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Calling All Canadians!


Gregor said:
Lets see, my favorite moment in Canadian history would have to be 1956 when Lester B. Pearson (THE greatest PM imho) presented Peacekeeping to the world as a viable form of international conflict resolution. However, back then it represented our Golden Age in International Relations and would come to define our nation's foreign policy standards for three decades. Sadly its now a tarnished lump of gold we still cling to in vain. :(

Such typical Gregor.

I'm also a Canadian gamer. Born and raised in Toronto, still there going to school at U of T.

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I was born in Oshawa, Ontario but I moved to what is now the Greater Napanee area when I was five and I've lived here ever since.

Now, MikeBr99, HellHound, you have no idea how long I've waited to get wind of some EN Worlders from being around here! Especially since I've never had a real life gaming group. To boot, I have an ancestor born in the county, and we have some lilacs that are descended from lilacs from there. And HellHound, your wife hosts a Canadiana Suite? That is just beyond awesome.

As for favourite moment in Canadian History? I can't really say. I would have to read up on the whole thing before I felt qualified to answer. You know though, burning down the predecessor to the White House was pretty cool, as was the whole winning the War of 1812 thing. The only problem was I had a distant relative that died in that war, or soon after (I forget which...). I think his name was Brock or something... :D


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FraserRonald said:
Since we're moving back to Ontario at the end of August, we had to get to the Cabot Trail. Of course, that means missing the tall ships, but one of us must sacrafice and since my wife made the sacrafice of marrying me, it's only fair I make the sacrafice of missing the tall ships.

Hey, FraserRonald, I'm leaving the city for the tall ships too! My family picked the natal day/tall ship/acadian festival holiday to head to the cottage (unintentionaly). Ah well, IMO the Cabot Trail is just as exciting as a bunch of ships pulling into port while the downtown roads are ripped to shreds! Happy trails, and congrats, btw!

T from Three Haligonians


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Edmontonian over here.

My persona favortie momment? This is goona sound really sappy and patrotic, but in an uneducated way, but: When we offically adopted O' Canada as our nation anthem. Damnit, I love that song.


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Newfie, born and bred. Now living in the T.O.

Favorite moment, well, two comes to mind. One is very personal, when I met a few germans traveling in Canada some years ago. They spoke about how much they loved coming here, and how friendly the people were, and what a difference between here and their country/europe. It made me really appreciate the respect we have for each other and the diversity we have here in Canada. When these strangers said, we as Canadians don't have half the problems they found elsewhere...it made me proud. Then we drank beer!

The next, comes from a speech made by Nelson Mandella. He praised both Canada and Brian Mulroney for all the support given to Mandella during apartheid, by speaking up in such international forums as the meeting of Commonwealth Nations. Here we were, a leader at a time when the US president (Reagan) was fighting the sanctions. By our actions, we helped bring a positive change.


Medicine Hat, AB, though I was born in Saskatchewan and went to school in Calgary.

Rather than dig into history and spout something profound and humbling, I'm going to go with being a part of the Sea of Red and the Red Mile last spring in Calgary during the Flames' Cup run. Sure, that was sort of a civic thing, but when you've got cities like Toronto and (heaven forbid) Edmonton jumping on the bandwagon, it sure felt like a proud Canadian moment to me (or maybe it was just the beer and flamesgirls...). ;)


Unattainable Ideal
Born in Nanaimo, elementary school in Prince George, BC, high school and uni in Calgary, now living in Vancouver (via Tokyo).

Three moments:

1972. Shut up.

2002. Give it up.

And the closing ceremonies of the 1988 Olympics in Calgary. There was a beautiful moment where the entire stadium was roaring and cheering and it was just deafening -- and then Juan Antonio Samaranch stepped up to the microphone and cleared his throat and everyone immediately sat down to listen. The look on the ABC correspondent's face at that moment was priceless.

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