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Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

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Preface: I know nothing of the system, other than the details shared in this very thread.

However, I enjoy the show, and have actually played an ill-fated game in the same setting. I'd like to give it another go.

Since no one else appears to be steppin' up, I'll go ahead and posit a "slayer." Faith's very own 'Kendra' so to speak.


Ya know, ever since medicine hopped up to the 20th century and post-death revivals became possible, it seems like this multiple-slayer thing must have cropped up before from time to time. So it can't be too much of a shock to anyone.



I've a couple of notions for background. Let me just shotgun 'em out there, and we can decide which works best.

1) Cop-out: The slayer is a policeman's daughter. You'd think that'd be perfect, what with the "police" motif of the job, and the opportunities to meet and build contacts in the local department. In reality though? It means you have a cop constantly wondering where you go at night. Judging your weirdo friends. Refusing to let you date. ... Okay that last isn't really relevant, but it's still UNFAIR!

2) Chip Off The Old Frock: Like the first one, only she's a PRIEST'S daughter. The good: The church isn't a bad source of rites, exorcisms, and other freaky stuff to fight other freaky stuff. The bad: You still can't let them know who you are, and that includes Dad. The ugly: Also, he still won't let you date, and this time God is on his side.

3) Patrol? But I've got Homework! This slayer is a great kid. Responsible, good student, really puts in the hours. Problem is she's never been 'sporty' before, or even in particularly good shape. In fact, she was always a bit of a nerd, frankly. Not that she objects to suddenly being strong and fast and all, but she still has a bookish sensibility about the whole thing that occludes (not very well) a sizeable helping of low self-esteem when it comes to doing anything cool. Slaying vampires definitely qualifies.

4) Homework? But I've got patrol! Problem child. Take one overworked parent, one bitter little girl, pour into a broken home and stir until it's a seething pool of angst. This isn't a re-treading of Faith, though there could be a parallel with the 'tough girl' act. The key is the lack of sociopathy, and the keen awareness that it IS an act. Until, of course, it isn't. Fortunately, the job comes with a giant 'catharsis clause.'


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Alas, my Google-fu fails me in identifying the inspiration for Rechard, but in my last two Buffy games, I've had a player run a character based on a German historical figure.

General Q on Rechard - what sort of teacher is he? Knowledgable but aloof? Traditional? Interactive? Also... Fear of commitment? Dude is like 400 years old! Poop or get off the pot, man! :)

Well, the fear of commitment is the typical immortal "You are as mayflies" kind of thing. No use getting attached.

As for type of teacher, I'm thinking he's one of those guys with RIDICULOUS knowledge of the subject material -- after all he personally knew half the painters he teaches about. So class with Rechard is him unloading information at a rate where the students don't have time to goof off because they're so busy taking notes. Professor Butler's Art History is not an easy A, but students come out of the class with am absolute command of the subject material. If he has a fault, it's that he occasionally launches into short but blistering critiques of certain artists who he personally disliked.

"So this brings us to the works of John Bettes the Elder, who painted several portraits of Henry VIII. These days, he is most well known for his painting Man in a Black Cap, despite its flat and uninspired brushwork, and the fact that it shamelessly plagiarizes Hans Holbein, who we covered last class. During his lifetime, however, Bettes was most well known for his terrible halitosis and a penchant for buggering donkeys."

I'll mail you the secret identity if you want, as well as the names of his two friends (who are also European historical figures), who may still be alive in some sense, but if so are very corrupted and insane.


First Post
Count me in. Yes, for reals.

I assume there will be late night hangouts at the 7-11?

I'll pop back in with character idea(s) on Thursday, if that works for the timeline.


First Post
2) Chip Off The Old Frock: Like the first one, only she's a PRIEST'S daughter. The good: The church isn't a bad source of rites, exorcisms, and other freaky stuff to fight other freaky stuff. The bad: You still can't let them know who you are, and that includes Dad. The ugly: Also, he still won't let you date, and this time God is on his side.

She's a Catholic priest's daughter?


First Post
She's a Catholic priest's daughter?

Why not? looks like an interesting angle.

Damnit shayuri, you beat me to the slayer spot :)

I'm still very interested, will have a look at the ruleset sometime this week. I'm on nightshifts at the moment, so things might not go as smooth as I want them to.




First Post
That's one possibility, yar.

Also, Dr Zombie, I had no idea you were gunning for it. You posted way in advance of me, so you can have it if you want. I can do a different concept. Maybe even (gasp) a regular human!



I had a great idea for a young Church-schooled Irish come Celtic rocker. I would have to edit this as the original character was a half-elf for d20 Modern. Please comment and see if this would work. I wouldn't mind making him a Witch/Warlock/Wizard/Whatever guys who can use magic are called. Faery-type magic would be perfect here... charms, illusions, glamers only, maybe some ability to use "Magic Items", whatever they'd be.

[sblock=Rory Shanahan]Rory Shanahan was born to Deirdre and Finn Shanahan in South Boston, Massachusetts. Rory’s official birth name is Ruaidhri O Seanachain; his mother wanted to keep ties with her Gaelic roots.

Rory grew up well-to-do in a decent Irish neighborhood. Deirdre was an attentive and lovingly strict stay-at-home mom, and Finn worked at a public relations firm. His mother had high hopes that Rory might become a Catholic priest. As soon as he was of age, his mother enrolled him in the South Boston Catholic Academy, then to Boston College High School and Boston College itself.

At first, Rory wanted to please his mother and embraced the Catholic lifestyle. He became a member of the school choir and dedicated his time and energy to his studies. As he progressed into his teens, he began to question the universe and his place in it. By the time he reached university, he grew tired of the Catholic “programming” and wanted to experience life outside of school walls. He began to spend more time in the local pubs than in school. During his nightly forays, he encountered a local Celtic Rock band who called themselves “Primal”. Celtic bands were a dime a dozen around Boston, but this band had a rainbow-haired bassist named Twilight who looked like a Gypsy on-stage. Rory was immediately smitten, and like a school boy with a crush, followed the band around the city. Each night, he would try to strike up a drunken conversation with Twilight, but the lead singer Donovan would always intervene and turn him away.

One night, Rory noticed some tension between Donovan and Twilight, tension that carried over into the band’s performance. Midway through their set, Donovan surprised everyone by angrily throwing his microphone on the stage floor and storming out of the pub, uttering a string of expletives as he left. The band looked confused. With a rush of adrenaline, Rory hopped up from his bar stool, jumped on stage, and picked up the mic. Before anyone could stop him, he began to sing one of the band’s songs a capella. The band looked at each other, shrugged, and one by one began to accompany Rory’s singing. By the end of the show, the bar was cheering and chanting for an encore. Later that evening, the band thanked Rory and asked if he wanted to come on full-time.
Twilight warmed up to Rory, and in short order they became an item. Twilight soon revealed to Rory that she was a Wiccan, which provided Rory some insight into a new (yet very old) religion that refreshed his mind and rekindled his interest in learning.

Donovan appeared one afternoon during a rehearsal with a chip on his shoulder. He “thanked” Rory for holding his place and shoved a fistful of bills in his chest. He then took his usual place on stage and commanded the band to start playing. Twilight confronted Donovan and told him that he was no longer welcome in the band. Donovan threw a fit, then cautioned Rory to “watch out for dark alleys” before leaving in a huff.

As the band toured the city’s drinking establishments, Rory began to start noticing odd things happening around him. He would often see a flicker of movement, or a twinkle of light, or hear soft, unintelligible voices out of nowhere. He asked Twilight about it, hoping that he wasn’t going crazy. Twilight suggested that it was possible that faeries may be trying to communicate with him. Although he himself did not believe in faeries, Rory knew that Twilight took her craft seriously. Together, they delved into the college library and the Internet for whatever they could find regarding faeries.

During her research, Twilight discovered that the Shanahan family had a legacy of wealth passed down from generation to generation, presumably from Irish royalty. The wealth was recorded as being a gift of the Fey folk, but there were no factual references to the source, or in what form the wealth existed. Rory knew nothing of this legacy. He approached his parents with the story and received the shock of his life. His father's form appeared to ripple and waver. Rory blinked his eyes, and when next he looked upon his father, he did not see the man that raised him, but a tall, slender creature with pointed ears!

The creature talked with Finn’s voice, but it was clearly not human. Finn explained that he was, in fact, an Elf. He did not originally come from this world. There existed, somewhere, a whole other realm full of fantastic creatures and races and magic. Finn used to live there, or at least, he believed he did. He explained that Elves had an unusually long lifespan and the event recorded in the library’s journals happened some four hundred years ago. He originally appeared in Ireland with a large chest of gold coins that he “liberated” from a faerie wood. His voice became grim as he noted that the gold was cursed somehow; he had no way of returning the chest to the original wood, and the Fey had long memories. Rory shared his odd experiences with Finn, who confirmed that Rory’s Elven blood made him sensitive to Fey Folk, among other possible gifts. Finn did not know for certain how said gifts would manifest in a largely non-magical world, but hinted at feats of magic. Deirdre added that she hoped, by becoming a priest, Rory might find a way to break the curse once he became wise and educated enough to understand it.

Rory renewed his studies with a fervor unseen since his younger years. With the guidance of his father, Rory found that he could in fact manifest a few simple tricks in short quantity. Rory shared all of this new information with Twilight.

Twilight confirmed that she already knew of his Half-Elven heritage because she could see the same world to which he had previously been blind. She added that she knew of a group of people who dedicated their lives to ensure that which is hidden remains hidden. Perhaps there, she advised, he could further his magical arts, or learn more about the cursed gold. She gave him directions to a contact with the group. With sad farewells (and apologies to his mother), Rory jumped on the first bus out of town and made his way towards his destiny.[/sblock]I keep forgetting that if this is the Buffy/Angelverse, any story with any supernatural element is fair game.
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