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Karl Green

First Post
March 13th, 2142, 1923 (local time), deep under the Reichstag

As the Squad is debating how best to move into the old abounded subway station…

…suddenly gunfire and screams can be heard from one of the tunnels, some ways off (the one straight ahead is collapsed, this is the tunnel around the corner that you cannot see at present. There is no motion detected that way, so it most be more then a 100ft away)


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Karl Green

First Post
March 13th, 2142, 1923 (local time), deep under the Reichstag

The team quickly files out into the sub-station. Sneak looks around and down into the tunnel where the gunfire and screams are coming from... and a bullets cracks against the wall not far from his head! Recovering he saw muzzle flashes two or three hundred feet down the tunnel.

Gramps gets a whiff of something bad, when suddenly multiple blips appear on the teams Motion Sensors... as something screams and Nestlings appear from around the Subway car; some are racing along the ground, some jumping from the roof of the car, some jumping up from the subway tracks themselves... some from the doors behind where Gramps and Thunder are bringing up the rear...

Surprise Round… no one is surprised, so only partial actions
25 - Nestlings
18 - 'Pedia'
17 - 'Squeek'
15 - 'Brute'
14 - 'Sneak', and 'Cat's Eyes'
13 - 'Quick'
9 - 'Thunder'
8 - 'Professor'
6 - 'Gort'
5 - 'Gramps'

The Nestlings jump and leap and rush at the Squad…
Only a few can make it this round and attack, part of their special ability…
…at the rear of the Squad, none make it this round, but there 8-12
…at the side of the Squad, 2 leaping from the roof of the subway car, 1 at Pedia, 1 at Squeek, 2 at Cat's Eyes (there are at lease 2-4 additional ones coming from the roof and 10-15 coming from the side of the subway car)…
…one jumps up from the subway tunnel, attacking Sneak (there are 4-8 additional creatures coming up the tunnel)
Attack rolls, at Pedia, total 23 a hit. Damage is 5 points (vs. 3DR) and takes 2-points of damage.
Attack roll at Squeek total 9 a miss.
Attacks against Cat's Eyes total 19 and 8, one hit. Damage is 6 points (vs. 3DR) takes 3-points of damage.
Attack against Sneak total 13 a miss

Actions? Pedia, Squeek, Cat's Eyes and Sneak each have Nestlings near enough to them to draw AoO if they use their firearms


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Pedia (radio)

Pedia grimaces at the sudden pain then he will take a 5-foot adjust back if he can and fire his rifle at the nestling that attacked him. If that's not possible he draws his combat knife.

Sneak managed to keep his cool. Moving out of the way of the creature, he drew his knife and attacked it. Over his shoulder to the others, he called back, "More coming this way!"


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Professor spins about and fires wildly at the ones approaching from the rear, grimacing as he tries to keep his aim steady. It was times like this that he really wished he'd been born something else.


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"Crap" Squeek thinks to himself as he draws his knife to defend himself from the furry beasty...

OOC: of course attack the nestling....but question...can satchel charges be triggered and thrown? or do they have to be set up?

Karl Green

First Post
March 13th, 2142, 1923 (local time), deep under the Reichstag

ferretguy said:
OOC: of course attack the nestling....but question...can satchel charges be triggered and thrown? or do they have to be set up?

[OCC] Yes that is a totally valid option… you would draw an AoO for throwing it, and it would take a full round action to set (but you would not draw an AoO against that [/OCC]

Updated Surprise Round

One of the Nestlings is on Pedia's arm so he can't shot it and has to draw out his combat knife and slash at the thing… stepping back into the group to get some cover from some of the other creatures attacking…
Attack roll 13 +2 =15 a hit. Damage is 5 points of damage
…slashing the creature it falls off him and hits the ground hard. It is back on its' feet almost instantly; hissing at the Moreau with hunger and hate.

Squeek draws out his combat knife and slashes at the creature…
16 +2 =18 a hit. Damage is 6 points of damage
…knocking it back onto the ground. It squeals and kicks before regaining its feet… it is shaky but angry and hungry.

Brute fires a burst of fire coming from the roof of the old subway car…
Attack roll 6 +5 =11, a hit the area. There are 4 creatures within the area; Reflex saves are 25, 13, 12, 14. Three hits, damage 9 pts, 20 pts, and 5 pts
…hitting three of the creatures. One explodes into multiple pieces, one is heavily wounded and falls to the ground screaming, and the final one catches a glancing blow and keeps coming.

Sneak calming draws his combat knife and stabs at the creature…
Attack roll 10 +5= 15 a hit. Damage is 9 points of damage
…catching it in its midsection. It falls back shrieking and lands somewhere in the tunnel below.

Cat's Eyes also draws his knife and stabs at the creature on him…
Attack roll total 9 a miss
…but the creature dodges at the last second and he misses. He growls in anger.

Quick squeaks in fear and anger and fires full auto into the creatures coming at the group in the tunnel below him and Sneak…
Attack roll total 11, a hit. There are 8 creatures in the area of his attack (and 3 outside of it), Reflex saves 18, 18, 11, 21, 12, 17, 16, 17. Only two are hit! Damage is 12 and 9 points
…catching two of the creatures. They both go down, although one starts standing back up.

Thunder unleashes the howler into the group at the rear…
Attack roll 7 +4 =11 a hit. He catches 9 of the creatures within his area; Reflex saves 7, 10, 24, 21, 11, 13, 20, 25, and 11. five are hit, Damage is 12, 6, 13, 11, 14
…catching five of the creatures within the hail of flechette fire; four die, blown to pieces, while one is heavily wounded.

Professor fires a burst at the rear, as more creatures spill out of the back door…
Attack roll 2 +4 -4 (no advanced firearm feat) =2 a misses
…but he fires to quickly and his rounds blow the door off its hinges but to high to hit any of the creatures.

Gort fires his shotgun up into the creatures jumping from the subway car roof…
Attack roll total 16, a hit. Damage roll is 7 points of damage
…hitting one and blowing it back onto the ground. It quickly regains its feet but it is bleeding from a terrible wound.

Gramps ignites his flamer and burns into the room where the other creatures are coming from, ignoring the few that got by the others to get the larger group coming through the door now…
No attack roll, hit an area and line up to it. Damage is 13 points of damage. Reflex save for half damage (there are 8 creatures in the room hit… 13, 23, 16, 22, 16, 23, 12, 6; five make there saves
…screaming and jumping, three of the creatures are turned to ash instantly, while five others scream in range and start running around like little torches.

More gunfire can be heard coming from the tunnel… it seems to be slacking off from what it was just a few seconds ago.

Round 1… no one is surprised, so only partial actions
25 - Nestlings
18 - 'Pedia'
17 - 'Squeek'
15 - 'Brute'
14 - 'Sneak', and 'Cat's Eyes'
13 - 'Quick'
9 - 'Thunder'
8 - 'Professor'
6 - 'Gort'
5 - 'Gramps'

From around the side of the subway car, another group of 10-15 racing along the ground towards the group…more can be heard from the front of the subway, as if a number of babies or something are coming awake.. and they are really hungry!

The creatures jumping from the roof, two are left to attack, one jumping at Cat's Eyes and another attacking Brute…
Attack roll totals against Cat's Eyes 24 and Brute 10. Cat's Eyes is hit, damage is 9 pts (vs. 3DR) =6 damage
…one flies past Brute while the other latches onto the Cat's Eyes arm, causing him to cry out in pain. Three more creatures appear on the roof, readying to leap down at the Squad.

From the tunnel below, four more creatures leap up at Sneak and Quick…
Attack roll vs. Sneak 22, and 9; vs. Quick 24 (chance for crit follow-up 10 no) and 24 (chance for crit follow-up 21 yes). Damage against Sneak is 3 pts, but none get through his armor. Against Quick 7 and 17 points of damage after DR 4+14 =18 points of damage
…of the two creatures attacking Sneak, one hits his shoulder but punches off while the other flies past and lands near Professor. But the other two attacking Quick are far deadlier, one biting into his arm while the other latches onto his neck. He squeaks and goes down hard, blood spraying over Brute as he is thrown back. Sneak can see another four or five creatures in the tunnel getting ready to jump up onto the platform.

One creature that missed its leap last round, attack Cat's Eyes from the back…
Attack roll 22 a hit. Damage is 7 points (vs. 3 DR) =4 pts
…sinking its teeth into the back of his leg and causing the Feline Moreau to stumble. The other creature biting him last round continues to gnaw into him…
Attack roll 24 (crit chance 7 no). Damage is 8-pts (vs. DR3) =5 more points
…biting deep into his arm. Cat's Eyes grunts in pain and starts to sway. He is standing on pure adrenaline now, and bleeding freely from his wounds.

The one that missed Sneak last round joins in with its pack mates and leaps onto Quick to tear into the Rat Moreau on the ground…

At the rear of the group, those five that escape the hail of gunfire and flame race forward and attack Gramps and Thunder…
Attack roll two at Gramps, three at Thunder; 10 and 12 both miss Gramps but they are near enough now to get AoO if he fires his flamer; totals vs. Thunder 11, 6, and 15, one hit barely. Damage is 6 points (vs. DR3) =3-points of damage. Again they are close enough to get AoO
…but these creatures seem a bit shaken as only one is able to bite at Thunder's leg.

Four of the creatures that are still somewhat on fire, run around a bit, trying to put themselves out.

Gort yells "Damn, I think it be time to start using some grenades" as he drops he looks to be shifting his shotgun to one hand to grab a hand grenade

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Voidrunner's Codex

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