bring in the ringer bring on the pain! A pro NPC'r


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I sat in on another group’s game night to role play the BBEG and NPC's. I would be hard pressed to remember a more enjoyable game session. At the table we had 5 players, 1 DM & me Mr. NPC. The DM and I went over some of the builds to be introduced prior to game night so I had a green light on NPC development & trappings. I would make role playing suggestions and personality quirks noted on each PC including combat tactics.

The players had a very hard time combating my tactical decision making as I only had 1 job and was 100% focused. The DM had time and energy to do his job and I dedicated 100% to the NPC’s. I tended to pass notes to the DM as speaking out loud and saying “OK I’m talking to the DM and your PC’s don’t know this” didn’t work at all. Somehow every PC was tailor buffed per encounter. Once the note passing started the players found themselves on the defensive 75% of the time and spending a lot more time and energy into healing/buffing.

The DM didn’t even know what the BBEG was until he gave build approval game night
and then all he could do is shake his head and said “bring on the pain” I had made the 2 BBEG a Psion (Nomad) and a Thrallard with many Psychic Warriors.

It was new, different, and competitive. Everybody had a challenging but good time. Not to paint a rosy picture of the night it was tougher on the players because of the attention given to detail on the NPC’s.


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First Post
Sounds cool. :D :cool:

Some groups, as you can imagine, dislike the competition your latest game would engender.


One of my players had just returned after a brief hiatus. The players were involved in the AoW arena battles, and his regular character wasn't on the team, so he asked to play the NPCs the first night. I sent him the stats on the alkilith demon they were sure to run into right off the bat. He's probably the least experienced of the players but he absolutely mopped the floor with them, grinning through the whole thing. It was one of the few times the PCs have been forced to retreat, and two of them had to be Raised.

I recommend this to DMs when an opportunity arises - it made for an easy night for me, and it was all the players talked about until the next session when they were able to take another shot at it.

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