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Calling on All Dragon Enthusiasts!!!

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Mark Hope

Mouseferatu said:
Ever since the Linnorms appeared in 2E, I've been a huge fan of Corpse-Tearer.

He was wussed out, and even made into a type of dragon in 3E--Boo! Hiss! :mad: --but I'd love to see him addressed as an individual again.
Corpse Tearer was awesome. I still have a tape recording of a huge battle with him that one of my old groups played through. I'd love to see him statted out for 3e.

Also, what about The Dragon, of Dark Sun? Does he qualify, or is that too esoteric?
He'd be my vote. (Although in my current DS campaign he isn't actually real - just a legend put about by the sorcerer-kings to keep the liddle peeple in line...) Still, coolest dragon of them all. Although he also has the stupidest name of them all too. I mean, at what point did the original designers figure that "Borys" would be a neat name for the setting's iconic badass?

Voting for Meepo; he eventually becomes a Dragon... ish...

A bit more seriously; Gellidus (Frost). The last Dragon Overlord of Krynn. He survived for a long time after all the others had been slaughterated through careful manipulation and all kinds of crazy fun.



First Post
Top 10 Dragons of all time? Tough question.

1 - Synn (OD&D Mystara, Night Dragon, corruptor of Glantri)
2 - Tiamat
3 - Cyan Bloodbane (DL)
4 - The Great One (OD&D, the "chief god" of all Dragons)
5 - Falazure (I love shadow dragons and dracoliches)
6 - Bahamut
7 - Aestrella Shanfarel (Greyhawk Dragon, masquerading as Theater Diva)
8 - Tchazzar (FR)
9 - Chronepsis
10 - Borys of Tyr (I know very little of DS, but included him just in case)

If half-dragons were allowed, I'd certainly include Vol :)



The only dragon to be featured in 3 Dungeon magazine adventures:
  • Dungeon #1 "Into the Fire"
  • Dungeon #17 "Out of the Ashes"
  • Dungeon #100 "Old Embers Never Die".

1 - Tiamat
2 - Bahamut
3 - Smaug
4 - Wormy
5 - Gworf
6 - Puff

beyond this, I really don't care, I never got into any of the specific 'settings' so any other suggestions I would have would leave people scrathing their head.

I'm surprised more people haven't put Smaug down from 'The Hobbit' one of the few redeeming qualities from that book as I recall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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