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Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo Casting Sheet

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First Post
Steven Moon

[Sblock=Steven Moon]
Steven 'ka peyakot mahihkan' Moon, Hero werewolf.

Str 6/10 (+1 from Jock/+4 in werewolf shape)
Dex 4/6 (+2 in werewolf shape)
Con 4/6 (+1 from jock, +2 in werewolf shape)
Int 3
Perc 3
WP 2
Armor 4/5
(natural tougnes werewolf shape)
Acute senses (Smell/taste)

Life points 50/74

Addiction : marihuana -2 his only vice is a little puff on the peace-pipe now and then.
Ugly -1, his nose got broken once too many during a rugby game
Fast reaction time +2, legacy of his rugby-games
Minority -1 Member of the First Nations
Jock +3 Rugby, Rugby, Rugby
Recklessness -2 He knows there’s not much that he can’t get out of.
Natural Toughness +2 Years of taking a beating on the pitch have left him toughened up.
Nerves of steel +3 He’s not scared of vampires, vampires are scared of him.
Hurting finance -4 Only a sports scholarship to get by.
Werewolf +12 One of the last trueblood werewolves of the first nations.
Hard to kill +3 Tough as nails.

Sports 6
Acrobatics 3
Getting medieval 5
Kung fu 4
Mr Fixit 2
Notice 3
Driving 1
Language 1 (cree)
Occult 2
(5 left over from qualities +2 sports from jock)

Steven comes from the Kangiqsualujjuaq Cree reserve in Ontario. he is of the 'mwecinitosâp mahihkan peyakoskan nehiyawak'. He is the eldest son of the tribe’s shaman, and one of the few remaining trueblood werewolves left in the area. He was raised in the traditional way, getting schooling from a missionary’s outpost-annex school. He has happy memories of his childhood, often going out with his peers in the woods for several weeks at a time. Unfortunately the governement soon intruded, and at the age of 12 he got sent to a boarding school for a more formal education. It was a difficult time for him, and he would have gotten into trouble soon were it not for rugby. He excelled at the game, and it was a great way of ventilating his pent-up frustration. It even gained him a fair measure of respect and a bit of acceptance. He got spotted fairly soon by the coach of the Waterloo university team and got offered a sport-scholarship. Though moving to waterloo would mean he’d get to see his family even less, and he’d be surrounded by strangers again, he realises it’s a chance for higher education which he’d normally never get.

He is a tall, hugely muscled frontliner, not afraid of showing his heritage. He picked up two tattoos along the way, a tribal wolf design on his left upper arm and a huge howling wolf on his back. Eight years as a rugby player made sure he’ll never win any beauty contests. His nose has been broken quite a few times, and both his ears are scarred from too many close encounters in the maul, the ruck and the scrimmage. At the uni he’ll usually be dressed in university sports clothing, taking advantage of the free laundry service for university athletes. When at home or in the outdoors he wears a faded jeans and a sleeveless T-shirt, and a well-worn leather coat if it gets cold.

He is caught between cultures, unable to blend in in either society because of his isolation from his people and his marked difference in upbringing from the rest of his classmates. He only feels comfortable on the sportsfield, in the gym, or by himself, alone in the woods. He lives off his scholarship funds, hoping to get a contract with a sports club and desperately striving to get a degree. He lives a few miles from the university in an old house, and jogs to and from uni every day, taking a quick shower before class begins. He is desperate to get some help with classes, computers and such, because in the few weeks since classes have started he realises he is in way over his head. He is getting fairly frustrated, seeing no way out, and he takes his anger out in the rugby field.

One of the only vices he has is the bong he's got hidden in his shed, along with a few 'special' plants he planted in a clearing in the forest. He rarely drinks alcohol, knowing fully well what alcohol did to his people and remembering the scorn others showed at the alcoholics in the reserve.

When not training, at uni or studying he’s out in the woods, hunting and trapping in the traditional way. He’s got a bow and a few hunting tools, knives and a tomahawk safely tucked away in his shed. He only discovered the other day that there’s a university archery team, and considers going to a training to see what it’s about, being a bit self-conscious ‘bout the stereotype he’ll invoke.

Besides sports his interests are history and law, thinking ‘bout getting a law degree to further help his people, but realising it will be a tough job getting the degree.

Still a work in progress, but taking shape (no pun intended)
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[sblock=Rory Shanahan]Rory Shanahan, White Hat
STRength: 2 (2)
DEXterity: 4 (2; 2+fae)
CONstitution: 2 (2)
INTelligence: 4 (3; +1 Artist)
PERception: 3 (3)
WILlpower: 4 (3; +1 Artist)

Qualities and Drawback (19Q - 9D)
Half-Fae (6Q): Immortal (0), Acute Senses: Keen Hearing (2), Attractiveness (1),
Vulnerable to Cold Iron (-3), Occult skill +1 (1), Dexterity +2 (2), Fae Magics (3): +5 to rolls involving illusion/charms

Artist (2Q): +1 to two mental stats, +1 Art skill, -1 WIL to fear or emotions rolls: Rory's been gifted with an Artist's heart. Mom wanted him to preach; he chose to sing.

Empathy (2Q): It's important for Fae to know how mortals feel so that they may prey upon their desires

Sorcery +1 (5Q): He's got the touch, he's got the Power. Yeah!

The Sight (3Q): being a magical creature himself, Rory can see others like him.

Contact: Local Entertainment Circuit (1Q): Rory's just starting to get connected with the local industry. Though his band's a current hit, they're not quite ready to lay anything on the line for him.

Adversary (2D): Donovan. After being ousted from his own band and losing his girl to Rory, Donovan's the type who wants revenge. Now he's 'stronger' than yesterday; now it's nothing but his way.

Bad Luck (2D): Just because he's one of them doesn't mean the Fey have forgiven his parent's trespasses. Faerie gold is Faerie gold, and until he gets it all back, the Fae won't let him forget about it.

Recurring Nightmares (1D): More of the same Fae love.

Covetous: Fame/Glory (1D): Craziness aside, he's still a Rocker at heart and wants to be famous. Canadian singers can be great, too!

Below Average Wealth (2D): His parents paid for college, but once Rory found out about the Faerie gold, that was it. He's on his own, now. Making his way in the world today takes everything he's got.

Honorable (1D): Rory's a great guy. He'll stick with you through thick and thin once you're in his good books.

Art: 3 (2+1 Artist) (singing, composing, playing front man to Celtic rock band)
Doctor: 1 (he knows first aid, which comes in handy...)
Driving: 2 (He's got a motorbike to get around)
Getting Medieval: 1 (Drunken brawls turn nasty sometimes)
Influence: 3 (he's a people person)
Knowledge: 2 (Religion) (Catholicism and Wicca and Shamanism, oh my)
Kung Fu: 1 (he's been in a few drunken brawls)
Mr. Fix-it: 1 (his bike isn't always reliable)
Occultism: 3 (2+ 1 Half-Fae) (his passion for esoteric knowledge)[/sblock][sblock=Character history]Rory Shanahan was born to Deirdre and Finn Shanahan in South Boston, Massachusetts. Rory’s official birth name is Ruaidhri O Seanachain; his mother wanted to keep ties with her Gaelic roots.

Rory grew up well-to-do in a decent Irish neighborhood. Deirdre was an attentive and lovingly strict stay-at-home mom, and Finn worked at a public relations firm. His mother had high hopes that Rory might become a Catholic priest. As soon as he was of age, his mother enrolled him in the South Boston Catholic Academy, then to Boston College High School and Boston College itself.

At first, Rory wanted to please his mother and embraced the Catholic lifestyle. He became a member of the school choir and dedicated his time and energy to his studies. As he progressed into his teens, he began to question the universe and his place in it. By the time he reached university, he grew tired of the Catholic “programming” and wanted to experience life outside of school walls. He began to spend more time in the local pubs than in school. During his nightly forays, he encountered a local Celtic Rock band who called themselves “Primal”. Celtic bands were a dime a dozen around Boston, but this band had a rainbow-haired bassist named Twilight who looked like a Gypsy on-stage. Rory was immediately smitten, and like a school boy with a crush, followed the band around the city. Each night, he would try to strike up a drunken conversation with Twilight, but the lead singer Donovan would always intervene and turn him away.

One night, Rory noticed some tension between Donovan and Twilight, tension that carried over into the band’s performance. Midway through their set, Donovan surprised everyone by angrily throwing his microphone on the stage floor and storming out of the pub, uttering a string of expletives as he left. The band looked confused. With a rush of adrenaline, Rory hopped up from his bar stool, jumped on stage, and picked up the mic. Before anyone could stop him, he began to sing one of the band’s songs a capella. The band looked at each other, shrugged, and one by one began to accompany Rory’s singing. By the end of the show, the bar was cheering and chanting for an encore. Later that evening, the band thanked Rory and asked if he wanted to come on full-time.
Twilight warmed up to Rory, and in short order they became an item. Twilight soon revealed to Rory that she was a Wiccan, which provided Rory some insight into a new (yet very old) religion that refreshed his mind and rekindled his interest in learning.

Donovan appeared one afternoon during a rehearsal with a chip on his shoulder. He “thanked” Rory for holding his place and shoved a fistful of bills in his chest. He then took his usual place on stage and commanded the band to start playing. Twilight confronted Donovan and told him that he was no longer welcome in the band. Donovan threw a fit, then cautioned Rory to “watch out for dark alleys” before leaving in a huff.

As the band toured the city’s drinking establishments, Rory began to start noticing odd things happening around him. He would often see a flicker of movement, or a twinkle of light, or hear soft, unintelligible voices out of nowhere. He asked Twilight about it, hoping that he wasn’t going crazy. Twilight suggested that it was possible that faeries may be trying to communicate with him. Although he himself did not believe in faeries, Rory knew that Twilight took her craft seriously. Together, they delved into the college library and the Internet for whatever they could find regarding faeries.

During her research, Twilight discovered that the Shanahan family had a legacy of wealth passed down from generation to generation, presumably from Irish royalty. The wealth was recorded as being a gift of the Fey folk, but there were no factual references to the source, or in what form the wealth existed. Rory knew nothing of this legacy. He approached his parents with the story and received the shock of his life. His father's form appeared to ripple and waver. Rory blinked his eyes, and when next he looked upon his father, he did not see the man that raised him, but a tall, slender creature with pointed ears!

The creature talked with Finn’s voice, but it was clearly not human. Finn explained that he was, in fact, an Elf. He did not originally come from this world. There existed, somewhere, a whole other realm full of fantastic creatures and races and magic. Finn used to live there, or at least, he believed he did. He explained that Elves had an unusually long lifespan and the event recorded in the library’s journals happened some four hundred years ago. He originally appeared in Ireland with a large chest of gold coins that he “liberated” from a faerie wood. His voice became grim as he noted that the gold was cursed somehow; he had no way of returning the chest to the original wood, and the Fey had long memories. Rory shared his odd experiences with Finn, who confirmed that Rory’s Elven blood made him sensitive to Fey Folk, among other possible gifts. Finn did not know for certain how said gifts would manifest in a largely non-magical world, but hinted at feats of magic. Deirdre added that she hoped, by becoming a priest, Rory might find a way to break the curse once he became wise and educated enough to understand it.

Rory renewed his studies with a fervor unseen since his younger years. With the guidance of his father, Rory found that he could in fact manifest a few simple tricks in short quantity. Rory shared all of this new information with Twilight.

Twilight confirmed that she already knew of his Half-Elven heritage because she could see the same world to which he had previously been blind. She added that she knew of a group of people who dedicated their lives to ensure that which is hidden remains hidden. Perhaps there, she advised, he could further his magical arts, or learn more about the cursed gold. She gave him directions to a contact with the group. With sad farewells (and apologies to his mother), Rory jumped on the first bus out of town and made his way towards his destiny.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Juno Reyes]Juno Reyes

Attributes: 20
Str (4) 7
Dex (3) 6
Con (4) 7
Int 3
Per 3
Wil (3) 5

Life Points: 81 (10 + 15 + 4x Strength + 4x Constitution)

Qualities 20
Slayer (16Q) - +3 Str, Dex, and Con, +2 Will (no max), Fast Reaction Time +5 init, Nerves of Steel, 5 levels of Hard to Kill, 5 point Adversary (Demons, Vamps), and a 3 point Obligation (Slay the nasties). +1 Getting Medieval and Kung Fu (but must also purchase at least 1 level in each normally), regenerate 1 LP/Con every hour, Sense vamps within 100ft with Perception roll.

Enchanted Item +2 (4Q)

Attractiveness +1 (1Q), Modifier affects any rolls where persuasion is a factor.
Situational Awareness (2Q) - +2 to Perception rolls to notice danger, and to resist Crime or Acrobatics rolls for those trying to sneak up.

Recurring Nightmares (1D)
Greedy (Mild) (1D)
Resources -1 (1D)

Skills: 20
Acrobatics 2
Drive 3
Getting Medieval (2) 3
Influence 2
Kung Fu (3) 4
Mr. Fix-It 4
Notice 3
Sports 1

Juno's had the dreams on and off as long as she can remember. Monsters. Coming out of the walls, walking down the street, looking like family or friends until they take off their faces to show the hideous maws underneath. Seeking her. Smelling her. Chasing her. She didn't understand until recently. Now she gets it all too well.

A military brat, she was born on-base in Guam. Transfers and reassignments weren't uncommon, so she'd seen the world through Army base fencing by the time she was high school age. Everything went wrong though when her mother was KIA in an incident ruled a tragic accident involving a new pilot and an equipment failure on the helicopter she was crewing. Her father took the death of his wife very hard, slipping into a depression that began to interfere with his work. Finally he suffered a discharge for causing an accident which also caused long-term injuries. Though the discharge was medical, not dishonorable (after some mucking about with lawyers and investigations), his record at the time of discharge was not stellar, and finding work was hard.

Finally his wife's brother offered him work. The only catch was that it was up in Canada, where he lived.

Things settled down some after the move. Her uncle's business was an auto garage, and he was happy to show her the ropes when she wasn't at school. She had a knack for it too, and became something of a car and engine buff. His other passion was collecting Native American art and artifacts, though that was an expensive hobby for a man of his profession. Though Juno wasn't too interested in most of that, she did have eyes on a particular item...a long, curved knife that looked like it had been made from a single huge fang. But what creature had a tooth that looked like that?? It had pictographs carved into it, though she wasn't sure they were really Native American in origin. Maybe more aboriginal? The hilt was wrapped in leather and had a bangle with feathers attached to the end.

It was out of pure instinct that, on the night the demons came, she grabbed for that weapon. Good slayer instinct. They had her uncle with them, and he...battered and bruised...was leading to the display case where the knife was usually kept. While she hid behind the couch, watching in horror, the creatures believed that he'd lied to them about the weapon's location, and broke his neck. In a sudden rage, Juno stood up, knife at the ready. One of the demons went to her, telling her to give it to him...and she did. Right through his neck, in fact. A minute later the fight was over, with the other two demons pinning her arms down, and starting to work the dagger free of her fingers.

And then Juno was called. A few seconds later, both of the demons died; their bodies turning to soot moments afterwards.

Juno hid the dagger. The police report stated that the incident was a murder committed by burglers who broke in to steal valuable artifacts, killing her uncle when he tried to stop them. They then heard the sirens since Juno called the police from her room on hearing the commotion.

Perversely, being left control of his step-brother's business seemed to be just the kick in the pants Juno's dad needed. It gave him something to do with his hands, something he was good at, and it made him feel like he was doing something for the people in his life who had died...making sure their legacy lived on. Though still stern and serious...and very protective of Juno...her father pulled out of his depression and made a decent living running the garage.

For her part, Juno was aware something fundamental had changed in her, but she was still ignorant about what exactly it was, and why, when she graduated high school and went to apply to college. She kept the old Indian knife, thinking maybe it was somehow behind the strange physical power that was at her command now. [/sblock]


[sblock=Rees Dafydd, Watcher]
White Hat (15 Attribute points, 10 Quality points, up to 10 Drawback points, 15 Skill points, 20 Drama points)

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3 (+1 from Watcher quality)
Intelligence: 5 (+1 from Nerd quality)
Perception: 2
Willpower: 4 (+1 from nerd quality)

Life Points: 30
Drama Points: 20

Qualities (12 spent):
Watcher (5): +1 to a physical attribute, +2 Getting Medieval, +2 to any roll when learning about demons, vampires, etc.
Nerd (3): +1 to two mental attributes, +2 to one of Computers, Knowledge, Science; -1 to any roll involving social interaction
Resources - Well-off (2) (freelance computer programming): personal wealth of ~300,000USD, monthly gross income of ~10,000USD
Occult Library - Good (2): no modifier to research rolls; holds d10 + 30 spells

Drawbacks (2 earned for Qualities, 6 earned for Skills):
Adversary - various minor ones (2): Demons no like watchers, they tend to have Slayers
Talentless (2): Rees has no artistic ability. Note the period. His logical programming mind has all but completely devoured his expressive creativity.
Showoff (2): Given all the degrees he's earned at this young age, Rees' bragging can almost be expected, if not outright forgiven...
Obligation - Major (2): Rees has been sent to Waterloo to guide and mold a Slayer.

Skills (21 spent):
Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 7 (+2 from Nerd quality) fluent in countless programming languages including web protocols
Crime 0
Doctor 0
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 2 (+2 from Watcher quality)
Gun Fu 0
Influence 1
Knowledge 3
Kung Fu 2
Languages 2 - English and Latin (with a smattering of Welsh)
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 1
Occultism 4
Science 2
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

Sample Combat Maneuvers:
Dodge: Dex + Getting Medieval or Dex + Kung Fu: +4
Punch: Dex + Kung Fu: +4; base damage 4 bash
Stake: Dex + Getting Medieval: +4; base damage 4 slash/stab
- Through Heart: Dex + Getting Medieval -3: +1; damage x5 vs vamps
Crossbow: Dex + Getting Medieval: +4; base damage 16 slash/stab[/sblock][sblock=Background]Rees Dafydd (it's pronounced "Davith, but anyone who sees it on paper always gets it wrong as a matter of course) is a Watcher who has embraced modern technology in a way few Watchers have. He is internet savvy and keeps copies of many of his most important books on his laptop. He has a physical library as well, but rarely consults it. That might be a weakness on his part; because only a fraction of the most important tomes have been converted to digital format to date and he relies on technology, he is reticent to go back to the old way of doing things.

Dafydd is British (of course) with a Welsh accent, having been born and raised in Caernarfon, Wales. He attended Oxford University for his undergraduate studies with a major in Computer Science (Programming) and a minor in The Occult. He completed a Doctorate in Programming Language Design at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology then earned a Master's in Renaissance Studies at Victoria University in Toronto and a Doctorate in Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto all while performing post-graduate studies in computer programming. He accomplished all of this by the age of 26, then moved back to Great Britain for a short period of time, ostensibly to serve as a professor in an English college, but actually received training as a Watcher. He had been called before attending Oxford and part of doing his graduate and post-graduate studies in Ontario was to prepare him for being a Watcher there. He has recently returned to Ontario to be assigned to a new slayer. The Watcher's Council has never been fond of the fact that he has been so interested in technology, but they have begun to begrudgingly accept that in order to effectively combat the supernatural dangers in the world they are going to have to adapt.

Dafydd presently serves as the supervisor of the student computer facility at a local college in Waterloo, Ontario. Of course he has things like crossbows and stakes all over the place and his students are always asking him what those things are for, not to mention his Necronomicon screen saver. (He happened to like Army of Darkness, okay?)

He spends most of his time in front of a screen, but doesn't slack on exercise, just to keep himself moderately fit. He's nothing of a sportsman at all though. Never even stepped foot on a sports field. His athletics have all been of a more practical nature and even that has been just the basics. He's much happier browsing the web or making his latest digital scans of various tomes so he can search them more quickly. He's even started a Watcher Wiki, although it has yet to catch on; he's the only Watcher to post to it as of yet.[/sblock]


First Post
Gavin Peterson

[sblock=Gavin Peterson]White Hat

Str: 2
Dex: 2
Con: 2
Int: 3
Perception: 4
Willpower: 2

Life Points: 29
Drama Points: 20

Qualities and Drawbacks (16 QP - 6 DP):
* Half-Poena Epulum Quality (+11)
[sblock= HPE details]Supernatural Sense - Pain (3): A Perception + Notice check can tell you the amount of damage taken by 1 creature per success in a 100ft radius.
Supernatural Attack - Deliver Pain (4): A Dexterity + Kung-fu attack to deal 20 damage
Supernatural Unattack - Feast on Pain (4): A Intelligence + Doctor check to heal 2 x Intelligence damage
Editted: on second thought, tge original version seemed way too powerful; far better than a Drama point; this tones it down some, and I may yet drop the x2 modifier...
Doctor +1 (1): 1 free level in Doctor, because Poena Epulum naturally understand biological systems.
Mental Problems - Cruelty (-1): The base tendencies of the Poena Epulum involve inflicting pain.[/sblock]
* Secret (-1)
* Fear of Rejection (-1) (as a half-demon, Gavin never feels he fits, so he’s always looking for approval and deeply hurt if he doesn’t get it)
* Misfit (-2) (similar to above. He knows he’s a freak. Even if he manages to keep the specifics from folks, they always seem able to tell)
* Situational Awareness (+2) (fear of discovery + supernatural senses: he’s always looking for trouble)
* Empathy (+2): probably not as tasty for his kind as physical pain, but especially on a college campus, there’s more than enough to ‘skim,’ so he’s developed an eye for it.
* Magic Magnet (-2): The rather usual trend of supernatural folk who want to lead a normal live: the crazy keeps finding him.
* Hard to Kill (+1): An innate knowledge of pain and wounding give Gavin a slight edge when it comes to making sure his vital bits stay out of the path of oncoming swings.

Skills (15)

Doctor 4 (includes +1 from half-poena epulum quality)
Getting Medieval 1
Kung Fu 2
Notice 6
Science 1

[sblock=background]Raised by his human father, Gavin didn't know about his true heritage until a drunken prom drive ended in disaster. Or nearly so. Though the car was demolished, all four teenagers in it survived unscathed. What Gavin kept from his classmates was his own part in their survival: Overwhelmed by a massive hunger, he had touched them, relished their pain, and only afterwards realized his feast left them all remarkably whole.

Gavin's father, however, seemed to know what had happened. He revealed that Gavin's real mother had been a Poena Epulum ("Pain Feast") demon. One of her species' more benign members, she met Joshua Peterson in a hospital after a fire left his body covered in second and third degree burns. She bonded and mated with him in the euphoria of feasting on so much pain, but left the seemingly-human child behind, fearing it would not survive the demonic world.

Hoping to control his hunger and learn about his mother, Gavin set off in search of his demon-kin. He found them, nomadic demon medics, 'psychic surgeons', all pointing him West in the search for his mother. There, in Los Angeles, he also discovered the nastier side of the Poena Epulum: sadistic torturers maiming innocents, healing them through feasting, only to torture them further. As might be expected, Gavin fled as quickly and as far as he could.

Sometimes, however, running from one problem just gets you to another even faster. Case in point: in Waterloo, Gavin keeps running into supernaturals, including his Art History professor. And, with a recent incident during a lecture, he's found himself tangled up with several others. [/sblock]


First Post
Professor Rechard Butler

Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Constitution 6 (+1 Watcher)
Intelligence 3
Perception 4 (+1 Artist)
Willpower 4 (+1 Artist)

Initiative 3
Life Points 55
Perception 8
Drama Points 10
Additional Actions 0
Experience Points 0

Qualities 20 + 9
Age (4) 8 pt
Artist 2 pt
Watcher 5 pt
Hard To Kill (3) 3 pt
Natural Toughness 2 pt
Nerves Of Steel 3 pt
Resistance-Demon Powers (4) 4 pt
Resistance-Poison (1) 1 pt
Resistance-Pain (1) 1 pt

Drawbacks 9
Adversary (4) 0
Addiction 2
Fear Of Commitment 1
Obsession 2
Reckless 2
Secret 2

Skills (20+12 Age)
Acrobatics 0
Art 6 (+1 Artist)
Computers 0
Crime 0
Doctor 1
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 7 (+2 Watcher)
Gun Fu 0
Influence 5
Knowledge 5
Kung Fu 1
Languages 5
Mr. Fix-It 0
Notice 4
Occultism 3 (+2 Watcher)
Science 0
Sports 0

Languages: (English), German, Italian, Latin, Tibetan, Aztec[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Rechard was born in Germany in the late 1400s. He was a painter -- a good one, with rich and powerful patrons -- and he associated with scientists, philosophers, and dabblers in the arcane. Eventually, he and two of his friends participated in a ritual which gave them eternal life so long as they regularly drank demon blood. The others long since went insane from the corrupting influence; Rechard has survived.

Rechard spent the early years of his immortality among the Aztecs of the earliest Spanish colonies, and one or two lifetimes in Tibet. In general, however, he prefers to live near Hellmouths, as they offer the best hunting. For similar reasons, Rechard attached himself to the Watchers in the late 1800s, but left on bad terms. They have no idea he's still alive, and they'd be very, VERY interested to find that out. (Secret 2)

Demon blood is both Rechard's obsession and his addiction, as it keeps him alive and superhumanly healthy. However, he's accumulated quite a long list of demons whose friends he's killed and drained. Over the years, he's also become a bit disconnected from humanity, and he tends to view people as generally stupid and fairly expendable. (Fear of Commitment, Reckless)

Rechard is currently a history and art teacher at Waterloo, and he also coaches the fencing team. While he's an amazing painter, a knowledgeable historian, and a skilled combatant with a rapier, Rechard has never gotten the hang of automobiles, guns, computers, or anything resembling modern technology and science.

Rechard is an average looking man of average height, or perhaps an inch less. He has a light brown ponytail and goatee, as well as a slight but unplaceable European accent.[/sblock]

Edit: Changed skills a bit, 14 Oct 2011.
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First Post
Tamas Horvath, White Hat
Gypsy Tinkerer


STRength: 1
DEXterity: 4 (3 + 1 Criminal)
CONstitution: 2
INTelligence: 5 (3 + 2 Braniac)
PERception: 2
WILlpower: 5 (4 + 1 Braniac)

Qualities (18 pts)
Braniac (4pts): Very quick to learn, intuitive understanding of mechanical and electrical devices. Not generally one for book learnin'.
:2 pt Obsession with latest project
:-1 to personal social skill checks

Criminal (2 pts): Pickpocket, B&E, five-fingered discount, and boosting wheels. Buying into the stereotype.

Superscientist 2 (10 pts): Manifests largely as enhancement to mechanical and electrical devices. Intuitive, untrained. Raw.

Contact: Supernatural (1 pt): Distant Ancestor, now a Revenant. A Revenant that failed to warn or protect Tamas' family...

Resist: Paranormal (Magic only) (1 pt): Last gift from a dying twin.

Drawbacks (8 pts)

Emotional Problems: Fear of Rejection (1 pt): Cast aside by his family in favour of his beloved twin sister for failing to manifest his "heritage" at a young age, Tamas fears rejection from those whom which he chooses to associate. Also, girls.

Delusions (1 pt): Did I say his twin is dead? Seems she still visits from time to time...

Recurring Nightmares (1 pt): Tortured by reliving the night his sister and family were slaughtered, Tamas is a fitful sleeper.

Minority (1 pt): Romani.

Teenager (2 pts): Teenager. 'nuff said.

Misfit (2 pts): Nothing in common with fellow Romani and an outcast in modern society, Tamas has yet to find his "group".


Crime 3 (2 + 1 Criminal): As per Criminal background, his criminal skills run towards petty theft, pickpocketting, picking locks, etc. Not a criminal mastermind, his heart just isn't into it.

Knowledge 2 (+2 Braniac): Opportunistic learner, tamas has had no formal education beyond that of a High School Junior.

Languages 1: Romani (Hungarian dialect)

Mr. Fixit 5: If it's mechanical or electrical, Tamas has it figured out. Or rather, has it modified and "improved".
Computers are for nerds and rich kids. Affinity for clockwork, and a deep admiration for Tesla.

Notice 1 (+1 Criminal): Always looking for an easy mark, or an easy source of supplies.

Occultism 2: Part and parcel of growing up Romani and expected to carry-on the family business.

Science 6 (4 + 2 Braniac): Superscience? yes, please. Science and tinkering is where Tamas feels...whole.


Background tomorrow...
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Voidrunner's Codex

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