Book of Vile Darkness!


First Post
That "Vile it up" bit disappointed me too, and I'm glad that Monte stuck to his guns. Based on WotC's other upcoming releases, I suspect that some folks there may have wished to push the envelope further with BoVD, to see what the core D&D crowd would bear. So far I don't see any evidence that this is a direction they're eagerly pursuing with future projects though.

Celebrim said:
Of course, once I see Monte's content, I may have more to say about it. (I'm sure you are all thrilled. ;) )

Well, Morrus has so far neglected to add to the FAQ that I am the only person posting here who is permitted to express his or her opinions, so I guess I'll just have to read what you have to say after all:p.
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Fenes 2

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Will I buy the book? I pre-ordered the book some time ago.

Is a game with slavery and rape etc. mature or immature? The maturity depends entirely on the players and the judging person's view, and the matter of presentation. Some think anything funny isn't mature, others consider anything that touches nakedness mature, some draw the line at graphic violence, others at the depth of the plots and motivations. I, personally, do not want to leave out that important a part of human nature and desires in a roleplaying game, and I could not care less how others think of me for running a game where slavery is practised by the PCs, and one Priestess in particular, and another game where a paladin - played by the priestess' player - that abhors slavery and will regularly raid slavers, with sexual themes common in both campaigns.

Should the book have been "viled up"? I have not seen the book yet, just read about it, but I would prefer a book that did cover not only ritual murders and other violent evils a well as cults and soul-selling, but also slavery and sex, if done in taste without too graphic or detailed rules.

Should we publicly condemn other styles of play? Not more than stating that and why one would not play like that. I do care about tolerance, and wish that more people would let others live and play like they want without condemmning them for playing a "vile" or "immature" style. There is no right and wrong way to play D&D - as long as you have fun everything is all right.

Why can't I bash a poster the moderator reprimanded? The fact that I can throw a visitor out of my flat does not allow you (as a visitor) to throw someone out of my flat. I wish more people would consider posting on messageboards as visiting a friend's house, where you have to respect rules and authority, not a public demonstrations of free speech.

I think that should have covered most of this threads diverse topics.

PS: Bugs Bunny is not mature! Anime is! ;)

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