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Pathfinder 1E Calling All Dragon Warriors! Legend goes Pathfinder!!


Dear All,

The second issue of Ordo Draconis (a Dragon Warriors and Pathfinder focussed fanzine) is now almost ready: we are just doing the final de-bugging.

We are trying to bring the Lands of Legend to a wider audience and hence have statted all adventures and articles for both Dragon Warriors and Pathfinder RPGs.

The Lands of Legend is a fascinating world of true medieval fantasy and horror, where magic is real and the superstitions of ancient days are all true. If you want a gritty and low magic realisitic fantasy then the Lands of Legend is for you.

This issue is weighing in as a bit of a monster, at over 100 pages of content and you will be able to purchase it as a download from RPGNow within the space of a few days. For a list of contents, see the Ordo Draconis website

Ordo Draconis

The charge will only be a nominal one, so that we can pay artists and eventually authors, to drive up the quality of the e-zine and to deliver more excellent content to you, for your gaming pleasure!

To whet your appetite for this latest issue, I have posted many of the maps from issue 2, to the DW Wiki: a free resource where you can find out all about the Lands of Legend and can also get your hands on some nifty battlemaps for your gaming needs.

We will post all maps from OD to the Wiki, for the next few issues, so that you can see some of what you are getting before you buy. I hope you will agree that we have achieved a quantum leap in quality from OD1 and also hope that you will support our DW mag by buying the issue and also by telling us what you think about it.

Please see Northern Cornumbria - Dragon Warriors Wiki (Roleplaying)

and The Fief of Eastmarch - Dragon Warriors Wiki (Roleplaying)

For a taster of two of the larger articles.

We also have set up a dedicated online survey so that you can tell us what you think of OD2 and to help us shape the next issues.

see here:
Survey provided by FreeOnlineSurveys.com

regards and happy gaming!

Steve, Bill and Cameron.

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We would also consider publishing 3.5 D&D statted adventures, as long as they would fit into the Lands of Legend: a mythic europe type low magic setting.

Please contact me for writer's guidelines.


The latest issue of Ordo has recently been updated

If you have purchased this product, please log into DTRPG and download the latest version


First Post
That strikes me as. . . an odd pairing. Pathfinder and the Lands of Legend, I mean. Not to say it can't be done (clearly, it has been done) but even so, there are hundreds of systems out there that I would assume to be more immediately and wholly compatible than PF.

All the same, if I don't pick up this issue of OD, I know someone who probably will. Maybe I'll get to see how this does work.


It does sound odd, but the thing is. it works.....................

I have been using Pathfinder in this way since it came out and we are having a great time. I guess at its heart, Pathfinder is still 3.5 D&D and you can use that to tell whatever stories you like.

Now we haven't really started publishing hard-core Pathfinder based stuff in OD yet; it is mainly just dual statting, but we will.

If you think about it, the magic system in DW is just as flash-bang as the Pathfinder based magic system; at least in Pathfinder there are enough spells that mean that PCs can be more subtle. Many DW spells are completely unsubtle......

We are trying to open up Legend to as many players as possible because we believe it is a great world and deserves attention far beyond DW gamers.
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First Post
I'm just having trouble reconciling the assumptions built into each game (and setting / default or implied setting) -- but yes, it's a great setting, true enough. And I'm glad it's working for your group. :)


I don't think the RPG game has been written that fully supports the Lands of Legend.

Ars Magica probably comes closest, but that is such a fringe game that it would be pointless publishing anything in that mould.

What games would you have expected to see as the default dual stat go-to for Legend?


First Post
Expected? Well, I wouldn't have. Didn't, in fact. :)

And. . . I don't know what (else) would work best. :( That isn't obscure or, yeah, 'fringe' anyway.

Hm. RuneQuest (as in, Mongoose, version II) is open too, I believe. Nut sure how popular it is (OK, probably nowhere near even Pathfinder, let alone D&D. . .) but it could be a slightly better match. Maybe. And it's not totally fringe, like several others that come to mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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