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[CAG] Tormal


Tormal carries a perfectly good quarterstaff and still insists on using his fists to fight. He also seems to eschew armor. Yet, you will see him charging up to the fore of combat with Li. He is a very strange fellow, but what is he doing here? What is it that he wants to do? He seems to have a goal, but does anyone really know what it is?
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It is apparent, rather quickly, that Tormal is a foreigner. You can tell because, at minimum, he wears odd clothing and has an odd social appearance. He used to consistently wear a longcoat and hat as if he were waiting for the summer monsoons. Perhaps where he was from it rained a lot? However, he later began to realize that those extra clothes weren't just ridiculous and uneeded but, a burden on his skills. After he had returned from training at the monastary outside of Ft. Greerson he began wearing much less clothing. Now, unless the weather demands it, he wears a sleevless tunic, no hat, and pants, sash etc. He also wears sandals instead of boots- You're not entirely suprised when he tells you that he is generaly more comfortable and less restricted. On top of that, both his accent and fighting styles are extremely unique. Although he doesn't start many conversations, he has a bad habit of ease dropping or starting in on others'.

Tormal's fighting style isn't seen very much where we are and most of you find it somewhat intriguing. Tormal doesn't practice what would be considered standard "fist fighting" or boxing. His style, although some what representive of formalized martial arts, has hints of "standard" fighting styles and what he claims to be "cooperative combat techniques." He states that his training revolves around the "Olfen dahr" or Wolf Order and their techniques. It's members are trained to take advantage of allies' positions in combat and to utilize any weakness presented by their enemies. "Fight like a pack and prevail."

Tormal will tell you that, for much time, this technique was scrutinized for it's weaknesses. Members were not always in a group or were often seperated in large combats and thus left dangerous gaps in their stances. Those gaps were easily identified and exploited. It didn't take long for its members and instructors alike, to realize this. Over time the Olfen Dahr evolved to teach its students to combat effecintly with or without allies. It wasn't until the final revisions of the technique that the Olfen Dahr masters began introducing weapons into this style.

"As a matter of fact " Tormal states, "they formalized the quarterstaff as a training weapon less then a decade before I began my training."

Since then the Olfen Dahr members have been taught to utilize "all aspects of the wolf." They still know how to utilize allies in a combative situation but have also been trained to effectively fight alone, organized and hit hard and swiftly. This is where one of Tormal's professed goals comes from. He claims that he strives to perfect his technique.

He speaks of other "schools of combat" but nothing in detail. Outside of combat the Olfen Dahr are commonly known for their wisdom and charisma - but charisma may not be the case for Tormal... Or if it is, he has learned to hide it very well. It seems there is more to the fighting style then he is telling you however, but you can't put your finger on it.
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First Post
Although he hasn't actively protested to some "questionable actions" you sense Tormal is of a good nature. However, he has directly told you that some of the laws he has heard are "outrageous" and/or "pointless." He has also told you he has little tolerance for organized evil. He "adamently" opposes such motives - he also states "what has to be done to stop evil, has to be done..." To be continued later...
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I believe Tormal was going to post something about how he found his latest Martial Secret, wasn't he? I sure hope he gets it posted before the next gaming session, so he has access to it.


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Tormal's recent expedition into the forest to meditate allowed him to refine the basic Olfen Dah'r technique he was taught at the academy. By the time he had returned he, in his opinion, had broken the threshold of the training the academy offered. From now on, he will be exceeding his previous training through his own experiences. The following is the story of what happened during Tormal's week in the forest.

Upon return to fort Greerson and after initial debriefing - if any - Tormal confronts Li. He asks for permission to leave the cabin area for a short while for personal reasons but will return within a week or two. Assuming Li accepts and there is no problem with Lord Tannerson, (If need be Tormal will ask Lord Tannerson as well) Tormal ventures off. The only thing you notice him take is his quarterstaff, a dagger and a backpack which is loaded with a small amount of food. All he wears is his standard cut off sleeve shirt, with new dark green pants and his sash. If anyone cares to ask what he is doing before he leaves he simply answers -

"I am only venturing a ways from here but I am unsure of the exact location. It is for my own gain and the benefit to all of you. If I can better myself I can better defend you, and anyone else in the line of danger or under the dark grasp of evil. This probably won't be the first time I have to meditate. Meditations cleanse the soul and perfect the body. A few nights ago I had a Kimoni..."

He stops, noticing the confusion on some of your faces, and continues to explain, " It's a dream, or a vision. I've read about them - they only happen to those who are really "in tune" with their Ki. They’re not really omens, per se, but rather messages from your soul. I can't explain it any better.... The vision is interesting, however, because I don't know exactly what it means. I had only a short glimpse..." He nods his head " I feel like something is calling to me, demanding of me. And such is the reason I must leave. I wish to find out what it means, if anything. I must have a deeper and more focused meditation. I will leave a trail of stone markings so that if there is trouble, in any case, you may find me. I will return soon."

He quickly interjects, " It will be a challenge here in the forest. I have to be careful not to put others or myself in danger. Perhaps I will stay as close as I can to the cabin without being in grave danger. It will be a simple test of my abilities and my will to succeed. I have a feeling I will be tested, in some way... But I cannot be sure of that either."

With that he departs.

A little over a week later, just about 9 days, Tormal returns to the cabin. He looks a bit drained and dirty but otherwise ok. When he first sees everyone he is pretty excited. He claims he has, in his opinion, perfected his combat technique.

“I haven’t been able to, for the time we have been together, master my quarterstaff art form. I don’t think anyone can really understand yet, but there is a certain way of fighting that I was trained in. I left the Academy early so I wasn’t able to refine my capabilities – until now. I am still unable to ascertain what the Kimoni I had last week was all about. On the other hand, I do have some theories.

Anyway, I set up a small camp a little ways from here where I could properly meditate. The first day I had seemed to be too distracted by the forest and all it has to offer. I was also a bit worried about what may have been, how would you say it… “Hunting me?” After some time I was able to calm myself.” He gets a bit more serious and begins to explain what had happened in more detail. He stops for a second to get a drink, then continues.

"I was standing in a vast clearing surrounded by thick forests in all directions. Tall grasses fill the gap where there were no trees and directly in front of me there was a faceless figure. He stood the as tall as I, and wore long grey robes. He carried a quarterstaff much like mine. He silently offered me a diamond larger then I have ever seen. Behind him there laid a white wolf spattered in blood. Around it’s neck there was a pendant that radiated a blinding light… but I could not see its symbol. When the figure offered the diamond a cold feeling came over me…. It wasn’t evil per se'… but almost hollow. I rejected the diamond and the figure swiftly attacked me. We fought for a long time; I even watched the sun and moon pass over the sky above. We were tireless! I thought I had won the combat but I tripped. The figure towered above me and drew a dagger ready to end my life. I’m not to sure what happened but everything went white as I cried out for help. I awoke from the meditation in broad day light with sunlight beating down on my face and beads of sweat dripping off of me. In front of me there stood the same white wolf, which seemed to evaporate into a white mist that surrounded me. Just as it disappeared I could hear the howl of a wolf in the distance!”

“The most important part of that, however, was during the combat I had noticed something new. I was able to do things better and easier then I could before. I felt almost weightless and I believe I have perfected the basic Olfen Dahr technique! I’ve been trying to achieve such perfection through physical training. But that was the wrong path, I had to prepare my mind for such a step. Through the loss of a combat I have gained valuable wisdom and a more refined understanding of my skills.”

He continues on “ It makes perfect sense that perfection, in any way, can be achieved only through the perfection of both the mind and will as well as the physical body.”

He stops for a bit and grabs something to eat. He bites into a loaf of bread then takes a bite of salted pork. He looks brighter and more alive then he did before. You do notice he has seemed to loosen up a bit – talking and conversing more openly.

“I’m not to sure that is all I have to learn from such visions. I believe if there is more for me to learn or begin to understand it will be through that avenue. I think there is also one other meaning to the visions. There is a group I’ve only read about known as the Wolf Order Elite. They are said to be some of the most awesome fighters known to the Academy…. But I have never seen them…. “ He lowers his voice even though it wouldn’t matter anyway – we are after all in a cabin. “ I’ve heard a rumor that they have so much discipline and control that if need be, they can temporarily separate their soul from their body to achieve mighty goals! In any case I believe the wolf also stands for my goals and ambitions here in the world. I don’t think I’ve seen the last of him…”
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First Post
Tormal has matured and changed much in the small amount of time and the few quests he has thus far experienced with the group. Other then the fact the he wears different clothing then he used to he hasn’t physically changed much. He does seem more confident and capable in combat, however, and has learned a few new tricks. Socially he has matured as well. He tries to participate and converse more then he used to and has opened up greatly overall.

Tormal has hinted to some goals and aspirations he has. Some of them are from recent events and others are long term or impossible goals he has decided he wants to try and pursue.

The greatest of them all is to try and location just one of Gobadan’s lost secrets – That is after all what he left the academy for.

The second is to become a part of the Wolf Order Elite – if it applies – when he can.

The third major goal is to have him and this party become legends or “heroes” by the common person’s opinion and eventually by other adventurers or great leaders.

As a general goal he always wants to destroy any evil thing or creature that may be causing damage, pain or grief to any innocent or good entity or person. If there were ever a major threat to good in any way, his goal would be to eliminate that threat one way or another.

Some short term goals are:

If the group would like too, he would like to investigate the tower and the soul gem. If they were able to do so they may be better known in the area – not just for their “crime” but as an active adventuring party with plans and goals.

During the festival he wishes to try and solve the link between his nightmares and the killings – if any – and try to fix it.

During the Lists he wants to try and be one of the last 10 people standing at the end of the battle… if possible.

He would like to find a date.

Within the couple months he would like to find an active religion to be apart of and a deity to worship that compliments his ideals.

And, as always he would like to improve himself and his skills


Tormal said:
As a general goal he always wants to destroy any evil thing or creature that may be causing damage, pain or grief to any innocent or good entity or person. If there were ever a major threat to good in any way, his goal would be to eliminate that threat one way or another.

I know you are contemplating the Exalted Path as well. I am thinking you might want to carefully read some of the stuff in the book to have a firm understanding on how you will want to "interact" with Evil.

He would like to find a date.

That can be handled in a couple of ways. If it is RP & Character development, you can narrate such things out. If you are trying to attract the attention of a non-generic NPC (of any sort) then you can try to do something to attract attention and see if anybody ever decides to speak with you. Of course, the other way you can handle it is to see what everyone else decides you are doing and with whom. Given the humor inherent in the group, you might not embrace that option with much excitement. ;)

Huh, Tormal has some real human qualities to him after all eh?


First Post
Fair enough! I'll take a look at it. As far as the date is concerned if anything of the sort will be happening I (or Tormal) will be the one's to handle it. No one else :p


Tormal, since he has landed on this continent, has changed much and not just in the way he acts or looks but, on the very level that defines who he is. He used to believe that the Law upheald everything. Without Law there could be no good and without good all you can have is evil. While that ideal has not completely changed he has taken another stance on it. While he has been in Stormhaven and here in Ft. Greerson he has witnessed two very different culture styles that he is not used to. He has been exposed to less order then he had been for the most of his life at the academy and he has had some time to reflect on that. He does seriously feel that Law is not as upholding as it could be, unless you were to devote a life to it. Yet he doesn't oppose it either. He just feels that there are many cases in which he can do good and the law, or the strict ethics that go with it, may hinder him. Over all he feels that if he needs to he should be able to break a law or "bend it" to accomplish a greater good goal.
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While on this mission to locate the Gnolls Tormal has aquried a few new personal goals.

The most important to him is to locate, assess and, if need be, successfully remove the Gnoll threat in the area. If possible he wishes to accomplish this without conflict. He does not, however, expect it to be that easy.

Secondly he wishes to saftly return the clay cylinders to mr Featherwright.

He would also like to find out what is going on with his alleged werewolf ablities and, if possible, cure them.

He wants to successfully wrestle a gnoll to the ground.

He wants to successfully jump atop a high wall without struggling.

His long term goals are as follows...

The greatest of them all is to try and location just one of Gobadan’s lost secrets – That is after all what he left the academy for.

He wishes to find a god to serve.

The third major goal is to have him and this party become legends or “heroes” by the common person’s opinion and eventually by other adventurers or great leaders.

He wishes to assist Li by returning to his homeland with him.

He wishes to change a creature from the path of evil to the path of good.
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First Post
Recent events have distinguished Tormal in a different way then they have before. You've noticed many changes he has gone through since the group was formed. He has gotten more fluent in combat, more outspoken, he dresses differently and interestingly enough he has become more compassionate. The funny thing to everyone is the fact that he was trained as a mercenary. Yet, he has been stating he cares more for life then "a common" mercenary should. He does tell you that he has come to the conclusion that he probably would not be able to live such a life. He has found no great need for monetary value aside from eating, shelter and other basics for life. On the other hand he is torn by the fact that he made an oath of alliegance, which he would not break - unless terribly dire.

While he still seems confused at times, he does now come to his conslusions quicker and more deeper then before. He spends more time now meditating then he ever had and that is where he tells you "I've been able to sort myself out." It's almost scary the way his personality has shifted so greatly and so quickly. The only thing you're certain of is that he strives to do more good now then he did before. The way he approaches evil has also changed. He does not hesitate to fight it but he has also found a new level of compassion for hope. To him hope drives good and if he can restore that he can thwart evil.

The only thing that disturbs everyone, including Tormal, is his dreams and slight fascination with wolves. He frequently talks about his dreams and restless nights. He is, however, relieved by the fact that he did not become such a creature.

All said and done you can tell Tormal strives to do better. He does not have a solid foundation yet but at the rate he is going, he'll be stronger then ever and sooner then anyone had expected.

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