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Call of Cthulhu D20 and D&D 3.5 compatibility


Hello friendly folk of ENWORLD! I’ve had such great feedback on a thread on which system to use for a Star Wars game (look it up, drop in your tow cents if you lie!) that I thought I’d ask another question here.

I MAY (still not sure) run a second game session for a few weeks for a couple of players who’ve been away from RPG for a while. They used to play AD&D and Call of Cthulhu. They want to know what D20 is all about and may eventually for their own group or join ongoing adventures.

Since this will not be a regular campaign and I will be running a Victorian Era adventure I figured I can kill two birds with one stone and run a Cthulhu D20 adventure. That way they get the nostalgia feel and learn what is new with the system D&D uses.

Although I owe the book I a have not cracked it since it came out. A cursory look reveals it is not 3.5 compatible, at least in skills. Has anyone done a conversion of this? You think it’s worth it? My first idea was no, but I would love for the guys to get the actualized D&D feel that they may see if they end up playing regularly.

Your thoughts?

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Hmmmm, it's actually pretty close to 3.5. The skill list has more modern day skills and lacks the D&D-ish ones but most of it is the same, I believe.

The classes and magic system are different.


First Post
CoC is closer to D20M than D&D for me. But the feats for d20M are 3.0 and need fixing, and thats a pain.

I have done some work on my own version, some of it would suit (feats and basic classes etc) but some might not.


First Post
Sunglar said:
They used to play AD&D and Call of Cthulhu. They want to know what D20 is all about <...> That way they get the nostalgia feel and learn what is new with the system D&D uses. <...> I would love for the guys to get the actualized D&D feel
I own AD&D, BRP CoC, D&D 3.5, and CoC d20. Playing CoC d20 won't resemble at all AD&D. D&D 3.5 resembles AD&D in that it proposes the same classes (clerics, paladins, etc.), but the game system is much different. Now, CoC d20 has the overal same game system as D&D 3.5, but it doesn't have its classes (it just has a generic class that can be ustomized). You won't have nostalgia and feel of AD&D in playing CoC d20.


Thanks for the reply guys! I know, I'm trying to mix and match their nostalgia. They would rather play some CoC style adeventures, but want to try D20.


I would suggest using d20 Modern plus Imperial Age Magick* (using the First Practice and the Second Price throwing in CoC spells) and putting them in a standard isolated village beset by eldritch horrors kind of scenario using either creatures from various d20 Modern sources or adapting CoC ones.

You can throw in San rules and make them as harsh as you like.

I myself ran this sort of game a while back using things like Mothfolk from the Menace Manual as Byakee and and a templated Otyugh from Urbana Arcana as a Mythos Spawn creature. Throw in some crazy villagers (Roach Thralls perhaps) and an evil cultist at the center of it all and you have an adventure. In my game the PCs were Agents of the Emerald Triangle (Delta Green), a mystical order established by John Dee in the 1600s to combat ultradimensional threats to the Empire.

*Shameless Plug. But if you do I would love to know how it turns out.


First Post
Call of Cthulu d20 is perfectly serviceable, especially for a short run game (I don't personally like the power levels for CoC at high level).
It doesn't feel like AD&D any more than D&D3/.5 does, but it may bridge the gap a little if they're already used to Cthulu.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
If you own either the Masque of the Red Death or Grim Tales books, you may find that adapting their spell system to reflect the flavor of the game to be more towards the theme you are going for. Both books are written for the D20 system.


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Sunglar said:
They would rather play some CoC style adeventures, but want to try D20.
In this case CoC d20 fits the bill perfectly. You can also use CoC d20 monsters with D&D 3.5 rules. And as above poster said, Grim Tales (a d20 games based off d20M) would be also perfect for a CoC style adeventures with d20 rules.


First Post
I advanced some deep ones in my advanced monster thread. There are some other horrors you might find usefull, notably the green dragon with the Space Creature template. The vampiric mind flayer from space is a real killer too.

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