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Books Bought on Reviews/Recommendations?


The best book purchased based on EN discussion for me is Sidewinder: Recoiled. I did by Haven: City of Violence (d20 Modern version) based on talking with the writer(s) as well.

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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Based on Reviews:

Book of the Righteous (and I'm one of those people who wishes the reviews hadn't been so golden... *never* found any use for this book - it is an EXCELLENT book, but 99% useless in most games, IMO).

Slaine It wasn't much of a convincing job, I love the old comics... But I also had a healthy distrust of Mongoose at the time, so I was very hesitant.

Hammer & Helm Awesome dwarf book. I use it as the basis for how to set up the chapters in a race book to this day.

Monsternomicon Only grabbed it after the ENnies, based on the reviews & ENnies.

Starfarer's Handbook - I was very hesitant about a sci-fantasy setting until I read the reviews. Grabbed it and loved it. Ran a great Dragonstar / Rokugan game.

Spycraft - Wasn't interested for the longest time, but finally the reviews and recommendation here convinced me to read it through and I've adopted a lot of the material to replace d20 modern rules.

Legions of Hell - Monsters done right at the time was impressive enough.

Thievery 101 - Great reviews, started a rogues-based campaign based on these PDF modules.


First Post
Most of my purchases are influenced by the reviews and recommendations here. Recently I purchased the Dungeon Stamp set and the Iron Kingdoms Character Guide. I suppose that I am one of the purchasers that do not contribute to the early success of a product, as I usually purchase an item after it has been out for a few months (Was burned by early mongoose product). But I will be purchasing Arcana Unearthed as soon as it is out.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Short answer: Yes.

The Long Answer is that EN World sold me on:
3.5 (PHB & MM)
Thieves' Quarter
Requiem for a God

St. John's College of Abjuration
Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe
NPC Essentials
Everybody Else
Tournaments, Fairs, & Taverns
101 Mundane Treasures

Every PDF I've bought has been as a result of EN World recommendations. I also switched to 3.5 because it was touted so strongly here. The other books fit niches that I wanted to fill in my game, but I only knew that because of the information available here. (I bought them all online.)




Magical Medieval Society, Book of the Righteous and Monsternomicon were the main ones I bought directly because of EN World reviews and feedback, but there have been many others where EN World members have helped my decision to buy or not.




Relaxed Intensity
  • Denizens of Avadnu
  • Legends of Avadnu
  • Monsternomicon
  • Grim Tales
  • CoC d20
  • Mutants and Masterminds line
  • Exalted line
  • Buffy/Angel RPG
  • Iron Kingdoms Character Guide
  • Black Company Campaign Setting


all of the Stuff from Mystic Eye Games, FFG, FFE, Living Imagination, Green Ronin, Malhavoc, Ed Cha's adventures, and Sword & Sorcery i read reviews about before purchasing.
edit: Bastion too.

i may still have purchased since i consider the reviewers here a bunch of nincompoops. esp Psion.
Last edited:

Sure, especially the few .pdf's that I have bought. But I'm more tuned into messageboard chatter than the reviews. I find I learn more from peoples discussions and their perceptions of how it will be used in their campaigns. The combimanation of these two inputs helped me to decide to buy several products, some I still use, including Toolbox (The only AEG product I still own) , MMMSWE ( Wanna buy my copy cheap ? - not enough "magical" in the society for me ), Midnight (The second best 3rd party setting published in the d20 era - Iron Kingdoms is number one, Scarred Lands #3 ) , Mutants & Masterminds ( inspired me to drop a couple hundred bucks on heroclix figures), and BoTR ( A great book for helping a homebrewer develop a pantheon of gods from scratch, even if just for inspiration - this book is enjoying just to read. ) There have been several more, but these books immediately come to mind.

As far as reviews go , the 1-5 rankings have almost become completely meaningless IMO. The average should be 3 ( by definition, right?), not the 4 that the majority of products receive ( just look at the list of recently reviewed print products - almost all fours! ). So the content I want from a review would be how the product could be best utilized, what it inspired the GM to use, add, or delete from his game, and how those decisions impacted the playing groups enjoyment. I REALLY don't benefit from detailed table of contents type analysis, or the reviewers impression of art, layout, text density, or price. Not all of the content of a book needs to be covered in a review, just the parts that really made an impression ( good or bad ) with the reviewer. Just look at a movie review. Every aspect of the movie isn't addressed from running length to cinematograpy merits,, just the salient points the reviewer thinks are most important to communicate.

I think everyone should write a review once ( I did mine ! - Reviwer name "BFG" ) and it was an interesting experience that forced me to try and think about what was really important to me about the product I reviewed, and why that might be important to a reader.


diaglo said:
i may still have purchased since i consider the reviewers here a bunch of nincompoops. esp Psion.

Once in a blue moon, Diaglo actually writes something worth noticing besides his usual diatribe/mantra! This proves the rule I have against using the ignore option.

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