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CA. Ventura (TO, Oxnard, Camarilo & surrounding areas) D&D 3.5 and D20 Modern Gaming


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Switching Campaigns... Interested...
Bump! "Ma'ma... it's that man again!..."
Well it's seems I have a spaces maybe two open... so hit me with a contact if you are interested... HOLLA!!!

Well I run a game every Saturday form 1:00-11pm give or take... we have a good group that is a mix of new and veteran players, young (21 or older) and some who have be playing since the beginning of time lol... here is a little bit of what i do:

Been running our game in Ventura for 9+ years now....
My name is ZTORM (storm) "Z" for short... lol
I'm looking for players who are not afraid to sacrifice their character for the sake of role playing.
Example: A Paladin Fighting to his death to give the villagers more time to escape the Orcs.
Also understand that PC and NPC in Rp have very little differences and Rps accordingly.
I've been a player since "1980", DM-ing since "1983", playing and DM-ing 3rd+ ED. for 10 years... I have created my own sys. use a few fimailar ones... don't plan on ever useing 4th... in my opinion it's a travasty...
(if it's even spelled right... lol)
I've played many different D20 games incorporating some things and incorporating some of my own ideas as well:
1. I run games that have many different things.... also the book is but a part of the rules...
with good Role playing many rules can be bent or even broken.....
2. Blend of magic the gathering cards as fate cards to add story and chance...(1)'s are not always bad... it is fate.
3. Exp. for role playing so your character's grow from your role playing as well.
4. Character growth beyond the rule book (a fighter is not always dumb, unwise or un-stealthy)
ranks in skills are applied based on role playing as well as leveling.
5. Cool players.... some new to the game, some been around the block a few times.
6. Player Bolt cards are use to give you a better chance for fate to look your way and you to add cool ideals that you have for your Character... in or out of the books.
7. I run different campaigns, We switch through them about every 2-3 months to keep it fresh... but we always go back to them to give everyone a chance to make their favorite character... or just to break up the monotony.... all are D20 based..... and of my own creation using stuff from here and there:

This is my set of campaigns: Red is the one we are one now or starting...

1.) D20 Modern/Future: 2120: The Prometheus Project (It's like Aliens, Starship Trooper and Ghost busters in space) (Started 03/21/09)
2.) Oriental Adventure/D20 M: The Legends of the Rokugon (Futal Japan during Clan War time... lossly based on L5R) (Started on 12/09)
3.) New Coming May 22, 2010 D20 Modern/Future: Shadow Rifts: (Resident Evil, Shadow run, Rifts, I am Legend... be apart of the world as it ends... and try to survive through it)
4.) D20 M/D&D 3.5 ED Anime: Sacred Earth (Post Apocolyptic... very Anime style) (Started 6/07/08)

My game is not for everyone and i like to let people sit in and test the waters before making a huge investment which is what i consider playing in our game to be... lol...

My Sys. and House Rules:
Let me warn you... while I use a D20 sys... a lot if not most of my games have house rules and even changed or modified rules to fit the style of game i wish to run... in doing so... it is probably like nothing you have ever played... to give you an idea... I use D20 Modern character building sys as a template... for building your character... say like Strong/Fast... then you pick up... feats and talents based on what class your trying to build... but also as well... most of my games start from first... everyone start of as just a person with no predestined paths...
Some games you Rp into every feat, every skill.. nothing is promised to you... just because the book say so... The sys is set up so that you must RP into anything you plan to or hope to get better at or receive...
hope this help a bit... While others are very standard... but I always award stuff and abilities for good Rp... Holla!!!

A bit of the Story...

The planet Tara sits on the edge of space... still and nestled in the tangled arm of the milky way.
It is what some would call second earth. It was discovered by the Eldarr over a thousand years ago. It was decided that it would not be disturbed, leaving it to it’s own natural growth... unlike earth, which was tainted with the greed of other species. The reason it was called second earth is because it is merely identical to earth in every way, almost as if made from a copy.
Humans live here and like the earth of the past they are curious about space and the best they have done is sent satellites into the system... they have not yet landed on anyone of the two moons that circle their planet... Why two moons?... The Eldarr say it helps with keeping weather patterns more stable unlike it’s earth predecessor. They have watch this planet... but have never landed on it or allowed anyone else to do so for that matter. They protect it to keep it "pure and natural" from outside influences.
Other then the two moons and the technology level the solar system and it’s planets are the same... just with different names.
On planet side, life is the same... there is no all knowing entity that the masses pray to, in fact there is just the government... which is ran much like a kingdom.

There is a Imperial Overseer who acts a lot like the king of the world, like most government there are branches that represents the voting body of the populous: The Council Senate; Councilors.
Under that you have the Governors; Magistrate and Mayors; The Legilous, they run their areas of land states and cities and so on. They are seen as the financial and spiritual leaders... often people will be heard saying hail The legilous, Hail the Overseer as a sort of pledge of allegiance.

The Overseer stays in power till death once voted in... you may think that this would cause a lot of assassinations attempts to grasp at power, but this is not true... besides the fact that the Overseer is well guarded... when one dies the next is picked from the citizen body themselves... randomly... no one who is serving or have served a political office can become the Imperial Overseer. This quells in house plotting of assassinations... that is not to say that attempts are not made... but usually not for that reason.
Not all Overseers are excepted or loved and some over time become Tyrants, but this is the way of Tara... it is also the reason why there are small groups that do not believe in the system and fights against it... unrest is inevitable in any environment... the Eldarrs agree with that statement whole heartedly having had a traitor among their people that cause a great many wars on the other side of the galaxy.
With that being said or story takes us to a small city called Ambernex. This place is govern by a man name Rolin Taskbarr and The Legilous is a Woman name Kathryn Jadex.

They set the laws and principals that are passed down from the Overseer and the Council.
You live in this city wither it be as a Student, Athlete, firefighter, Teacher, Plumber, Law Enforcement, Street thug, Crime lord, Politician, Famous entity or what have you. For you life is life... and you live it the way you see fit, of coarse within the confines of the city. Travel between cities are monitored... much like traveling form country to country. It is expensive and not every one can do so or allowed to do so, without the proper papers... sneaking across borders is punishable by imprisonment or death.
Technology is a bit advanced... then the year 2010 of Earth then, but no where near that of Earth in 2125... laser weapons are not common place and there for illegal is a citizen is seen with one... the laws that protect others from the element of crime and so forth are pretty much the same as past earth.

The year is 2325... life as you know it, is about to change... how?... only time will tell...

Contact: Ztormbringer (at) netscape (dot) net


"My kindness is not my weakness, It is your Handicap." Z'izum(C)
"We are the Dreamers of Dreams, We are the Music Makers" W.W. & C.F.(C)
"As one door closes, another opens, So is it with everything else." Z'izum(C)
"Mercy is for those who believe they deserve forgiveness, I on the other hand have no such delusions." ~Kern~
"The Skilled pave the way, while the Young and Lucky Succeed" Z'izum(C)
"A Man without pride is a broken Man, one with to much lead destruction of Countries" Z'izum(C)

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A roleplay based leveling system, sounds like d&d with a little bit of Final Fantasy 2. I love off the cuff solid home brew, I'm game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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