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Buffy: The Awakening - Updated 22 April 2004


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Cops & Robbers on the Docks:

"10-78! 10-24!" yells TR, making sure that his badge is showing... The Sunnydale POs know what he means: Robbery in progress, Officer needs assistance.

"Those two are vamped up on PCP, or something! Incredibly strong! Shoot to kill!' So saying, he puts the smoothbore wooden slug through the brute's back...


His head slowly turning to the side, Ryu smiled awkwardly, trying to keep a rather nice face on. Not the 'this is just great' face which tried to fight it's way to the surface. Allowing his hands to slowly reach into the air, his grip was released on both blades, allowing them to both bounce to the floor with a 'cling!', 'Hey, hey, I'm unarmed...'

Pfft... Who cared if he was unarmed? One of them got too close, and tried to do something, he'd show them just how deadly a cat is without it's claws.
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Angel Descending:

Watching quietly from the shadows, Angel considers stepping out and acting like a victim, and those two saved him, but when the wheeled one flashed a badge, he changed his mind. Looks like they can get themselves out of this one, he thinks to himself as he slips away, sniffing the air to see if he can pick up the trail of the escaped vamps.

At the vision of the Anima Sola Tattoo, Angel pauses. Thinking back, he can remember that the Anima Sola is a Catholic emblem, a woman in flames. So these Vampires must be somehow related to a sect of Roman or Irish disciples. Hmmm, now to get more information.

He scents them quickly, and like a predator is off into the night to follow them. There are three, one wounded pretty bad, and Angel's definitely seen harder fights.

The Arc de Terra is a mystical device, though no one seems to know what it means. Digging through his long and lucid memories, Angel knows that it translates from Latin to mean literally 'the arch of the earth'.

No one else seems to know what it does. Maybe in an old text or something? He shuffles it into his memory to make sure and check, later.

Creeping along various machinery and crates, Angel starts running towards the scent. It brings him to a long, narrow alleyway east of the docks. It's dark, dingy, and otherwise empty looking.

His ears pick up murmured words. "I don't....no! We have the Arc, Master.... Yes, all we need now is.... to translate.... can't read the spell.... without it. But soon... soon you will see... " A ceremony of sorts is being held, and Angel can scent over 10 Vampires inside, maybe more.

Standing in the alley for a few moments, Angel realizes it will only be a short time before the cops find this place, so he puts on Vamp-face and walks into the alley and tries to blend in with the rest.

As soon as Angel steps around the corner, he's greeted by the sight of 12 Vampires, already shifted into predator form. They face the north end of the alley, where the huge, brutish Vampire with patches of pink and white skin stands. The other Vampires had just addressed him as Master, so it had appeared.

He holds up a small object, a crescent/arc shaped pendant attached to a leather necklace. It has a strange looking red jewel at the end of it, and it's a pewter/silverish color. It looks ancient.

"Disciples of Korynth! I bring you the news of the Arc! At last we will have the ability to complete the task!" He starts saying more, in a dead language... it sounds like an ancient version of Aramaic. Nonetheless, Angel doesn't understand a word of it.

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Cops & Robbers on the Pier:

The two police officers look at each other warily, before the female uses her radio.

"Copy that. HQ, I need ID on two suspects immediately. Also, please send immediate backup to follow two suspects east of the western docks. Suspects are armed and dangerous, presumably high on PCP." She steps back, and holsters her weapon.

The male does not, however, and he proceeds to yell across the gap. "You there, with the badge! Toss me your ID, stat. Any wrong moves will cost you! And you, with the knives, get down on the ground and put your hands where we can see'em." He takes a few tentative steps foreward, eyeing the scene suspiciously.

The female looks around. "We've sent for backup to follow your suspects. Now, if we can just get a couple questions answered..." She walks quickly toward Theo and Ryu. "Davidson... it's ok. Keep an eye on the one with the knives, but I think I've seen the one in the wheelchair before. He's a security officer."

The police do not notice Angel, nor do they see him quietly slip away into the shadows to follow the Vampires. Theo is now too far and not in range to attack the brute. :)

Not meaning to sound too disrespectful, Ryu groaned. It was only his first few days in this place, and he was already getting himself arrested? Fantastic.

"Theres no need to be paranoid. Look, I can't exactly stretch." he mumbled, kicking at the handles of the Wakizashi, so each one would slide on the ground to them, before laying himself down.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there, Officers! The kid's okay... He jumped in to keep seven or eight of the perps from finishing me off!" Theo uprights his wheelchair and sits down in it, turning off the laser sight.

"That was me you heard broadcasting... and while you two are here, questioning us, the real perps are getting away! So I'm gonna want to see YOUR IDs, too!" He holds his up, again, pulling a flashlight and shining it on his wallet.

"Now, let the kid up, and give him back his wakizashi... and I'm going to bandage this wound in my arm, made by that sword over there, in the pile of dust with the black leather clothes sittin' on top of it..." He turns and points, as he pulls out a first aid kit, and wraps his arm in gauze. When done, he wheels over to the pile with the sword.

"Now get a good look at this, Officers, and turn the ''Professional Scepticism'' off, for a minute. You're going to see things that you won't understand, and they won't make sense... So just observe the crime scene, and remember what you see, so you can report it to Mr. O'Brien. I'll explain it to him."

He pulls a grabber off the back of his chair, and the digital camera out, then snaps a picture of the pile of dust with the sword and black leather clothes. After taking the picture, he moves the leather, revealing shattered toothpick flechettes, and a pair of silver bullets...

"I bet neither of you have seen piles of dust and clothes, before... but I may be wrong. Now notice the unusual ammo... Wooden toothpicks with fins on the ends..." He motions towards the jacket and shirt. "See the bullet holes? The rounds went in here, came out here..." He moves the jacket, revealing the two silver slugs embedded in the wood of the dock. "...and here's where they stopped. Now notice the blood..." he indicates some on the sword, toothpicks, bullets, and the pool made by Ryu's blades, "...but notice anything odd?..." He pauses for a moment, looking each officer in the eyes.

"Look around... Notice anything missing? Lots of blood, but only what's on this big sword is mine... So where did the rest of it come from? What happened to all the bodies?"

"Well, there are a few things you can assume... One's pretty Sci-Fi; somebody has a raygun that reduces people to dust!..." He pauses, grinning. "Pretty far-fetched, huh?"

"The other is that something pretty weird is going on, here, that's outside what they teach you at the Academy... and the evidence will back me up, on that. You see this big pool of dusty blood, here? When you analyse it, at the crime lab, your forensics people are gonna tell you that it came from a corpse... same thing for all these piles of dust, too... maybe even ones hundreds of years old... and that aint gonna make sense to anyone but me..."

"Then there's the robbery... That blue van, over there, with four flats from my shotgun? It's loaded with occult esoterica, and I'll betcha two things: 1) They're all illegally imported, and 2) I bet you'll find the dead body of someone with the authority to get things through customs, floating dead under this wharf, with his throat ripped out... and the cause of death will be blood loss, not drowning..."

"Now you can puzzle yourselves for the next couple of years about who did what to whom, and how the heck you're going to explain all this craziness... or you can believe my seemingly far-fetched explanation, even though it sounds crazy. Your choice..."

"But before I tellya what I know, I'm gonna have a look-see with my night-vision scope." So saying, he opens the chamber, and slowly brings the scope up, to make sure both of the police officers have body heat, only revealing the rest if they do!

"Okay, you're both clean... Now let me see YOUR IDs." He checks to make sure they're real, and writes down the names on his notepad. He turns off the scope (and rechambers the shell) as he reslings it.

"Okay, here's what I know... The big, bumpy-faced brute who ran off, just as you two drove up, is the leader of a gang of vampires... Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, but it doesn't matter if you or I believe that they're vampires, the point is that they believe it, and act like it... Which explains the bloodless corpse you'll find floating under the wharf..."

"So, anyway, seven or eight of these vamps get together, led by the big brute, and all decked out in black leather, and swords - you know, all ''Children of the Night'' Goth schticky - and they decide to act like vamps. So they import something called the ''Arc de Terra'',that they believe will give'm immortality, probably killing the guy who sneaks it through customs, for'em."

"Unfortunately for them, I get wind of it, and come down here to investigate this blue van getting loaded, late at night, with no lights... Then I get surrounded by seven of'em, who attack me with swords, and toss my wheelchair three yards through the air... I do for three of'em, before pajama-boy, here, shows up and gets another one, and together we finish off the one who left all this mess..." He kicks at the holed jacket. "Then you interfere with an Officer in the performance of his duty, and let the perpetrators escape." He rakes the two police officers with a very cold, hard look.

"And that's all I know. Anything else I have to say is for Lane O'Brien's ears, only. You wanna treat me like a crackpot, he'll hear about it, and you can explain letting the Arc escape on yer own!" He looks at Ryu.

"So, Ronin-san, what's your part in all of this?"

Blinking between them after this rather trigger happy, far-fetched explaination, the boy seemed to want to stay on the floor. Being seen with this guy really must drag you down in terms of respect. But, getting to his feet, Ryu simply dusted off his jacket, looking over to him.

"My part in all this is that I'm not even supposed to be here, baka. If you must know, my name's Ryu. Ryu Katsuragi. I was taking a short-cut home through here, and I heard some screaming, and voices. I thought it could be someone getting mugged, or raped, or whatever, so I thought I'd try to help, only to find these walking bags of sand!" He huffed.


At this point, Theo's player quit the game, and TR became an NPC run by an incoming player whose PC hasn't appeared, yet. TR will, henceforth, be used as a "Plot Device".
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Off to Jail?

The female looks at Theo with impatience. She flings her ID over to him and puts a hush gesture up with her hand. She turns around and silences her partner, who looks mad enough to burst.

"I don't know who you think you are, but the bottom line is that you AREN'T a police officer. WE ARE--" Says the male, turning a bit red as he speaks.

"Hush, Garret. He can deal with O'Brien directly." The female, whose ID reads Kara Michaels, nods. "We've been trying to get a handle on a group of strange teenagers who practice cultish behavior, and we assume they drink blood as well. Now you--" She motions to Theo, "you don't have to worry about a thing. The point is, if you were an officer, you'd know that standard procedure is to radio for backup to follow your so-called Vampires... but as of now this is a crime scene and being the first officers to arrive, we will not leave it to chase some Halloween Boogeyman." She looks stern and tough as she speaks, but it's noticable that she seems to be putting the show on for her partner.

The Officer called Garret walks over and picks up the knives that Ryu had kicked over. He stares at them in awe and then the radio on his shoulder sounds.

"Officer Garret we have three units tailing 3 suspects who match that description. Will send word when contact is made, over."

Kara smiles at this, and nods to Theo. "Do you happen to know what these... Vampires... were after? What is the Arc de Terra? And you are not to disrespect our actions anymore, if you wish to stay on the right side of the law. Remember that your security certificate means NOTHING when you're dealing with the law." She gives her partner a harsh look, but he seems to be satisfied.

He does come in, however, with a few words of his own. "This could be obstruction of justice, you know. When you got the tip you should have called us, instead of parading down here in your wheelchair", he says with a sneer, "and getting all mouthy with the authority. I can cuff you and take you to O'Brien, if THAT'S what you want." He narrows his eyes at Theo and continues scoping the crime scene with his flashlight, his trigger hand ready at his belt by his gun.

The female nods at Ryu. "If what you say is true, there's an officer on the way who will take your statement and then you can be on your way home." She smiles.

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Sunnydale HS:

"The only thing you'll be seeing is Mr. Pointy. That is, unless there really is a heaven for blood-sucking scum like you." Buffy retorts, and then she does a neat roundhouse kick to meet the male Vampire's jaw.

She turns and eyes the group of kids by the library nervously. "Umm, go! Scat!" She whispers hurridly, while doing a low, round kick and sweeping the female off her feet.



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Angel's Alley:

The Vampires seem to be standing in four rows of three, as the alleyway is small in size. Two of the ones in the rear turn around as Angel approaches and sneer at him viciously, careful not to interrupt the proceedings of the brawny Vampire at the front of the assembly.

"You may be Vampyre, but you are not welcome here, outsider!" he spits, as he readies for a fight. The leader has not yet seen Angel, and continues to rant in Aramaic.



First Post
The Docks:

TR looks angrily at the male cop and growls, "Hey! Watch it! You cuff me and O'Brien will have your badge!" He snarls and looks over to the female while a bit relieved that the Vamps were being chased after.

"I can go peacefully, there's no need for handcuffs. Let me talk to Ryu a moment, will ya? I need him to carry a message for me."

He wheels his chair quickly over to the pajama boy and whispers something to him.

"You have to find a strange guy at the Sunnydale Highschool Library. He's the new librarian there. Tell him EVERYTHING that happened tonight, especially if they throw me in jail. He'll understand. Make sure to give him every detail about that tattoo and the Arc." Theo whispers to Ryu.



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Gaming Note:

I have updated a couple of the previous posts, in bright red text, like this one, with information on player changeovers. Two new PCs are also currently under development, and may be appearing in subsequent posts... Stay tuned!


First Post

Pfft. Get real Would be one thought which came to Ryu's mind almost instantaniously, as Theo asked him to do him the favor. Until something hit him... Sunnydale High? Wasn't that where he was going? And... Oh, for the love of Buddha! He knew there was somewhere he was supposed to be going to, today, until he got distracted by all this.

"Yeah, alright, I'll try..." Ryu mumbled with a simple nod to him, before looking back to the officers. "The only way you're going to have me coming quietly is if I get my Wakizashi back, straight after I give my statement, alright? Family heirloom, you know."


Somewhere about this point, Oz's player also dropped the game (and Oz was later removed as a PC). After about three weeks with no posts from the GM, Ryu's player did, as well. A day or two later, Giles' player joined them. Then the GM posted that she was fast-forwarding the game. Five days later, Xanfer's player dropped.
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First Post
After more than two months with no new posts from the GM, I have to declare the "Buffy: The Awakening" game and story hour a dead turkey... Apologies to the readers (if any).

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