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Brainstorming a M:tG themed campaign...

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I would suggest that to make a better RPG the players should be normal beings in whatever setting you choose, NOT planeswalkers.

For instance...it makes more sense to be a Llanowar Elf or Merfolk or Banalish Hero for game design. At least without having to sit down and write a game from the ground up, which I think you would have to do to recreate everyone being in a party and beings planeswalkers.

All those cool magic card beings had some sort of life before they were summoned up by some dillhole to go charging across the field to occupy a blocking Shivan Dragon while some lucky other guy got to sneak through.

In fact, an awesome transition of power could occur one day when the players are all summoned into a battle by a planeswalker, declare "I've had enough of this kind of slavery of my people" and turn around and lop off the head of the sap who summoned them, thus declaring a revolution of sorts between the planeswalkers and their poor victims.

THATS a game that would turn into awesomeness.



Staff member
I would suggest that to make a better RPG the players should be normal beings in whatever setting you choose, NOT planeswalkers.

You and I are on the same page on that.

In fact, an awesome transition of power could occur one day when the players are all summoned into a battle by a planeswalker, declare "I've had enough of this kind of slavery of my people" and turn around and lop off the head of the sap who summoned them, thus declaring a revolution of sorts between the planeswalkers and their poor victims.
While that's not the kind of game I want to run overall, I have to say that it is a really cool idea! I might use it for a sub-plot.

And you should post that idea in the "Campaign Ideas" thread linked to in my sig- it could work for any game in which summoning is a big part of the magic system.


Staff member
I need some more...ummmm..."colorful"...names for the mana types, maybe more than one.

Nobody better suggest mitichlorians.

For example, I can see "Pneuma" for White and maybe "Thanotic" for Black. "Pyro" and "Hydro" something could work for Red & Blue, respectively. "Vitae" for Green...

But while those are workable, I bet the assembled minds of ENWorld can do better.



Cute but dangerous
Hm.... maybe rather base the words on the Arabic language, considering that the word alchemy stems from the Arab language.


One idea, how about allowing useful creatures to be familiars for the players?

Example, Birds of Paradise:


Staff member
I hadn't thought of Familiars at all...but that isn't a bad thought. Even though Fantasy HERO isn't class driven, Familiars are a common enough trope that I should account for them.

Hmmm...Familiars: Must be a creature; max size of a 1 mana cost M:tG card. I'll have to figure out how many build points to cap their size at in terms of HERO.

BoPs would be popular, of course. I'll have to see what other 0-1 cost critters are out there that might be popular...or problematic.


Ohh, another thought, you could make some items be worn items.

For instance, you could make Sol Ring be literally a ring that could be worn.


Pick a certain amount of "slots" that can be filled with "items". Like only allow two ring slots, one slot for gauntlets, another for helms, etc. Then you could also have an Artifact Belt which allows a certain number of artifacts to be used.

I don't know if you plan to incorporate the casting cost of the magic cards into the role playing mod you are working on. Presumably you were going to do so at least for the more obvious things like offensive spells. If you had artifacts and so forth be equivalent to Magic Items found in a D&D campaign that needed to be powered up initially, that might be a good idea too.

Are you planning that players actually have to have the magic cards in question to have their character use them?

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