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Build-wise, what's rare in the AL?


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I don't get out to play AL as much as I'd like, but this weekend's our big local convention, so I'm all jazzed about D&D again. And I'm curious.

Often at AL tables you see a lot of repeating things: bards, fighters, warlock 2/* multiclass. Everybody's a Crossbow Expert. I like to be a unique snowflake. I tend to pick weird/rare options and try to make them work. So I've had a bunch of funky, memorable builds. So much so that a while back one DM laughed at me when I said my race & class and was later shocked at how effective it was.

So I'm curious if there are any very strange and memorable combinations that you've seen; things that stand out as, "wow, I didn't think that would work, but it turns out OK."

My thoughts immediately go to things like the Dark Moon monk and BM Ranger, neither of which I've ever seen played. There's probably some neat race/class combos people forget because they don't start with a 16 attack stat.

So let's go, AL, inspire me. :)

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That guy, who does that thing.
I'm not convinced that asking for optimization advice in the Adventurers League forum is going to go well for you.


As I’ve said before, clerics that having actual healing magic have been rare in my experience. I’ve seen only a handful of monks, rogues, and druids. And almost no warlocks, actually.

Racially, it’s gnomes and half-orcs that have been rare for me.

But really, what makes characters pop out more than anything for me, isn’t the build people have come up with, but how vividly they can bring their characters to life. It's not always easy to dive into full role-playing mode with a table of strangers.


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I've seen everything but an Eagle Totem Barbarian. It's not bad, but I think people like the other totems better.

I've only seen a drow PC twice, both at con.

As I’ve said before, clerics that having actual healing magic have been rare in my experience. I’ve seen only a handful of monks, rogues, and druids. And almost no warlocks, actually.

Racially, it’s gnomes and half-orcs that have been rare for me.

But really, what makes characters pop out more than anything for me, isn’t the build people have come up with, but how vividly they can bring their characters to life. It's not always easy to dive into full role-playing mode with a table of strangers.

Must be where you roll. I've seen a lot of like clerics, warlocks (esp. multiclassed), and half-orc great weapon ftr/brbs.


First Post
I've seen everything but an Eagle Totem Barbarian. It's not bad, but I think people like the other totems better.

I've only seen a drow PC twice, both at con.

You spelled Bear totem wrong.

1. BM Rangers for obvious reasons
2. Non-Evocation/Abjuration Wizards
3. Elemental Monks
4. Knowledge/Nature Clerics
5. Oath of Devotion Paladins
6. Battlerager Barbarians
7. Purple Dragon Knight
8. SCAG Monks (only seen 1 Sun Soul, 0 Long Death)
9. Oath of the Crown Paladins
10. Mastermind Rogues
11. Storm Sorc
12. Undying Warlock
13. Bladesingers (surprisingly)

As for races:
1. Any Genasi subtype
2. Dragonborn are getting pretty rare these days.


First Post
I've actually never seen any totem barb that didn't pick bear at level 3. It's usually the strongest option at that level, and hence the most popular.

Whuuuups, my fault. I read it wrong. I thought it read that he only saw Eagle totems. Yeah Bear totems are overwhelmingly popular.

One of my favorite concept builds that turned out to be quite effective is my ale-chugging, whuppin'-stick-swinging, mudhole-stomping, barwench-glomping son-of-a-gun, Aylagur Buschbudd.

VHuman (Polearm Master) Nature Cleric 1/Hunter Ranger (Colossus Slayer) 5/Cleric 15

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