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Books everyone seems to love, but you just can't

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
What books have you read, or more accurately, tried to read because everyone seems to rave about them, but you just couldn't get into them?

For me it has to be the Wheel of Time series and Tigana.

I had to stop midway through wheel of time book four. And forced myself to read 200 pages of Tigana, but I don't think I can continue.

Why? Both for the same reason. They just drag on and on and on. Reading them is very tedious. I just can't do it.
Well you’re objectively wrong about Tigana and probably also from Corte.

But for me it’s The Great Gatsby. And no, not because I read it in school. I just don’t find it all that interesting or entertaining or otherwise worth reading.

Also the Song of Ice And Fire series. Edge-lord tripe, mostly.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Eddings is the The Lord of the Rings meets Friends. To some, a feature. To others, a bug.

God-Emperor is kinda brilliant. Best after the original, last one worth reading.
I tried to reread the Elenium a while back...and gods it has not aged well. Really cool world, though.


Victoria Rules
Things I can't get into, sometimes after numerous attempts:

Any time I've ever tried reading anything by C.J. Cherryh (sp.?) I've bounced off it pretty hard.
Lovecraft, or derivatives thereof. Ravings of a madman.
Stephen King.
Given what else I like, in theory I should like Shannara but nope - bounce. Some of Brooks' other stuff is OK.
Terry Pratchett. His humour and my humour just don't quite mesh. Bounce.
Larry Niven. Ditto.
Anne McCaffrey (sp.?).

Things I like that some others here seem not to:

Harry Potter. Absolutely love the whole damn lot of it! :)
Eddings. (except for the Elenium, which for some reason I've never read and thus have no opinion on) His characters make great PC archetypes.
Wheel of Time. About due for a re-read. Still trying to figure out how to get Telheran'rhiod (the dream-world) to work in a game.
While Feist's Magician series might not be the greatest, it's not bad; and some of his other stuff is just fine.
Lord of the Rings. And The Hobbit.

Things I've never bothered trying to read as thus far I haven't been that interested:

Michael Moorcock. Might give this a shot one day.
Neil Gaiman.


Things I can't get into, sometimes after numerous attempts:

Any time I've ever tried reading anything by C.J. Cherryh (sp.?) I've bounced off it pretty hard.
Lovecraft, or derivatives thereof. Ravings of a madman.
Stephen King.
Given what else I like, in theory I should like Shannara but nope - bounce. Some of Brooks' other stuff is OK.
Terry Pratchett. His humour and my humour just don't quite mesh. Bounce.
Larry Niven. Ditto.
Anne McCaffrey (sp.?).

Things I like that some others here seem not to:

Harry Potter. Absolutely love the whole damn lot of it! :)
Eddings. (except for the Elenium, which for some reason I've never read and thus have no opinion on) His characters make great PC archetypes.
Wheel of Time. About due for a re-read. Still trying to figure out how to get Telheran'rhiod (the dream-world) to work in a game.
While Feist's Magician series might not be the greatest, it's not bad; and some of his other stuff is just fine.
Lord of the Rings. And The Hobbit.

Things I've never bothered trying to read as thus far I haven't been that interested:

Michael Moorcock. Might give this a shot one day.
Neil Gaiman.
I have read C. J. Cherryh. Can be hard to get into, but when I'm in the right mood, I enjoy her books.

In my teens I enjoyed some of Stephen King, but no longer.

Terry Brooks-nope
Never liked Eddings
Love Terry Pratchett

Anne McCaffrey's books were something I liked as a teen but no longer.

I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman, especially Sandman. Funnily enough, considering its popularity, I don't care for American Gods.

Larry Niven is an author I used to read many years ago. Don't know how I'd feel about his works now.

And I too love Harry Potter and Tolkien.


*Shannara series. Read the first few pages of Sword of Shannara when I was 13. That was enough. Utter dreck.
*Belgariad. Read it when I was 14. Enjoyed it at the time, but nonetheless felt soiled afterwards. Rapidly came to hate it.
*First heard Hitch Hiker's Guide in the original radio format. Loved it. Hated every subsequent adaptation and sequel. Indifferent to everything else Douglas Adams wrote, but he seemed like a nice guy when he gave a guest speech at my university.
*Don't like Terry Pratchett
*Wheel of Time. Couldn't make it past the first page of the first book.
*Dark Tower series. Couldn't get into it. I otherwise find Stephen King pretty hit-or-miss; there are some I've enjoyed.
*Michael Moorcock. Painful. Many of my peers were reading it and recommending; even at the tender age of 13 I realized it was garbage. Read it all anyway.
*Earthsea series. I love Le Guin, but this one didn't float my boat; maybe I should revisit after almost 40 years...
*Chronicles of Narnia. I read these when I was 11. I waited too long...

Honorable mention:

I read Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings in 2001. But I find the sheer misanthropy of Martin hard to stomach, and I feel both could have been condensed into a single 300-page book. Gave up after that. Enjoyed the first few seasons of the TV show.

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