature of their joining at the boys young age has left them both a bit unbalanced. As the boy's body has grown larger and stronger though, the wiser of the two has began to finally have more room to establish itself. The two minds are both more complexly intertwined than is normal for their kind and somehow less integrated. Soon will come the day when the magic is normally performed on young men and women though, and it is with both keen expectation and dread that the confused boy creature that appears so serene looks toward the day when his parts come to be whole.

Shin's devotion to the blade is without parallel. Not only does he often devote incredibly long days to his martial studies, he does so without complaint or comment. Shin rarely speaks directly to anyone unless he is spoke to, though as his birthday draws near there seems to be some sort of radical personality change lurking behind his eyes and waiting to happen. To those who know him best it's often frightening and somewhat predatory, as if by reaching some arbitrary standard of adulthood a harsh burden might be laid upon his shoulders.

Shin tries to stay out of combat because taking damage confuses him still. When he does he enter combat he wades into melee with in psionic focus and with his Offensive Prescience on to increase his damage, using his psionic metabolism to reduce damage and avoid strange looks from others.

L1>Warblade/Ardent HP: 12 (12+0) SP: +20 (5 maxed)
Class Skill List: Autohypnosis, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Heal, Jump, Knowledge, Martial Lore, Profession, Psicraft, Swim, Tumble
Skills: Autohypnosis(Wis) 4 ranks, Concentration(Con) 4 ranks, Sense MotiveCC(Wis) 2 ranks, SpotCC(Wis) 2 ranks, Tumble(Dex) 4 ranks

1st Feat:
Languages: Common, High Imperial (or some other ancient, refined, etc language)

0000 traveler's outfit (one free outfit to hide naked adventurers)
0050 greatsword
0150 chainmail
0 GP


First Post
Oh, I remember something I was going to ask:

What languages are available? Presumably all the standard PHB languages, but are there any campaign-specific ones our characters might know? I put "Astresian" on Maas' sheet in place of Common, for the record.

Brian Compton

First Post
Equipment for Bariel:

Bastard Sword: 35 gp, 6 lbs. Attack Bonus: +4 Damage: 1d10+2 Crit: 19-20/x2

Heavy Mace: 12 gp, 8 lbs. Attack Bonus: +3 Damage: 1d8+2 Crit: 20/x2

Scale Mail: 50 gp, 30 lbs. Armor Bonus: +4 Max Dex: +3 Armor Penalty: -4

Heavy Steel Shield: 20 gp, 15 lbs. Armor Bonus: +2 Armor Penalty: -2

Spell Component Pouch: 5 gp, 2 lbs.

Silver Holy Symbol: 25 gp, 1 lb.

Backpack: 2 gp, 2 lbs.

Bedroll: 1 sp, 5 lbs.

Winter Blanket: 5 sp, 3 lbs.

Flint and Steel: 1 gp

Whetstone: 2 cp, 1 lb.

Hooded Lantern: 7 gp, 2 lbs.

3 pints oil: 3 sp, 3 lbs.

Money left over: 42 gp, 8 cp

As for how Bariel will relate to everyone, he'll be a little stand-offish, since he can't actively
preach the good news of Astres to half-breeds and non-humans, but he doesn't feel like such people should be excluded from his company. He'll also defend them from anyone who would persecute them in the name of Astres.


First Post
Zurai said:
Oh, I remember something I was going to ask:

What languages are available? Presumably all the standard PHB languages, but are there any campaign-specific ones our characters might know? I put "Astresian" on Maas' sheet in place of Common, for the record.

I hadn't got around to naming the language, but I rather like the 'High Imperial' that James Heard put on his sheet. I think I'll go with that as the Empire's own tongue - used for religious ceremonies and high Astresian culture. Standard speech is in Common, the trade language spoken as neutral ground for all four elemental courts and the human settlers.

Thanks for all the work you've put into the sheets guys, and sorry I'm being lazy about getting round to a full check. The house has been taken over by seasonal raiding parties of family and friends, so I guess I won't get a chance till after Christmas.
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