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Brainstorm: Let's generate a bunch of really cool and unique ocean based random encounter.... GO!

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First Post
Late at night the ship grinds to a halt, the wood screaming in protest. The crew and party, startled awake, rush out to the deck and see... nothing. Nothing but water, and what looks like some seaweed. A boat is dropped, but it just lands on the surface of the water, not floating like it normally would. A seaman climbs down and steps out, standing on a bed of seaweed so thick, it has captured the boat and begun wrapping around it. As the sun rises in the morning, other ships can be seen trapped, their hulls grey with age and their sails tattered with rot. Are their monsters? Treasure?


Part II

Sea Gypsies in fleet of small house boats
Sea Gypsy village built out of raft of derelict ships
Angry sea god blows ship 10d10 miles off course
Pride of sea lions (the half-fish half-lion kind)
Questing triton paladin mounted in giant sea horse seeks information
Slave ship taking cargo of slaves to sell
Convict galley of nearby nation
Small fleet of slaver galleys. Will not attack if the ship agrees to turn over 2d6 members of the crew to be slaves.
Large warship transporting VIP (patriarch/matriarch of major religion, member of royal family of important nation, famous archmage, etc.)
Boarding party of aboleth thralls
Small sandbar/reef/rock, too small to be on charts. Boat may run aground if night unless skill check is passed. If day, a marooned sailor is visible hailing the ship. He's a one or more of pirate/mutineer/trouble maker/heretic/dangerous shapechanger/sea captain victim of a mutiny/framed for a crime he didn't commit/outcast/drunk/siren or dangerous fey using glamor to disguise true appearance so as to lure boat close enough to attack.
Pack of sea wolves
Giant Octopi
A quadrone/movanic deva/ghael/coutl/gynosphinx attempts to land on the ship. It warns the ship that terrible danger lies ahead, and gives them directions that takes them two days off course. If the warning is not heeded, the automatically have a random encounter after one day of travel with 2 times the normal number encountered or with all DC's of skill checks and saving throws increased by 5 (as appropriate).
As above, but the creature is not what it appears to be, and the warning is likewise intended to steer the party toward some hideous hazard they'd otherwise avoid either out of enmity to the party or else a desire to profit from the wreck of the ship. The creature is actually an evil wizard using illusion or shapechange magic, a fiend wearing a false face, a rakasta spell caster, an evil siren sorcerer, a CE genie, etc.
A mated pair of small drakes lands on the ship's mast and begins making a nest.


Staff member
Adolescent Anthropomorphic Shinobi Sea-Turtles (John, Paul, George & Ringo)

See also the "Aquatic Ideas" link in my sig.
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Ixit .. icthiyt ... ixitch ... demon stingrays.

A nomadic village riding on the back of a dragon turtle, or perhaps a giant sea turtle (elephants optional).

A talking clownfish, looking for her lost child.

A talking albatross, and its mouse riders.

A painted ship on a painted ocean

A warship crewed entirely by mice

A giant, scarred, one-eyed white whale ... with an encounter the next day with an obsessed whaler

*The* Kraken

A mist shrouded island ...at the shore a sign, "Welcome to R'lyeh"


A patch of water that the PCs' ship runs afoul of that is as dense as earth and rock, and can be stood upon by the PCs, but has fish and other aquatic life swimming through it with ease. What's even stranger is that some of these fish leap up out of the water and dive back into the dense water with apparent ease, while the PCs themselves can't puncture the water's surface. Make it even stranger by having items accidentally dropped fall through the water's surface!


Part III
Pirate ship crewed by monstrous demihumans and led by coven of hags
Sovereign/Prince/Princess of Dolphins/Sea Otters/Seals/Sharks/Whales/Walruses/Sea Snakes (based on MM2 'Prince of Cats') comes aboard in human form. Pretends to be ordinary ship wrecked sailor/whaler/minstrel/nobleman. Secretly desires aid against enemy/repay kindness shown by PC's to members of his species.
Siren/Nymph/Neriad/Triton/Sea Elf/Nixie has fallen in love with member of crew. Pretends to be human shipwreck survivor to be near them.
Iceberg proves to be sentient.
Raft of driftwood actually possessed by vengeful spirit.
Ghost of woman seeking drowned lover/sister walks across waves to boat. Mistakes someone in crew for sought friend to horrifying results.
Vampire unknowingly being transported in cargo wakes up hungry.
Priest of demonic sea cult builds secretly build altar of ballast stones in bilge and attempts to profane the ship through human sacrifices to the service of his god. If successful, ship is considered 'embassy of the Abyss' and a fiend of the lower planes may freely manifest on it.
Iceberg appears. It is carved with skulls and contains trap filled tomb of insane frost sorcerer.
Frost giants have converted iceberg into massive sailed and rowed vessel fortress.
Sailor aboard ship irresponsibly kills sacred animal (unless prevented by alert and prescient PCs), bringing divine vengeance on the ship in form of plague/storm/becalming/attack of double or triple HD monster.
Sea mount with Saughin metropolis atop magically rises up out of depths, bringing with its cyclopean ancient architecture and many strange inhabitants. PC's are mistaken as early arriving invited guests for global summit and commerce opportunity for all world's devil worshippers, which soon begin arriving in vast numbers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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