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Campaign Commentary- Adventures in Fallcrest


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 2 Part 1

And so the PCs set out for a full days hike from Treona's tower to the what was Kiris Dahn, and is now Gorizbadd- home to Goblins and Kobolds. The weather is remarkably fine, cold and fresh but a weak sun spreads a little warmth. En route the PCs attempt a little light hunting, concerned that they only have around three days worth of trail rations each, they fare badly at first but eventually- with a little more time and effort it is Rogar the Halfling that manages to spot a faun in the woods. Alas his sling stone flies high and wide, Neb however settles the issue by firing a magic missile into the poor creature- punching a hole through Bambi in the process. The PCs feast for a while and then take what they can to further supplement their meagre provisions.

They now have around four days worth of food each.

Late afternoon the adventurers approach Gorizbadd, and in the last failing light do a little scouting, the entrance to the ruined town, the only bridge intact over the river that encircles the place is well guarded- Goblins, although numbers are difficult to make out.

Further in smouldering camp fires signal the sprawl that is the Kobold Slums, again the PCs cannot make-out numbers, the light is fading, even Maldor who shins up a tree to find a better vantage. The frontal approach is quickly rejected, although Jeb at first wishes to attempt to parley with the Goblins at the gate- his suggestion is slapped down.

The PCs make their way east, through dense woods, which requires many skill checks to find the trail, or else circumvent clogged terrain- fallen trees, thick vegetation and the like- Resolute trail blazes with Drake using his Nature lore to help out. The PCs arrive at the river which encircles the town- an ideal spot, there looks to have been a shallower crossing here at some time in the past.

With Rogar leading the way the group manage to wade across the stream, three feet deep in most places, the Halfling is required to swim a little and emerges freezing cold on the far side.

Drake however is less agile and/or athletic- he tumbles midstream, thrashes around for a while and then disappears beneath the water- the combination of the freezing cold and submerged rocks leave him quickly battered and bruised and gasping for air. However the PCs have seen fit to rope those crossing, the rope in question also tied to a sturdy tree- Drake is rescued eventually but Resolute and Rogar both have to dive into the stream to secure the young Cleric of Pelor.

The result of which is three of the six are wearing sodden clothing, are freezing cold, and the temperature is dropping- the group, lead by a teeth-chattering Rogar make their way entirely in cover (wading through the shallows of the river, ducked below the bank) to an abandoned farmstead, a lonely structure a little away from the rest of the town.

After a brief scout of the building they dive in, light a small fire, ensuring first that it is well out of sight and attempt to dry off.

The map below shows the PCs route into Gorizbadd, note this was a simple Level 1 Complexity 1 Skill Challenge, although I never told the PCs this, just did my best to describe the hazards and suggest (at first) skills that may be appropriate at this point. The one failure came from Drake en route and resulted in his brief trip downstream. The PCs emerged fairly unscathed, although Drake had lost a couple of Healing Surges- Resolute and Rogar making good Endurance checks to avoid a similar fate.

Follow the blue line- it's a clue.

The rest of the fresh meat is consumed, watch posted, and an excellent position found in which the PCs can observe any events in the ruined town, the adventurers then retire for the night.

Those on watch are also given pencil and paper, to record anything they spot during their duty, during the course of the evening there are three such events.

Firstly soon after the PCs retire activity in the Kobold Slums reaches its peak, clearly the Kobolds exist in great numbers, at least 50 or so perhaps, a dozen camp fires burn and their yaps and squawks pierce the cold night air, they seemingly do not wander too far from their abodes however.

Secondly on Rogar's watch a torch-lit procession moves down the main road to the gate, this causes all activity in the Kobold Slums to immediately cease, the Kobolds do their best to extinguish their fires and find cover. Less than thirty minutes later the torch lit procession heads back the way it came to the north of the town- odd.

The third event, spotted on last watch by Drake, is a smaller number of torches which move around the front of the Kiris library- the large building just to the north of their position, and enter- the group do not exit.

The PCs rise at first light, about 5 AM, eat a quick breakfast, wrap up warm- the weather is distinctly colder, and the sun is failing to break through the clouds, and plan the next stage of their adventure- first stop is the Kiris Library. Caution is the order of the day, there's clearly someone already in there.

The above map shows the events monitored during last nights watch.

Using a combination of Perception, Insight, Dungeoneering (to pick the route with the most cover), and Stealth; the PCs dash across the road, and north, to the first objective. This is accomplished with only a brief moment of panic, Jeb en route trips in the road and lands sprawling, luckily there's no one to see and the Githyanki is quickly dragged out of sight.

Cautiously Rogar sneaks into the Kiris Library, inside is a ruin- a shell, all of the books and every splinter of wood is gone, fuel for the Goblin's and Kobold's fires. A thorough search however reveals a well travelled path through the fallen masonry and detritus, it leads to a short flight of stairs that descend into the basement- voices, Goblin voices, and torchlight. A brief plan is hatched and Rogar sneaks down the stairs.

Next time- The Tomeripper.

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Drake, while on watch, writes another letter home-


I have no idea how this letter will reach you, if it ever does. Somehow I have got swept up in a tide and now here I am, resting in an abandoned farmhouse in a town full of goblins and kobolds. Don't worry though, I am in good company and a few of them have vowed that they'll take good care.

After many hours of walking from Treona's Tower we finally arrived at the town of Kiris Dahn. The sight of it gave me a little chill; there was plenty of rubble and goblin camps but we managed to navigate around and cross the river where there were (hopefully) few eyes upon us. One of the mages fell in the river when we tried to cross but Resolute bravely waded in and saved the poor fool. I say this, so that you know I keep good company... we have known each other but for a few days and already we're united in a common goal; to seek out and destroy this dangerous item.

Tomorrow I expect we'll be laying low and investigating the library or one of the other places that Treona mentioned. I admit I'm a little nervous, but Resolute and the others will protect me. I'm sure of it.

I must go now, dawn is breaking and I need to wake up the others.


P.S. I hope Father is doing well.

Actually, I don't remember it being one of the mages that fell in to the river...


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 2 Part 2

Rogar gets to the bottom of the stairs and has a peek within the chamber, a handful of Goblins searching through shelves and stacks of books- odd Goblins are not big readers. The adventurers launch their attack. The opening salvo leaves four of the five Goblins present deceased. The only survivor a strange looking Goblin who seems to be ripping pages out of a tome and eating them- weirder still, this is Rort; more of him later.

The PCs continue their attack as more Goblins burst from the various chambers off this central area, more Minions however, they're soon accounted for- particularly as Rogar is delivering damage to any creature that moves adjacent to him (Lion's something), two or three more Goblins are killed in this manner.

Rort however is made of sterner stuff, in the opening rounds he conjures a pair of Grey Oozes, which block the adventurers approach, and for good measure sends Resolute and Maldor spinning with a Violent Crescendo. Rort realises his Minions are no match for the PCs and legs it.

The Goblin Book Club gets interrupted.

The Grey Oozes hold the PCs up a while- not delivering much in the way of damage but certainly allowing Rort to get some distance and set up a series of readied actions to fire off his Black Bolt a couple of times.

The outcome however is inevitable Rort is finally cornered, after Rogar and Resolute leap over the Goblin, he's surrounded and falls to the floor to beg Neberendil for his life (he looks to be a fellow magic eater). The Grey Oozes and other Goblins are alas long dead at this point.

This was Encounter 7: Monsters and Manuals, from the module, with a few extra Minions thrown in for good measure, a Level 2 Encounter- Goblin, Cutter (Level 1 Minion) x10; Ooze, Grey (Level 2 Skirmisher) x3 & Rort- Goblin, Tomeripper (Level 3 Artillery).

Some notes-

I tried to make sure that Rort had as many bad guys between him and the PCs at the start- I wanted this to be a drag-out affair with Rort having a chance to try all of his powers.

This being the case I selected a map in which there was limited open terrain (but some), while Rort's retreat would be down 1 square wide passages, with various staging points en route.

I used lots of Readied Actions with Rort so that as he fled any PC to poke their head around the door would get fried by something.

I just threw the Minions at the PCs, no tactics- just hell-for-leather, hold them up while Rort gets a lead on them.

I used the Oozes (and their Minor- Slimy: Shift 2) to try and trap PCs in corners and block routes to Rort.

I also gave Rort a suit of +1 Leather Armour of Repulsion, so even when the PCs got close I pushed them away.

Jeb's Telekentic Leap and some of Rogar's Monk movement powers meant that for all my efforts Rort eventually ended up cornered, also Resolute and Rogar (independently, it seems) decided to try to jump over Rort (triggering AoOs), then both rolled incredibly high- damn them.

Drake's Astral Seal (-2 on all Defences and +9 HP to the next PC to hit the creature) got a good run out, it's a great power for a Pacifist Cleric and certainly helps with the need for Healing.

Not for the last time Rogar's Second Chance Power saved him from a big hit, basically he uses it once every encounter without fail, and after our fifth session of play I can honestly say... it sucks to be me. For all the times he's used it I've only hit once on my second roll.

Rogar's Lion's Den Power ((Con Bonus= 4) damage to any enemy that enters an adjacent square to you as a Free Action) accounted for three of the Goblin Minions in one round- they got wise to the Monk after that and generally tried to keep out of his way.

Eventually I succeeded with what I was trying to do- which was to give the PCs the option of taking Rort alive.

A couple of the PCs flirted with bloodied but Drake was always on hand to dish out the healing- damn his eyes!

The PCs clear up a little, get rid of the bodies- after a thorough search, and then ask a few (too few) questions of Rort, who is singing like a canary. In truth the session took a little bit of a dive here, afterwards there was much chatter about what could have gone better. The players (unknowingly) have in their grasp the best source of information they are likely to find about the Goblins and Gorizbadd in general. However they chose to ask a couple of questions-

What was with the torchlit procession the other night? 'Dunno',
Where's the Slaying Stone? 'Dunno', and
Who leads the Goblins? 'Hu-Jat', followed by a full description.

And that was about it- and I'm playing Rort for all he's worth, the Goblin is trying his damnedest to stay alive by placating the PCs; and Drake (our pacifist Cleric of Pelor) likes the little guy, however several of the others spit when they say the word 'Goblin' and so...

Rort desperately tries to stay alive by telling the PCs about a bunch of scratches on a wall- the PCs investigate and discover a secret vault, and what looks to be the box for the last Slaying Stone- empty of course. The box is taken as a focus for their 'Find Slaying Stone' Rituals, but it's not enough to save Rort- Resolute and Maldor get menacing, Drake however wants Rort put in the vault- kept alive.

The other PCs continue to think only bad thoughts when they look at Rort, and even when he blurts out about the 'burping and farting Demons below', it's not enough, poor old Rort is strangled by Resolute, with one of the other PCs holding the Goblin down.

I must admit I got more than a little peeved at this, part of the problem with our previous games- H1-H3 was that the adventures seemed to require little intelligence, beat bad guys- find clue- move on. I thought HS1 would provide a little more leeway for role-playing situations, clearly most of the players were on the previous page still. A huge number of e-mails pinged back and forth in the week between this and the next session- the players very early in spot that keeping Rort alive to ask a few more questions- we listed about 20 others that they could have asked in the e-mails, would have been a better thing to do. Obviously the Goblin needs to die- he's a Goblin! But in future a different method will be adopted- after all this DM doesn't want to just spend every session rolling dice, I like doing daft voices, and or playing the villains.

However, Rort is dead, the players have a few more clues, and after a thorough search- a bag of semi-precious stones is found, they also have a set of stone steps heading down in to what they presume is the magical crafting section in which Treona worked.

They head on down into a circular stone chamber...

And thereabouts endeth the second session, a little annoying towards the end, but before that some excellent play, as I say I (now we) are aiming for a little less of the encounter follows encounter, follows encounter; all of which are fights. Instead more role-play- solving things with their great big brains, I figure we're all on the same page now. Personally I thought Rort was one of the best Goblins (from a powers perspective) I've played, he brought back fond memories of a Kobold Wild Mage I used to know. Drake, played by Jack, our pacifist Cleric of Pelor, is proving to be excellent- Jack's previous character was a self-centred Elven Rogue who would steal from his fellows and behave outrageously in role-playing situations (sleeping with princesses, passing himself off as a Paladin, robbing the poor etc.). Now he's playing a young (19 years old) neophyte Priest who doesn't like violence, he's proving to be just as much a thorn in the other players side as he was in his previous incarnation. To paraphrase Drake said, at one point, of Rort- 'oh he was a nice chap, I do hope we get a chance to have more of a chat with him latter, is he safe Resolute?'; Resolute looks down at his hands, hands that have very recently crushed the life out of Rort, 'Very safe- he's going nowhere.'

It's all turned round- the other PCs are the bad guys this time, and Jack is as awkward and uncomfortable as he was when he was playing his bastard-Rogue.

Did I tell you about the time he slept with an Aboleth?

Worse still their union was blessed.

The PCs accumulated a smattering of coin, a few gems, some nice magic armour from Rort and are now 250+ XP in.

Next Session- The Burping Demons.


First Post
A) Rogar and Lion's Den.
Loin's Den is awesome, but conditional. I actually don't think I have used it after this fight as my other at-will (Steel Wind) deals more damage and in AoE and while the defence boost is great from the movement element, the other parts outweigh it. But still: moving in and breaking a goblin, slinging another, then breaking two more goblins when they move to attack me... isn't that just so 'monk'?

B) Rort and our lack of interrogation.
This is part our fault and part difference of opinion. Yes, we should have questioned Rort more, but: this was our character's second day as adventurers, we where behind enemy lines so any escapees could mean our doom and...Rort was clearly an idiot. We took Rort for a goblin turned away from goblin society for being too stupid (consider that for a second!), while we should have asked him more questions, we couldn't even consider letting him live (sonnaovabitch was eating books, EATING BOOKS!)

Still, we discussed all this with paul after the session and made sure that we would talk more, when it fitted, with the option of taking an OOC break to figure out what questions to ask, in what manner and who volunteers for roles in the talky-talk.
Last edited:


First Post
Nice writeup Goonalan, your maps look great :)

Seems Rort had a very bad weekend ;), my group is playing that adventure too and we invaded the library last saturday.

When they saw that one of the goblins was looking "mage-ish", they ignored everything and concentrated on poor old Rort, killing him before the end of the first round. Damn.

Looking forward to further writeups :)


Nice writeup Goonalan, your maps look great :)

Seems Rort had a very bad weekend ;), my group is playing that adventure too and we invaded the library last saturday.

When they saw that one of the goblins was looking "mage-ish", they ignored everything and concentrated on poor old Rort, killing him before the end of the first round. Damn.

Looking forward to further writeups :)

Yeah, I figured that would happen if I just played it by the book- that's why I made sure from the get-go that Rort had a way out- somewhere to flee to so that the PCs had to go through the Minions et al to get up close to him.

I also try to have bad guys flop to the floor and surrender in the most outlandish manner... I try to stop the PCs from killing X by making their surrender as amusing as possible, and in the process flattering one of the players- appeal directly to one of them.

I seem to remember Rort appealed to Neb for mercy, the mighty mage who commands the stars to shine etc... Mainly because everyone else in the room seemed very intent on his death- Drake wasn't present at this point.

Whe I roleplay bad guys I try to drag Neb and Drake in as often as possible, in general terms players that play characters that are melee specialists seem to have less compunction when it comes to slaying unarmed/prisoners et al. Again, just a generalisation but something I've noted over 25+ years at D&D, my rule is surrender to the nearest guy in robes...

And if you want to keep the bad guy alive, stand him next to the exit.

Cheers Paul


This from Rogar's diary...

<session 02>

Day 2)
After a plain and pleasant breakfast (I helped, but Treona didn’t consider my help worthy of an extra share), and a little embarrassment involving Drake and Treona’s cleavage (a) don’t ask, b) we really to watch out for the boy) … we set off. I suppose this is it, our first quest. I hope we all make it back. I hope we all have the stomach for the work.

Gorrizzbad (I prefer this name to Kiris Dahn, more playful and easier to laugh at) is one long-day’s walk from Treona’s tower. There is a little dithering at the start, but me and Resolute led the way and the rest followed.

It was an uneventful trip, and the weather stayed good for most of it. We tried to keep close enough to the path to travel quickly, but not blunder down the middle, in case of trouble. We did take a couple of short breaks as we went, and I spotted a small deer during one of the breaks! Cute little thing, but also tasty and nutritious. I warned the group and tried to take it down with a sling-stone, but got a little excited and missed. The deer startled, but Neb used his magics to blast the thing with an unerring shot. Cute trick, almost cheating. Still, teamwork and all that; at least he didn’t try to poach it from me before I struck out.

By the time we got to Gorrizzbad, the fog was starting to close in, made things easier.
The main entrance to the place was via the bridge we saw on Treona’s map. That was a no-go, but not defended like I would expect, with patrols or scouts. Anyway, we filtered through the woods to the south/east, looking for developments and an easier place to cross. Treona had mentioned a Kobold ‘ghetto’ in the middle and that was easier to spot. The Kobolds seemed to be working much more than the Goblins where, that’s for sure. Maldor showed off his Elvish tree-affinity (just kidding) by climbing a tree and having a good look around, didn’t tell us much extra, but did prove that we where not being followed. It was so going, with Drake showing surprising knowledge of the woods, Resolute trail-blazing, Maldor keeping watch and myself sneaking ahead to make sure the way was clear. As the fog really started rolling in, we found a section where the river was narrow and shallow, making it easier to cross, as long as you are taller than a barstool. Still, this is where we crossed... and where things went a little wrong.

We tied off a rope on the south side of the river, I tied it about myself and braved the waters!

It was a tad nippy (I lie, it was DAMNED COLD) and the current was fast, but I’m accustomed to the waters and made it across fine. I crept about a little and made sure I was alone, then tossed the rope back into the water and waved for my allies to follow. Resolute went f1st and had no problems... then Drake tried to cross and I say tried! Those robe don’t half gather water and he was pulled off his feet and into the water. I didn’t want to leap back into the river myself, given my own lack of rope and small size, but as Drake tried and failed and tried and failed to make his way, I had to go and help. Luckily Resolute had the same idea and together it was no problem to pull him and the rope safely across. Neb when next and made it okay, said he was helping Drake with his magic. Didn’t see it myself, but it’s good that we are in this together. Jeb went last, reclaiming the rope and doing an impressive jump/teleport combo to get himself most of the way over the river.

This left me and Drake triple-wet, with everyone else just wet. We had to get out of the cold, but can’t just stroll into Gorrizzbad inn and ring the bell. There was a farmhouse surrounded by fields, looks like the Goblins where actually planting and working them... more foresight than I expected. The farmhouse was ruined, but the barn was in a workable condition, so we snuck in there, had a careful look out of every door, window and hole-in-the-wall, before building a low-fire (at the time, I thought Resolute was disturbingly well prepared... now I just think it’s a little disturbing) with wood and dry dung. This dried us out and gave us time for respite. I feel we should have pressed on as soon as we where dry, but the Kobolds do see so well in the dark... we would never see them coming. At least in the daytime we are on even footing.

Rogar’s note: 3rd watch
Ha, we are setting watches. So professional. Turns out to be useful too; we don’t have any trouble, but I did spot a strange procession in the fog at night. A whole bunch of creatures (Goblins, I guess from the torches) moves in a big lump from the north-east (the manor house?) to the south-west (the bridge). When this happens, all the Kobolds stop their work and rush inside their huts. We can use this, if it ever happens again, the Kobolds will be hiding and the Goblins (if it’s them) will mistake our movement for scaredy-rat Kobolds! I woke up Maldor so he could spot anything I missed, but we didn’t spot anything else. About 10-15min later, this group of torches moved back to the north-east and the Kobolds started to come out again.

Nothing else of note, but after my watch, I just couldn’t get completely to sleep. I saw Drake writing something during his watch. I wonder if it’s a diary too?

Day 3)
In the twilight of dawn, we where all awake and ready. A small breakfast of slow-roast venison (you make do with what you’ve got on the road) and a sip of the wineskin for the cold, and we made our move. We headed for the library, as the others said Treona had some type of lab in the basement and we had to look for something? I’m a little confused, as I don’t remember that part. Also, someone said that they saw a couple of figures with torches heading into the library during the night. We sneak across the road into the ruins...well, I don’t sneak that well, but the rest of them are terrible! Drake and Neb collide and prat-fall in the middle of the street. Still, we got our timing right and (apparently) no one noticed.

The library... it was terrible. I’ve never been addicted to books like Maggie or Michelle from the monastery... I still think they are important and to be treated carefully. This library had not been treated well though. The entire main floor had been burned! reduced to ash some time ago ####.
Observe -> plan -> act. There is a clear trail here, as small figures have walked through the ash. It leads to a lower level. The trail suggests they didn’t return.
Time to thin the herd, time to pay respects, maybe even time to ask some questions.

The basement is thankfully undamaged, although the way Neb hurls around fire-magic means that not all of it survives the combat. For combat it is. I sneak in and see two goblins randomly rooting through the papers. Unfortunately I fluff the 1st sling-shot and they get to see their death coming.

Not much to say about the fight. I easily hold my own versus these ruffians, dropping four of the weakest ones in a single exchange: one crushed to the wall, one struck with my sling, two more rush out of side rooms and bash their faces against my feet and fists.

The only threat here is a Goblin in robes-over-leather, a strange one who is... eating paper from books? A magic user indeed, not learned like a wizard or inspired like a cleric, but leaking magic like a warlock. He spits wads of paper at his feet to summon oozes of some type. Both strange and terrible, but don’t worry, he gets what is coming to him.

With his allies burnt/crushed/cut, the magic-goblin retreats. I rush past the oozes to punch the Goblin, deftly avoiding them while Resolute gets to crush them again; the Goblin attempts to blast me for this, but I make an awesome low-slide down the corridor to avoid it. We harry him down the corridor, then, when it looks like he has a good position to hold us off, both me and resolute acrobatically leap off the walls above our allies to get behind the goblin and strike him down. After I give him a solid beating from behind Resolute (because I can!) he surrenders... to Neb, odd. Maybe he thought this was his best chance of survival?

This magic-goblin is named Rort. I don’t care for it or him. He jabbers uselessly for a while and we learn over a few things:
The goblin leader his named Hu-jat, he owns an attack-drake of some type <large size?>
Someone/something/somegroup raided the library last night!. They included something large with claws; they found a secret vault and took something.
His armour was magical leathers, claimed by Neb... hope he washes them 1st.
There is an even lower level to the library, which was through the door we had already seen. Rort mumbled something quietly about there being ‘fart demons’ and while I am no demonoligist... I call :):):):):):):):) on that.

While Rort seemed to capitulate, he was only biding time until he could escape. Pleading with all of us for clemency. Drake fell for this, hard (I worry for him), so we had to tell him a mistruth. Maldor and Resolute did the job, while me and Jeb kept Drake busy with discussing the challenge ahead.

With the loose ends tied up (wish we had thought to hide all the bodies and point Neb at the bloodstains) we descended even deeper. The area below was curious circular room (there was a bed there... and the circular staircase from above... how does that work?) with as strange glowing orb and two doors. Jeb, Neb and Drake investigated the orb and said it was some type of power source, but it was suppressed or depleted. Me, Resolute and Maldor had a look at the doors and where none too surprised when they burst open to reveal something more pathetic, more broken, more worthless and Goblins and Kobolds put together...Bullywugs!

Actually Jeb got the armour, the fields were being tended (a little) by the Kobolds- not the much lazier Goblins, other than that- pretty much spot on.


First Post
Resolute and Maldor get menacing, Drake however wants Rort put in the vault- kept alive.

The other PCs continue to think only bad thoughts when they look at Rort, and even when he blurts out about the 'burping and farting Demons below', it's not enough, poor old Rort is strangled by Resolute, with one of the other PCs holding the Goblin down.

Not that I'm proud of the fact, but it was actually Maldor that struck the final blow to Rort. Resolute was acting crazy like he usually does and decided to sing "Happy birthday" to Maldor instead.

I, too, was disappointed that we didn't come up with more questions for Rort before killing him. But the little sonovabitcha had to die. And Maldor being the avenger of the Raven Queen has no pity, and kinda likes death, and Rort was the target of my Oath of Enmity (which is in affect until I slay the creature).


First Post
What happened in the vault (killing of Rort)

Maldor struck the final blow to pitiful creature as Resolute was singing “Happy birthday” like a crazy person that he is.

“Am I doing the right thing?” Maldor thought as he looked at mangled body of Rort. He never shuns away from killing and considers death a natural and beautiful thing, but there was no honor in a cold blooded murder.

“Nah… He would raise the alarm on our asses as soon as he got the chance. And someone was bound to come looking for him sooner or later,” Maldor told himself, “he lost all his troops and he would probably die of starvation anyway. The Raven Queen takes care of all that come to her. The afterlife is actually preferable to this pitiful existence.”

He thought about cleaning his sword with goblin’s cloak, but soon realized that the cloak and the rest of the goblin were covered with Resolute’s dung which would make his precious weapon smell even worse. At that point Resolute was finishing his song and Maldor managed a smile to his new “friend”.

“He sure is strange and more than a bit mad, I’m sure, but he fights like lion and keeps enemies pinned down for me to kill,” Maldor realized.

“I hate to admit it Resolute, but I’m starting to like you.” he said and patted the weird human on the back, “We should head back. I hope the kid (Drake) doesn’t ask too many questions about where his new ‘friend’ is.”


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 3 Part 1

And for those of you familiar with HS1 you will realise that there isn't a section beneath the Kiris Library, well there is now, I added it. I'll talk about all that when, and if, the PCs get to the right point- i.e. when they've completed the section, or all died trying.

The PCs at first undisturbed, examining the strange items in this new chamber, while others keep an eye on a pair of shut doors- its muddy down here, how very odd.

Seconds later the doors burst open and a gang (actual collective noun for a group of Bullywugs (small) is 'a Ribbit')

And so the PCs are on the end of a Bullywug mass charge, good job several of them were watching the doors, the charge however results in exactly zero connects, and leaves two of the Bullwugs damaged and Prone- the effects of a Miss on their Bullywug Rush Powers.

Bullywugs, so bad that Mother Nature heals you for Critting them.

The fight is a mess- for me. Over a period of three or four rounds, and with easy twenty attack rolls, I connect once or twice for piddling amounts of damage each time, eighteen (or more) dice rolls below 10, honestly. The players on the other hand chop one or two of my bad guys down every turn, at the end the last Bullywug standing is forced to flee- he gets to the stairs before being destroyed.

That was ridiculously easy, I've never employed Bullywugs before, I thought some of their moves were dynamic and would result in big(-ish) hits, again- wrong!

A Level 1 Encounter with surprise for the bad guys and- Bullywug, Mucker (Level 1 Brute) x3 & Bullywug, Twitcher (Level 2 Skirmisher) x3, are obliterated without any of the PCs suffering any lasting (or even much temporary) harm.

Some notes-

I specifically wanted to get a surprise round in on the PCs, too often in previous games/campaigns my bad guys have been decimated by a well-executed surprise round by the PCs- I wanted to turn the tables on them with this fight.
And then I couldn't roll anything over an eight, my dice suck.

While I provided the PCs with some open terrain to manoeuvre around the reality was the Bullywugs were very quickly bottle-necked in the doorways, the PCs lining up in front to of the doorways making it impossible for me to get creatures into battle without suffering AoOs.

Bullywugs may have cool-ish powers but for the entire fight I only connected a couple of times with a Claw attack and a Thrown Javelin- meh!

The bottle-necks also allowed Neb the Wizard to launch a series of Scorching Bursts- not good for my morale.

The Bullwug bodies are dragged away, further investigation by Maldor, Jeb and Rogar leads them to believe that there are more creatures down the stairs- Rogar is positive he heard something croak, a guard is set and the first chamber is ransacked.

The smoking stone object, seen over the west hand side of the map, turns out to be a defunct magical protection device, a sort of anti-magic shield- Neb does good work with skill checks and Q&A. The device was probably part and parcel of the magical/ritual preparation chambers, masking the items below- it has somehow ceased functioning.

The statues in the chamber are both of a young-looking (yet clearly middle-aged, maybe a Half-Elf) man, a Wizard or similar probably, and are very flattering- conjecture leads the PCs to believe they are of whoever ran this secret area, a very vain individual.

And so after an easy combat encounter, the PCs sharpen their blades and/or implements, and led by a sneaking Rogar, head below to visit (they think) some more Bullywugs.

Next time... Oh that's what the inside of a Giant Frog looks like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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